
keep your courage a few minutes longer, miss hale.

Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 2:59 PM

north & south episode 2: a forest watchalong



netflix link here

i'm so glad you're all enjoying this! strikes and airs and graces, oh my. so the taciturn master keeps throwing longing glances at the haughty miss hale. this episode's a doozy, and the ending... 

let's get on with it.

if you missed episode one, check it out here 

dinner party at the thornton's for your time:


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ffa you say?

Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 8:22 AM

So. The super long FFA was lovely. I liked it, I miss it.

This must be remedied, so here's the deal:

From now on there will be one campfire per day in which anything goes.

Chat about nothing/everything, ask non fandom advice, post musics you like, talk about how great Tom Petty is or isn't etc.

Normally, the Free Fire of the Day probably won't be pinned at the top, but please check by scrolling down before posting anything that should go in there.

We can try this new thing right here in this post.



Viking TwiFics

Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 8:09 AM

I'm currently reading She_Vikings My Viking and now looking for more viking twifics. Anyone have any recs?

LJ Summers

Homelessward Fic List

Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 7:48 AM

Greetings! Witih my apologies for not doing this list last week, this list is brought to you by the letter H and the number 104.

Homelessness is not a laughing matter, to be certain.  Fanfic, though, has given us the means by which to explore various conditions of human life with varying degrees of intensity.  Homelessness is no exception.

A request has been presented for fics involving a Homeless Edward or Homeless Bella.  Have you seen them? Ever feel moved to help them out...or share their plight? Today is the day!

My rec will be within.  

Remember the Rules of the Campfire:

1. Keep it simple.

2. No discussions.

3. Rules 1 and 2 do not apply to Rangers, because they get a free pass. I'm nice, like that. ;-)


Thank you for sharing the best of Homelessward or Homelessella around the campfire!

And if  you are prompted by reading any of these fics to help out a fellow human being in some way, that's always a good thing. Let the author know their work was inspirational. :)


Wrong Choices?

Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 7:12 AM

I want to talk about choices. Ones that you feel are wrong. I want to hear about books or fics that you have read where the characters choose WRONG! What are your reasons for feeling this way? Do you think that Bella should have been with Jacob? Tell me why? Was there a fic you read where Bella should have been with Jasper but picked Edward? Tell me about it.


I'm with the band

Monday April 25, 2011 at 9:24 PM

If you could have front row seats to any concert, who would you like to see? You get to meet them after the show. What would you say?

It could be any band or musician, dead or alive, still together or broken up.




I'm Talking Royal.

Monday April 25, 2011 at 7:23 PM

I've been catching up on the backlog of TV shows on my DVR. The most recent episode of Dateline NBC was a feature on the upcoming Royal nuptuals. 

That got me thinkin... I'd like to read some fics where Edward or Bella are royalty. 

I'd enjoy fics where Edward is Volutri royalty, but am open to whatever. 

So tell me, what fics make you say "Yes, your Highness" ?


Just for kicks, a pic of the Groom (with hair).


The further adventures of Jake and Nessie

Monday April 25, 2011 at 3:47 PM


Did anyone else see this?

So Stephenie Meyer would consider writing more stories about Jake and Renesmee but she won't finish Midnight Sun

I couldn't get the link to work. I saw it on MSN. Taylor said he would be interested in continuing the Jacob story.


i believe i've seen hell, and it's white.

Monday April 25, 2011 at 2:59 PM

elizabeth gaskell's north & south, episode 1: another campfire watchalong

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~smoky grey sparkles in honor of milton's perpetual haze~

hello, campers. it's a glorious spring day, and what better way to celebrate this than with the BBC's adaptation of elizabeth gaskell's beloved novel north & south, starring my future ex-husband richard armitage as mr. john thornton, master of marlborough mills in the north, and daniela denby-ashe as miss margaret hale, a lady from the south.

in this opener, we are introduced to the vast differences between north and south: are we talking england, here, or mr. thornton and miss hale? you decide.

the harsh climes of the north of england were the setting of factories and production, and it was quite different from the indolent, beautiful countryside of the south of the country. miss hale finds herself uprooted from all that she has known when her father decides to move their little family on the recommendation of his old university friend, mr. bell. there, the hales find the harsh, often cruel manners of these northerners at odds with everything they know. mr. thornton and all the other residents of milton are perplexed by the mannerisms, attitude, and "graces and airs" of these new southern transplants.

add a great mix of social commentary, political upheaval, and harsh reality, and you get a really great four hours of your life that is certainly not wasted.

it's on netflix instant watch here, if you have it.

please, watch when you can and comment in here. lemme know what you think!

mr. thornton thanks you for your time.

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Pattinson: Will He Still Be a Star After 'Twilight

Monday April 25, 2011 at 2:53 PM



Article from Yahoo.

Robert Pattinson's period circus romance Water for Elephants, costarring Reese Witherspoon, exceeded box office expectations this past Easter weekend, earning an estimated $17.5 million from 2,817 locations.
So does this mean Pattinson has a film career outside the successfully popular Twilight film franchise?

That remains to be seen.
Elephants isn't the runaway hit that each Twilight film is and that’s what will lead studios to clamor to hand him more starring roles, casting agencies tell The Hollywood Reporter.
Fans of the vampire saga certainly didn't come out in droves to see his 2010 romantic drama Remember Me or his 2008 Salvador Dali biopic, Little Ashes.

Elephants benefited from Fox’s marketing team, which targeted fans of the Twilight book. (At the film's premiere, representatives from groups like TwilightMOMS were assigned spots on the red carpet, and its site has documented Pattinson's every move in promoting Elephants. Other Twilight fan sites have done the same.)


more after the cut.


What do you think? Will he last? 



Kiss or Junkpunch?

Monday April 25, 2011 at 2:27 PM

I'd like to dedicate this campfire to the camper that recommended The Dark Swan series by Richelle Mead a few weeks ago (same author as Vampire Academy series, I think). I cannot decide if I want to kiss you or junkpunch you ;)

After reading a glowing review, I jumped on Amazon and found they sell the 3 book bundle for the Kindle (Storm Born, Thorn Queen and Iron Crowned) for about $9, so I figured... why not...

After reading the first two books, I was in love.  I love the characters - especially Eugenie and Dorian, I love the story lines, I love that it's different from everything I'm currently reading... then I'm about halfway through Iron Crowned and I'm tempted to launch my Kindle across the room (back in the day, I have thrown books across the room... one book went directly in the garbage, which sounds bad, but TRUST me, it's where it belongs.  I probably shouldn't get so emotionally invested in fiction =)

ANYWAY... My question to you... if you have read the series, should I even bother finishing at this point?  I know another book is coming out January 2012 to wrap up the series.  I won't post any spoilers here... but I'll comment inside and explain where I'm at and why I want to quit.

Thanks =)


PS- I never understood the outrage over Breaking Dawn....... The direction she went never really bothered me... I GET IT NOW


Assortment of R/K pics

Monday April 25, 2011 at 12:19 PM

Rob and Kristen at LAX on the 21st (why so late, photographers? why so late?) 


FF Sneak Peek

Monday April 25, 2011 at 8:09 AM

 Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Oldies but Goodies

Monday April 25, 2011 at 7:24 AM


Hey Campers!

It's time to announce the next fic for the Oldies but Goodies Read-a-long!

The next fic that we'll be discussing is...

Faking It by spanglemaker!!!!

Join us every Monday and Thursday to discuss this story 8 chapters at a time. (going with a few more this time - we'll see how it works!)

Come share your thoughts, predictions, stuff you found interesting - whatever! No spoilers please - we've got lots of first time readers!

So, dear campers, go read Chapters 1-8, and come back Thursday to chat.

Use this fire to share your excitement, ask questions about the read-a-long, etc.

Can't wait to start!


Half of Hollywood’s most famous couples are faking it. That’s what Bella Swan’s publicist tells her to convince her to pretend to date troubled Hollywood bad boy Edward Cullen. After all, she’s learned that winning a reality show and a recording contract for her band is only the first step to fame. And she’ll do anything for the music and for her friends, even this.


happy monday, campers!

Monday April 25, 2011 at 7:19 AM

spring break free-for-all has ended


aww, dry your eyes.

you can still post anything not twilight/supe- or fandom-related every friday here in the forest!

now, i thought i'd use this opportunity to thank you all for the hearty birthday greetings. it truly warmed up my cold, dead heart!

anyway, thank you. i was like :'D all day.

okay, i'll leave you with two wonderful things.


the north & south watchalong will start today. it's four hour-long episodes, so we'll do one each day this week at 3pm pacific time. even if you're not here at exactly that hour, i'd love it if you participated when you were available! i'll make links available for watching again. if you've never seen this, i strongly urge you to do so.



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lol now i have to add this (that i ganked from lookingforhoofprints' tumblr, so ty)

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have a good day.

love, your uncle wtvoc


No cease and desist orders I hope?

Monday April 25, 2011 at 5:22 AM

Is there a reason no one's posted these yet?  Are these considered 'unleaked' and legitimate?

Anyhow, here they are, R and K in the Virgin Islands doing reshoots.  

KStew's magical stick-bikini:

More at Robstenation blogspot and all over the place, probably.

Have you ever made out on the beach, or do you say 'no thanks' to sand up-the-bum?

ETA:  Rob leaving the island.  Hello guitar!


Fluent speaking advice

Monday April 25, 2011 at 2:56 AM

I was reluctant to post this because it's so off-topic and I'm not sure if it's still FFA, but others seem to think it is and I'm too censored desperate to wait for a reply on Twitter lol

We're usually talking about writing here, but what about speaking? I have this interview I've been preparing for (NO ROFLs from people who have evidence of me surfing around instead please) and I honestly think reading all this ff in English has harmed my fluency in speaking in my native tongue as well as discussing any issues that don't involve Edward Cullen.

So, does anyone have any advice? I know the typical 'make eye contact' and stuff, but there are some guidelines for fluent speaking, such as never say e.g. "This is important for X number of reasons", because once you start mentioning the reasons you may remember fewer than the number you gave. Another good advice, which is only applicable to languages with articles that have genders, is pause before saying an article, because then the noun or adjective you have in mind may be of a different gender, which means you'll have to go back and change the article you first gave. If it's called an 'article' in English (i.e. 'the'), sorry, and please excuse my metalinguistic unawareness

Sigh. Why doesn't speaking come with an 'edit' option Rob could so use it


Oranje boven, leve de Koningin!

Monday April 25, 2011 at 2:11 AM

(translation: Hail Orange, long live the Queen!)

Easter is almost over, but those international holidays aren't the only ones worth celebrating. I know today is ANZAC day, and we've talked about some of the American, Canadian and Brititish holidays before here in the forest.

Today and this week, I'd like to introduce you all to a couple of Dutch holidays.

For me, Christmas, Easter and the like aren't all that important. I won't go into a lengthy discussion/explanation, but suffice it to say that the only 'christian/catholic' holiday I do celebrate is Carnaval, and that was back in March and has been talked about. It is traditionally celebrated in the southern part of the country, with some attempts further north.

The Netherlands as a whole have two very important national holidays coming up, though, and they're within the next two weeks. They're called Koninginnedag and Bevrijdingsdag.

More inside.

(It's still FFA, right?)


Star Trek rec I saw here once...

Sunday April 24, 2011 at 8:59 PM

I think I'm still safe in FFA, but please delete if this shouldn't be here...

Several months ago, someone here rec'ed an epic Star Trek fic. I clicked the link; the writing looked good in the early going, and I *thought* I bookmarked it. Apparently not. I've tried searching here and using Google with site:adifferentforest.com and nothin'...

Someone recc'ed it here as an all time favorite fanfic of theirs. It was just the one rec in their post; it wasn't in a list of recs. The fic was very long (I think it was even a series of novelas/novels) and might have been Gen, but I'm not sure about that. I think there was some mention of the author being male and well respected in the fandom. I do definitely remember that the page the link took me to had a long table of contents and was light text on a dark background. 

 -- I know. It's a sad pittance to go on. But if you're out there, mystery camper, could you give me the link again?

FOUND!!!! Thanks!


Looking for a Fic...

Sunday April 24, 2011 at 3:03 PM

Does anyone remember a fic called The Bella Swan Diaries?  Don't think it's still up and I am wondering if anyone has a copy, would love to reread it?



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