
Any Fics like Elemental Suggestions?

Wednesday June 1, 2011 at 2:36 PM

I am looking for fics like Elemental, I read one awhile back but forgot what it was. Anyone know this fic?

it basically starts with edward and rosalie missing bella and emmett who moved out of their house. they all live on the same street and are all witches, i think. edward is dating tanya but hates it. they reunited on the beach or something like that. the town is basically ran by the cullens, hales and swans. they have a long ancestry and james was a crazy stalker back where emmett and bella moved from phoenix. apparently where i left off, a dagger was on edward's door from the dagger bella was missing given to her by jasper.

Anyone know this fic?

Also any Elemental like Fic Suggestions? Thanks


"I'm tortured by my past" "Zomg unf, Unf, UNF"

Wednesday June 1, 2011 at 1:06 PM

"Ever wonder what the heck women see in that grumpy sparkly Twilight dude? On first glance, women find displays of both pride and—get this—shame much hotter than happiness, according to a new study in the journal Emotion."

Full link here

Pained Edward for being the bad guy when he doesn't realize that's totally turning Bella on FYT


Back to the basics.

Wednesday June 1, 2011 at 9:06 AM


Lately I've been missing canon fic. You know, the reason we are all here in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I love reading all the fantastic "human" fics out there, but sometimes I really miss the original series.

So! Share with me your favorite canon one shots, multi-chapter fics, artwork!

I'm mostly an Edward and Bella girl. ;)


I think we all know who this is

Wednesday June 1, 2011 at 8:35 AM

Excited About A Love Scene

BlindGossip – Actors usually don’t have a problem staying in control during love scenes. Since romance is blocked and rehearsed and shot under the hot lights and in front of a large crew, even the most intimate scenes are usually little more than a carefully choreographed, technical exercise.

However, on the set of this one period film, things got a little out of control. During a kissing scene between a handsome, foreign-born actor and a sexy American actress, the actress suddenly stopped and backed away a few paces from her co-star. The actor was left standing there alone. Well, he wasn’t exactly alone. He was accompanied by the incredible bulge in his pants. Filming had to be halted for several minutes while the actor cooled off.

Not Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman.



Next read-along?

Wednesday June 1, 2011 at 7:17 AM

So.... Any news on what the next classic Twific read-along's gonna be?

Not that I'm praying day and night that it'll be WT or anything

Classic FYT


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday June 1, 2011 at 3:24 AM

How long has it been???  I don't even want to know. Sorry for my FAIL posting.







"I'd Rather Die || Edward&Bella" by verotruth <- I may have posted this before but I can't remember... *shrug*


"can we ever go back?" by TheVioletHours


"Let's Get Lost" by bresida92




Is Edward always handsome?

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 7:15 PM

I was reading a little story last night, Bella was an overweight girl & wanted to change her life style for health reasons. And I realized something... Is there actually a story where Edward is not good looking? or with a hot body? would you even read this kind of story?


I know sometimes Bella is not attracted to Edward, but she accepts that he is a good looking guy. Or sometimes he doesn't necessarily have a six pack or big arms but he has a toned body or whatever. So is there a fic with an average looking Edward? because we all know guys in real life are not always handsome, but we love them anyway.

I know Edward being hot is what keeps most of us in the twific world, but I'm just curious... 

because every CF needs something pretty to look at:



Saving Stories...

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 5:05 PM

I know how to save stories from Twilight and FanFiction, but how do you save stories from the Writer's Coffee Shop and from the forest itself in PDF format ? 





need advice?

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 5:00 PM

bad advice post

give us the situation, we'll respond

with REALLY BAD advice.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic



Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 1:15 PM

I don't have time to find a ranger to get this approved because I am on a borrowed computer....But I wanted to THANK each lady that wrote kind words and posted pics of Rob, Trey, and Darren on Saturday to help encourage me....I was able to see the kind words and pics on the stupid desktop computer that the robbers didn't take but it won't all me to comment or even message every lady that posted something..My family is still going through a great deal right now and I am in desperate need of just someone to talk to but I don't have many close friends that I can talk to at this time...If this is not appropriate you can delete this post and I am apologize for posting it....THANKS ladies are just too wonderful for words!!!


Mortal Instruments

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 11:11 AM


Jamie Campbell Bower has won the lead role of Jace Wayland in the Mortal Instruemtns Movie.

I can't say that I agree with this AT ALL, but  until I see him in costume, I will try and not let it ick me out.



survey: best moment to start posting a new story?

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 10:30 AM

Summer is (almost) here... and vacation too, I guess.

When is the best moment to start posting a new story?

I mean, if readers are on holiday, are they going to read a new story in their spare time or not?

- Raum (with a new story half-written and a bunch of chapters already betaed...)


President Snow

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 9:52 AM


What do you think?  Honestly, I think it's brilliant.



Summer time fics

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 9:05 AM

Hello to all!  My first campfire (a little nervous)  :)  It's summer and I'm looking for fics.  Summer time fics. I don't know if there was a previous campfire for this, I did a little search earlier but there were so many with the tags of summer and fanfiction that I thought I would just start my own.  I'm wondering if there are any with Edward and Bella that go to a camp for the summer or something like it.  

I've read a few like Summer of Salt, For the Summer , and Starry Eyed Inside (just some of my favs) and a few others, just looking for more.




Semi-weekly Help Desk

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 8:14 AM

It is that time again.

Have you forgotten the name of a fanfic?

Is there a type of fanfic you are looking for?

Is there something you have always wanted to ask about but were afraid you would sound stupid asking for help?


We are here to help your tired brains find fanfictions, fit your fancies and just help you answer those burning questions.

Those of you who know a lot, I ask you to be experts at our Help Desk

Those of you with questions, ask away!

Please check Googledocs (which I will post the link to if I can find it) before posting a request for copies of specific stories. Thank you!!!

pardon my hijacking of this CF, but i just wanted to letchall know that the beauty & the beast watchalong is TOMORROW AT 7PM EASTERN. thank you.


Tornado Relief??

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 7:41 AM

Will there be any of those Fandom for things for the tornados that have ripped through recently?

Asking as I would totally donate to that one-



I'm really really sorry

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 7:24 AM

I apologize profusely (sp?) for asking this question, which has been asked a multitude of times. 

But I'm desperate (well, that's dramatic, i'm more....anxious)


Backstory: I had a PC. I would save stories using Raimonds Downloader into doc format. I would add the summary, review count etc. I would then email the doc to myself using my Amazon Kindle account, which would convert it to a AZW file.

Ever since I got a MAC, I cannot for the life of me find anything that downloads a whole story the way I want to (into doc format). I've tried a few things, (text edit being one) and it won't save my changes when i save it or put it through Calibre.  If I do manage to save into doc format to try to email the old way, it either shows up weird in my Kindle or doesn't work at all.

Anyone with ANY Kindle/MAC skills, please help. 


On the Double

Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 6:46 AM

For those of you who loved the one shot from MasenVixen, On the Double.

It is now a 2 shot and it is really good.


What are your favourite one-shots?



Looking for this Fic, Please Help Campers

Monday May 30, 2011 at 6:21 PM

Hi there

I saw on FB, one of my friends is looking for this fic and am now offering to help find it. Does anyone know this fic?

ok everyone i am still looking for a story

Alice and Bella are best friends and Bella is unemployed and is living with the cullens. edward comes home for a visit i think for a party for esme and carlisle he's in polotics and he is need of a wife or a girlfriend i guess to look better in the polls or something and he asks bella to be his wife or girlfriend i can't remember and i think she talks to alice and she encourges bella to do it.
yeah the last chapter i remember reading is where i think they get into a fight and she leaves edward in the hotel room.


Rob offers her his sausage

Monday May 30, 2011 at 2:51 PM


On the set of Cosmopolis.  He's acting.  He's flirting.  He's eating.  Sausage video below.


So have you ever flirted openly with someone knowing that you can, simply because you are totally taken?
Sounds contradictory, but ya know what I mean.  You're happily married/committed and therefore there's no chance it would ever go beyond flirting so you do it for fun?  Or do you think that's WRONG?
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