
The Banging of Walls turns to Silence - A Tribute

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 10:45 PM

A little fic we all know as EDWARD WALLBANGER by the fantastic feathersmmmm has sadly come to an end. Though I like to think that while this little tale has wrapped up, in my imagination Wallbanger and Nightie Girl will continue to bang them walls for some time to come... 

I know this fic will stay with me just as much as any published novel ever will. After finishing LET'S LOVE HATE and feeling completely lost after the last chapter was posted, Wallbanger filled the little void in my heart and warmed me up again (and perhaps Clive had a little to do with that)

So come on in. Tell me what you loved, hated, and teared up about in Edward Wallbanger.

And as always, thanks a million times to the lovely feathersmmmm for taking her time to sweep us up in her little world of fiction and for making us jump for joy when that little update notification email hits our inbox.

OH - and for all those who haven't yet read it? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HANGING AROUND THIS CAMPFIRE? HUSSLE!!!



Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 9:03 PM

I wanna talk to you guys about someone who is really awesome, and talented.






don't even roll your eyes at me, this kid is talented okay?


he plays the drums, guitar, piano, and the trumpet!


which he taught himself to play, i'm js.


i'm sure a lot of you know who he is from your kids.


most people hate him or love him. I happen to love him, but I didn't always! i have since changed my silly ways.



some other facts for you.


-he's 16(be turning 17 next month!)

-he's Canadian!

-he was discovered on youtube.

-The music video of "Baby" is currently ranked as the most viewed, most discussed, and most disliked Youtube video.

-he's dating Selena Gomez

-and he has a movie coming out this weekend.

pretty awesome for only being around for 2 years.


for the song that started bieber fever




this may just turn into 10 days of bieber, i'm just saying.


Need a new brand of heroin?

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 8:15 PM

I got some for ya.

If you enjoy well written fics with fantastic voice and style... if you love period pieces and Gentlemanward... if you love Fiestyella and beautiful scenery that becomes a character within the story.

You need Wrenfield Hall... like now.

It's written by this adorable little minx named Wannabe Charlotte.

She's got some wicked talent and I know I sound like a broken record, especially if you follow me on twitter, you know I'm fangirling all over this girl.

I'm just incredibly impressed with her ability to create this beautiful world and each chapter has me transfixed and enamored. I want to crawl inside her Wrenfield Hall and make a pallet right next to our little Isabella Swan and sleep while WC's Lord Cullen reads from his favorite book.


Edit: TOTALLy forgot the linkage! Wannabe Charlotte's page


No faith!

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 8:03 PM

Oh shame on you all! Did you think I would forget to post part 4 of Damon's glorious bitchiness? I think not. This is the last in this particular series. I have lined up other fabulous Damon-themed videos for the forest's enjoyment.

And why I am the only one posting about the Vampire Diaries? This must stop ASAP. There is so much to discuss/dish/gush/rant/snark over! What are you waiting for? 

Use this campfire to chat about your day and Damon of course.



I've been gone too long

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 7:25 PM

It's been to long since I'm emmersed myself in the lovely campfires of the Forest here...

My history in ff involves lots and lots of reading. Like most of you, discovering these stories was like discovering crack or my first orgasm. Then, I found ff with smut. Stop the presses, what the...? Hello heaven.

From there I started writing one shots. Since the age of 11 I've been writing poetry, so I never thought I had the attention span to write anything longer than that. Then some strongly opinionated people encouraged me to extend one of my one shots. What a process that became! I had the hardest time finding a BETA, but once I did, I hit the ground running. Open Mic Night was my first attempt at a full story and I was amazed at the ability to create my version of these familiar characters. I was able to apply old school tattoos to my Edward and a smart ass attitude to my Bella. It was such an eye-opening experience.

From there, I ventured into Bounty which featured a bounty hunter and his prey on a crazy whirlwind road trip. Next was Fortune's Fool, creating a con man after Bella's father's money. I've done a few contests and continued writing one shots all the while.

When all this was done, I became completely and utterly disappointed with the Twilight ff fandom. There was so much drama and bad mouthing and authors taking on the roles of divas, I just didn't want to be a part of it anymore.

The problem is, these stories and plots and characters still scratch at my brain, wanting to get out. Sure, I'm writing a novel. Who isn't, right? But, these specific versions of Edward and Bella need their story told and so I am writing fanfiction again. (Much to my wife's dismay.)

I guess, all I'm trying to say is that I've realized we don't have to abondon the things we love just to avoid the undesirable parts of it. I love that this place gives like-minded, nonjudgemental, wild & crazy peeps to become a community. Thanks for making this place so special and supportive and filled with HOTNESS.

::::steps down from soapbox::::


Write for Fanfic My Fanfic

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 6:58 PM

Fanfic My Fanfic is a contest that is celebrating fics by fanfic'ing them. There are 5 fics being offered up to be fanfic'ed:

Scotch, Gin, and the New Girl (by ADF's own jandco & wtvoc)
Wide Awake by AngstGoddess003
Paper Heart by Hezpixie
Hide and Drink by Savage
Tropic of Virgo by

The contest is giving people a chance to revisit the characters and story world of some of the most beloved fics in the fandom by asking them to write pasttakes, futuretakes, missing moments, or alternate endings. Want to see a different ending? Want to change up the setting or tone of the story? -- do it! Want to write about a supporting character whose story needs to be told? -- do it! Be creative and take the story wherever you want to go, just make sure it makes sense for what you're trying to accomplish.

We are accepting submissions through Feb 24. For more information, check out the contest website

For specific information on submitting a fic, go HERE 

The interactive campfire question:

Fans of the stories, potential readers & writers of contest entries... what are some ideas for missing moments, alternate settings, alternate endings, etc. for the fics that are up for the contest?


The Office

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 6:36 PM

So, I'm completely new to the whole twilight fanfic world, but lately while looking for good stories I've heard of one called 'The Office' mentioned alot.. I looked for it online, but it's been taken off unfortunately. The author mentioned somewhere (I'm not sure where) that it was in circulation although she'd taken it down and anyone interested in reading should "ask around". So I appeal to all of you wise and knowledgeable folk out here- could someone tell me where I could find it? I could probably do without reading it, but it sounds Exactly like the kind of story I'd like to read so I'd be SERIOUSLY grateful if someone could help out. 


Thankee kindly :)


Tell me I'm not crazy

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 5:53 PM

Now, I'm skimming the Amazon Kindle store like I regularly do and just clicking on one book then the recommended for that book then the ones for that book and so forth because I like to really randomly find something great and some 20 minutes later I somehow run up on this book....and I swear THIS book is/was a fan fiction. 

Just from the barely there summary on Amazon alone, my mind starts running and I start to clearly remember a fic from a year ago, maybe a little further back but  I just KNOW this is the same story. Whether the fic came first or the author is a FF fan and wrote it first as a fic or had the book lines up and wanted to put E&B in the roles or someone was doing some plagerising or just simply wrote a fic carbon copy off a book (like some movie based fics are).

Either way, someone tell me you remember this fic and know where it is so I know I'm not crazy.

Book summary inside.




ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 3:18 PM








I have not one or two vids to rec... but THREE.  (Get excited, kids). 

"my.whole.heart" by verotruth



"Paris is burning" by joannini8me



"as the light goes out" by TheVioletHours (<- this is so sad and beautiful... *tear*)



jessica stanley

Ivana Gets Lucky

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 2:17 PM



I was dressed super-cute, ready for a night out with my friend, Tara. Just like we’d planned, I walked into the End-Zone at ten o’clock. The guy at the door barely glanced at my ID, and I calmly strolled up to the bar to check the place out while I waited for Tara to show. I wasn’t even there for five minutes, before a dorky guy in glasses walked up and offered to buy me a drink. I let him… cuz you know, I’m not stupid. A free cosmo should never be turned down. And a girl deserves free drinks, if she looks good. I sipped my drink and let him chat a little, but mostly hoped he’d go away soon, because I spotted a couple of drop-dead gorgeous guys standing in the corner of the room. One had wild, bronze colored hair. The other was blonde. Both of them could have been calendar models or something. They were just that pretty. I kept my eyes on them, hoping one of them would notice me. I crossed my legs, and twirled my hair around my finger. Throwing out the bait, you know? And like a charm, it worked. The bronze-haired guy nudged his friend in the arm, pointed my direction, and sauntered over. Yeah. He sauntered. And the dorky guy who bought my drink must have been smart, because he moved away and left the stool next to me available, like he should have.

Look for my interview with Edward and Jasper from TWO, in the comments.




(Thanks to kalejay for the interview.  Check out her story HERE.)



Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 11:39 AM



Provide a statement related to a fic. Any clue, any fic. A brief summary, a quote, a little drabble, anything you want that is related to a fic.  Alex Trebec says the more obscure the better. Let others answer and see if they guess the correct fic.  Make sure and also leave guesses for other clues, but please phrase your TwiFic-related answer in the form of a question or else Alex Trebec will get you! 

Example #1:

Bella constantly baked cookies, and named them for her mood.

First Answer: What is Wide Awake?


Special thanks to Jeopardy-lovin’ Capricorn75!!!

My first entry inside.


8 More Days!!

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 11:28 AM

... part of my 10 DAYS OF BOBBY LONG!

There's this website that does really great reviews and recording sessions with musicians, called DAYTROTTER.  You should check it out, they feature new artists all the time and they always have FREE music to download.  Last October, BOBBY LONG did a session...

You can read the review and download the four songs HERE. One of the songs is Hide Yours I'll Hide of my favs... and I love this video from Paris:

Another good site to get FREE music is DOWNPLAYER.  They have free MP3s all the time.
Do you know any good sites to get FREE, legal music?
Post some of your favorite youtube videos inside!
LJ Summers


Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 10:15 AM

Today's list brought to you by apple pie and coffee...

It's a long story.  But I'm happy.

So! I have on my fic lists request list the name MAFIAWARD.

He's part of organized crime. He's dangerous.  He's dark.

He might be AU or AH.  Pairings are up to him.   I'm not gonna argue with him...he's armed and dangerous!

Bet you LIKE that, dontcha?

Do you know where we can find him?  Because some ladies find him terribly sexy...


Make sure you're using a screen name ... we don't want him to know who ratted him out! ;-)

Thanks for sharing your favorite Mafiaward fics around the fire!!


It's been a long time...

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 9:49 AM

..shouldn't have left you [left you] without a dope beat to step to...[sorry if I got that song stuck in your head, it's ALWAYS stuck in mine]

Anyhow, I just finished this fabulous fic, called, "Beyond Time" by TKegl. I literally finished it in ONE sitting. It was very nice. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Now, I want more Edward in 1918 or any old, old time period. Just written well. I've tried many a historical fic only to flounce when Bella starts talking like, "Oh my god, TOTALLY!". I want nicely written old-people-time dialog.

Thank you kindly, dear ladies. I would most indubitably would like to indulge in some wanton [and wontons, yummy] behaviors.

FYT, allow Sir Edward Anthony Masen Cullen, Esquire the Third to molest your person.


Oh, stop it Rob!!! *giggle/blush*

FMT, I will let one Mr. Edward Anthony Masen Slevin Cullen molest my person, all day, any day!



When the livin's easy.

Wednesday February 9, 2011 at 6:46 AM


it's cold and i'm so sick of being cold.  there has been snow on the ground for months.  i miss my backyard.  i miss my porch and late nights outside in the dark. 

i am in a sun deprived funk.

it's all very depressing.

please, post pics of your summer fun times. 

sunglasses, beaches, friends, family, kids, vacations, parties, whatever.

as long as it's summer.


Fan-fic Banner question...

Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 10:50 PM

I'm working on a new piece for my own pleasure, but I can't help but make a banner to go with it.


Can you guys tell me if it looks okay and what I can do to fix it if it isn't.  I only have one program I am using and it isn't the one I like so I do what I can.






p.s. Banner is inside...



Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 9:02 PM

It is that time again.

Have you forgotten the name of a fanfic?

Is there a type of fanfic you are looking for?

Is there something you have always wanted to ask about but were afraid you would sound stupid asking for help?


We are here to help your tired brains find fanfictions, fit your fancies and just help you answer those burning questions.

Those of you who know a lot, I ask you to be experts at our Help Desk

Those of you with questions, ask away!

* gentle reminder that this is a weekly campfire, so please post your amnesia/help questions here instead of starting a new campfire :-)


Breaking Dawn Movie Premier!

Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 7:08 PM

So my friend and I are in desperate need of some serious info. I was wondering if any of you lovely campers were planning on attending the breaking dawn premier. All i have found out about this event is that Jennifer Love Hewitt (random!) is covering the red carpet  and that there is indeed a premier in LA. SOOO what I need to know is if there is a NY premier and the when and wheres. Also if people have been to a premier before, your input would be amazeballs!!! We are hoping to not only see some Rob, Kris,and Tay(nastiest nickname ever!) action, but we would also like to see the movie. So please help me out folks!!!



 I would have a lovely picture of Rob and a little man FYT but my computers acting like a jerk! bleh!


Fanfic buddies

Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 6:05 PM

So, I have this girl in my life. She's turning out to be one of my best friends, even though she lives over 5,000 miles away from me and we've never met before. I 'met' her when I fell in love with her story (An Act of Love) and asked if I could pre-read for her. She has now helped me through things that no one else has been able to, like the death of my daughter and my infertility. I couldn't ask for a better friend. The only thing that would make it better is if she lived here, with me, and not in another country :)

Do any of you campers out there have a fanfic buddy that you just want to brag about? Let me know, I want to hear about the greatness that is the ladies (and men) of the Twilight fandom.


He is always watching you

Tuesday February 8, 2011 at 6:03 PM

First --- | >> | 910 | 911 | 912 | 913 | 914 | 915 | 916 | 917 | 918 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
