
Show me yer NESSIE

Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 11:01 PM

C'mon. gimme a reason to stop --for at least a second-- thinking she is nothing more than a ridiculous plot device thrown in to support gender-role stereotyping and convenient happily-ever-afters.


(post fic links with summaries, fanvids, yanno-whatever)


Fangirl moments...

Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 6:34 PM

Okay, so last night I saw...OMFGSOFREAKINGAMAZING!!!!...Jimmy Eat World.


Fangirling and photos inside...


you, you strange, you almost unearthly thing!

Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 2:58 PM

the BBC's production of jane eyre, episode 3: a campfire watchalong


oh, intrigue. why does rochester pay such attention to miss eyre when there are rue mclanahans miss blanche ingrams to be had? what is he playing at?

why does he compare women to birds all the time?

what's with the fire(s)?

can adele get any more annoying?

come, gentle camper. we are halfway through this seemingly straightforward love story.

jamie bell in the newer jane eyre for your time:

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ADF Help Desk

Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 12:35 PM

It is that time again.

Have you forgotten the name of a fanfic?

Is there a type of fanfic you are looking for?

Is there something you have always wanted to ask about but were afraid you would sound stupid asking for help?


We are here to help your tired brains find fanfictions, fit your fancies and just help you answer those burning questions.

Those of you who know a lot, I ask you to be experts at our Help Desk

Those of you with questions, ask away!



First look at jlaw as katniss

Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 12:23 PM  have just released this pic and interview of our katniss

In a free-wheeling interview, Lawrence describes her first encounter with Ross last winter, during the height of Oscar season. “He was asking me what the experience was like,” she recalls, “and I just kind of opened up and said, ‘I feel like a rag doll. I have hair and makeup people coming to my house every day and putting me in new, uncomfortable, weird dresses and expensive shoes, and I just shut down and raise my arms up for them to get the dress on, and pout my lips when they need to put the lipstick on.’ And we both started laughing because that’s exactly what it’s like for Katniss in the Capitol. She was a girl who’s all of a sudden being introduced to fame. I know what that feels like to have all this flurry around you and feel like, ‘Oh, no, I don’t belong here.’”

When Lawrence was offered the role, she describes her response as a mixture of elation — and desperate anxiety. “I knew that as soon as I said yes, my life would change,” she says. “And I walked around an entire day thinking ‘It’s not too late, I could still go back and do indies, I haven’t said yes yet, it’s not too late.’”

And yet, who can turn their back on Katniss? “I love this story,” she says, “and if I had said no, I would regret it every day.” After officially signing on, Suzanne Collins herself called to offer a starstruck Lawrence her most hearty congratulations. “I feel like when you said yes,” the author told her, “the world got lifted off my shoulders.”


What do you think campers? Excited?Ambivalent? Converted? or already a fan?

I'm just grateful it's better than the first twilight promos



Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 10:22 AM


We all miss AngiJ and her wonderful HUMPDAY GAMES.

I'm hoping she won't mind if we kinda, sorta, start them up again.  There are so many new fics to play with this time around.



(who, what, where, when, whatever)

EX: (because it's me...)


Mrs. Robbinson



I hope this turns out well.....


Pick me Up

Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 10:02 AM

Ok so I need a Pick Me up.  I am at work where an unspeakable accident occurred yesterday so the mood around the office is quite glum.  I need something to lift my spirits I need a FUN Happy story.  I have a TBR list but it is 4 pages front and back and by the time I get to it, well you get the point.  So PLEASE rec me something with a fun confident Bella and a cocky Edward, preferably high school or college, younger than 30 at least.  A story that makes you laugh, where they are all friends, hang in bars, banter back and forth and so on.  I want them to know they are perfect for each other ( none of that Bella that thinks shes below him). I just currently read Resisting Edward and Seducing Edward, I loved them so I am kinda going for Drunkward.  Whatever please I am begging for something good.


Thanks for your time and i cant put in pics from my work computer  or I would....sry!


A Lost Fic... Again...

Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 9:37 AM

Hey guys!

I know this has been done a million times now but it's been bugging me for a long time. So,  Bella is a poor girl who works at a library. Esme and Mike work there too. Edward is an angel he she sees him when she leaves the library after her night shift. He has no shoes on like every other angel but Bella doesn't know he is an angel. I can't remember much but they have an amazing night at the angel land, they dance and what not. Later, Edward defies some rules about not taking Bella's life so other angels take him. At the end he becomes a human and they live happily. I know it's long and missing a lot but that is all I remember.

Hope someone can help. Here is something pretty as a thank you.


Oldest Virgin on Earth

Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 7:54 AM

I know that Edward was 107 when he finally lost his virginity. That has to be a record right? I know alot of people have written fic about Edward and Bella not waiting until marriage or about Edward being a manwhore. The point of this campfire is a few things really. I would love to hear your first time stories. We all know how it went for Bella and Edward. Also I want to know if any of you waited until marriage like Edward, or if any of you are still waiting? Are your reasons the same as his? Was it or is it a morality thing?



Come in and share with me please. Be nice and no judging either!


Cougar alert!

Wednesday May 18, 2011 at 7:13 AM

Last week, Rob turned 25. And over the years, he's only grown hotter!

But how about when he was a wee lad?

Let's share Rob's pre-Twilight cuteness! Or other occasions where he looks young-ish...


*Ranger edit- no armpit hair pics allowed. You know the ones I'm talkin 'bout.


creative toilet signs

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 8:20 PM






Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 5:41 PM


what sounds good? what's for dinner? what's your favorite thing to eat?

pictures or it isn't a proper porn post.

i'm very excited for dinner. it rained, so that means i made chicken soup.

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i went to the farmer's market and got zucchini, yellow squash, maui sweet onions (omg i didn't realize they were in season, these are the best things to cook with EVER), red potatoes, sweet, delicious carrots, celery hearts and a crapload of sweet red/orange/yellow peppers.

i also added some fresh bay leaves and thyme from the garden and a little black pepper. just gotta shred the chicken, and we're good to go.

now, what's homemade chicken soup without a nice, crusty french baguette or two? and some wine? and fresh strawberries and watermelon and diet coke afterward?

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there'd better be some waffles up in here when i get back.


Hard Bitten

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 4:27 PM

Is anybody here reading the Chicagoland Vampires series?

The 4th book Hard Bitten came out this month and I am looking for opinions, comments, theories.



then and now

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 3:18 PM

so, we've seen kids on movies but happen what happen when they grow up?

do we ever see them again?, how they will look like if we do? 

so i put together so pics i found

so take a look..

our very own kristen stewart


natalie portman

more in comments..


Rob on the Graham Norton Show

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 3:06 PM

I never thought I'd post a Rob interview ever, anywhere, but seeing as no-one else has (at least I don't think so) then I will. 

This is from the Graham Norton Show that aired on May 6th, 2011 and includes Rob and Reese as well as Shappi Khorsandi (a comedian) and Hugh Laurie (House).


Rob comes on at around 4:45 and he's on throughout the show. I'll post the rest of the episode inside.

i would always rather be happy than dignified.

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 2:59 PM

ADF presents the BBC's jane eyre, episode 2: a campfire watchalong

well, what did we all think? kind of a tragic beginning for our intrepid heroine, no?

what'd you think of rochester? bit different from other romantic heroes we've watched, eh?

now, let's go see what happens after jane eyre saves her employer from being burnt to a crisp...

and if you cheated and watched ahead, it's okay. i forgive you.

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Hard to get bella

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 12:54 PM

I've read my fair share of twilight fanifc but I'm trying to find something angsty or with a more strong willed bella. I've read too many where Bella gives in too quick. Give me the slow burn.

Sooo Im sure ya'll can help me out!


Srs Bsns Ahead

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 12:17 PM

So, if any of you are feeling courageous, there's something I'd like to talk about. By now, lots of you have probably heard about Satoshi Kanzawa's recent post on Psychology Today's website: Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women? (The post has been removed by PT, so the link is to a different site where the full text is still up). 

We can probably all agree that this article is a bunch of pseudoscientific, racist nonsense (sorry, I haven't had a chance to vent my rage). But reading it got me thinking about something that's been discussed in the fandom before--whiteness/paleness in Twilight as the ultimate standard of beauty. 

What do you guys think? Is it problematic? Is the paleness incedental or integral to the beauty? Are vampires just pale because they're dead, and everyone's making too big of a deal about it? 

I'm interested to hear your thoughts.


Didn't I Just Do This?

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 11:43 AM

Okay, the first thing I'm going to do after posting this campfire is to go and start downloading every single fic on my favorites list, because this is getting ridiculous. This morning I noticed that my favorites is ONCE AGAIN down by one--I'm down to 122 on the list now. Help me find the missing fic? Please?

(BTW, does anybody know when the next amnesia campfire is due? I keep forgetting to ask for help finding a particular story...)

Ranger edit: We'll do an amnesia campfire Wednesday afternoon :-)

^^^Thank you!^^^


Don't make plans for May 21st!

Tuesday May 17, 2011 at 9:39 AM

Hi Campers! Usually I just lurk about, but I heard this morning that the world is supposed to end (AGAIN!) this Saturday, May 21st... So my first thought was Hell! We'll never get to see all the smoochin on isle Esme and the Demon Spawn!  I already got the day off!  Have any of you heard about this silliness?  Are you going to have a party?!  Do you think they'll show Breaking Dawn in Heaven or in Hell?! 

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