
Pimping My Story

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 1:04 PM

So I Posted A Sneak Peek For Next Chapter In FF Sneak Peeks But i'm pimping this story more. i really enjoy this story i'm writing and i want it to get more recognition so lets see if people like my writing (: . Its AU/AH E/B


I Fell Into A New World and i fell in love and doing so started a war. AU/AH Supernatural/Fantasy/Angst What If The World You See Was An Illusion,Nothing Can Be Perfect. E/B Better Summary Inside



Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 10:29 AM

Hey All!!!

I haven't heard or read anything from Toxicbluecrayon in a while....She is the author of Our Lips Are Sealed and The Notorius Bella Swan...Have any of you guys heard from her....She was writing a sequel to OLAS but didn't get far and I would really love to know how it would end especially The Notorius Bella Swan....


Rob Pattinson on the set of Water For Elephants Pictures, Images and Photos


RobP0rn needed!

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 9:33 AM

I've had a shitty start to my week, which I won't bore you with, as it's water under the bridge and I've taken measures into my own hand and sorted my stuff out for the last 7,5 weeks I'll be in this shit-country. World travels, here I come!!

But, seeing as yesterday was exceptionally shitty... I'm in need of some RobP0rn.

Last weekend I finally got to see Water for Elephants and it certainly met my expectations while also surprising me at times.

So what better theme to connect to this campfire than WFE-RobP0rn?

Give us your best! Oh and gifs/vids are also highly appreciated...



What fic is this?

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 9:17 AM

I'm trying to remember what fic has a scene early on where new student Bella literally bumps into Tyler (i think) in the cafeteria and he really gets in her face about it, and then Edward comes to her defense and then later beats up Tyler since Tyler wouldn't apologize.  That is all i can remember and i have looked through all my fave highschool fics and i just can't figure out what story it is.  Any help would be awesome!



Found it....

Through His Eyes »
Carlisle's moved to Forks in hopes of taming Edward's ways. But it seems it will take more than a new town to help Edward deal with the horrors of his past. Edward is weary of getting close to people but will Bella change that for Edward? AH
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 33 - Words: 370,856 - Reviews: 1152 - Updated: 5-14-11 - Published: 10-22-09 - Edward & Bella



Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 9:13 AM

This is it for me. 

Seven years of post-secondary education on the American semester system, which equals fourteen finals periods. Fourteen fortnights of tearing my hair out, procrastinating, getting way more interested in TV on DVD (back then) or netflix (now) than I could ever possibly be in what I was writing about. 

There are four days, one 30-page paper and one 24-question take-home exam standing between me and never being on the wrong side of a finals period again. 

But my god, these last weeks of the term never stop sucking. They NEVER STOP SUCKING. 

Tell me your finals horror stories. Are you in finals right now? Just finished them? What did you pull off? Are you a terrible procrastinator, or one of those people who turns in the papers two days early? Do you stay up all night? 

Or just come in and whine about how much finals suck. That's okay too. 

(posted w/ permission of jennyfly)


Did you read it?

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 7:30 AM

My thoughts inside. Spoilers ahead



How about AngryBadger Girl

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 6:52 AM

I would love to know if she plans to finish TNGUS


does anyone know what happened to danieller123?

Tuesday May 10, 2011 at 12:43 AM

i have been reading briar patch, under the apple tree mini and lunesta and noticed that they were no longer on ff. i also saw that dani pulled her ff profile and all her blogs. does anyone know what happened?


What's your guilty pleasure?

Monday May 9, 2011 at 6:28 PM

Hello lovelies, I hope you are all having a good start to the week! Just four more days 'til Friday :0) This campfire is all about reading and guilty pleasures. We all know what I'm talking about. That book or book series you are addicted to (or used to be in love with) that is kinda embarassing to admit to. Perhaps the front cover is a little risque? Perhaps the writing isn't that great, but just hooks you in somehow with the storyline? Maybe it's a total departure from what you normally read? For me, it's anything by Lora Leigh. I especially love the Breeds series. The series actually beings with Taming the Beast:

But the first one I read was Megan's Mark and now I'm on Navarro's Promise:

Her other series about Navy Seals is also good. The books all have kinda the same formula, but something about them just hooks me in. I come back to them every few months and read the new releases. So tell me, what is your literary guilty pleasure?


An HG Casting That Excites Me...

Monday May 9, 2011 at 1:55 PM

Stanley Tucci will be playing Caesar Flickerman the "the smooth-talking, just this side of oily interviewer at the annual Hunger Games."

Personally, I am excited with this casting. I loooove Stanley Tucci and I think this role is perfect for him.

What about you?

What about President Snow's casting?

And for the love of peeta who the hell is gonna play Haymitch and Cinna dammit?!





Source: ew.com


movie meets fanfiction

Monday May 9, 2011 at 11:06 AM

so hi!!!

today i was into the  mood of comedy 

i was browsing the net i ran into drew barrymore and her films

i've always loved when fanfics are very similar to some movies 

and i was wondering do u know any fics that have some of 'ever after' and 'never been kissed' material?

i'd really be extremelly thankful 

i love both so please if anyone know anything please come in and share it w/me


FF Sneak Peek

Monday May 9, 2011 at 10:47 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


What are the "IT" fics at the moment

Monday May 9, 2011 at 10:44 AM

what are the popular fics everyone's reading? I feel Soooo out of the loop.


what turns a woman on? fanfic for one.

Monday May 9, 2011 at 10:14 AM

Just read this articile on CNN website and since it includes speaking of fanfic I thought I'd bring it over and

see what alot of intelligent ladies thought? I know my brain is like a jet's cockpit when it comes to sex, what

about yours?

"The male sexual brain is like a single toggle switch, whereas the female sexual brain is like the cockpit of an F1 fighter jet," Gaddam said. "There are tons of dials and instruments, and there's sophisticated calibration going on."

To fully appreciate this, feast your eyes on these two real search histories from America Online users:

MAN: college cheerleaders; cheerleaders in Hawaii; pics of bikinis and girls; pretty girls in bikinis; girls suntanning in bikinis; college cheerleader pics in bikinis; noooooooo; christian advice on lust

WOMAN: orlando bloom as vampire fanfiction; 321 sex chat; kingdom of heaven fanfiction; cinderella wedding dresses; gossip on orlando bloom; legolas erotica; legolas heterosexual erotica; evil orlando bloom dark fanfiction

As you can see, this woman tends to prefer stories ("fanfiction," or narratives based on existing movies/TV/literature) much more than the man, who searches for specific images. The majority of these stories are romantic and lightly erotic, but plenty of women like graphic erotic stories, too. In the search above you can see this one gal is particularly interested in Legolas from "Lord of the Rings" and the actor who portrays him: Orlando Bloom. And there's a lot of conversation that goes on among women about erotic stories about the inner feelings of the characters, whereas men consume porn alone and don't talk about the aesthetics, Gaddam said.

"Male erotica is a solitary enterprise, and female erotica is a social enterprise," Ogas said.


Oldies but Goodies

Monday May 9, 2011 at 8:25 AM


Morning, Campers!

It's time for the LAST read-a-long fire for Faking It by spanglemaker!

Anyone who has ever read it should pop on in and chat!!

No worries about spoilers this time - we're done!


Please note: I'm gonna be taking a teeny break from the read-a-longs...I'll be travelling a lot over the next few weeks and will still be around the forest, but not consistently enough for the read-a-long. We'll resume soon...in the meantime, think up some stories that you'd like to read this way.  I'll be calling on you! =)


FF Fail??

Monday May 9, 2011 at 7:28 AM

I can't upload a new chapter...

Odd thing: Every OTHER FF page I go to loads fine, but my page loads with errors. I can log in, but I can't get past the My Doc area.

Help? Anyone? Bueller?

(is this limited to me?)



Challenge: Find me a devastating book?

Monday May 9, 2011 at 6:00 AM

And when i say devastating I'm talkin' heart/gut wrenching, cry-my-eyes-out for days sort of book?


Puh puh puh lease? 

I'm in that sad book/sad song sorta mood I guess 


if only he kept going 



edit: thank you all so much for your suggestions! I really appreciate it 


cause i know i'm bad but i'm perfectly good at it

Sunday May 8, 2011 at 9:19 PM

so everyone out there that love___

Jensen Ackles  (dean *Supernatural*)

Kellan Lutz (emmett *Twilight*)

Penn Badgley (dan *Gossip Girl*)

Paul Wesley (stefan *The Vampire Diaries*)

Iwan Rheon (jamie *Misfits*)

Jared Leto (30 Seconds to Mars)

Eddie Redmayne (gordy *The Yellow handkerchief*)

Robert Pattinson (jacob *Water For Elephants*) ( i put WFE cause i'd be too much twilight bs evrybody here knows he's edward , duh!)

Aaron Johnson ( dave *Kick-Ass*)

Brad Pitt (i dont think this guy needs it)

Alex Pettyfer (kyle *Beastly*)

Pharrell Williams (N.E.R.D)

here's a little something i found messing around on youtube it's an mazing vid it blew my mind!!



I really want to understand ...

Sunday May 8, 2011 at 5:56 PM

.. why do authors so often stop writing just before their stories are finished? Im hoping that some of you authors here at the forest can explain it to me, coz as a reader it is driving me ever so slightly insane to invest myself in a story (sometimes very heavily) and then be left hanging and never see the story resolved Or the writer returns to the story eventually after many, many months but does not seem to have the same love of the story and it can have the feeling of being quickly wrapped up just to say it is finished (a little like my Masters thesis, but I digress ...!)

Please, do not get me wrong: I do not want this campfire to be a whinge (apart from my little whinge above, heh, heh) but I am interested in hearing from those of you who write fanfiction and who may have struggled with this. I have been reading fanfiction for quite a number of years now and I have seen this happen time and time again, so it must be something which is common to the writing process. Is it that you get bored with the characters? Or that the plot ending no longer seems right? To me, the most common thing I have seen is that writers stop writing at the point that the major tension in the plot is resolved so that seems to be very relevant to this.

Anyway, if you can bring some insight to this issue, I would love to hear from you... Thanks!


I could never see it

Sunday May 8, 2011 at 5:36 PM

Over the year I've been a camper here I've read campfires that mentioned SM's interest in having Henry Cavill play Edward, but I just couldn't see it.


That was until I stumbled upon this pic tonight....maybe she had a point?


So could you see Henry, or anyone else for that matter, playing Edward?

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