
Missing in Action (and the Consequences)

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 5:04 PM

Okay, so I haven't been around.

Scratch that - I'm not around AT ALL.

Therefore, when I was doing my habitual monthly "read all the fics that I've ever loved and sob happily at the end of each one", I realized that LolaShoes took down her stories.

You probably know where I'm going with this by now, but...did anything get a copy that I could read of LYLS and ALE, puh-lease?


London Rob

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 1:31 PM

So like i went through to check there hadn't been an actual campfire for this, i spotted 2 pictures but that was all. And it's about Rob so i don't been permission right?

Anyways, the whole point of this is basically the boast lmao. I'm on about the WfE prem, I was there! 

We camped out over night and everything. We froze our butts off too. How come the reast of the UK was nice and warm but that one street we were made to camp on was below freezing... most of the day! It was a damn wind tunnel! Most people had to go and purchase extra sleeping bags or hats and gloves and stuff. Though at one point some amazing women did make a GIANT order of hot chocolate <3 it was amazing. But yeah, i got no sleep in the end... too cold. (But seriously, if we'd been queuing on any other street i'd be complaining about sun burn right now) 

But yeah well over 24 hours of waiting was totally worth it in the end :) He's so yummy up close.... my Rob love had been dwindling i have to admit. I'm mostly all about the Jackson these days.... but now my love of Rob is renewed (Jackson is still my number 1 though) 

But yeah, the prem was amazing, yet so badly put together. The gymnast people managed to drop someone, the ringmaster's mike wouldn't work, they brought out the big 3 first (though that was because they had to rush off to do Graham Norton) So the second Rob and Reese had gone the crowds vanished even though there were still other guests arriving. It was just one big mess. Also the hula hoopers kept getting in the way of our view of Rob... and also kept very nearly hitting my friend Dani in the face =/

And now some pictures :D (my camera was rubbish though)


So have any of you done the camping out thing? Got any pictures With Twi stars you want to share? Was anyone else from here at the London prem?
(other twi stars for me are: Christopher Hyerdhal, Jamie Campbell Bower, Kiowa Gordon, Tinsel Korey, Charlie Bewley, Chaske Spencer, Gil Birmingham, Julia Jones, Leah Gibson, Boo Boo Stewart, Bronson howeveryouspellhisname, Alex Meraz, Michael Welch, Justin Chon, Jodelle Ferland, Daniel Cudmore, Bill Tangradi, Xavier Samuels, Nikki Reed and sort of Kellan and Ashley....)

Looking for a lost fic

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 12:21 PM

Nothing much is happening, and none of my faves is being updated so... Can I rely on the wonderful collective memory of this site's  members too help me retrieve a story? I read this O/s more than one year ago on Twilighted. Characters are Sam and Emily, but in a Chorus role. In fact they are assisting, unseen, at a meeting of Edward and Bella near the border. No lemon or anything, but there is something that makes the hidden spectators understand that the love between E&B is so powerful that their friend Jacob has not a chance, ever. It was a very well written, compelling piece of which I have completely forgotten name and author.

Thank you, in case you remember and tell me.

IT IS FOUND!  Please, look at the answer of musicmydreams. "Then I understood" by Whitedwarf on ff net


I can't even...

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 11:12 AM


No I have NOT been drinking.

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 11:11 AM

Now, give me a damn job.

That's right, this campfire is brought to you by the great unemployment fiasco of what-year-is-it-now?

If you live in Texas and you have a child who goes to a public school, then you probably go to PTA meetings and hobnob with whatchamacallits...PRINCIPALS! yes. You speak to principals and such. I'm trying to get hired as a high school English teacher. I'm tolerably fluent in English. Help me out here.

To make this interactive, you can:

1) talk about your own job hunt

2) tell me about a teaching job in Texas I might apply to

3) critique my job hunting style

4) offer advice to me or others in the campfire

5) fix me a cocktail



Thicker Skin please ASAP

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 10:39 AM

So- I have now received two very upsetting reviews to my ff today. (to me anyway)

I wanna curl up and cry that people think Bella is 'immature', needs to 'grow up and deal' and that they hope "Edward lets her have it'

This is the first chapter that is 100% how I felt and how I was dealing with things....



WC me please!

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 8:47 AM

So here's the deal. I love WC's. I suck at finding motivation to write and they help me tons. Really, TONS! Problem is, there are never any WC's going on when I'm ready to write, which is like now.

So I had this idea that I need opinions on... making a posting for a WC group for this time, which is usually from around 11am until 2pm EST. There have to be some people out there that are writing now, aren't there?! There are the random days where the time is different, but it's usually around now.

What should I do? Should I make a campfire each time I'm looking to form a group? Or should I just take down gmails or skype names and hope to find someone? I think an ADF writing group would be fun, I just don't know how to go about it. Gimmie some ideas people!!! 

Approved by wtvoc


Rob's dog

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 7:43 AM

This is the first picture I've seen of Bear, thought I'd post if anyone else is interested.

Looks like he has the same leash as my puppy. Let's make it interactive by posting pictures of our pets. I don't think I can do participate until I get home but have at it, guys!


Secret Agentward

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 5:38 AM

I've been watching a ton of Archer lately. 

I want to read some Secret Agentward! 

I've searched the database and found very little to whet my appetite. 

Please, direct me to it!


Whatcha wearing today?

Thursday May 5, 2011 at 5:25 AM


Post pics if ya want....


Gone, baby, gone

Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 7:25 PM

So in my breaks between writing papers (I've written 50 pages worth in the past 4 days), I've rediscovered the greatness of isakassess's "This Is Not My Life".  Can anyone one recommend any good fics in which Bella (or Edward) is kidnapped and the search is on?  I tried to see if there was an ADF master list, but couldn't find one, and what I found in my meager search of ff.n was not good.  Too many "victoria kidnaps Bella during NM".  I love Criminal Minds and Without A Trace, which is why I liked TINML so much... about the search and the lives, not the overly graphic abuse and ultra cheesy immediate happily ever after.

I'll take anything, but what I'd prefer not to have is:

- Edward as Bella's kidnapper/rapist (I know Rape Romances will all the age in the 1970s, but really, that's just wrong)

- Entirely focusing on the abuse of the victim (I personally don't enjoy that, and there seems to be a lot of fics out there like that)

- Whiny, Mary-sue-esque teenagers with no character development

- Bad Writing.  (I'm an English senior, creative writing minor, on the editoiral team for my school's literary journal, and I work in the writing center. Trust me, I see A LOT of crappy writing during the day, so things like pages worth of dialogue written in ALL CAPS and poor writing style in general tend to turn my off half way through chapter 1.  I know I'm picky, but what the hey. Isn't ADF all about blending differing personalities and opinions?)   <--wow that was a long aside... the students I work with would be told to fix something like that (-:


Anyway, FYT...

and my newest obsession:


Master Fic List Spreadsheet!

Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 6:10 PM

Hi Campers!

I don't know what's been going on here in the Forest lately because I've been too busy with RL, reading EP (for the first time, and OMG I think the angst is gonna kill me) and.... working on this:

Master Fic List Spreadsheet

With the help of Mary_Weather, Stardust1 and Cerebella, the Master Fic List has been put into a googledocs spreadsheet.  I have set the privacy setting that anyone who has a link can access it, so save that link (or favorite this campfire) if you're interested!  Hopefully I'll be able to keep it updated as new lists get added or fics get added to various lists.  :-)


And I want to say a huge THANK YOU to the three ladies that helped me with this.  Mary_Weather, Stardust1 and Cerebella, this would not have been possible without your help, so thank you times a million!


EDIT: If you've written a story and would like it added to a specific list, feel free to PM me with the title & link and I will be happy to add it to the list. Please make sure to specify what list(s) you want it added to.  Also, if you see something incorrect on the spreadsheet (incorrect link, story on the wrong list, incorrect author name, etc.) please PM to tell me so I can fix it.  THANKS! :-)


Another One Bites the Dust

Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 5:56 PM

According to some chatter on the Twilighted forums, daniele123 (spelling?) pulled her stories. It looks like her blog and Facebook were deleted too.

I was reading Men Without Eyes and, her latest, Under the Apple Tree Mini.

Anyone have a copy of what was posted? I was behind on MWE and even without a conclusion, I'd like to read what I can, if possible.


I've been MIA

Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 4:25 PM

Sooo, because I'm trying to be a good wife and not stay connected to my laptop all hours of the day (and night)... I feel disconnected from the fandom.

Come in and tell me what I missed in the last two weeks?

Your favorite updates, Rob photos, interviews, Breaking Dawn news...

Come on, a sistah out!

Here's some pretteh to encourage you:




Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 3:12 PM

So...I've decided to go through my *cough 600 cough* updates waiting in my mailbox and I'm please to say I got through quite a few stories this evening...

I went to click on Wallbanger and it's disappeared!  Does anyone know what happened to the story?  I'm so sad I can't read the completed story!  I left off when Bella came home from their vacation, :(


may the fourth be with you.

Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 1:48 PM


click on "add comment"

say something, anything, if you want to play

we'll then ask you questions, and you answer them

don't be lame and leave questions unanswered

when you ask other people questions, be creative

oh, and check "notify me when someone leaves a comment" down there at the bottom. cool function, innit?

my president wielding the force for your time:


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Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 7:22 AM

Thoughts?? I've been waiting yonks for this
so it's my favourite book and I think it actually looks great so far, however I totally need a re-read...
there's also controversy on anne's english accent. do you think it's good? bad? whaaa?
approved by early morning miss purple font wtvoc. and because she insisted:

Kindle and FanFiction

Wednesday May 4, 2011 at 7:22 AM


I found fanfiction by accident approximately 2 years ago when my daughter found twilight.  I was looking for information on the books.  The first story I read was The List and I must say I was hooked.  My daughter now writes and would like to be a published author.  I have read her original work and she definitely has the makings.  She is 13.  The point to this campfire is I would like to get a Kindle to read.  I read about 5 books a week on my I phone.  Can you get to sites to read fanfiction on a kindle.  I would like to hear from someone who has one before I invest.


I love this blog site.  It makes my day and keeps me smiling. The jaw porn is not bad either!


You're Cool....Now PROVE IT

Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 9:06 PM

We are a fandom where music plays a HUGE part of our world. We create playlists for our stories, youtube videos with awesome soundtracks to pimp our favorite stories, and talk about our music loves here on ADF all the time.

But what if you lost your music? Your iPod was empty? Would you cry, scream, curse all mankind?

Well I am in that hell right now, I’ve lost it all, and it was A LOT of music. So I turn to you genius fandom.

So school my ass. Tell me the music I NEED to know: your favorite artist, your favorite albums, your top played, your favorite playlists you’ve created, tell me the one artist I should download the WHOLE catalog of. I love all music and appreciate anyone willing to share their passion with me as well.

So come in, share what you love and you will hopefully introduce someone to their new music obsession.

approved by GAW


Chat post!!!

Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 8:18 PM

Hi babes! I am bored and the lovely ranger wtvoc approved this.

Let's chat about what is your favorite song of the moment, about the lastest book you read, your favorite TV shows or the one you're expecting. Anything... I just wanna talk.


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