
back to the start

Friday June 10, 2011 at 11:48 AM

I recently decided to pay a visit to the ship that got me started reading FanFiction all those years ago.... Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger aka Dramione.

I need your help- I'm looking for recommendations- if you have them. My attempts at fic-diving have proved to be rather unsuccessful. If you have no recommendations, its ok, what was it that got you into Fanfiction? What was your first ship?


fyt =)





It's after 7:30pm on Friday here in the UK so I am hoping that I can post thing under the Friday Free For All =)


The Fallout!!!

Friday June 10, 2011 at 10:20 AM

Ok so i think this is my very first campfire and I've been in The forest since it started. Anyways I'm doing this on my phone and I'm probably Doing it wrong. I started to read through my extremely long to be read list and read the fallout!!! It's not complete :( is anyone else in thesame situation as me? Are there any fics that haven't updated in forever that you wish did? *crawls back in a dark corner and hides*

The Offspring

Your Dream Vacation

Friday June 10, 2011 at 8:35 AM

Just what the title says.

List your dream vacation, your preferred person to travel with, what you'd do there and the music you'd listen to.

Help me out campers.

I'm bored.

Ryan Ninea

Fiction Please

Friday June 10, 2011 at 8:10 AM

I need a rec. I know, everyone always needs a rec. I am looking for a real book though. I want something that will suck me in . I really really  need to get in my bathtub and get lost in another world.

I am not all that picky. I like urban fantasy at the moment. I need a supernatural element. I don't care if the central character is male or female. Doesn't matter what species they are. I am NOT looking for Nora Roberts starring a vampire though. I want low romance. Sexual tension is cool but not "life mates" please.

Stuff I LOVE:


 I have tried a few other series lately, but I nothing grabs me the way these do. I want to be comepetely absorbed. I of course love the Sookie Stackhouse novels too, Club Dead and All Together Dead are my favs in that series, and I was really into old school Anita  Blake like pre Obsidian Butterfly, my fav there was Bloody Bones.

The lady at the used bookstore I frequent recommended Argeneau Vampires series to me and I bought The Rogue Hunter, The Immortal Hunter and The Renegade Hunter.  They are good books, but far to romance focused for me. Please help me find something gritty and real as magical alternate universes can be.

For you time:

Eric lost in the tub


In your world update

Friday June 10, 2011 at 4:25 AM

Chapter 13 Title: Thou Shalt Not

Am I the only one that thinks Charlie's character, and the way Charlie's character is perceived by Bella, makes absolutely no sense at all?


What Do you love about your body???

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 11:06 PM

Happy FFA!

Someone made a boob post earlier which inspired me to make a sparkly gif of my cleavage because I love my girls.  Sadly not everyone feels the same way about their chest so I was wondering WHAT PART OF YOU DO YOU LOVE??  Do you have awesome nails?  Great hair? Amazing eyes?  

No Self Hate in this post just what you love about your body.   Put up pictures make sparkly gifs like mine with this site.

What do you love about you?

Here are parts I love about ADF celebrity favorites, I guess I have a chest obsession:

  Do you recognize these chest???


Where did all the time go?

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 10:13 PM

I just recently joined the fun land known to many as tumblr and Oh My what have i been missing i spent most of my day on there and I'm not going to lie i know darn well i spent atleast most of my time staring at this I'm linking it because yea click that at your own risk it's hard to look away so i just want post it


So the point of this campfire i have no idea how to use tumblr, how do i add people? what other cool things can i do that i have yet to discover? Has there ever been a time tumblr or anything else literally taken up your whole day?


FYT... Hottness

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic


What are YOU reading now?

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 10:06 PM

Come in and tell everyone which in progress fics you are reading now...

After swearing off IP fics, I've been sucked into a few. Come inside to see if you're reading these, too!

And also, some *UMPH* just because.


Culture Club

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 9:04 PM

I was just Youtube-ing and watched the Kings of Leon video for Back Down South.  It got me thinking about how great a depiction it is of their culture

which then got me thinking about diversity in the forest.  So, tell me a little or a lot about your culture.  For some of us, we're multicultural so that means we're pretty special.  :P 
To start, what are three things that are important in your culture? 
I'm an American with a Bosnian background.  I'd say three of the most important things to us are
coffee - big coffee drinkers.  Coffee is a way of life.  I don't like coffee.  I don't fit in.  ;)
(greasy) food.  Meat is a staple.  LOL
and conversation (dear God, they can talk all day long)
Obviously I'm simplifying here, but come in and share.  Tell us some of the beauty of your culture.  Do my three things, show a picture, tell an anecdote, etc.  Show a little cultural pride and hopefully some of us will learn something new.

Twigh School Musical

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 8:50 PM

For the lulzzzz, watching this on MAD right now.



Thursday June 9, 2011 at 7:50 PM

Antiaol pulled her stories on ff. (POUT). I LOVED her stories so much!

Does anyone have copies of  Library Rendezvous and Somewhere Between Crimson and Blue? I couldn't find either by googling.




Dad... I want to stay in Forks

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 7:41 PM

"In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State,
a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds."

Good evening ladies. I have some fancy news. The lovely radar123 and I are going to FORKS. We met right here on ADF and we're making the pilgrimage together in just over a month. Our trip will also include jaunts to Port Angeles (to eat at Bella Italia, of course), Seattle (home of the birth of grunge), and Vancouver (giant trees!!)


(We're a little excited, in case you can't tell from our squeeing on Twitter.)

In honour of this momentous occasion, I will be re-reading the original series this month, and invite all of you to dive back into the origin of this thing called twilight fanfiction that we know and love. Join me for a post on the inaugural book next week sometime.

To make this interactive, the first 3 people that post in campfire will receive a postcard from Forks next month if they would like one. Just PM me your address after you're sure you're one of the first 3, and note whether you'd like a normal message, a message from one of Twilight characters, or a ludicrous drawing.


Is this a gateway campfire?

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 7:27 PM

If I start posting here, does that mean I'll suddenly be campefiring left and right? Up and down? All over the internet, day and night, until years from now I'm found rocking in an alley, clutching my laptop and mumbling about how many comments I received? Is there an intervention in my future?

Because I'm okay with that.

This is my first campfire, and I'm starting it because I just had birthday wine, because I was born today! Minus thirty-five years! YAY!

I have a good feeling about this year, I'm just gonna put it out there. I've always been hesitant to say anything optimistic - to prevent jinxing, of course -, but this year I'm letting it go free! In my 35th year I am going to get my MAT in Elementary Education, and I am (hopefully)(assuming I sign up) going to do the Susan B Koman 2-day walk for breast cancer. I'll spend time with nephew, student teach, save up for a guitar, and just have a great year. I want to go into thrity-six feeling like I rule the world!

~ random aside: love facebook, which makes me feel like a rockstar on my birthday! It's nice to know that even if it was for two seconds, people were thinking of me today ~

To make this interactive, have you ever had any truly spectacular birthdays? I know a lot of people have had bad or mediocre birthdays, but I want to know about the good ones! When I turned 30 I threw myself a surprise party. It was awesome, and I had a blast! I was so surprised! =D /dork

And I am so lucky, birthdaywise, not only because I am almost perfectly six months from Christmas, but also because the Old Town Art Fair always coincides with my birthday week, and I can go and buy myself a pretty present (if I find something I like) without guilt! It's this Saturday, and I can't wait. I want it to be now!

So, any good birthdays out there? Special gifts? Events? People popping in to say "surprise!"?

Happiness and pretty for your time:


Some Tech Help Please!!

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 7:08 PM


Hi to all..

I know I don't really know much people here.. (I've always been a lurker) but I've not been able to be around here as of late because I was doing my graduate thesis.. and now that all is said and done and if all goes well I´ll be a publicist a month from now.. I can finally come back..

I'm here to ask all of you Mac users a BIG favor, I just got a MacBook, after been a whole live pc user so if you could please give me pointers, tricks, I don't know.. things like "cmd+c to copy" kind of thing...

I'd really appreciate it...

Thank you in advance.. 


Humor Me, Please

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 5:58 PM

Happy FFAF to ALL!

I am bored outta my mind and thought we could all have some fun. I don't know how many people think this will be fun, but Oh, well give it a shot for me. PWEASE?

Do you remember Word Libs? You know, those Stories found in Magazines and such where they would ask you to fill out a list of words such as an adj, noun, a person's name. And then when you were done you plugged them into specific places of a story and it came out as this hilarious thing. No? okay well, just try this. I think it will be fun.

I found a cool place online. Go HERE and pick a story motif you would like. Fill in the words according to the website and create a story. When you have it, read it, laugh a little (hopefully), and post it here.

Mine will be inside =)

Hint: pick the ramdom-est words that come to mind. being clever in your word choice = a funnier story. 

Happy Weekend to ALL!

Something sweet FYT:


Writer/Beta/Pre-Reader Relationships

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 4:05 PM

As some of you may already know, this past weekend I was flounced/publicly humiliated/dumped/insert your own verb by my Betas on Twitter this past weekend.

This sparked some debate on with some of my Twitter & WCing friends about how writers and betas interact with each other and the fandom. 

1. If you're a beta, do you feel that it's necessary for your writer to mention you every chapter? Or feel obligated to pimp you out? 

2. If you're a writer, do you thank your beta (if you have one, of course) every chapter? Or feel obligated to pimp them out?

Or just ignore those questions and share your feelings on the Writer/Beta/Pre-Reader relationship topic. I'm having a hard time coming to terms with what happened, so any and all comments would thoroughly be appreciated! <3


My favorite Rob in thanks for your time:


Thanks you to the awesome Purple-Loving-Ranger, wtvoc, for the permission!


Everybody Needs a Bosom for a Pillow.

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 4:00 PM

Is that even how you spell bosom?


Someone come in here and talk boobs with me.

And explain to me how at aged 20 mine can still be growing.

And has anyone noticed that a certain somebody's assets are beginning to... inflate.

Hellooooo bodonks.

(i know, i know, i'm such a dirty perv, that this was the only thing i was thinking when i was watching the MTV movie awards. 'hot damn those girls are growing')


i'm going to try and refrain from moaning about how sore and big mine are right now.

and you're going to tell me that you love your boobs even if they're a 32A, or a 38KKK.


and when they stopped growing too.


OMG Fic Moments

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 2:18 PM

Remember THIS?

"Can I live here?" he asked softly, "Can this be my home?"


Give me your OMG lines or passages from fanfic: Something that left you breathless and biting your lip. How about something that made you Eeep!, made you LOL (in a good way), or had you fist pumping the air with a "hell yes" and a head nod.

I think those moments in stories - the ones that either build up or end the UST in some way -  are fantastic.

Seriously, sometimes I go back to certain stories and re-read a chapter or two just to bring back that lovin' feeling (heh). Do YOU? 


Highlight below if you want the title of the story above:

The Blessing and The Curse

ETA: There may be spoilers inside.


Twi trailers

Thursday June 9, 2011 at 1:06 PM

Yes, I'm obsessed. It's the trailer that got me into this mess ok?? AND THERE SHOULD BE NO JUDGING OF MY REALLY SERIOUS CONDITION ON BOARDS LIKE THIS.

Now that we've cleared that out:

Rate the Twi trailers

For me: 1. TWILIGHT. I floved it. Reminded me of Highlander in a (much cooler) way. I loved the woman singing. Gave it an eerie gothic touch, rather than the epicness of the choir the other trailers seem to be going for.

2. BD. See recent campfire on this highly significant issue

3. Eclipse. Just because, imo, it's kinda better than New Moon

i.e. Don't look or you'll be Twiobsessed



Thursday June 9, 2011 at 12:02 PM

So I'm dying, I have NOTHING to read!

Can you please help me? :)

I want something with agnst I want to feel something when I read it. But it needs a HEA.

It can be completed or not, that doesn't matter

thank you!

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