
Looking for a fic...

Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 11:29 AM

Hello, I'm new :)

Wondering if you could point me in the direction of a fic I just can't remember for the life of me!

(pardon the AWFUL summary)

Bella agrees to an arrangement with a stranger (Edward) to have sex on a regular basis. He treats her horribly, yet she still goes back to him. At the same time (without realising) she becomes close with his family...and the last bit I remember reading was that Edward possibly had a daughter that died???

lol, like I said, awful awful summary - but it's hard to remember exactly. All I remember was that is was GOOD.

Thank you so much for your help! x.


Disney Lied!!!

Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 10:40 AM

Oh, did the faeries do a bad, bad thing? These ain't no Tinkerbells!

I guess i should read the book because i was not expecting this. Now i'm twitching like a crackwhore for the season premiere.



Picture Post!

Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 9:08 AM

Post some pictures that you love or pics of your life, or of you....or of whatever you feel like (you get the point).


New York City-Even our trash is Art...



Poison in me update

Tuesday June 7, 2011 at 12:08 AM

Especially the previous chapter made me realize that I´m a sick angst addict that has been in rehab (due to lack of supplies) far too long. Also, the idea of a Bella that doesn´t wanna be turned always seemed appealing to me. And am I the only one who thinks that in this case the second person actually works?

Again, angsty black eyed Edward FYT

For those not reading it, here

* ranger edit READ THIS FIC!!!


I've missed the MTV awards...

Monday June 6, 2011 at 3:33 PM

... due to my Bestie's wedding, which was infinitely more important to me.

But still, I'd like to know what I missed. Can someone recap for me? Link me to vids, pics? Espec Robsten... Pretty please?


FF Sneak Peek

Monday June 6, 2011 at 2:34 PM

 Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Nikki Reed engaged

Monday June 6, 2011 at 1:30 PM


Born This Way?

Monday June 6, 2011 at 11:48 AM

One of these things are not like the other:


What is wrong with them? No really. 

I think they are hliarious and they are funny to watch. But are they just natural weirdos encased in the bodies of attractive movie stars? Has Twilight made them weird, like the crazy fans and scrutiny? Has life imitated art too much, and they have become edward and bella in the flesh, a hot weirdo and a bumbling blusher?

So which is it? Were they born this way? Or did the twilight craze make them a little awkward? 

I'm interested in hearing your theories as to why these two are so jarring to watch(which of course is why that makes them so watchable).


Monday June 6, 2011 at 7:54 AM


Sparkly Red Pen is your source for better beta feedback and quality writing!

Why are SRP different to any other services out there? See the following:

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We are looking for betas and pre-readers, apply here » Join SRP

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We take all WIP, there is a no rejection policy and we take original fiction as well as fanfiction.

You can also follow the
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If you need a beta or pre reader, or if you think you'd like to be apart of the team, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!

Please share this and get involved in spreading the word about SparklyRedPen.
Thank you!

- samrosey (SRP Admin)


rangers ~ I hope this is okay, considering it's regarding fanfic and i've seen a couple of campfires lately bout betas etc?? :)


Lost another one?

Monday June 6, 2011 at 7:35 AM

Can anyone tell me who writes/wrote "Behind the Clouds"?  It was a WIP that didn't update very regularly, but seems to be gone now.  I would love to know the author so I can check out her (his?) profile and see if there is any info. regarding this fic's fate.  It was a lovely story and I'm hoping its just on hiatus (of course, I've been burned by optimism before!)




Good Fics - Low Reviews

Monday June 6, 2011 at 7:18 AM

How about a campfire about good fics you've found that don't have a lot of reviews? I've been reading one called "No Dazzling Here" by Skeezon. I really enjoyed it, but it only has like 127 reviews.

What are some you have read that need more attention?


can't remember

Monday June 6, 2011 at 5:30 AM

hey guys, can anyone remember a fic tha I have somehow lost.

It was Bella Jasper, set in New York. Bella's on the run from Victoria, and after sleeping rough on the streets, and giving up her virginity to a stranger for a bed for the night, she runs into Jasper in a club she works at. Her room mate and best friend is an addict, who gets her caught up with a gang who kidnaps her, but Jasper comes to her rescue, and eventually himPeter and Emmett go and kill the whole gang.

Thats all I can remember. Thanx for reading


mtv awards and me and you

Sunday June 5, 2011 at 5:46 PM

i'm going to watch this.

will you watch it with me?

come in and chat about the goings on at these here awards.

or just squirm with me in second hand embarrassment and make baseless, petty judgments on people we don't know personally.


Sensitive Topic

Sunday June 5, 2011 at 2:56 PM

I want to talk about something that I've been curious about for a while.  The topic of rape in fics is highly polarizing, super controversial, and extremely sensitive.  And yet this is a topic that affects so many people. 

I have some questions and I want to know what YOU think and most importantly, WHY you feel that way.  And no, this is not a digging in everyone's personal life thing.  I'm curious about general feelings about the topic and how it is handled in fic.

Come inside for the questions.  And obviously, this is a very sensitive topic.  Please be courteous and compassionate.  Please respect other people's thoughts and experiences.

And if this is a topic you are not able to discuss, then please don't come in.  The last thing I want is to make anyone experience any kind of hurt or trauma over this discussion.



Sunday June 5, 2011 at 1:52 PM



I ignored the last part of the trailer.


BD teaser trailer

Sunday June 5, 2011 at 12:36 PM

sorry sorry sorry I deleted it by accident while trying to delete the screencaps because some people didn't want to be spoiled. The BD trailer can be found on YT HERE, official link HERE


Ladyfest Midwest Chicago Festival

Sunday June 5, 2011 at 10:30 AM

Ladyfest Midwest was originally a four day festival in Chicago that celebrated women in music and the arts, and it raised $20,000 for the Chciago Women's Health Center. They're currently trying to raise money for the 10th anniversary festival, and they're coming up a bit short to hold a screening of the documentary that was made about the original 2001 event.

A good friend of mine, Charlotte Robinson, is one of the original organizers of the festival, and is currently helping to organize the 10th anniversary event in Chicago. Charlotte is a freelance writer who has written for the Chicago Reader, is a former editor at Bust Magazine and is currently a contributor to Martha Quinn's website.

Ladyfest Midwest 2001 raised over $20,000 for the Chicago Women's Health Center. The 2011 festival also benefits the center, and is a celebration of the original 2001 event.

From the Ladyfest website:

Ladyfest Midwest Chicago, as it was originally called, was more than just a four-day festival. It was a community event that raised nearly $20,000 for Chicago Women’s Health Center and Women in the Director’s Chair. The event brought together more than 4,000 people from around the world. One hundred bands, 40 visual artists, 35 spoken-word artists, 47 film and video makers, 38 performance artists, 50-plus workshop hosts, and 100 volunteers congregated in the Windy City on August 16–19, 2001.

To celebrate the 10-year anniversary of what we now call Ladyfest Midwest, the original organizers are teaming up to host a benefit the weekend of August 19, 2011 for Chicago Women’s Health Center, in addition to building this archive of photographs from and writings about the 2001 festival.

Also from the website:

Your contribution of any amount will help pay the expenses to put on the music and film events. Please note that this is not a tax-deductible donation; these funds will be used as seed money for the events, but all profits from the events (and any donations above what we need to host the events) will be donated to the Chicago Women’s Health Center.

Grassroots Feminism has a post about this year's event here:

If anyone is interested in contributing, volunteering, or submitting material please go to the Ladyfest Midwest site. The organizers are currently trying to raise funds to present a screening of the documentary made about the original 2001 event. The theatre has given them a huge discount on the space, but they still must cover the performance rights fees. Any help anyone can give would be welcomed.

I'm hoping by starting this campfire that I can help the organizers raise the money to screen the documentary, and also to alert any campers in the region that the festival is happening. The original festival was awesome, and I know this benefit will be as well. BTW, all are welcome! This is an inclusive festival, so Ladyfest welcomes men as well as women. This isn't a women-only festival.

Thanks to JennyFly for approving this!


Something new for the fandom: the Mentor.

Sunday June 5, 2011 at 7:47 AM

There are some authors who can write very, very, very well, we all know it. Let's think about the VIP authors of ADF, for example.

And then there are new authors who would like to improve their writing.
Could these two worlds meet each other?

We already know what precious work betas and prereaders provide to give to the entire fandom better stories, for the general enjoyment.

Do you think that some authors would like to offer their expertise to "coach" other authors?

Helping them to find their weaknesses & strengthen their skills and so on? (Kicking their ass when it's necessary, works only if an author is couchable...if someone needs just some reassurance and thinks that (s)he is already going to win the next Noble prize.... it doesn't work.)

Let me know what you think...

Could it work?

Would VIP or other authors offer some of their time (they will not need to edit, but certainly they will have to read, criticize, comment...)?

- Raum


Amishward update

Sunday June 5, 2011 at 6:23 AM

I started reading this story after many people here recc'ed it. I did like it, and the author updates regularly but it's getting too unrealistic, esp. with this update. Sigh


Crazy hours!

Saturday June 4, 2011 at 3:42 PM

Right now, it's 5 PM CST. This means that I've been up for 15 hours already, and worked for 12.5 of them.

No, I am not a nurse, or anything in the medical field.

I'm on my way to being a engineering tech. So why the eff did I have to start work at freakin' 3 AM on a Saturday morning!?

Because we need bridges, peeps. And I gotta make sure the concrete's good enough to use. I'm kind of a big deal for being just a summer student with only one year of learnage under my belt.

Share your crazy hour stories! I know there's some nurses that must have some awful hours out there!

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