
What fic is this?

Sunday May 8, 2011 at 3:36 PM

I read this fic a while back and all i remember is that bella and edward are friends and one night they get drunk and tattoo each others initials on them. After that what I remember is that their is a pool party and edward brings a girl and bella wants to show off her tattoo.


Any one have any ideas???


Esme who?

Sunday May 8, 2011 at 5:35 AM



To all of the Mothers...

Have a wonderful day!!


(If you're a mom... brag about your mad parenting skills.  If you have a mom... tell us why she's the best mom evarrrr.  Mom it up! )



DoUTrustMe - Blame It On Rio

Sunday May 8, 2011 at 2:16 AM

Just found out that DoUTrustMe has had to leave ff. she has left "blame it on rio", "beg" and "died and gone to heaven" up on her ff site. she may finish "blame it on rio" and "beg" but does not guarantee it. very sad to see her go and hope everything works out for her. hopefully she will be able to finish the stories because they are really entertaining

The Offspring

New Favorite Song

Sunday May 8, 2011 at 2:05 AM

So, ChildODCrimsonMoon showed me this about an hour and a half ago. I CAN'T STOP WATCHING IT!!!!! Dude, it's addictive. But it's very good. She pointed out the artistry in it and I agreed that it was a very cool video.


So, what are your favorite foreign songs/music videos/artists?


More Confirmation of Robsten

Saturday May 7, 2011 at 11:41 PM


Reese Witherspoon's interview in The Daily Mail:

‘I know his girlfriend (Twilight’s Kristen Stewart) really well, and he’s met my husband.’ (Reese married Hollywood agent Jim Toth in March.) It wasn’t the first time the pair had worked together, if you count Robert’s fleeting turn as Reese’s son in Vanity Fair. ‘I was 27 and he was 17,’ she smiles.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/you/article-1383127/Reese-Witherspoon-When-I-came-LA-I-heard-tall-pretty-.html#ixzz1LjyHtm68

Unfortunately, there isn't any more mention of Robsten after that. But I wonder when Reese met Kristen?


May to December

Saturday May 7, 2011 at 9:41 PM

I love a good pedoward. 

Meaning, Edward is significantly older than Bella, but it's okay. It doesn't seem weird or anything.

Fics like, Pigtails, Age of Consent, Relative Wind, etc.

There's just something so intriguing about an older man ;)

I'd say 12 year difference, max. I don't want any sugar daddy stuff. or whatever.


If you leave any fics, thank you!! :)


RANGER EDIT: Please make sure that ALL recc's are stories where Bella is 18. Thank you.(We also changed the title as it seems you meant older Edward/legal Bella)


edit: sorry about all of that...... I went to bed right after I posted this so I could obviously do nothing in my sleep. I didn't mean to offend anyone, I'm just looking for fanfic, that's all.


In Your World

Saturday May 7, 2011 at 1:37 PM

As an early Mother’s Day present, solostintwilight has just updated In Your World.

If you’re not reading this story, you should be.


More inside.


Fan-Fic site...

Saturday May 7, 2011 at 11:44 AM

Does anyone know what is wrong with the Fan-Fic site?  I keep trying to browse for more stories to read and the scroll disappears, leaving me stuck at the top.




The Run for the Roses

Saturday May 7, 2011 at 10:12 AM

Today is 137th running of the Kentucky Derby. In late April Louisville celebrates a 2-week long party that is capped off by the Greatest Two Minutes in Sports, which is run on the first Saturday in May.

I heard from PrimaryColors that she is at the Derby AND that she met a certain Ian Somerhalder last night....can't wait to hear what kind of stories she's got to tell!

Just saw that there is a record-breaking crowd at the race this year- 164,858.

I think Dialed In will win it but I WANT Mucho Macho Man to take it. I can't believe I'm betting against Calvin Borel (jockey). That man can do no wrong. But I hate that he's breaking from a #3 post position.


Some pics from Primary Colors!



Grab your fancy hat and a mint julep, wipe your tears when they play 'My Old Kentucky Home', listen for the call to the post and come inside and discuss the race and play 6 degrees of separation between Twilight and the horses that are running this year!


Saturday May 7, 2011 at 6:00 AM

Hi everybody, this is a modest campfire just to say that yesterday finally Water for Elephants arrived in Italy. I went alone, because - after reding some unpleasant campers'comments, I was afraid that the person I would be going with was going not to like it, and I did not need that.

I did like the film, which I found faithful to the book (a book I loved), well done and acted well. But this is not the point. The point is that today Corriere della Sera, the most authoritative (and  read) Italian newspaper gives WFE 3 stars. It means good. Exceptional films might get 4, but not often.  In fact it is the first time that a film with Rober Pattinson gets 3 stars (Little Ashes and The bad mother handbook were never distributed here, so I suppose that it is the typical Twilight bias of the highbrows). In the box over the "what is on at cinemas today" there is a box (not an advertisement, it is done by the newspaper itself) where the  film is reccommended., it deserves to be seen, they say.

So I am just ... happy.

Miss Snazzy

The Doctor is in.

Saturday May 7, 2011 at 12:06 AM

I recently started reading Beyond Time and I have to say...I'm in love. The story is AMAZING.

For those of you who have read it, you know there's a wonderful Carlisle/Bella dynamic.
So wonderful in fact, that I was actually sort of rooting for Carlisle...


I now have this urge to read an amazing Carlisle/Bella romance. I've looked through the Master fic list, but it doesn't seem to have what I'm looking for...

Probably because what I'm looking for is a romance between the Carlisle and Bella from Beyond Time.

Anyway, I would REALLY appreciate some fanfic recs.

I would prefer if the rest of the Cullens aren't around...and that their absence isn't a result of some horrible battle/death.

I would love some stories where Bella travels back in time and meets Carlisle before he turns/meets Edward.

Now, to make this more interactive, I would like to know how you feel about Carlisle/Bella.

Have you been a fan since Carlisle first examined Bella after the accident? When he tended her wound in New Moon?

Do you only think of Carlisle strictly as a father figure and 'eww' at the idea of Carlisle/Bella? What did you think about Bella's reaction the first time she met him?
(My memory might be a little fuzzy, but I don't really remember Bella making special note of Jasper or Emmett's attractiveness when she met them... At least, not beyond the typical beauty of a vampire)

Inquiring minds want to know.

Miss Snazzy

Other Fandoms

Friday May 6, 2011 at 11:05 PM

Please post your favorites for the other fandoms you follow.

To keep things organized, please include the following:

1) Title of Fandom
2) Title of story, summary, and pairing
3) If you aren't going to link, please provide the name of the author and mention the website where it can be found (if not on ff.net)

So far, we have recs for:
-Harry Potter
-Star Trek

And requests for:
(Along with more from all of the fandoms that have already been mentioned...)
-Blue Blood

Previous Campfires:
-March 26, 2011
Includes recs for: Daria, Doctor Who, Glee, Harry Potter, Jane Eyre, North and South, One Tree Hill, Pride and Prejudice, Roswell, Sailor Moon, Shakespeare, Star Trek, Star Wars, Teen Titans, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Office, The Time Traveler's Wife, Vampire Diaries
-April 2, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who, Doctor Who/Glee Crossover, Glee, Harry Potter, Merlin, Naruto, Prison Break, Sailor Moon, Vampire Diaries
-April 9, 2011
Includes recs for: Aliens, Glee, Legend of Zelda, North & South, Sailor Moon, Star Trek
-April 16, 2011
Includes recs for: Glee, Labyrinth, Pride & Prejudice, Ramona Quimby, The Phantom of the Opera, Vampire Diaries
-April 23, 2011
Includes recs for: DiscWorld, Fever Series, Glee, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Pride & Prejudice, Vampire Diaries, Veronica Mars
-April 29, 2011
Includes recs for: Glee, Hawaii 5-0, Pride & Prejudice, Red Riding Hood, Star Trek, Vampire Diaries


Storymaster Website

Friday May 6, 2011 at 7:17 PM

Excuse the post if this has already been talked about, but it didn't come up in the search if it was...Has anything happened to the Storymaster Website?  I have two seperate email addys for it and neither are working.  I have a few fics that I need to copy and I am lost without the Storymaster!  Please enlighten me?  Thanks.



Friday May 6, 2011 at 6:34 PM

So, my car got broken into on Tuesday night. Some punks smashed my passenger side window and stole my iPod touch. Saskatoon - the city I'm currently residing in - has the highest crime rate per capita in Canada, which is so sad. (Plus, I'm so break it's not even funny. Plus I'm a working woman now and I'm sad that I actually have to be an adult.)

Make me feel better? :(

Preferably with cute puppies, hot boys, or the like.


How do you get over your sadness

Friday May 6, 2011 at 5:09 PM

Hey Campers.

So I have been really...depressed lately. My usual tricks to feeling better aren't working so I'm looking for some new ones. So leave a comment:

What do you do when you've had a bad day? Week? Month? Whatever it is.

I'd really appreciate it.


ranger PSA: jane austen is better than everyone.

Friday May 6, 2011 at 4:27 PM

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


purple period piece party poste, y/y?


Happy Campers

Friday May 6, 2011 at 4:26 PM




Or Happy Campers. 


Come inside. 


Mumford lovin'

Friday May 6, 2011 at 3:03 PM

So on behalf of camper llumah, my brazilian technotard, she has asked me to create this campfire to share your love for Mumford and Sons. Because she loves them too. Like me. Yeah.

So bring it on

give us some marcus mumford lovin, c'monnnnnnn

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club 6/40

Friday May 6, 2011 at 2:49 PM


Happy Friday and Early Mother's Day to everyone!
So how are things?  I think I'm going to change up what was for homework.  I want this to be a physical challenge weekend.  Think of something that would seem easy and challenge us ADF Fit Clubers to do it.  Whether it be push ups, jumping jacks, lunges, whatever.  List out what you challenge us to do and for how long/how many reps.  Well make this a whole weekend challenge so if you don't get to all of them today try it Saturday/Sunday.
Homework: I got a lot of feedback about the modivation dress I bought.  Your homework for this week will be to think about how you will celebrate your weight victory, whether thats at the end of the 40 weeks or if its a different goals.  You should reward yourself on a job well done.  Maybe thats a article of clothing you can finally get into or maybe its entering your first 5K.

Finger-licking Good

Friday May 6, 2011 at 2:35 PM

So I need help guys. I saw a gif today that was made from one of the recent WFE interviews rob did but I can't find which one it was.



Do you guys know which interview this is from?

To make it interactive, what is your favorite interview so far out of the whole 5 years (yes 5. don't forget Harry Potter) Rob's been doing them?

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