Melancholy Music post

Friday February 11, 2011 at 11:43 PM

I need some new music for my ipod and the kind of music I'm looking for is the, slow ballad, depressed, melancholy type.

I like to be depressed sometimes, don't judge me.

I don't know why but I love slow sad songs, slow love songs work too. Any genre, I don't really care but I just want the melancholy.

Please & Thank you!

Here's an Example of what I'm in to:



I am me.

Friday February 11, 2011 at 11:35 PM

So today amongst all the drama and love, I started thinking. There are so many of us out there, that there is no way to know everybody. We all have so much going on in our lives that we latch on to a small few here in the fandom and make our place.

But I want to know what your place is in real life.

In your circle of friends are you

the crazy loud one or are you the quiet dependable one?

Does everyone flock to you or do you sit in the background?

I will place my answers in the comments.


Some pretty FYT:



Eff It!

Friday February 11, 2011 at 9:53 PM

Omg ya'll...this is a DRUNKDE POST!

Today was craptastic but then it got better because despite the shizzz you all are amazing and i loves you!

and guess what? BOBBY LONG GOT 14,000 followers on twitter and most of you probably dont care but I EFFING DO SO ITS AWESOME!


Tell me what yer drinking...

Tell me what yer listening to...

Tell me dirty secrets, LETS TALK TMI  omg we havent done that in tooooo long!

I freaking Love this dude:


Listen to him here on NPR on WORLD CAFE I had a freaking EARGASM~~




how do you not love him, idek!!!



trust its NSFW and definitely 18+



Friday February 11, 2011 at 9:05 PM

You know who I love?



I know, you're all shocked.


one of the reasons why I love this kid is how fantastic he is to his fans


like this:

and this:


how awesome is this guy?


to make this more ~interactive


when you were younger or even now which celebrity(ies) got you this excited.


for me it's still BSB, lol



I feel pretty... oh so pretty :)

Friday February 11, 2011 at 8:54 PM

So yeah, I've been tweeting about it since last night. I cut TEN inches off my hair today and donated it! I'm ten inches lighter, and feeling gooooood :)

SO this is a pretty campfire. Post what things make you feel pretty and or beautiful.

Pics of the new haircut are inside. I'd love it if you'd pop in and take a look, maybe let me know what you think.


Make a fellow ADFer laugh

Friday February 11, 2011 at 8:33 PM

Hi everyone!

I was over at the All You Need is Love campfire and I noticed many of us are a bit bummed tonight. So I thought that maybe it would be nice if we all shared things that make us laugh, and see if we can make someone else crack a smile.

The idea is to just share something that makes you smile or even laugh out loud. I think in between all of us with our different tastes we should find a way to cheer up everybody that needs it.

I'm going to put mine inside.

ETA: Thanks to lovely Emibella who ok'd this for me!


To Read or Not to Read!

Friday February 11, 2011 at 7:09 PM

I have a problem. I bought a book. It was recced to me based on what else I like to read. I started reading said book. I was kinda getting into the book. Then something terrible happened....TROLLS!!! The plot twist was that the main character is a freakin troll and didn't know it.

My question here is....Should I stick with this stupid book and keep reading and give it a chance? Should I just put this book down and walk away now? I am up in the air about this and need help.

Has this ever happened to anyone before? A silly plot twist that you didn't see coming that made you want to run and hide?

Let's talk


Looking for Stampede of a Thousand Pulses

Friday February 11, 2011 at 7:02 PM

Hi - I was wondering if anyone had a copy of the story Stampede of a Thousand Pulses by ss10. The author pulled the story from FFN and it was on my to read list. Any help would be great. I looked at google docs and it's not included. I have pm'd the author but am not sure if I will get a response.

Thanks for any help.


For Dee and me

Friday February 11, 2011 at 6:47 PM

DeeLovely and I were just discussing how much we miss having new pics of Rob to fawn over. Join us inside for more lovely outtakes. but give me a minute to get them posted...thank you to Setje @ pattinsonlife


Wrenfield Hall *spoilers inside*

Friday February 11, 2011 at 6:09 PM

Clicky to not make others sad...


This may be old news...

Friday February 11, 2011 at 5:45 PM

But it's new to me.

Last May Robert Pattinson and a bunch of other celebrities sketched on these balloon outlines that were sold on ebay to benefit Parents and Abducted Children Together, from what I gather a European program like the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (correct me if I'm wrong?)

This is Rob's and it's supposedly a self portrait...

I think it's... cute? Interesting? I'll give him an A for effort and generosity.

To make it interactive... discuss? Post other pieces of interesting artwork?


All You Need Is Love

Friday February 11, 2011 at 5:18 PM


The rules are simple....

Post: I NEED SOME LOVE (you can put why if you want, or you can just put that)

CAMPERS THEN RESPOND TO EVERYONE WHO POSTS THIS WITH WORDS OF LOVE. If you know them it can be specific, if you don't know them it can be a pretty picture or a song.


I am going to crawl in my hole now, you guys have fun!!! xoxoxo I love you all.


Your Bucket List

Friday February 11, 2011 at 4:24 PM

What do you want to do before you die, campers? Come in and share.


serious debate time

Friday February 11, 2011 at 4:11 PM


In the forest, we celebrate many different kinds of vampires. So i pose to you all, a serious question?

which would you rather be? or if you would never choose the undead life, which do you think is best?

Smeyer's sparklepire?


True Blood's oddly placed fangs?

The Vampire

or buffy's bumpy faces?

or are there better vampires out there that i missed? feel free to include them!

let the debate begin!



Friday February 11, 2011 at 1:12 PM

I figured I'd start a feel-good Friday post and since it's almost Valentine's Day.  I was wondering....

Who is your One True Pairing?  As in who do you (did you) ship?  Here's mine:

Max Evans & Liz Parker (Roswell)


Doug Ross & Carol Hathaway (ER)


Jack Sheppard and Juliet Burke (LOST)


Dean Winchester & Jo Harvelle (Supernatural)


Who is yours?


Voting open 4 Caught w/Your Pants Down contest!

Friday February 11, 2011 at 12:54 PM

Approved by wtvoc


Voting open for the Caught With Your Pants Down One Shot Contest on FreeWritersandReaders site. 

Feb. 11, 2011 through Feb. 19, 2011

Winners announced Feb. 20, 2011

Link to vote:

Link to contest site:

Come join us!!!!




I'm Sorry

Friday February 11, 2011 at 12:50 PM

Is there anything you're genuinely sorry about? 


An interesting contest featuring Jandco and WTVOC

Friday February 11, 2011 at 11:59 AM

So I am helping the ladies of TwiFic Pimps with their Facebook page and they are currently holding the Fanfic My Fanfic contest featuring some of the fandom's favorite stories. Please consider writing for it, it features our very own Rangers Jandco and WTVOC :)

Here is a link to the site if you need more information:


Haven’t you ever read a fic and wanted the characters to live beyond the walls of the story? Now’s your chance to see it happen.

For this contest we’re asking people to come up with:

*Missing Moments

*Pasttakes or Futuretakes

*Alternate Endings

We are celebrating fanfic by asking you, the readers, to fanfic some of the most beloved stories in the Twific fandom. We have received the author's permission to offer the fics below for this contest.

Scotch, Gin & the New Girl by jandco & wtvoc

Paper Heart by Hezpixie

Wide Awake by AngstGoddess003

Hide & Drink by Savage

Tropic of Virgo by

So, write for Fanfic My Fanfic and go play in the story world of a fic you love. Think about aspects of the story that you want more of. It can be a missing moment that fits in seamlessly, or an alternate version that changes it up completely. Take the story wherever you want and fanfic these great fanfics.

We're accepting entries through Feb 24th.

To make this interactive, what other fanfics would you like to write a fanfic about?


Twilight: Pure Camp or Contrived Camp?

Friday February 11, 2011 at 11:42 AM

Susan Sontag defined pure camp as "being something that strives for greatness but fails spectacularly" while contrived camp is "something that intentionally sets out to be bad and cannot, therefore, be as satisfying."

Do you think this is what happened with the Twilight movie franchise - that it went from pure camp to contrived camp?

Robert is SO earnest in his early interviews about hoping that they transcended the typical teen film genre, how hard him and kristen fought others to make sure they stayed true to their "vision." (don't laugh!

And as hot a mess as Twilight is, it's the only movie I can watch repeatedly out of the three. And maybe it's because back then they were striving for greatness, failed spectacularly, yet at least they went down in a blaze of spectacularly failed glory. The other two movies are more coherent and better made, but everyone knew what they were working with by then and dialed it in.

So what do you think? Do you think Twilight was the best of the series? Do you think maybe it's the best because it achieved pure camp as oppossed to being contrived camp?Do you like one of the other installments better? If so, why? 

For your time, Robert being too earnest for his own good about his role:



Friday February 11, 2011 at 10:40 AM

I love funny pics and gifs.

I had a bunch stored on my photobucket account.

Today I woke up to this e-mail: "Unfortunately your account has been banned because it violated our terms of service. These terms apply to both free and premium accounts."

WHAT THE F*CK!!! Yeah, so they deleted my entire account because I violated their tos. I did. I had some nude photos in it that I put there a year ago?!!?!?!?!. and they already deleted those. So why now???

As you can tell I pretty mad about this, but there's nothing I can do about it. Everything I had on there is just gone.


So I wanna know what online photo services you use.


And also I could really use some funny gifs to cheer me up and to create a new stock. 

I lost all my Barney gifs... *cries* and the kitty hugging a teddy. I had so many great ones




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