
A REALLY big doubt!!!

Saturday June 11, 2011 at 8:48 PM


well the other day I was chatting with these friends about sexuality in women of all ages and well lets just say I´m all theory and none practice and since I began reading fanfiction they all say orgasms are easy to get and well statistics and some friends say they have never meet them, sooo please I only want some facts from real experience, I don't know. open my eyes or whatever U know for the near future! hahahaha!!

or maybe we just need him hahahaha!!!



Pride & Twilight

Saturday June 11, 2011 at 7:55 PM

so i was thinking there's a lot fics of twilight, right? and of Pride and Prejudice, right?

But are there any like Twilight meets Pride?  like instead Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth is Mr Cullen and Bella?

Have any of you guys heard of something like this? Or similar ? 



Saturday June 11, 2011 at 7:05 PM

Was anyone else blown away by tonight's revelation on DW? I, for one did not see that coming.



Looking for two fics:

Saturday June 11, 2011 at 4:38 PM

Hey everyone I am looking for two fics:

Small Fire of Winter Stars by Ilsuocantante - does anyone have this that they could PM me.

An AU fic with Charlie POV - Charlie in one chapter talked about how he could hear Bella's voice at night, and not Edward's, but he knew Edward was there. It was really cute. Any idea of the name?

Thanks so much!



Saturday June 11, 2011 at 10:14 AM

hey all! Hope everyones having a lovely weekend... I'm here to talk about audiobooks.

Who has them? Which books do you have? Where do you listen?

I'm desperately looking for used editions of ALL the Harry Potter audiobooks. If anyone know where I can find them cheap, please let me know!

FYT: fun fact... Did you know that if you add the last 2 numbers of the year you wereborn with the age you'll be at the end of this year, it will be 111 for every person on the planet??? Apparantly this won't happen again for over 800 years. Nifty huh? edit- i am not as think as you dumb i am *headdesk*


Recs, please.

Saturday June 11, 2011 at 9:12 AM

I am really, in dire need of something good to read. I need something amazing to engross me.  Something ExB and well written.

Minimum angst.

I would really appreciate it because I am in a really stupid place right now.

I have a little over a month left till I go off for vacation. I am eating healthy [No, this is not great. It's terrible. I love cheetos. I miss pizza. And cake.]. Before I return Stateside, I will be stopping by the in laws in England and  lemme tell you, they're not the Cullens, this bunch. I have also somehow become latched on to by the most negative woman on earth! She is disliked  by many [including me] but I just can't be mean.


Life is really, really being annoying right now.


So..please? Some recs?


Any French people here?

Saturday June 11, 2011 at 8:14 AM

Please feel free to delete if it's not FFA


I deseperately need info on Disneyland Paris. I went there years ago, but now I have kids, husband and an even worse than before case of insomnia, which means I should either look for an apartment of two hotel rooms and those cost so much omg. We're also planning on going to Paris, of course, Versailles and Asterix, so I'm wondering if perhaps staying at the airport area instead of Disneyland or Paris would be a good idea? Any recs?

Merci :) 


Six Degrees of...

Saturday June 11, 2011 at 6:56 AM

No, not Kevin Bacon.  The Universe has a new center and I think that center is:

Mike Newton

er...I mean

Michael Welch

I recognized him in a guest spot and looked up his IMDb and was shocked at how many 'connections' he has, even to some award winners. Might he be the new Kevin Bacon? Well, it's a little to early to say that, but it's looking good.


How many actor/actresses can you connect him to? He's done a lot of work on the small screen (TV) too.


I'll give an example inside.


I'm guessing it's still FFA, but it is related to a Twilight actor. But feel free to delete if it's off topic.



Friday June 10, 2011 at 5:36 PM




I need help...

Friday June 10, 2011 at 4:56 PM

I seriously have the most embarressing story ever ladies.  I need a little "womenly" advice, because my friends just tell me what I want to hear.  Anyway, story inside. 


I Don't Have a Witty Title

Friday June 10, 2011 at 3:39 PM

This is my first campfire!  I have been a member here from the beginning and it has taken me this long.

Anyhow, I need your help. My grandfather, hero, all around most awesome person I know has cancer. He has been getting treatment for it and it is obviously not working. He hasn't been eating and he is in so much pain. He doesn't complain which breaks my heart because if anyone has a right to it would be him. Tomorrow I get to spend the day alone with him since my mom and grandma will be out all day. I would like to make him something to eat. I know a lot of you in the forest have had to deal with cancer and I would like you to share cancer patient friendly recipes with me. My mom and my grandma take care of him but still cook for him like he's well and don't understand why he won't eat. I want him to eat for me. Please help me.

Thanks! If anyone wants to ask for other recipes it's cool to ask for those too. Happy Friday!



Friday June 10, 2011 at 3:33 PM

Okay so in less than 3 weeks (omg *flail*) I'm going to be going here 

I'm going to visit that awesome, sexy camper known as Punkfarie.

I want advice.

I've never flown before, I've never really traveled before, so I'm basically crapping myself. So advice for a first time flyer? (I'm coming from the UK)

Also to get to punk's I'm flying into NYC then getting a megabus to Buffalo, any advice on getting around NYC with a suitcase? I'm thinking the subway because I assume it'd be cheapest and I'm kind of hoping it's like the London Underground lol. So any New Yorkers got any advice there? Also my flight gets in to JFK at 16.40 and my bus will leave from West Side of 9th Ave between 31st St and 33rd St at 10pm so i have a feeling i'll have some time to spare... is there anywhere in NYC that might offer the whole looking after the suitcase service? So I can see some of the city? 

Also money, like should I get one of the pre-paid travel credit card things? What do you guys do currency wise when going abroad?

And last but not least.... anyone else going to see 100 Monkey's in Toronto? I'll be leaving Punk for the night and traveling up there alone via bus. Wondered if any of you guys will be there and we could like meet up and say hi or something.


Do you guys have anything bugging your mind you want some advice for? 


Of weddings and...stuff...

Friday June 10, 2011 at 3:22 PM

So, my dilemma last week regarding my dress for my best friend's wedding has been taken care of after a week...I did take it back in to be re-altered.  And as a few of you feared, she charged me, yet again...I was not happy about it, but she insisted that she had to because of the amount of work she had to put into it...whatever.  Anyways it fits perfectly and I still love it, so whatever, right?

Well, anyways...I got to thinking yesterday.  My BFF isn't having a bridal shower or a bachelorette party or anything of that nature before her wedding next Saturday and I kind of want to do something for/with her.  She did make us appointments to get our hair done and manis/pedis...but I'm kind of at a loss of what I can do for her during the morning of the wedding.  I've thought about getting the silly "Bride" and "Bridesmaid" t-shirts (even though she isn't calling me her bridesmaid, I'm her "witness", or the signer of the marriage license) and I'm kind of stuck beyond that.

So...have any of you been in this situation?  Have some ideas for me or examples of what you've done for friends?

To make this more interactive, tell me about the fun things your friends did for you or you did for your friends on or before their/your big days.


Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club 11/40

Friday June 10, 2011 at 3:10 PM


THIS IS WEEK 11/40  

You know know the drill ladies, come on in and tell me how your week was.  

Homework:  Have any embarrassing workout/gym stories for me?

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )

(Also side note for maintenance issues, can everyone double check that you are indeed on the chart who all wants on it.  If for some reason you do not see your name on the chart and do want to be on it let me know in your comments.  I will go back and gather all the needed data necessary.  Figured we are 1/4th of the way though, never hurts to make sure we are still on the right path.  XD)



Friday June 10, 2011 at 2:50 PM

This is a kids rant.

Okay.  My four year old daughter just cut her hair.  For the second time.  In 3 weeks.  The first time she cut her bangs off.  Yes off.  She cut them down to about a 1/4 inch long.  Her reasoning?  This is a direct quote.  "Princesses don't have bangs."  Frankly, I couldn't disagree with her.  Her argument is water tight.  Disney princesses don't have bangs, at least the ones she has seen.  So, I had to explain to her that if she doesn't want bangs, she will have to grow them out long to go back with the rest of her hair.  This is precisely one of the many types of things I say every day to my kids that I never thought I would have to say (only trumped by my favorites, such as "Don't leave your hat in the tree." "Don't put your toothbrush in the toilet." "Do not lick your brother."  "Put your brother down, he's a person, not a ragdoll.")  You just never think you have to explain these things.  I'm sure I have better, but I can't think of them right now.

So this time, she cut chunks out of the rest of her hair.  When I told her we will have to go have her hair cut she had a full blown melt down.  She loves her hair.  Then she breaks my heart when she says that she doesn't want her friends (two little boys who are coming over tonight) to see her with her hair short and breaks down bawling again.  I want her to learn the consequences of her actions, but I don't want her to feel ugly because of it.  So I offer to have my hair cut too, because I was already thinking about it anyway, and though she's still not happy about it, she's relieved.  She really thinks that with short hair she'll be ugly.  So now, I'm waiting for my son to wake up from his nap so we can go to the salon to get our hair cut. 


Please come in and commiserate with me.  If you have kids, tell me the things they do that make you crazy.  If you don't have kids, tell me about your friends' kids or maybe what you did as a kid. 

This is in no way the end of the world and they have done crazier stuff than this.  But it's the everyday insanity that slowly drives you over the edge.  And in saying this, I fully recognize how blessed I am to have them.  I love them more than I could ever say.  But they do drive you nuts. 

EDIT:  Okay, share the sweet stuff too because I need to remember the wonderful things about them too while I'm going out of my mind.


Teenage dramaaaa

Friday June 10, 2011 at 2:36 PM

So my roomate hates me now. Wanna know why?

It starts like this: back in March, my phone was stolen. Remember how some dick broke my jaw? Yeah, fun times. So because I was phoneless, my parents sent me one of their not-in-use phones, a basic old Nokia, nthing fancy but perfectly functional that I promptly fell in love with. Simple is my style.

My friend Jochi, who had just bought herself a BlackBerry, offered to give me her old Nokia, a touchscreen that I declined because I don't like touchscreen. at. all.

Then my roommate went on this trip to Europe, and she asked to borrow my phone since it was much more basic than her state-of-the-art LG touchscreen. I let her take it, because I'm nice, ocassionally. She then proceeded to lose it Edimburgh. She felt appropriately terrible, so she decided to buy me a phone to replace the one she had lost; this being a very new, very pretty Samsung smartphone. Touchscreen.

When she presented it to me I was appreciative and I told her I thought it was lovely, which I do. It's a beautiful phone! I don't like touchscreen but I could manage. This was about a month ago.

Today, my parents offered to buy me a BlackBerry. I was so happy, so I leapt at the chance. I told my friend Jochi about it, and then it turned out here was no availability, so i didn't get the BB. When I came home I told my friend Jochi through gchat that I hadn't gotten the BB. She asked if I was keeping the Samsung, so I said yeah, though it was kind of a bummer cause I don't like touchscreen. She says, but you like the Samsung, right? My answer: Yeah, it's great, but I'm a little tired of the touchscreen, you know?

Turns out she was my roomate in Jochi's phone. I don't know how, I didn't even ask because my roomma now refuses to talk to me.

I didn't tell her I don't like touchscreen stuff because I wanted to be nice.


Anyone's got any such embarassing, awful situations to share?


I Wish it Were A Movie

Friday June 10, 2011 at 2:21 PM

I have been reading The House of Night series and before that I read the newest Chicagoland Vampire book and I would love to see these two series become a small network tv show.

There should be a channel that only has shows based on books.

I also just watched I Am Four for the first time and now I can not wait to read the books.

So it got me thinking:

What books have you recently read that you would like to see onscreen?

What actors would you want?

What movies are coming soon based on books?



Friday June 10, 2011 at 2:00 PM

Still Free for all, right?

Hope so

So... as much as I love this fandom and all the fanfic involved, I'm always a fan of seeing others original work. Whether it's short stories or poetry... mostly poetry... i LOVE poetry... I love it all.

This campfire is an original stuff campfire. Bring your stuff in if you want to and we can all check it out.

Hopefully this CF doesn't fail horribly

Mine will be in the comments.


I'm too young to DIIEE!

Friday June 10, 2011 at 12:01 PM

Okay, okay. First campfire, yadda yadda. Here's my question: When the last installment of the Twilight Saga films is released, and watched, and released on DVD/BlueRay, and watched again, what will happen to the Twilight Fandom?

Will you lose interest?

Keep the fire burning?

Continue to be semi involved, but really just move on with your life as you were planning to before the Twilight Saga.

Will Twilight fanfiction cease to exist?

If the fandom doesn't burst into flames the day Breaking Dawn Part 2 comes out on DVD/Blueray, when will it end?



The Twilight Saga fad is ending and that feels weird to me. A lot of people here seem tired of it already. So tell me how you feel about this fandom and its inevitable doom.



dawnmarie dreaming

Hanging with Friends

Friday June 10, 2011 at 11:48 AM

As though my addiction to Words with Friends wasn't enough to be getting on with, they have now come out with Hanging with Friends, which is basically Hangman for adults. Have any of you lovelies become addicted yet? Come in and leave me your user name. Or just start a game with me. I'm dawnmarie dreaming on there too. Or just come in and share some of your favorite iphone apps with me. I'll be working overtime (AGAIN!) this weekend, so keep me company with a little old fashioned competition. (please excuse typos or misspellings - i'm on my phone at work *laughs evilly*)

First --- | >> | 831 | 832 | 833 | 834 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 838 | 839 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
