

Saturday May 28, 2011 at 2:39 AM

I noticed an apple with a waist measure on it, but haven't ventured into it as I'm not sure I could keep up.  Regardless, I have to ask what type of diets people use and what really works.


My sister is doing the Atkins diet (hubby doesn't want to do it as he had done it before and gained all his weight back and then some, and I'd have a hard time counting my carbs) and claimed to had lost 20 + pounds.  I've been trying for 6 years to lose weight with no hope and I'm very jealous that something is working for her.  My doctor won't give me diet pills and claims that surgery is my only other option.  I've done that whole watching your calories, been to a nutrionist and exercising.  I exercised everyday for two years and never lost weight, even though I didn't gain either until I stop exercising.  


Any advice??  Especially on how to diet with a growing little one in the house?




Jasper/Bella stories?

Saturday May 28, 2011 at 12:18 AM

I'm looking for some good (preferably complete), multichapter Jasper/Bella stories.     Anyone got any recs??




ADF Fit Club 9/40

Friday May 27, 2011 at 8:43 PM


Hi babes!! I am posting this for Lunastarfire because she is out of town.

I hope that everyone had a good week. And if you didn't... don't worry. 


Tell me:

- How was your week?


Beautify me!

Friday May 27, 2011 at 8:27 PM

It's been a while since we had a makeup/beauty product post.  Please come in and share your favourites, advice, and secrets.  Also, come in and ask your questions.


Looking For a Fic

Friday May 27, 2011 at 7:52 PM

Okay, I'm looking for this fic called Haunted by arianawhitlock.  It was recently taken down and no matter how much I look I can't find a copy of it :( 

If any of you have a copy I would be ever grateful if you could send it ^_^

Also! I realize there are a lot of these goin on right now, so let's make this for everyone :)  If you're looking for a lost fic just put it in here, maybe someone has a copy or a link



The Hangover II

Friday May 27, 2011 at 7:30 PM

Um, why is no one talking about this?

It came out yesterday, people!

I'm seeing it tonight at 10:40 CST. SO EXCITED!

dawnmarie dreaming

calling all friends

Friday May 27, 2011 at 6:19 PM

for mother's day, my husband got me an iphone...despite my distress over any new form of technology...and now i'm addicted to it, just as i feared i would be.

soooo, i finally downloaded WORDS WITH FRIENDS and i need people to play with.  i know a lot of you gals play this, so come on in and give me your user name...or just give me some tips...or just say HI and tell me what you're doing for memorial day weekend.

after 3 tomorrow, i'll have worked 8 days in a row for a total of 72 hours, so all i'll be doing is relaxing...drinking beer, watching tv, and fooling around on the internet.

i'm dawnmarie dreaming on WWF too, come play with me.  please???


Fic Angst

Friday May 27, 2011 at 4:58 PM


Hi Campers, I recently posted two chapters that were really angsty.  So my question for tonights campfire is all about angsty fics.

- What do you see as drama vs. angst?

- If you're a reader, what helps you get through the tough parts of a story?

- If you're a writer, how do you help your readers?  Do you enjoy writing the angsty parts or just get through them to get to the next phase of your story?

- Lastly, if you read TLWH, pop in and let me know your thoughts or just say hello.


Joplin MO Tornado

Friday May 27, 2011 at 3:33 PM

As you are probably aware, on Sunday there was a massive tornado that ripped through Joplin MO. I am a math teacher at JHS. My high school was completely destroyed along with our technical center and another building in the district. This does not include the buildings that were damaged, some severely.


Video of my high school starts about 1:12 on this link.

Furthermore, there are many students and teachers in the district that lost everything. I have been working since Sunday night to locate as many of my students as I can to verify if they are safe.

Thankfully, I live outside of the city and commute everyday, so my family and home are safe.

I am not asking for anything for myself, but instead if our awesome community can pass along this information and if possible to contribute.

A fund has been set up for the teachers and students of this disaster. Donations can be made at any U. S. Bank branch across the country in which the funds will go directly to the school and its students and staff who lost everything.

There are other ways to donate directly to the Red Cross and The United Way, but I thought I would put this out because of the fact this fund goes directly to my school district and it's students and staff.

Here is our district facebook in which this is laid out and the second link is of pictures of our high school up close(hopefully the links work).

Joplin District Information

God Bless,

Holly (hermy78)


PS Thank you to our awesome Purple Ranger for okaying this.


For your enjoyment, yo.

Friday May 27, 2011 at 1:02 PM

You're welcome.

Now post us some .gifs.


happy memorial day!

Friday May 27, 2011 at 8:59 AM

memorial day free for all weekend!

have at it, kids!

here in murrica, we're celebrating memorial day. for those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically a day in which we thank and honor anyone who has valiantly given their life in the course of a war fought for the united states of america. 

american campers- how do you celebrate memorial day? what're you doing this weekend?

my kids have today off (in addition to monday, ugh), so we're going to the beach in what is possibly the most beautiful day the earth has ever seen.

then we're doing an all-out weekend bonanza of barbecuin' and boozin'. sigh... i love grill season! i've been grillin' dinner pretty much every day this week.

anyway, tell me what your plans are, and enjoy a free for all that lasts until midnight sunday!


and enjoy cee-lo covering band of horses for your time:

LJ Summers

Aliens Think Twilight is Real

Friday May 27, 2011 at 7:33 AM

Pardon me.

I am having a Weird Brain Day, courtesy of hypercaffeination (YES!!) and being the mother of two inventive sons. My day has been filled with telling tales of mushrooms that dissolve intestinal tracts as well as a very singular remote control that will trigger the end of the world. (My mind is strange. Ask any of my followers on Twitter.)


So, let's say (because hey it's Friday and who really needs to be rational, eh?) that ALIENS were investigating our planet and decided to use Twilight as a cultural reference point as they figure out how to infest/penetrate/plot a hostile takeover of Earth.

(I told you: WEIRD BRAIN DAY.)

For starters, I'm guessing they'd go to Volterra to see these guys:

the three

Only to find they aren't there and that the place actually looks like this:



Okay. So. (This will probably fall on its face but on the off-chance that I'm not the ONLY ONE IN THE FOREST having a Weird Brain Day...) What else might someone alien to current pop culture deduce from Twilight?


MTV Movie Awards Promo

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 11:04 PM

2011 MTV Movie Awards - Kristen Stewart from Brennan Stasiewicz on Vimeo.


Kristen, you're gorgeous.  But please try.

2011 MTV Movie Awards - Dan Radcliffe from Brennan Stasiewicz on Vimeo.

Dan Radcliffe thrown in for good measure.


MOTU outtakes!

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 10:09 PM

Hi everyone!

I'm a fan of is the best story i've ever read and suddenly the chapters and outtakes are gone from the website...because it's going to be published.

I haven't read 2 outtakes from EPOV..... (Edward's first Christmas as a child, and chapter 15 when they made love for the first time)

So if anyone of you have them please send them to me!!!!

I really want  to read them....



Funny personal ads/missed connections

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 2:59 PM

So I stumbled upon the Missed Connections fanfic contest and out of curiosity was looking through the Craigslist missed connections for my area.  Some of them are pretty interesting.  Some of them are really tacky.  And some are downright hilarious.  I found this one and thought you might all enjoy it (come inside to read the ad).

So this is what I propose.  Go to Craiglist.  Scroll through the personal ads or the missed connections and bring back the funniest or most interesting ones you find. 

Go!  Doo eet!  You know you want to. ;)

You never know, maybe your missed connection could be...

okay, maybe not. But it's still fun. :D

Umm... yeah and I should probably say that Craiglist ads can be unpredictable, so enter at your own risk. 


Approved by Capricorn75



Thursday May 26, 2011 at 2:03 PM

So Master of The Universe is gone..does anyone have a copy of the fic that you can send me? I would really apreciate it.. I love this story!!!


Help me stop banging my head against a wall

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 12:49 PM

I am looking for a fic I stumbled across.  And I do mean stumble.  I was looking through random author's favorite fics and came across one about Seers.   I was only  3 chapters in and then my internet crapped out on me!  So it is lost to me.  Sob!    If you can help me I will bookmark it I promise.  LOL

Ok  this is the story up to what I had read.  Renee and we find out Alice is a Seer.  Charlie was working on a project  to explore this gift and he was killed by an organization who uses seers for their own motives.  They are coming for Rene and Alice but Rene kills herself to protect them from finding the kids.  They are on the run. 

Thank you in advance for any help you can give. : )


one month

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 11:39 AM

true blood season four starts one month from today.

as a treat, some promotional art was released this morning. 


basically i just want to talk about how hot pam is.

but also let's talk about true blood. are you team bill or team eric? (like that's even a question.) post promo vids. talk about how hot pam is. did i already say that?


eta: stills from the season premiere inside. 


Michael Sheen"Aro" reads Unexpected Circumstances

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 10:28 AM

Here's Michael Sheen reading a fanfic by Savage7289 Unexpected Circumstances on VH1. Congrats Savage!




A first look at RP as Eric Packer

Thursday May 26, 2011 at 10:23 AM

Posted by David Cronenberg's daughter Cait on Twitter:

Hot off the press release! Proud! "ROBERT PATTINSON as Eric and SARAH GADON as Elise in COSMOPOLIS"


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