Oldies but Goodies

Thursday April 28, 2011 at 7:42 AM


Hey Campers!

It's time for our first discussion fire for Faking It by spanglemaker!!

Come on in and share your thoughts, feelings, etc. on Chapters 1-8.

No Spoilers please - we've got lots of first time readers.


Join us Monday to discuss Chapters 9-18.

Thanks for participating! =)


bd pics

Thursday April 28, 2011 at 6:29 AM

EW has some pics from Breaking Dawn, including one with those crazy Denali gals at a wedding. I think.,,20308569_20485406,00.html#20942633


Hate Brigades on ff net?

Thursday April 28, 2011 at 6:13 AM

Yesterday there was a campfire on warnings and disclaimers that ended up on ratings and the merits, or demerits, of Twilighted net. This compels me to write something about fanfiction net, which is, according to the links the majority of you people posts here, the most read of all fanfic sites.  Well, not all is nice there. I am referring to the fact  that yet another story “Could be worse, right?” by Savage,  has been pulled out.. By the site managers, abruptly and with no explanations (which is ridiculous – if one has erred, one should be told the reason, so the error is not repeated).This has happened before to other authors, on obscenity grounds – theoretically - but only to stories that were very successful. I think this is fishy, that it is done not to protect the audiences’ innocence, but out of envy.

There are “Hate Brigades” operating on ff net, harassing some authors all the time, and the site managers give them free rein, allowing them to continue the witch hunt. What side are them on, the one of bona fide readers or that of a few despicable, hidden creeps?

Savage’s story was not particularly full of lemons, quite the contrary (Surely M and not MA). The issue of buying a sex slave is a terrible issue, but the hero of the story is repenting, in fact he is having an ethical revolution. He is a gangster, so there are violent scenes in the story (but nobody is killed who did not deserve punishment.). There is a problem of morality, if you will, but nothing that has not been addressed by many other stories, starting with Edward Cullen’s vigilante years.

I would like to discuss those mysterious “powers that be” on ff net, passing out life and death sentences over stories, and ask them if they realize how wrongly they behave, not accepting dialogue and discussion, just deciding like they are self appointed gods.

In any case “Could be worse, right?” can still be read on Savage’s blog. It was written in an experimental way, very short chapters with more than one update per day, so it is not suitable, say, for Twilighted net. She uses a lot of interesting techniques in her stories, miniteasers on top of chapters, very carefully crafted chapter titles. All in all, an author that deserves a large audience.






Free Fire of the Day

Thursday April 28, 2011 at 5:36 AM

Put anything you want in here.

i know what you're all thinking, weirdos.

Chat, go off topic, post pics or songs, whatevs.






rec me something good

Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 8:45 PM


i'm posting because tor and i are selfish and we want recs, so let's be a little different forest tonight.

first off, if you're reading anything AMAZING, we wanna know what it is, why you love it, and why you think we'd love it.


we'd also love some good harry potter and pride & prejudice recs, please and thank you. and omg north & south for me if you know of any. tor would also love twific where real people have real problems, not angsty misunderstanding after angsty misunderstanding.

hey, rec any other fandom, while you're at it! just... rec us something delicious and delectable and delightful.

now, don't forget to include title, author, and a link for the story. people are lazy (mostly me) and need links or they won't bother!

and if you take someone's rec, make sure you review the author! and tell them to come to the forest while you're at it.

me? i'm recc-ing an amazing harry potter oneshot called "death and king's cross". read it by clicking here

and also this gorgeous pride & prejudice fic that's AU with one change- elizabeth never overhears darcy say she is "tolerable, but not handsome enough to suit" him. click here to read one thread pulled by artemis acorn.

now, get to it, campers!



Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 4:38 PM


eta #3: IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE BOOKS, THE TRAILER IS VERY SPOILER-Y. as are the comments inside. 
so... what are your plans for the finale?
eta: what scenes are you going to be SO PISSED if they cut/change?
are you part of my generation that grew up the same age as the actors / characters when the books came out?
anyone else planning on binge drinking to ease the pain of your childhood finally slipping away from you? or is that just me?
come talk to me about harry potter, please. 

Yardsale Treasures

Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 4:01 PM

It's coming up on YARDSALE SEASON, and I'm looking to add to my small but FABULOUS collection of Matador Art.

for example:

What do YOU look out for at YARD SALES or GARAGE SALES or THRIFT STORES?

Amuse me with photos of your TREASURES or your DREAM ITEMS.


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 3:58 PM



As of right now, it's just cloudy outside, but the storm is coming my way.  Please be so kind as to provide me with modes of entertainment until I have to run and take cover.

And to anyone else being HAMMERED with these storms... (in the words of Edward Cullen) "BE SAFE."








"I'd Rather Die | Edward&Bella" by verotruth <- FINALLY,  a good NEW E/B video.





"arthur/guinevere; you're not like the others..." by RippledStarr <- Camelot is my new obsession.  I couldn't help but post a fan vid for it.




what a scowl that man has

Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 2:58 PM

north & south episode 3: a campfire watchalong


click here to watch on netflix

oh, dear. poor thornton. he loofvs her, and she doesn't even like him!

now, a lot of you have things to say about the character of both of them, and i'm not sorry to say that the plot thickens in today's episode. a new element to further their misunderstanding shows up... dun dun dunnnnnnn!

keep up the commentary. i absolutely loved waking up this morning to new thoughts and opinions from yesterday's CF! i did not, however, appreciate chinagirl's mr. collins/lady catherine de bourg BDSM fanfic snippet. not at all.

anyway, will these two get their ish together, or what? let's find out, shall we?

click here for episode 2


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Vid of R/K filming in V.I.

Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 12:56 PM

hi, this is leaked footage! we can't have this on the website, sorry!

please discuss it, though.

oh, and don't link or post screencaps or anything like that. thank you.

-the rangers


Edit: paparazzi vid, actually but ok...*pouty*


New Breaking Dawn stills

Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 12:47 PM

Look at him go.

3 more inside for those who don't really like to be spoiled (which is like, 5 of you).

from via Pattinsonlife


I'm feeling a bit verklempt...

Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 9:56 AM

Talk amongst yourselves.  I'll give you a topic.

Robert Pattinson:  Blue Steel or attempted duckface?  Discuss.

Ahh, what the me your favorite goofy Rob pics while you're at it.



Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 8:42 AM

Henry C. is getting ready for his role as Superman.

I'd like to take a moment for some deep thoughts regarding this entire situation.

 Mr. Cavill, it occurs to me you've been physically preparing for this role and in doing so you've actually formed a physique impossibly more super than Supermans.


Moving on to the teeth. These are glorious teeth. These teeth are like poisonous candy.


and now...let's take a moment to consider the fact that this man is going to, at some point, be ripping a well tailored suit and tie from his superior form.

Ripping a tie from a starched collar in a confident frenzy to go save the world.

Think about that.


Caution? Danger Ahead?

Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 7:54 AM

Morning, Guys!

I've been picking my brain this morning, and need some input from the trusty campers of the forest. 


Lets talk about disclaimers.  

I just posted my first disclaimer this morning.  I don't know if it was really neccesary, as the chapter didn't contain anything graphic imo, but I figured it was better to be safe than sorry. 

What I would like to know...

As a reader, do you appreciate disclaimers?  What sort of subject matter, if any, do you feel needs a disclaimer?

As a writer, how do you decide when/if to post one?

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts! =) 



Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 5:49 AM

Hey campers!

I've been gone a long time but I'm finally back! Thanks for the PMs, it feels nice to have been missed :D Please feel free to fill me in on anylthing that went down in my absense.


And after such a long break, I have a GREAT rec for you. Belle Dean's Crash is a story that tells the story of a cocky banker Edward working at an investment bank before the financial meltdown. Bella is a priviledged good girl who is (hopefully) about to go bad. They have a wicked chemistry, it is an intelligent yet entertaining story, in much need of some love and I thought it would definitely interest some campers here. Seriously, one of the best fics ever, it's only a few chapters in, give it a try if that's your sort of thang.

If you have some other recs, fics that blew your mind, please share, because I don't really have anything to read right now other than Crash. BTW I just finished The Hunger Games and I loved them all except the last one. If you have some Hunger Games fanfic recs, I'd be interested in those too. :D

And here are some funny/Sexy gifs FYT


Boozy Damon Pictures, Images and Photos


Wednesday April 27, 2011 at 4:55 AM

Is it help desk time yet???  I was reading a fic on my phone and it died! I got the phone replaced but lost all my settings. I think the title was Unravelled Knot. Edward is an accountant and Bella runs a non-profit organization working to bring music back to schools. He is hired to straighten out her books. He carries an engagement ring in his pocket like a talisman. He lives with his girlfriend Hannah. Bella is roomates with Emmett and refuses to let any relationship get too serious, because she is afraid of hurting them. She's sure she is incapable of actually loving someone long term. Also, the search feature at ffn is down, so if you could include the link, that would be awesome! Thanks!



Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 9:55 PM






Youth is wasted on the young

Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 9:12 PM


What do you miss most about your childhood?



oh snap......

Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 5:46 PM

girls, tomorrow i am getting pierced in a very special place. i am... beyond nervous/scared. the only thing i have pierced besides my ears is my tongue (which was done when i was 15). my friend said it doesn't hurt, but i've googled when some ladies have gotten it done and...... they don't seem to think it was so painless. oh god, i'm scared. my boyfriend isn't exactly thrilled, but oh well - my body, my rules. 

to make this interactive, what do you have pierced? what have you always wanted but are to chicken to get done? any impulse piercing stories, (like mine is) etc. tell me about it your most painful, less painful piercings! 

jackson for your time. 

that is one sexy, sexy man.

edit/conclusion: i screamed.... more inside. 



Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 4:09 PM

Hi, all!

I'd like to have a banner made, and I don't know anyone who can make one for me. I looked at the garage sale banners up for grabs, but none of them fit what I'm looking for. It's going to be an Edward/Bella story. I have some ideas in my head about how it should look, if that helps. Any takers? Or could anyone put me into contact with someone who could help?

Thank you!


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