
Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 5:47 PM

I have a few questions for you guys regarding Netflix. I signed up for the free month about 2 weeks ago and so far I'm liking it some what. So I'm trying to figure out if I should get it every month.

So I was wondering if you guys could answer some of my questions.

What is your experience with Netflix? do you guys like it? I'm still trying to figure out how the whole watch instantly thing works, why are there some things only available in DVD (like some movies that came around the same time, some are available to watch instantly and others are only on DVD)? I know there are two different plans, one without the DVDs and one with them, how does the whole DVD system work (I tried the help section on netflix but the info isn't really helpful) in general?

So yes any help would be appreciated and are there any of you who have hulu plus or vudu (or maybe tried it)? I'm extremely curious about those too.

Thanks guys!

and thank you Jennyfly for approving this campfire. 


It's time

Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 11:56 AM

Oh yes it is. Time for a little Damon bitchness. Isn't he just divine?

Come bitch with us about anything you want.



Who's Your Edward?

Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 10:42 AM

I know we've had a ton of these campfires before, but I think it's been a while.

When I read about Edward, especially an Edward in his twenties/thirties, I never picture him looking like Robert Pattinson. Robert Pattinson is definitely striking, but he seems too...young? I dunno. 

Today I randomly stumbled on a picture of my Edward. I have no idea who this guy is...but it is now my mission in life to find out! Just give him a mop of riotous hair:

Who is your Edward? Show me your pics!


10 Days of Bobby Long~~

Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 10:01 AM


what a great smile!

Okay... most of us here enjoy a drink from time to time.  Or several drinks....or if you catch me on twitter after 11pm, sometimes the whole bottle.  Our friend Bobby Long likes to have a drink too, occasionally...or more often.  And sometimes he likes to tell funny stories after he's a had a few.  Most people who have seen Bobby perform, know that he's pretty shy, maybe a little quiet.  But here is another side of him...

This is PRICELESS--- Funny Bobby Long....and even though he's tossed back a few...he still plays that guitar flawlessly.  Genius!



Also... I found this group on Facebook called I GOT DRUNK AT A BOBBY LONG SHOW AND EMBARRASSED MYSELF

i may or may not have done the same thing idk...but the scar on my knee says...something lol

Tell me your embarrassing DRUNK stories!!


Pressed for Time update

Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 8:28 AM

Someone please come discuss this with me!!!!

Link to the story

Link to the most recent chapter


Lemme hear your take on it...

Monday February 7, 2011 at 10:42 PM

So a few buddies and I have recently gotten into recording ourselves reading excerpts of our stories and sharing them with each other, and, well, IT'S SUPER FUN!

So I thought I might share the idea with all y'all on here.

Go to VOCAROO.COM and record yourself... You don't need a microphone or any special stuff, just the site and an ability to speak words.

Once you're done, post the link here in a comment and tell us what you're reading from. It can be your own stuff OR from a favorite story if you're not a writer yourself.

And feel free to ramble as well. I know that I did in my recording for my friends. :P

My post will be inside.

Have fun!


Lost a fic: inbox but not that one...

Monday February 7, 2011 at 10:06 PM

Sorry if this is gauche...wrong day or etc... I keep seeing posts about Love in my Inbox, and I'm sure it's in-fucking-credible, but I lost the OTHER email thingy....  Bella is employed in a big firm as the watch-dog of corporate internet accounts, and sends an email to Edward, politely letting him know he has violated company policy, not knowing he is a VP or some such. He is intrigued and amused, and a hot volley of emails is launched. And I fucking lost the story. 

For the Love of All that is Holy in Twilight Fanfic, please, point me to the story.

I thank you. heart, heart, heart, first born child, and all that. 

-linda cullenboyz, formerly occasionally known as lindamaine, in case it matters...


What do YOU do in the Twiverse??

Monday February 7, 2011 at 8:20 PM

We haven't done one of these in a LONG time and I know we have a lot of new campers so

We want to know what you do in the twiverse

What do you write?

Do you only read?

Do you pre-read or beta for anyone?

Do you have a good friend who is a writer that deserves more attention?


Don't be afraid. Be shameless. That is what this campfire is about.


ideal circumstances vs. reality

Monday February 7, 2011 at 6:33 PM

let's talk about the big V, and i don't mean valentine's day

a certain VIP author and i are currently discussing love songs and the terrible songs to which we lost our virginities.

coincidentally, we both lost ours on valentine's day, but that's neither here nor there.  what i wanna talk about is this-

if you could go back and control the music (or movie, i had a movie) playing in the background for that ~significant event~ in your life... what would you choose?  take the time frame in which it happened into consideration.  i suppose you could do an AU-you if say, you wanted "baby" by justin bieber playing during the 80s.  

oh, and this is all in good fun, so if you can't handle the potential TMI here, well.  sorry.

ps- don't you love the new background?

NKOTB for the certain VIP author's and your time:


Bored 21 yo female...

Monday February 7, 2011 at 4:33 PM

Looking for a good rec to entertain her while she should be studying (which is why I'm not fic-diving right now). Beware: I can be annoyingly specific.

I'm looking for well written, funny, romantic, AH, college set with cannon couples. Not too long (I should be studying after all) and complete (I started the Diva Diaries last night and I reeeeeeeeally wish I'd waited till it was complete).

Virtual hugs and cookies to all :)

PS: I paged Tor but she wouldn't answer :( Anyways, since this is Twilight related I *guess* it's ok? If it's not, feel free to delete it, rangers :)


FF Sneak Peek

Monday February 7, 2011 at 3:31 PM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Hit me with your best shot!

Monday February 7, 2011 at 1:48 PM

So I find I'm having a craving for some good one shots, does anyone have anything good to rec?

Generally I prefer ExB, ExJ or BxJ, but I'm open to other options.

I don't mind if it's funny, smutty, angsty or whatever, just show me a o/s you're loving!


Also there's often discussions about 'classic fics' or 'fics everyone should read' but what about one shots? What are the ones you read over and over? The classic one shots that can always make you laugh/cry/smile? Tell us your all time favouties.






Monday February 7, 2011 at 12:48 PM

Are you Patriotic? I am, fiercely so.








here is mine: it never fails to give me chills.



Monday February 7, 2011 at 11:51 AM

So there's a whole lot of people all in a tizzy over Christina Aguilera's mistake while singing The Star Spangled Banner.  It was awful. Why did she flub it?   How could she do that and get the event off to an "awkward/rocky start"?  And on and on.

She was performing in front of tens of thousands of people including celebrities, former presidents, etc.  Not to mention the millions of people watching on television.  Four Navy F-18 jets were coordinated to fly over at the culmination of the song.  Oh I don't know, maybe she was nervous?  I would have been. 

But people criticize and it's this huge deal in the news despite the fact that - by far - most people don't have the ability to perform the way she did and certainly not the courage it would take to do so.  I know - it's her job, I get it.  But it just rubs wrong, ya know?

So this got me thinking about entitlement and it reminded me of this clip of Louis C.K. on Conan O'Brien that I just love. It's so hilarious and so true and yes, I am guilty of these attitudes sometimes when I forget to be grateful for the many, many things we are blessed with.

So then this got me thinking about fanfic and the sometimes extreme criticism of authors who don't do things exactly the way readers want it.  I am grateful that here on adf there aren't such horrible attacks on people as you see elsewhere but it does seep in here from time to time. 

I get so annoyed at all the people who get annoyed over every little thing.  And yes, I realize this makes me somewhat of a hypocrite.  But authors (both good and not as good) spend hours and hours of their time working on something to share with others - for free.  I'm not saying there's no place for constructive criticism or discerning what type of story you might want to read, etc.  But if you really can't tolerate one little annoyance in your free entertainment, then just walk away.  Stop reading.  It's that simple. 

So this is a challenge of sorts.  Next time you feel like griping about a story or an author or a particular word choice or a misplaced comma, think about what you might be grateful for.  Think about the gift that you are being given while reading this author's hard work.

So come on in, tell me how you feel about all this.  Share your gratitude to all the wonderful authors who give so generously of their time and talent so that we can have a little entertainment, a little escape, and sometimes even learn and grow from the experience of their writing. 

ETA: My point here is not to argue about whether Christina should or should not have flubbed the National Anthem.  Of course it was a mistake and a lot of people are upset about it because it is a source of national pride.  I just don't think it's the unpardonable sin when we have so many other things in the world to worry about and I think she's human and though it was her job, we ALL make mistakes in our job.  I was just sharing what got me thinking about the issue of criticism and intolerance with other people's mistakes.  My point is to draw attention to all the hard work that so many authors put out there and hoping that people can be grateful for it.

EDIT TO THE EDIT ABOVE: And yes, I understand the significance for military members and for the players.  I come from a military family.  My father is a veteran, my grandfather is a veteran, my great grand-father is a veteran.  I have ancestors who fought on both sides of the American Civil War as well as the Revolutionary War.  I have always been a patriotic person.  I am not ignorant to this. My point is not about Christina.

EDIT AGAIN:  I really, really want to take this campfire down because no one seems to be understanding what I'm trying to convey and I guess that's my fault because I've got tired mommy syndrome or something.  But I know we're not supposed to do that.  So I'll just leave it as an example of the simple well intentioned mistakes that people make when they're trying to do something good.  I apologize to any military personnel I may have offended, it was truly not my intention.  And I don't think it's "entitled" for people who have served our country to want to hear their National Anthem sung well.  I was trying to convey my train of thought but I did it poorly.  I'll go hide in the corner now.


is it REAL or is it Memorex

Monday February 7, 2011 at 11:27 AM

So my 12 y/o Stepdaughter purchased an autographed copy of the Eclipse Script via Amazon. While I can tell that Peter F and Kristen S signatures are real, I have no idea about the rest of them. Here is the link- and I would love to hear your feedback either via Photobucket or here


EDIT: Found out one of the unknowns is Justin Chon. However, the Rob and the Nikki Reed do NOT look like their signatures

Fluent in Sarcasm

Help a girl out

Monday February 7, 2011 at 11:26 AM


(yeah i know, don't roll your eyes at me, I do realize that i start alot of my fires with OK....)

I would like to ask the collective brain that is the Forrest to help me out.

I personally love the CF's where people ask for rec's or where they can't remember a fic they have read, as it means that i can pillage my way through all that is noted, it gives me chance to read something that I may not have read before or that i would not have come across...


That being said lets delight ourselves in some pillaging, (yeah I totally know where your minds all went *the gutter* so,ok, not a brilliant word to use knowing the minds of some campers myself included, but you get the picture, hopefully a very citrusy one, er... damnit, ok scratch that, and just think of some good, clean fun... of rec'ing)


I know i have come across fic's like this before but I've never actually read them, or remember where i saw them, so anyone know of or read an E/B fic AH which follows a similar line of the film, while you were sleeping???

hello....Hellloo, HELLOOOOOO!?! Wow the Forrest has really good echo!



on a different note


I have read and re-read This Is Not My Life by isakassees,

I am reading Witness Protection by twicrack83,

and i have read Your Voice Was All I Heard by twimamma

anyone know of any fic's that have same feel to them?


Help a girl out....x



Monday February 7, 2011 at 9:59 AM

Okay, I'm excited...despite the fact that it's MONDAY, and despite the fact that I have about 57493 things to complain about right now....and despite the fact that I am COMPLETELY BROKE and I need like $500 right now!  I'm just excited!!

Wanna know why?


he's excited too

And I've been thinking about something.  I know many of you are Bobby Long fans.  And many of you have no idea who the F he is.  I talk about him a lot to everyone I know off and's idek.  I write about him too.  I've decided to include the Forest in my 10 day count I'm having


Each day I'll post a pic, video, whatever...  he's amazing :)  His new album, A WINTER TALE, just came out last should get it!

Here he is in Tucson just the other night....


Have you seen Bobby Long in concert?

Are you gonna try to catch him on his current tour?



Some Random Music Facts:

-Simon & Garfunkel, one of the most famous duos of all time, were originally called Tom & Jerry.
-Diana Ross appeared on at least one hit single every year between 1964 and 1996, an incredible 33 years.
-Louis Armstrong holds the record of oldest chart topper. Having reached number one in the UK in 1968 with the song ‘What A Wonderful World’. He was 67 at the time.
-The first song recorded by rocker Jon Bon Jovi was actually a song called ‘R2-D2: We Wish You A Merry Christmas’ for an album called the Star Wars Christmas Album. He was only 17 at the time.
-Michael Jackson, Prince & Madonna were all born in the summer 1958 and all grew up within no more than a 300 km radius of each other.
-Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Kobain, Janis Joplin, Robert Johnson, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones-- blues and rock musicians who all died at the age of 27.
-The second verse of James Taylor's "Fire & Rain" was written in a drug rehab clinic & reveals his own heroin addiction.
-With over 3000 recorded versions, 'Yesterday' by the Beatles is officially the most covered song of all time.


EDIT: Lurking-Camper Slippin'onbananas told me about a FREE song available on Amazon!  I didn't know they were was available for a free download on Bobby's website a couple months ago and is also on his NEW ALBUM!!  DOWNLOAD IT HERE!!  Also...if you go to his website, there's another song available for a FREE download!!

woohooo!!  thanks Slippin'onbananas!!!!


Vampire Diaries

Monday February 7, 2011 at 9:19 AM

While the Twilight vampires are singing and sparkling, Damon is busy being bloody, smutty and delicious. I posted part one yesterday.

Enjoy Part 2-I certainly did! Let's discuss what would happen if Damon met Edward. Or let's just discuss Damon. I don't care because I am busy watching the below video again.



Oldies but Goodies

Monday February 7, 2011 at 9:04 AM

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Hey Campers!

It's time to discuss Chapters 11-15 of M.A.D by the lovely jandco.

Jump on in and discuss these chapters!

Please be mindful of spoilers - some campers are reading for the first time.

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On Thursday, we'll be discussing Chapters 16-20, the last chapters in this story.

We'd like to invite anyone who has ever read M.A.D - even if you've never participated in this readalong - to come in and discuss this story with us then.

Participation so far has been wonderful. Thanks for sharing all of your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Once we are finished with M.A.D, we will announce the next story!

Stay tuned! =D

Click the pic above to be linked to M.A.D here in the forest.


Robert Pattinson is hot.

Monday February 7, 2011 at 7:54 AM

I heard 2 things this morning:

Robert Pattinson did a photoshoot yesterday for Vanity Fair.  He was shot by Annie Leibovitz.  I need to see these pictures.

and then...there's this:

Robert Pattinson to sing a solo lullaby to Renesmee in Breaking Dawn.

I cannot think of anything more horrifying and second hand embarrassing than this.  Except for the meadow scene in Twilight.

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