
Story Time!

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 9:01 AM

Halawia and I have been inspired by this piece of amazingness to start a campfire dedicated to v. serious dramatic readings of our favorite fics. It will be like karaoke, except without the music.

So, everyone come play! Come in and make requests, take requests, whatever you like. Vocaroo can help us share our reader's theater experience. 

Let's go!


this CF is dedicated to spanglemaker9.

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 8:23 AM



this is a topic very close to my and spanglemaker9's heart.

i assume you don't mind it, either.

so please. do indulge us and share your favorites.

and please, feel free to spam over and over and over and over and over and...



classic brits for your time:

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my king for your time:

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my lord and master for your time: 


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Theresa L Cullen

Giggle Snort Awards

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 6:35 AM

Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to stop by and let you know GiggleSnort is hosting their Second Annual Awards for funniest fics in the fandoms. This year they are accepting nominations from all fandoms as well as original works and highly encourage that you nominate! Nominations will be taken up to June 10, 2011.


Thanks all-



Where'd they go

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 5:38 AM

I've read Lolashoes fics many times, and I am completely obsessed with them. I have PDF files of A Life Extraordinary and This Hungry World already, however I have been searching for months now for Let Your Love Shine and My Yes My No, and can't find files anywhere. Please help me, I go away in 2 months on a 6 month deployment and would love to have these fics on my Kindle to read whenever I can.

Also there was a fic that has recently disappeared from FF, I was only 5 chapters in when it went. I think it was called Bella's Secret, she has a passionate fling with Jasper while he's home from college, Bella's 18 Jasper's 23 (i think), he leaves to go back and she finds out she's pregnant. Bella keeps it a secret for 6 months, then Jasper comes home and finds out, they end up together in the end after some angst, and the baby is a girl called Alexa (again i think). This has just dissappeared from my favourites and I would love if anyone could help me find either another thread or a PDF link so I could actually finish reading it.


Thankyou xx


Missin fics

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 5:15 AM

When I was new to Twilight I read two fics. On twilighted net, probably and they were never completed. But maybe they are somewhere else.

1. Edward attacks Bella the fist day (I think it happens in the bathroom). The Cullens intervene. Bella is very angry, and damage control is practically impossibe. She wants an explanation and visits him at home (I think she wants to shoot him). Under his brothers' control they manage to speak to each other. I don't remember much, save for the fact that their relationship slowly progresses from there. The point is that I have never read a fic where a vampire bloodlust has been described so well. And, even if the story is unfinished, I would like to reread it.

It is indeedCarpe noctem&fiat lux by Queensofgrey (Link inside) Thank you, everybody. It is strange, though. I read it till the end and the  non HEA upset me so much (It might have been her intention, but the plot did not warrant it - It was not like Ultio) that I removed it completely from my memory. Now, checking, I see that she did add an alternative epilogue, so maybe I was not the only one upset.

2. Edward is a Volturi guard sent to Forks to spy on the Cullens. Bella is a barmaid. The interesting part of the stori is Edward's "inhumanity". He is really clueless abot relationships of any kind, not  to speak of love and friewndship. He is like a man from Mars and can't understand what is happening to him, why the Cullens are so different and why he is attracted to Bella (and she to him). At a certain point we discover that one of his task for the Voltury had been the destruction of immortal children, and that has also devastated him deeply. It was a very good story.

So, it indeed was De Anima by Audeamus Amor. Thanks a lot to Ahneiiah. The fic was never completed and it is a real pity. God, I so wish authors would not do that but left a note at least saying why they are disappearing.

(Thanks to everybody and sorry for the spelling mistakes in this post. When I write quickly it shows that I am not a native English speaker, LOL)


Hallett Hall Fic Rec!

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 4:50 AM

I’m going to try and sell Hallett Hall.  I know this fic has been mentioned here on ADF before, but I still believe it is woefully underappreciated.  I’ve never been much for advertising, but this fic is worthy of my efforts, so here goes.

So, I like angst.  The thing is, I like very well-written, thoughtful and most of all BELIEVABLE angst.  I don’t like to continually roll my eyes while reading a story.  I like to clutch my heart and wipe tears from my eyes and think to myself this is so heartbreaking.  Hallett Hall is one of the very few fics that has ever gripped me in this way.  What is truly amazing about this fic is the journeys these characters take in both the past and the present.  Each chapter is written in two parts, the present part, which shows the characters dealing with what happened in their pasts, and the past, which shows us how the characters have gotten to the point that they are at.  But it goes much deeper than that.  Without giving too much away, each character more or less does a role reversal between the past and the present.  The Edward of the past is the Bella of the present and vice versa.  And to see how the character’s lives have transformed in such a way is an amazing thing, if not entirely heartbreaking.  But the author takes such care in telling her story that it all makes such perfect sense, even if you do want to scream and yell and tear your hair out.  Truly, it is a beautiful story of how love changes us, even when we fight hard to deny it.  And the best part about it is I’m pretty sure there’s going to be a HEA. 

Oh, did I mention that Bella is pretty bad ass?  She’s a free-spirited, Birkenstock loving, tie-die wearing Hippy chick and Edward is an adorable bookworm.  So yeah…give it a try.  If you like angst, I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. 
(I hope I did this story justice.  Like I said…I’m not good at advertising, lol)


On our first night away at college, Bella Swan, thinking the room was her own, drunkenly stumbled into my bed. She was broken and I wanted to fix her. I loved her for four years before she left. Never did I expect her to come back, but she surprised me.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 25 - Words: 214,292 - Reviews: 605 - Updated: 5-10-11 - Published: 11-2-10 - Bella & Edward



Thursday May 26, 2011 at 2:33 AM

(98% sure we've had one of these before....but felt the need for another one, and I'm so sure this is allowed cause it relates to twilight :D)

Just found this on tumblr:

(pic links back to the source)

Share other fun manips (or just really good ones) you've found to do with Twilight or the actors :)


Fan Fic Shelf Life

Wednesday May 25, 2011 at 9:06 PM

So lately I've been feeling... kinda old. Like fandom old, which is just a bizarre feeling, btw. While there are many who punched the clock earlier than me, I guess I've been around long enough now to see a lot. Like I've seen the rise and fall of fics and trends and even authors. It's an interesting process from an observer's / data collector's standpoint.

But the fic part is what I want to talk about here.


Over the past...many... months, we've had a lot of "favorites" campfires (I think one pops up at least once per week or so). But in these various campfires, I've noticed that some (read: a lot of) people's tastes and preferences and "favorites" change from campfire to campfire. At the same time, via twitter, LJ, ADF, other comm's, etc, I've watched a lot of "it" fics blow up, be all the rage for a few months, only to then fizzle out over time.

And this is... kinda different from "real" books (at least in my experience and observation). As ever, such things intrigue me. So let's talk about why these life cycles exist in ffn but not so much (or rather, don't cycle as quickly maybe) outside of...

1. How long does an average fic (WIP) hold your interest?

2. How about a "good" or "awesome" fic?

3. Think back to your "favorites" from say... 6 months ago. Has your top 5 changed? What about from a year ago? Or 2 yrs?

4. Why do you think that is, re: #3?

5. What's your fic "memory"? I.e. how long do you remember details of fics you've read?

6. What about "real books"? Do you follow any series? How long have you followed / maintained interest? What do you think the difference is between your interest level / committment is to those versus your "favorite" fics?  

My responses down page.



Ldders and Lace Fic

Wednesday May 25, 2011 at 8:32 PM

I'm looking for Ladders and Lace by Tess318, It was pulled from

Anyone have the copy ?..thank you


Anyone know?

Wednesday May 25, 2011 at 6:21 PM

Does anyone know anything about Pears13?  I know she said that she was going to be working on original stuff and working on

Stealing Second when she got writer's block. But has anyone heard anything? Is she coming back to FFic soon?


I REALLY need a rec...

Wednesday May 25, 2011 at 4:54 PM

For some over the top, believable angst with a HEA.  I'm talking the likes of:


Dead on My Feet

The Blessing & The Curse

How to Save a Life

Hallett Hall (A WIP...if you haven't read it, do so NOW!  It is a SUPERBLY written story.)


I want to laugh, cry, love, hate, want to tear my hair out and be left smiling in the end.  How's that for a request? 

(By the way...thanks for your suggestions.  My heart wants to feel SOMETHING!)


essentials, Need to Read, cannot miss

Wednesday May 25, 2011 at 1:48 PM

so, reading this, which Fanfiction is essential for you? your favorites?

the best written, the more emotive, the ones to make your top five or just your top one

to all the news (and no so new) campers, we get flood by so many recommendations, so, which one we should not miss?

which one had you in tears or laughing til you almost peed??

tell me, tell the rest of us, so we can try (big emphasis in TRY) to catch up with the older campers


all types of fics are welcome, but please, tell what type it is so we know before we start reading it

(dark, humor, angt, Drama....)


Looking for Romantic Cannon Fics please help

Wednesday May 25, 2011 at 12:40 PM

I am looking for a certain type of fic. I am looking for stories that are complete, have cannon couples, is fluffy, and actually has a good storyline. I am asking for you guys to recommend some fics to me. I want stories that are enjoyable to read without a lot of angst. I don't mind some angst as long as it's resolved fairly quickly. I want stories where Edward is not a total whore. I don't mind if they have had sex with other people but I don't want to read discriptions of the sex. I would prefer if sex with anyone else happens before Bella and Edward meet. I don't mind a good angsty story but right now I am desprately looking for some romance and happiness. I will give some examples of stories that I have read that are like what I am looking for.

-Angel in the Attic by closettwilighter1

-Bella Swan: Kidnapper by Kambria Rain

-Don't Take the Girl by Sparklingwand

-Naughty Secrets by A Little Distracted

-Such Great Heights by SydneyAlice

-This is Not My Life by isakassees

-Unexpected Awakenings by Totteacher

-What's up, doc? by CaraNo


-Last Tango in Forks by Awesomesauce76

These are all fics that I really enjoyed without feeling like killing either Edward or Bella (though sometimes I thought about maybe slapping them around a little) or going through a box of tissues. Anyway, if there's a fic out there that seems to fit what I am looking for I would be very grateful if you would post the name of it, the author, and most importantly... where it is located (FanFiction, TWCS, Twilighted).

Thanks so much!


Fandom for Tsunami Compilation

Wednesday May 25, 2011 at 8:19 AM

Has everyone started reading the outtakes from the Tsunami Compilation? I so appreciate all of the trouble the organizers went through to get the files to us, and the authors for their amazing contributions. What I want to know is, which outtakes have you read? Which ones are your favorites so far? I've read the ones from "The Best I Ever Had" and "Emancipation Proclamation" and thought they were both great. Comment on your faves inside!


**I don't know how to go through a ranger to start a campfire, so feel free to delete if this isn't okay!**


for writers and readers: present or past tense?

Wednesday May 25, 2011 at 3:09 AM

Hi guys!!

I've read and loved stories written in present tense as well as others written in past tense. But, as writers, what do you prefer and why? which would you suggest to achieve different effects? As readers: do you have any preference? why?

As a "writer" (*cough cough* ) I've used both, it seems to me that present tense can make the reader feel more involved in the story and in the character's thoughts (I usually love to pay a lot of attention to the characters' inner turmoil, as my betas well know LoL).

As a reader, I must admit that present/ past tense it's not the first thing that I notice in a story style. But, sometimes, reading again a story (eg "Dead on my feet" by Cesca Marie) and trying to understand why did I feel so involved reading it for the first time, I noticed that it was written in present tense...

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

- Raum from Italy


Am I the only one who thinks Rob would like this?

Tuesday May 24, 2011 at 10:01 PM

I heard this song and my first thought was "I bet Rob would like this" lol because he's ya know one of my best friends in my daily life. It's a country rap because he likes nashville and wanted to be a rapper.

Tell what you think and if you ever have moments when you think about twi-people you don't really know like i did. :)


First BD teaser poster

Tuesday May 24, 2011 at 5:02 PM

IMHO-it sucks and I didn't expect that it wouldn't. Here's a tip Summit-your audience WANTS TO SEE EDWARD ON THE DAMN POSTER.


"Go west, Young Man...

Tuesday May 24, 2011 at 4:13 PM

...and grow up with the country!" - John B.L. Soule


Gather 'round, campers!  I need some help. 


I need to move a 2 bedroom apartment across the country.  A real apartment, with real furniture (not college stuff that I can throw in a UHaul... I know how to do that).  I'm going from the beaches of Clearwater, FL to 10,000 ft above sea level in Summit County Colorado, and I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE TO START.  Looking online, there seem to be so many options for moving companies and storage and 'u pack it, we ship it' and... I'm very overwhelmed.  So here's my query: Have any of you successfully navigated a cross-country move?  Any advice for an overwhelmed newbie?  Help.


Since you are amazing, here's some old-school Rob (a la The Office and the Beautiful Bastard)... guuuhhhhh...


Approved?  Y/Y?  :o)


Dark Themes in Fanfiction

Tuesday May 24, 2011 at 12:08 PM

So I recently came across an interesting discussion topic by chance from one of my readers. I'm going somewhere with this, gimme a little here. ;)

As I was review replying, one such reader pointed out the level of dark themes in my story. If you don't know much about my one WIP fanfiction, I can tell you that I believe it to be pretty dark. 

Here is my disclaimer, to give you guys an example:

"PLEASE NOTE: This is rated MA/NC-17 for a very good reason. This story is very DARK. If you can imagine it, drugs, physical and mental violence, abuse and rape along with thoughts/acts of suicide and murder, it's in here or going to be. Please understand that it's never my intention to offend anyone or contribute to negative triggers. I will also put this message at the beginning of chapters with specifically dark scenes."

Now I thought I was working on some heavy dark themes, I mean the story itself revolves around sex slaves in the Russian Mafia. But this reader pointed out that the scenes I chose to have the disclaimer for weren't necessarily dark at all.

After some corresponding with this reader I discovered that her interpretation on dark themes varied greatly from mine.

Here is a citation of Wikepedia: "A theme is a broad idea, message, or moral of a story. The message may be about life, society, or human nature. Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas and are almost always implied rather than stated explicitly. Along with plot, character, setting, and style, theme is considered one of the fundamental components of fiction."

In my mind my story was very dark because it was the exploration of ideas that were implied rather than stated explicitly. But to my reader she felt that these ideas needed to be stated more explicitly in order to be considered a theme at all. Now don't get me wrong, I don't consider her opinion on what she finds a dark theme to be wrong. I simply think that we both are coming from two different places. And that's what started this, because I wanted to get to know where others were coming from when they think of this topic too.

Then we got into the graphicness of writing certain scenes that is the general populace of fanfiction. Which was a whole other can of worms.

So these are my discussion questions to the campers:

What is a theme in a story to you? What is graphic content in a story to you?

How do you feel, as a writer or reader, that themes should be expressed across writing in fanfiction?

Are there any themes that you feel NEED to be expressed more explicitly than others? Do you need specific scenes to convey the intensity or level of them? Do you have examples in your mind where something works or doesn't? 

Do you feel that dark themes in particular need to be graphic because it's simply the nature of the beast?

Specifically, when it comes to dark themes, what is "crossing the line" for you? How graphic, is too graphic? But what isn't graphic enough? Where is that line drawn for you?

Do you enjoy reading dark-themed fanfiction? Do you write it? What about it do you love? If you do enjoy reading, can you think of a specific one that you love, don't have to name it if you don't want, but what's the level of graphicness in the story? If you write it, can you use yours as an example? Do you think the level of graphicness adds merit to your theme? 

Do you feel the growing trend in graphic dark-themed fanfiction has changed any of YOUR above answers? Why?

Do you feel that the growing trend in graphic dark-themed fanfiction has changed any of the above answers for the general reading population of fanfiction?


Come chitter-chatter with me please. I'm very curious about what others think on the topic of dark-themed fanfiction!


Another HungerGames actor

Tuesday May 24, 2011 at 11:23 AM

The Voice behind Dobby in the Harry Potter series, Toby Jones, will be Claudius Templesmith. Interesting. 

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