
Fic Diving

Tuesday May 24, 2011 at 9:52 AM

Soooo .... I'm sick at home and there's shite on TV, so I started fic diving this morning and found this:

Once a privileged heiress, Isabella Swan suddenly loses everything, including her family's prized book collection. When son of rival family Edward Cullen acquires the collection and offers her a job, she is in no position to refuse. A tentative friendship based on their mutual love for books grows complicated as they enter into an arrangement – she wants the books back; he wants her.

It's woefully under-reviewed, well written and cute.

Any other suggestions on what to read?


Abusing the right . . . .

Monday May 23, 2011 at 10:28 PM

I know, I know, frowned upon and all that. But it IS related to fanfiction . . . 

I have a huge favor to ask of the forest.

I'm in search of a beta and a banner maker. It's for a brand new story I have going. It's an AU-Vamp. But a very different vamp world. Bella is still a human, and all the Cullens are still vamps, but pretty much everything else is different. It will have a romance element, but that's not plot-centric to the story. I don't want to get into it too much because I don't want to give away the plot, but if you're interested leave me a note or PM and we'll get the ball rolling. 

Some things about me that will help you decide if I'm the author for you. I don't work on a schedule, and real life will always come first. I'm very flexible and will let you know if I'm taking a break for whatever reason, but if you like writers that get certain things to you by certain times, then I'm sorry. And I like to have an on-going relationship with my betas where we can talk about things back and forth. Someone with strong skills in the technical side of writing would match me well. But I do have my stories planned out from start to finish, and this plot bunny started months ago and I couldn't stop it from growing.

I think that's it. Any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.   


Happy Birthday, FatLouie!

Monday May 23, 2011 at 9:32 PM

It's your birthday!!  

I didn't quite know how to wrap your gift.... I decided not to bother with wrapping!



Happy Birthday, FatLouie!!  Love ya, girl!!


Monday May 23, 2011 at 8:44 PM



LOS ANGELES, CA, May 23, 2011- Lionsgate® and the filmmakers of THE HUNGER GAMES are pleased to announce that iconic musician and actor Lenny Kravitz (PRECIOUS) has been cast in the role of Cinna in the much anticipated film adaptation of Suzanne Collins’ worldwide smash hit novel.

Said director Gary Ross of the casting decision, “When I saw Lenny’s work in PRECIOUS I was just knocked out. It was quiet and strong and understated and open hearted; all qualities which define this character. I’m really looking forward to this ride.”

About The Role
Cinna is Katniss Everdeen’s assigned fashion stylist for the highly ceremonial lead up to The 74th Annual Hunger Games. Though he’s a mild mannered first time stylist, the designs he creates, such as the “Girl On Fire” costume for the tributes’ live televised debut, are show-stopping. With odds being set, wagers being placed, and wealthy benefactors able to occasionally intervene in the games, a high public profile is tantamount to a huge advantage for any contestant entering the arena. The stunning and unique designs Cinna creates for Katniss define her public identity, and in an all too real way, could also contribute to her very survival. 




Twilight Graphic Novel

Monday May 23, 2011 at 6:44 PM

The Release date is here: 10/11/11

It's about time seriously this is almost 2 years later right?  Are you excited?   Do you not care?  Did you not even know the first one existed?  I like the way Bella looks in the graphic novel she is more like what I pictured.  Alice's punky hair cut is cool too.


team twilight posted an article


Vanity Fair Outtakes

Monday May 23, 2011 at 3:28 PM


More from this guh-photoshoot from Setje at Pattinsonlife.  If you are not a member there, they can also be seen at Robsessed.

And for some interactivity-ness:  ARE YOU FEELING THE ROB DROUGHT ALREADY?   Are you getting wound up waiting for the MTV kiss thing?  Or can't you be arsed (a great British expression) to care?



Monday May 23, 2011 at 1:01 PM

tell me, dear campers. what say you to a beauty & the beast watchalong?

it would be next week sometime, hosted by yours truly and my life partner jandco.

i figured we'd pick something a little more appealing to the general populace.

is this agreeable?

will you please come?

are you singing THERE MUST BE MORE THAN THIS PROVINCIAL LIFE out loud now?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Fanfiction Etiquette?

Monday May 23, 2011 at 11:22 AM

(Fanfiction related campfires are OK, right? I did check the rules!)

So, I'm curious... I just got a review for one of my current stories - started off nice, saying that she was enjoying the story (this was on the first chapter). Very pleasant.

She then went on to say that if I read and reviewed her story, she would proceed to read mine,

So I went to her profile, and scrolled down a years worth of cut and paste nonsense andI had a quick look at her story, but didn't get past the summary - because the spelling was absolutely atrocious. The title was spelt wrong, the summary had spelling and grammar errors in it... I haven't actually read it. I may not.

I pose these questions:

1. Is it bad manners to ask someone to read your story in a review?

2. Is it bad manners to say that you will only read their story if they first review yours?

3. What would you do in this situation? Would you read the story? Would you message her explaining why not?

4. Do you judge people by their profiles like I did?


FF Sneak Peek

Monday May 23, 2011 at 8:41 AM

 Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Back To Basics

Monday May 23, 2011 at 2:11 AM

Not this:


So I was wondering:

Who are your favourite Twilight characters and why?
No, not these guys...

I'm talking when you FIRST read the books, FIRST heard the story, FIRST started trawling the interwebs for hide or hair of
the characters...

who was your favourite and why?

Were you ALL Edward-from-the-block-book lovers or did some of you want more of golden-locked Jasper?
Who is your IDEAL man/woman if you had to choose from the books. And I mean books, people.
I don't want nunna Rob's jawline mentioned!
I want summa this jawline though:

Show me yer pics too! 

Not of the cast!

I apologise in advance for any delayed replies as my lappatoppa is being:

I'm kidding, it's just really slow..

ETA: Are Rob and Kstew now Ed and Bel in yo' head?
OR do you have your own ideas?


Help Please - My Son Deleted 2 Chapters of a Story

Sunday May 22, 2011 at 7:47 PM

I hope this is okay to ask.

I had downloaded The Gentleman from Washington State chapter by chapter in my ipod touch. 

I was in the process of reading it, but when my 5 year old son borrowed it to play Angry Birds, somehow Chapters 8 & 9 were deleted.  I still have the rest of the story.

I checked in Google Docs, but I couldn't get the link to work. 

Can anyone help me find these two chapters?



FF story request 2

Sunday May 22, 2011 at 4:27 PM

Hello, fellow Twilight FF peeps! It's me again, looking for another story. This time, I'm looking for "Edward Wallbanger" by feathersmmmm.   Thanks in advance :)



Sunday May 22, 2011 at 3:29 PM

I am looking for a twilight fanfic that I read about a year ago. Alice has a vision that she and Edward will die in the war with the newborns she does not tell Jasper and Bella. But she leaves them letters most I think were to Jasper. I cannot find it anywhere. Please any help would be great it was really well written!



Sunday May 22, 2011 at 2:42 PM


Hi, Here I am chilling in my homecountry of Iceland and loookylook - ANOTHER VOLCANIC ERRUPTION! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


we call it the second installment of paying for Icesave


Sunday May 22, 2011 at 12:42 PM

So a couple of recent posts about Master of the Universe being published imminently got me to wondering.  

How much actual income are these fic-authors-turned-published-authors expecting to get?  Is it a thousand, a few thousand, several thousand? 

Do those that decided to pull in favor of publishing ever regret leaving the fandom community with all its camaraderie and wank, particularly if , after a year or so, they discover they didn't make the money they were hoping for?

Finally:  HOW much income would you consider worthy of pulling your fic?  At the risk of alienating the readers and community that 'made' you?  

There's also pride and prestige, of course, which you cannot put a value on.  Particularly if it was a publisher you respected.  Maybe that makes it worth it.  Dunno.

PRICELESS: These two cuties



Looking for Rec...

Sunday May 22, 2011 at 8:57 AM

Okay ladies, I know alot of you don't like stories about affairs and cheating but I am looking for a rec....One where Edward and Bella are married to others and they have an affair, can be one night stand or an affair that has lasted over a period of time but they don't end up together....THANKS!!!


My own, personal brand of heroin

Sunday May 22, 2011 at 8:48 AM

"But it's you, your scent, it's like a drug to me. Like my own, personal brand of heroin. I still don't know if I can control myself" (unf unf UNF)

Am  the only one that liked that part? I keep reading comments about how even Twihards want to vomit because of how cheesy it is, and I swear, I usually hate cheesy lines, but the way Rob said it was so haunting, and angsty, and fuckhot omg it just stuck with me. Maybe I would have thought otherwise if I'd read the books before watching the movie though. idk

Your take?



Saturday May 21, 2011 at 8:38 PM

So I was waiting for a new chapter in Master of The Universe,and my bitch pc choose the perfect moment to get his beauty sleep and the last chapter i read was 27, she posted 28 or 27 was the last,checking on her blog just have a outtake for tsunami.Someone cold answer me and if there's a 28 chapter could send to me I have a copy and i was hoping for get it complete.


Show me your PROM pics

Saturday May 21, 2011 at 4:13 PM

Last week was my daughter's Junior Prom. This campfire is an excuse for me to show off my pretty girl.


I didn't get to go to my junior or senior prom- pity, party of one- so show me your prom pics and share your stories and let me live vicariously through you, por favor.


It's five o'clock somewhere

Saturday May 21, 2011 at 1:18 PM

13more days & SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER! woot woot....

I'm am planning ahead, anyone have some great beach or summer Fics? I thought there might be a category in the master fix list but nada!

Sooooo rec me some Fics PLEASE that have beela & Edward hanging near the beach, at the beach, near a lake, at a summer fair, anything! Just good old SUMMER LOVIN! ( ohhh that would b a great title to a fic) lol.

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