
Songs from a Room

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 8:54 AM just posted audio of Robert singing from a past Songs from a Room gig.

When I first heard Robert sing, I wasn't expecting that kind of gravely quality that comes with it.
From what I hear, he needs a little practice vocally hitting his falsetto, but with it he'll be fine.
Songs from a Room is, of course, an event that allows upstart musicians to showcase their music in an intimate environment in a - you guessed it - a seeekrit living room.  Many musicians have come through to perform.
ETA:  Previously released video:
Oh, how I'd love to be a fly on that wall. 
Or actually PERFORM my music there. 
Maybe someday.
So what do ya think?  Who do you think he sounds like?  I have a couple of musicians in mind, but he's not quite there in terms of reaching a full on comparison.  Think he sounds like a wailing cat with a conch shell in it's mouth?  I know a couple who wouldn't mind saying that.

For the Love of Mr. Darcy & Mr. Thornton

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 7:22 AM


Rec me some P&P/N&S fanfiction.



BTW I'm already reading  a heart of milton. ETA: Purple ranger approved.




Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 7:13 AM

These puppies are SO CUTE. And you can watch them waddle around, and climb on top of each other. 
I have watched these puppies for hours. And I am not ashamed to admit it! Do you watch them? Do you have a puppy of your own?? 
Also approved by the delightful Ms Jennyfly! 

Alex Skarsgard on the cover of GQ!!

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 6:25 AM

I cannot even tell you how much I LOVE this man...and now after these photos...I am officially *DEAD*

More in the comments...

Come drool with me and talk True Blood!!!!!!!


FF story requests

Monday May 16, 2011 at 10:03 PM


Edward and Bella Stuck

Monday May 16, 2011 at 7:50 PM

Hello my twilight peeps! Looking for a huge story hookup from you guys. Any stories where Bella and Edward are stuck together. Are they on an island, trapped in an elevator, snowed in together in a cabin, captured by crazy people and locked in a basement. Whatever it is I want to know about it. I know you guys will help me out as you are amazingly wonderful!! Ok....ready.....set.....go!


Monday May 16, 2011 at 4:35 PM

So, I have been thinking about a fic I started reading a while ago, but can't remember the name or if it is still on... The story line was this: Bella comes to Forks and she is blind or deft I don't remember. She has special powers-physical and mental shields. She meets Carlisle in a party with her father... and I stopped there. Please help me remember the name of this fic.


Thank you so much!!


Watcha Waiting For???

Monday May 16, 2011 at 4:32 PM

Over the past few months I have become one of those readers that totally shies away from most work-in-progress fics.

I've been a bit singed over the years by reading really good stories that suddenly and inexplicably stop updating with regularity or get pulled several chapters from the conclusion.

I totally understand and appreciate that real life invades and writing fan fic is a selfless gift the writers give, but I get really involved and hate to be left hanging. I also get sad when there are super long periods between updates and I have to go back and re-read several chapters to even remember what is going on in the first place.

So I am wondering two things:

1. What fantastic unfinished fics are you currently reading that have fairly regular updates? (Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, DAILY!!!)

2. Who are the authors that you feel really confident will update regularily when they start a new fic? (For me my first answer to this queston is Bratty Vamp- the girl is golden. Great stories, quick updates and general awesomeness!!!)


i am no bird, and no net ensnares me.

Monday May 16, 2011 at 2:58 PM

ADF presents the BBC's 2007 production of jane eyre part 1: a campfire watchalong



darlings, it's time for another watchalong.

here's a nice summary of the story, for those of you who've never read/seen it: (from wikipedia. lol wikipedia, but it's a decent summary)

It is a novel often considered ahead of its time due to its portrayal of the development of a thinking and passionate young woman who is both individualistic, desiring for a full life, while also highly moral.

Jane evolves from her beginnings as a poor and plain woman without captivating charm to her mature stage as a compassionate and confident whole woman. As she matures, she comments much on the complexities of the human condition. Jane also has a deeply pious personal trust in God, but is also highly self-reliant. Although Jane suffers much, she is never portrayed as a damsel in distress who needs rescuing. For this reason, it is sometimes regarded as an important early feminist (or proto-feminist) novel.

don't tell me that doesn't intrigue you!

throw in the mystery of the story, some sexy verbal sparring and the dark raincloud that is edward rochester, and you get one of the best-loved gothic novels of our time.

this version stars toby stephens as the stormy rochester and ruth wilson as jane eyre. get in here and watch it. and comment as you go. (oh, and we're stopping after the first 57 minutes if you're watching your dvd)


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FF Sneak Peek

Monday May 16, 2011 at 9:12 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Weekend Recap

Monday May 16, 2011 at 6:11 AM

So it's been a few months weeks since I've asked y'all what you did on your weekend.

Granted my weekend is Saturday and Tuesday, but wth.

What did you do? What or who did you see? Anything fun/interesting happen?

Mine will be in the comments.


Does this story exist?

Monday May 16, 2011 at 1:23 AM

I am seeing a story in my head that I want to read.    Is there anything like this out right now (or in the past)??

Edward left Bella just like in New Moon.  That's where is takes a MAJOR AU turn.   He comes back 16ish years later to find out that he has a teenage son that is a bit of a handful. Edward not only has to deal with the fact that he left Bella pregnant and he has a child (major guilt) but he has to deal with MAJOR teenage attitude from a son who has grown to hate him over the years because of what he (Edward) did to Bella by leaving her.


Got a complaint?

Sunday May 15, 2011 at 5:38 PM

Hellooooooooooooo lovely campers!

I have been too busy lately. Much much much too busy.

That's my biggest complaint. TOO BUSY. NEED MORE R&R TIME!

hmrph. Now tell us dear campers.....

What do you complain about more than anything else?



(oh and by the way-we may just be working on some really incredible upgrades to the site.)


Recs Please

Sunday May 15, 2011 at 5:04 PM

I have kind of a strange request. I'm going to Europe in a couple of weeks and I need fic recs for the trip.

I recently bought a Kindle and was introduced to the wonder that is It's a bit tedious since you have to send each page individually so here's my problem.

I'm lazy. I don't want stories that are 50 chapters long. I want more bang for my buck I guess. My request is recs for stories that are:

1. Completed

2. 100k+

3. 20ish chapters

4. AH only, canon couples as the main pairing

Or if you can't abide by these rules, convince me why I should break them for a particular story.

FYT (well mine mostly be hopefully you enjoy it too):



Sunday May 15, 2011 at 1:12 PM

Hi Campers.

As you may or have probably not noticed, I haven't been around lately.  I won't get into that now, but anyway, it is not my normal behavior to drop the ball and so I wanted to apologize if any of you feel I did that in any way.

BUT, now I want to ask you to help me out with something.

My beautiful daughter is turning 13 in eight days and she is having a miserable time right now. Due to many circumstances out of her control, now is just not good. I obviously try my best to make things better, but I am not all that successful. I am mom therefor I do not understand. Plus, I can't change everything to make it perfect, sadly that isn't possible.

Anyhow, a few months ago we moved and she has a new room. She hasn't done anything with it, so I have picked up some things to make it pretty for her and I am going to surprise her by spending her birthday home while she is at school making it cool with all of the crazy things she likes. (I am quite awesome, so I am confident)

This is where I need your help. She has this huge, empty bulliton board in her room that was here when we got here. I want to fill it will things that might make her feel better. Positive messages and pictures that she can look at when she is sad as a reminder of how awesome it is to be her. While most kids would do this on their own, I think if I would get the ball rolling, it would help. She might come out of her shell.

I know that these things are all over tumblr, and I want to know what IS YOUR FAVORITE. What is your favorite quote, picture, thoughts, etc, that make you think that everything is going to be all right, make you feel wonderful. True, positive, empowering messages for someone trying to find their place in the world at a time when it seems so hard.

Remember, she is just thirteen. If I can arm her with as much as I can, I will. I just want her to realize that she can do anything in the world.


Pulling Fics

Sunday May 15, 2011 at 12:13 PM

Hey there!

I've been reading about a lot of authors recently pulling their fics for one reason or another.  I was wondering if there were any recently completed fics that are going to be pulled in the next couple of weeks.  I have over 500 stories on my TBR list and I don't want to miss any!



ADF AUTHORS raise $$ for TSUNAMI victims

Sunday May 15, 2011 at 9:59 AM

Surely by now you've all heard of

Well, the final list of contributors is in, and I'm proud to announce that several featured ADF vip authors have donated their time to write stories for the compilation available to monitary contributors of this charity.

You can get all the details you need by clicking the banner above, but the basics are: send proof of donation to the organization in exchange for a full catalog of all contributed stories by 209 authors from various fandoms.

But I specifically want to recognize our ADF authors! If I was able to find a banner for their Tsunami contribution, I included it, otherwise, their ADF icon links to their Storytelling page where you can read all the fics they've got stored here in the Forest.








I understand that there is still plenty of time to donate!



Sunday May 15, 2011 at 1:59 AM

I'm looking for a story, and I don't even know if it exists but anyway.

I just watched Housboat, with Cary Grant and Sophia Loren and I'd love if there was a fic like that. Bella/Edward or Bella/Jasper where he's a widower with a couple of young children he's a little estranged from, he doesn't really know how to raise them alone. And she's the woman who comes in to be their maid, purely because she likes the children not that she particularly likes him to begin with. But it turns into a wonderful love story full of ups and downs :).

Is this out there? they don't have to live on a houseboat lol


And another one's gone?

Saturday May 14, 2011 at 9:46 PM

Once again, my favorites list is down by one, and I can't figure out what fic is missing. Does anybody know what may have been pulled within the last 24 hours or so?


My My Look How You've Grown

Saturday May 14, 2011 at 9:05 PM

Yesterday was Robert Pattinson's 25th birthday.  Of course there was a campfire for him, but I was quite surprised by it.  In the past, a birthday post devoted to Rob would have been stickied to the top and garnered hundreds of comments.  There were 19 comments in yesterdays thread, and it was quickly lost in the shuffle of FFAF.

It made me realize how much this site has evolved.

When ADF was launched it was a predominately twilight site (other vamps were allowed but we all know we came for twilight).  A majority of the threads centered on the actors, movies and books, but now you are almost hard pressed to find a campfire of the sorts. 

Fanfic seems to have taken over as our main focus, but even that has some stiff competition.  The ever popular Free For All is what everyone craves. 

It is actually these types of campfires that keep me coming back.  No longer obsessed with Rob or fanfic, it is all the other things this site has to offer that I adore.  Not to mention the people.

So tell me campers:

How long have you and ADF been in a deep committed relationship?

What has changed the most for you, and what is it about this site that keeps you spellbound? 

Come share all the things you love about ADF.

Things you miss from the past, what you get most excited over right now, and what you'd love to see in the future.

If nothing else, come in here and make some new friends.  I don't care if you are brand spankin new or a mouldy oldie like me, come say hello.

I think this is allowed.  maybe.  I hope.  omg don't yell at me.

eta: ADF's original logo for your time!

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