The Saga ending: What if we could choose?

Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 8:17 PM


Reading the responses to wckdqueen's campfire about the multiple reasons why we have such a love/hate relationship with BD, I realize that there are 2 main "currents" (Highlight to see spoilers...if there is someone unaware of the plot ¿?)

1. Renesmee-friendly:...they respect the idea of the hybrid child and the plot of the book, but don't like how it is written: the characters are OCC, the whole story is lost in this final chapter, there are not answers to question being asked in all the other books and even when in this world the birth of the child is totally possible, the book it's just too weird.

2. Renesmee-haters: for them there is no way SM wasn't high when she wrote such a horrible thing. The pregnancy is a terrible mistake and from that point everything goes makes no sense at all and it should be burned or something.

So, after all this I couldn't help but wonder

Which side is yours?

Which is the perfect ending for the saga?


Are You Peeping Rob?

Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 4:07 PM

Poor Rob and his peeping t and a ways. He always gets caught and shot taking a quick peep at peoples goods on the red carpet.

But I'm a peeper too. Male, female - if someone's goods are exposed in some way, I'll peek like a naughty school boy too. I peep my own boobs sometimes  when I'm driving, it's like second nature. I was peeping at Reeese's boobs in the pictures earlier, and I didn't even have to peep-I was alone in my bedroom!

So what say you, are you a peeping Rob? do you get a thrill from sneak peeks? Are you sly or do you get caught peeping? I always get caught....


Cutting my loss (edited lead in)

Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 2:45 PM

Okay...this is my first campfire, so please bear with me if I make a mistake by even posting this here. BUT...I am seriously devastated over the ending of a long fanfiction story that was one of my absolute favorites. (Not sure if I can post the name) The last chapter, plus the A/N we received today has left me crying and depressed. I am not going to be able to read the epilogue, and for me that is a first. This was a long and involved story that I was so emotionally swept away with...and now it appears that it will be HF and NOT HEA. I never saw it coming, and I think that's what has left me so sad and upset.

Is it just me, or should an author foreshadow, or at least describe her story as angst or whatever if there is going to be a beloved characters death? Am I just a big ole emo baby who can't deal wiith HF? Probably. I know I'm not as blythe or snarky as I probably should be when it deals with anything other than an HEA.  I know I need to toughen up...but HOW?

I guess I need a happy and sexy one shot. Or maybe just a shot...or two.


Turn back, Saoirse, Turn Baaack!

Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 2:10 PM

Saoirse Ronan is cast in The Host.

Why why why.

She was one of my favorite child actors...

On IMDB, from

EXCLUSIVE: Saoirse Ronan has been set to star in The Host, the screen adaptation of the bestselling novel by Twilight Saga author Stephenie Meyer. Scripted by Andrew Niccol, the film figures to be one of the hot titles when Inferno launches sales at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival next week. Niccol, who was originally set to direct, might resurface as the filmmaker.

Ronan, the Oscar-nominated star of Atonement, The Lovely Bones and most recently Hanna, will play Melanie Stryder, one of the last humans putting up a fight against an alien species called Souls. These parasites invade human bodies, fuse to each person's consciousness and systematically erase their personalities. Melanie is captured by the aliens and implanted by a Soul called Wanderer, something of a legend because of all of the "hosts" she has attached to on numerous planets. Wanderer's goal is to get Melanie to give up the remaining pockets of humans, but instead the alien finds Melanie to be unique in her unwillingness to surrender her consciousness. Wanderer is so overwhelmed by Melanie's memories and feelings, the alien is driven to reconnect with Melanie's old life.

Never read The Host, tbh.  But if the Twilight success is any indication, it looks like Saoirse will have to work after this movie to get back where she used to be in terms of career moves.

She was doing so well, too.  I adored her in Atonement and Hanna.

If you didn't already know, she is just a visually stunning figure.  Her eyes are freaking hypnotic, man:



Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 12:49 PM


More inside.




Pictures not working, come inside


as much as this pains me

Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 10:46 AM

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idk reese


are stomachers coming back? that's really unflattering.

and robert, where are your new glasses? did the mean boy with the dreads take them back?

you should just go to skinny ties in addition to this monochromatic thing you've got going that almost works.

are reese's straps bugging anyone else? that would drive me crazy, like when you know you need to adjust your bra strap but can't because you're in front of people, so you keep straightening your shoulders in a desperate attempt to save your breasts from getting out of control

err, maybe it's just me

idk, tell me why or why not i should see water for elephants as i'm pretty much in the "lol no" camp

oh, and this is from the UK premiere.

ETA: lol at you all thinking i'm calling reese witherspoon fat. are you kidding me? i'm the last to talk. her body is amazing. use your eyeballs, campers. i typed the word "stomacher". not "stomach". "stomacher". the V-shaped thing you see on old european dresses ladies wore to flatten the front of their bodies and enhance a tiny waist and good birthin' hips. stomacher. sheesh. i'm not that much of a bitch.


I see London I see France, I see Cullen underpants

Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 8:18 AM

Knickers, Panties, Briefs, Bloomers, Drawers....come and share your pictures. Jazzy and I want to know what kind of underpants the Cullen's wear. Who better to ask than the experts, you gals! Share your thoughts inside!

I think Emmett would wear these:

NSFW now



Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 7:10 AM

OMG, you guys, I just had a paradigm shift and I have to share it with you. Also, hi! I'm back.

So, I've always been a big fan of the Jane Austen mysteries by Stephanie Barron, and I've just been reading the latest one: 

Slightly disappointed by the ending of this one...but I digress. The point is, I realized about halfway through the book that I was essentially reading Jane Austen fanfic. Published fanfic!! And that got me thinking...


All fanfic, really, when you think about it. Serious, read-it-in-high-school-english, award winning literature fanfic.

What other fanfics have become high literary fiction? How can we make sure our fics end up with the same glorious fate? Discuss!!



Tuesday May 3, 2011 at 5:34 AM





Will you read?



Monday May 2, 2011 at 11:29 PM

Okay, I may have had a few too many, but I just had to post this; where is grown.ass.woman?  I haven't seen her around here for a while and was just wondering about her.   And, I'm sitting here bombed off my ass and that made me think even more about her.  Does anyone know of her where abouts?


I Love The Twilight Saga...BUT...

Monday May 2, 2011 at 8:37 PM

Ok, so I've been contemplating reading the Twilight Saga again, since it's been a while and I really have little to no recollection as to what BD is even about anymore.  I figured if I started reading like, NOW, then I should be able to get through at least the first half of my least favorite Twi book by the time the first movie of it comes out, right?

Ok, maybe.

But then I started to think about, really think about it...and there are elements in these books that just drive me crazy if I think about them too much.  

Like, for instance, it makes me NuTs that there is virtually NO parenting done by the humans.  It's a really sad day when the pseudo~Vampire parents do more parenting than the human parents of underage kids.  Charlie is like...useless, and I really LIKE Charlie.  But, if my teen age daughter were to be so affected by her boyfriend's departure that she acted like a zombie for three months, I can assure you my way of snapping her out of it wouldn't be to threaten to send her to her father in Florida.  On the contrary, it would never have gone on that long.  And, once my teenage daughter married this boyfriend with the odd family, and they came back from their honeymoon but I was told I couldn't see her since she picked up some weird disease while on some tropical island?  Rest assured THIS parent would be busting down the Cullen's fancy front door with the State Police and the CDC right behind her.  I wonder she wanted to be a Cullen!  Her own flesh & blood human parents didn't seem to give a flip about her!  Did Renee even get involved in the wedding plans for her ONLY CHILD?

Or...and this is a HUGE issue for me...the feeling I got that Bella only agreed to marry Edward as a means to an end.  She wanted to be changed, and marriage was the only way he would agree to it.  I often felt that Bella wanted to be a Cullen more than she wanted to be Edward's wife, which I found sad, because Edward was really so in love with her.  I actually found myself feeling badly for Edward a lot.

Anyone else get these same feelings while reading?  Or, maybe there's something else about these books (other than the bad writing and the 'fade to black', which I'm sure bothers the heck out of most of us LOL) that drives you to distraction?






Where to get recs

Monday May 2, 2011 at 7:05 PM

Ok- So the usual place I go to for fic recs is not getting the traffic it used to. In fact,  I have a feeling it will not be around much longer.

Although I love ADF,  my computer does not. It often freezes when I am here. :0(

Where else do you guys go for fic recs/discussions?

I want to add a few more sites to my bookmarks.

****edit- Thanks for all the recs. I had no idea there were so many out there. I love reading a chapter and then discussing it. It is like an instant book club.  I miss that about the two places I usually go to. The traffic has slown on them and do not have near the fic discussions that they used to. 

I may need to find some new playgrounds.  I am almost tempted to get a better computer so that I can navigate this site more often.

Thanks Guys!!!



Monday May 2, 2011 at 6:24 PM

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you're welcome~


Edward Reviews BD

Monday May 2, 2011 at 4:06 PM

I can't believe I haven't seen this before...ya'll check it out it's priceless!


permission granted by wtvoc.



Monday May 2, 2011 at 12:11 PM


FF Sneak Peek

Monday May 2, 2011 at 9:55 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Do contests help creativity?

Monday May 2, 2011 at 9:47 AM

I recently entered the "O is for Originality, C is for Creativity" contest.
I was attracted by the theme of the contest: they required to write a canon O/S, from the point of view of a character of the original saga, but using 25 items (objects, verbs, phrases...) provided by the contest committee.
It's been a very interesting challenge and...surprise... I won the contest!

(Second surprise... mine was the only entry, but this is another story... :) )

If you want to read the story, here it is:

Blinkie for

I think that a prompt, such as an image or a phrase, can be encouraging because sometimes an (aspiring) author needs not only a launching ramp for his/her creativity, but also a boundary to mark a territory; in this case, the "rules" of a contest provide exactly this "boundary".

Rules could be interesting also because they offer the opportunity to...break them.

For example, I entered another contest, "Behind the lyrics"; I was given a song from the Sixties (Crystals, He's a rebel), while the o/s I submitted deals with Carlisle in 1798... different ways to be a rebel, in different times... If you want to check the story,

What is your experience about contests and, in general, about "writing with rules/ prompt"?

- Raum


Oldies but Goodies

Monday May 2, 2011 at 8:38 AM



Happy Monday, Campers!

Today, we're discussing Chapters 9-18 of Faking It by spanglemaker.

Come in and share your thoughts, feelings, predictions, etc.

No spoilers please - we have lots of first time readers! =)


Next up - Chapters 19-26 on Thursday!

Thanks for participating!


Picture This:

Monday May 2, 2011 at 5:55 AM


it's raining here.

it's Monday.

I'm cranky.

there's one cure for cranky!!


but not just any picture post. in honor of cranky Monday and Twilights Leading Lady...

show me your best bit--cranky face.



Monday May 2, 2011 at 12:55 AM

So, lets talk about hair.

I have long dark blond straight hair.  

However, its time for a change. And as I am jealous of her hair.... how do I get that messy beautiful look? Or visit a hairdresser?

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