What happened to the Apple Tree???

Friday May 20, 2011 at 3:45 AM

Hello all I just made a terrible discovery that the author of Under the Apple Tree has deleated all sorces of her work :( if you know why please tell me I'm very sad to see this happen it was one of my absolute favorite fics.



Friday May 20, 2011 at 3:20 AM





Let me just say... I had multiple reactions to this episode.  There was laughing, TONS of crying (happy tears, mind you), and then the ultimate "OMFG WTH JUST HAPPENED" face (which also included a lot of screaming and clapping, might I add).

I won't be able to come back and talk about it until later tonight, but I needed to post this.







Edit: There will be SPOILERS. You've been warned.



Friday May 20, 2011 at 1:50 AM

So.,,.. 3 days ago i woke up... in pain...

LOW AND BEHOLD.... later that day... it gets worse.... so that at 4am im going into the Emergency Room....

and... i have....


so.... about 12 hours later i get an emergency laproscopic appendectomy.,... woooo NOT

so.... my question is...


im in a ton of pain, im so bloated i look pregnant, (no joke i have pics on twitter).... and im basically stuck to the bed. My concentration is shot... so no reading really.... so

I NEED VISUAL stimuli.... something to pick up my mood and entertain me....

can anyone help? Or just come and share your hospital horror stories and general ill feelings.... :)





MAY 2-4!

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 11:45 PM

It's that special Canadian long weekend again!

And since the world's supposedly ending on Saturday, I'm gunna make this the best 2-4 yet! Starting by getting drunk on Thursday night at The Branch!

Let's get trashed this weekend in honour of Queen Victoria, fellow Canadians!


another lost fic

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 10:24 PM

A friend of mine is looking for this one but this is all they can remember


Bella finds out Edward is cheating on her, they get into a fight and have a car accident and she doesn't remember anything

thanks so much and for your time



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quick question...

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 9:51 PM

I'm a total lurker-- this is my first campfire, so hi everyone!

I just had a quick question: I've been searching past campfires for a while now, and I just can't find it-- does anyone have the link to the main googledoc database?  I thought I'd had it bookmarked, but apparently not :(

Really sorry if it's not free for all still-- rangers, feel free to delete this if it's over already!


We Come to Life...

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 9:51 PM

... Beneath the Stars by Lillybellis is completed.

I don't know how I will handle the withdrawal symptoms, maybe just reading it over and over again.

Did you read it? What did you like best? If you haven't read it yet, why not? Go and check it, now.

To me it is poetry, beautifully written, too-good-to-be-true story, and it makes me feel so warm inside. It is not the plot, nor the characters as such - even though they are adorable - but the beautiful language that has me hooked. It makes me feel GOOD.

Share with me!


Old News

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 9:14 PM

SO I was just watching the end of the results show to American Idol.  I didn't follow this season closely but a couple of weeks back I remember seeing that idol cast off Paul McDonald is dating Nikki Reed. I kept forgetting to ask people what they knew this and what they thought.

I don't know if anyone ever posted this info here.  I think its funny cause he said he has never seen twilight or any of her movies.    Also he wore these suits with roses on him so I thought he was gay until I saw this news.

Do you watch American Idol? Did it jump the shark 8 seasons ago?  Who is your one true Idol?  I haven't really watched a full season through since the first one so Kelly Clarkson is kind of it for me.  I occasionally stop on the channel and watch a song or two if I like the song.  

Also late to the party I always see people posting about other fandoms.  I am thinking of branching out of my Edward/Bella stupor and the only other couple that I want to read is Joey/Pacey Ala Dawson's Creek.  Does anyone know any really good Creek fics?   I know it's a long shot for something that hasn't been relevant in 10 years but if you got them throw them at me.


3 Questions

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 8:27 PM

I have few things I wanted to start campfires for and since it's FFA, I decided to roll them all into one.


I am going to be travelling to London with my family May 28-31. I have tentative plans with LittleStar300 (tentative in that we would like to meet up but have no specifics planned). Does anyone else want to join? It will probably be for lunch or tea on the 29th or 30th.


If you can't make it, let me know what I should do in London that the tour books may not tell me about.


Is there a website that recommends books based on reviews and ratings of other books? I've been spoiled with Netflix for movies and I want to know if there's something that will pick my books for me.


Who here plays Words With Friends on itouch/iphone? I'm shouvley on there too. Add me, we'll play, you'll probably beat me. Let's do it. Post your name so others can add you too.



Changes and Bitchfest

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 7:36 PM

Hey lovelies! First off, I'm hoping it's free for all right now? It's 930 where I am at the moment, so I'm *crossing fingers*! Forgive me, Rangers, if I'm mistaken!

I'm facing a big change in my life for me, and I'm wondering if you campers have ever had a scary change to go through? I'll explain in the comments so as not to take up the whole front page :0) My fam is for realz pissing me off about it at the moment feel free to bitch about what's pissing you off here!

Who do you want to punch in the face? What makes you want to stab someone in the eye with a fork?

Have you had big changes in your lives campers? Big scary ones, that make you all nervous and excited both? What were they? Did they turn out well? Is it normal to be nervous? Do you just want to post some rob eye porn to encourage me? (Feel free, really!)




A little help from my friends

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 7:05 PM

Hey Everybody!

I need a hand!

The hubs and I are DJing a party tomorrow night and I want to be sure we've got all the good stuff.

Could you pretty pretty please with your favourite vamp on top, give me your must have party songs?

I would appreciate it greatly!


Maybe Angela & Eric will come help me out   ;p

Thanks Jennyfly!



Thursday May 19, 2011 at 3:04 PM

Hello everyone I'm looking for the story that has an older Edward and Bella meets him skydiving and Mike is her best friend Alice is Edward's daughter and also Bella's roommate.  Those are the basic facts if you know what I'm talking about please tell me!


i've a notion i should take to bleeding inwardly.

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 2:58 PM

the BBC's production of jane eyre episode 4 (finale): a campfire watchalong

and so it ends.

kind of a crazy bomb to drop on us all, right?

thought it was a simple tale of love conquering money, class, and disposition, did you?

oh, what tangled webs the brontes weave.

come in and find out what happens now that we know that rochester is, in fact, married to a batshit crazy woman who tries to kill things with fire.

and if you've got good fanfic recs, post 'em.

or pride & prejudice fics. or north & south fics. whatever, just get in here. 

oh, and if you've got a good recommendation for the next watchalong, i'm all ears. downton abbey will be done over the summer, so it's not time for that one just yet.


superhero action figures fyt:

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FF vs RL and some questions...

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 12:49 PM

Do you ever sit back after reading a FF and feel depressed, as you compare it to a relationship you may have or have had? Does it ever get to the point where your world and the FF world start to blur and you can't help but wish you could get lost into it permanently, without having to deal with life?  Like, no guy is really that sweet... sex doesn't just happen like that or at the drop of a hat without getting caught?  Jobs just don't pop open as easily? Pregnancy doesn't always come that easily...parents aren't always that harsh, or were they too harsh?


I know the point is that this is supposed to be make-believe, but so many stories seem to be made from RL experiences.  I know I made a comment once, to my mother-in-law displaying my disbelief that a condom can really break (something I have also read in the FF world) and she huffed at me, saying she knew it was possible and makes me wonder, how much do you have to be doing do make a freaking condom break? ( I know, off topic, but it is one that bugs me).  I use FF to escape from dealing with everything thing (including a recent death in the family), and yet, so many stories seem to throw issues back into my face...(again, the whole sex issue).

What are some of your opinions??




I don't have many people to talk to about anything, and hubby isn't much help at all.  This is why I come here...looking for honestly opinions (Yes, even the ones that really hurt to where I cry).  Even though I haven't met any of you...I'm really grateful you guys are there.....


IPhone 5

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 9:09 AM

can u believe it ?

is out already ?

i watched by coincidence the other day and forgot to post it

so here it is :

i think is great for the ones addicted to technology, i mean i think is pretty and cool, but i'm not into technology myself, i wouldn't have a phone if i could get away with it 

Edit: My bad, this is false, i should've research first  


Twilight vs TVD

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 8:01 AM

With all this talk (mainly here) about TVD I decided to rent the first season and it was so expensive omg . I just made myself watch the first episode, and it's *completely* impossible to me to see the appeal. Which is strange, 'cause the vampire romance idea has always appealed to me.

So what is it that I'm missing here? Does it get better? Like, MUCH better?? And why is it that Twilight appealed so damn much to us? TVD I literally had to force myself to watch (and that was just the first episode), whereas Twilight had me from the trailer. In fact I went totally crazy trying to find the movie and watched it 9999 times. Is it Rob? THe eerie gothic atmosphere CH created? The low budget that turned out to make it more relatable/believable? SM's creative geniusness that died in BD? And, most importantly, will we EVER find that magic again???




Thursday May 19, 2011 at 7:35 AM

Sorry for the 2nd post from me in 10 minutes, but I need some help.

I was using a really great, easy fanfiction downloader (can't remember the exact name) on my PC  and i've now switched to a MAC so i'm looking for something really simple to use. Can anyone suggest a downloader for me? I'm technically

The one I was using let me paste the url of the story into the window, select where I wanted it saved to, and that was it. 


Bad Mother's Handbook

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 7:19 AM

The US is airing this British TV movie featuring Rob on TV Guide Channel, 7pm Saturday. Don't know if that's eastern time or not.

Haven't seen it, just thought I'd mention it. 

Has anyone seen it? Is it cringe-worthy or adorable?


Aussie Rules..

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 1:44 AM

"I am going to take a heroine campfire whom which no one but myself will much like."

So I was thinking about
Major Misconduct and trying to figure out the timetable of Edward and Bella's day.
They seemed to have had morning period, then a free, then gym? Then lunch then bio and study hall,
and in Twilight, Bella had the same classes every day!
Why is this? Aussie schools have a fortnightly rotation thing going on. If I had the same subjects at the same time every day I'd die!

Now, I don't know what American school systems and timetables/class schedules are like,
but Australian ones are like this:

Period 1, Period 2
Recess aka morning tea
Period 3, Period 4
Period 5, Period 6

Our 'gym' was called P.E. which stood for Physical Education (stating the obvious, I know) but we stopped doing it after Year Ten (16 years old). So our senior years (age 17 and 18) were P.E. free if we chose.
We took roughly 6 subjects in our senior years (we had to take at least ten units and 6 subjects counted for 12 units which was safe if we bombed out in one of our end of school exams. Which were called the: Higher School Certificate).

As far as I know...Americans have
Elementry School - Ages: 5-12 (Primary School in Aus)
Middle School - Ages: 13 15?????? (Highschool in Aus)
And Highschool - Ages 16-18 (same here)
Is this right? I have a feeling I'm wrong.

So, no matter where you're from, America, England, etc...
What did your timetable look like? What subjects did you take?
How many units, or credits or...whatever-you-called-them did you need to have?

Or, if all of the above bores you, just tell me some of your funny highschool stories!


Lost story

Thursday May 19, 2011 at 12:42 AM

i read this one-shot a while ago where bellBella Alice were both sick and roommates in the hospital and Edward was Alice brother and was visiting one day and saw Bella and they fell in love i thought i had it fav'ed but i cnt find it anywhere i think it was called look after my heart or something like that help please

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