

Thursday June 16, 2011 at 10:07 AM






A vamp fic with letters

Thursday June 16, 2011 at 1:18 AM

Ugh, there is  a vampire story I would like to reccommend ... but I lost it. Help, please.

It is a post New Moon one, no Italy, no Volturi. Instead Edward has returned on his own and is helped by the whole family to get his love back. A repentant Jasper puts a bed in his room, with a wonderful letter. Emmett leaves a letter too, on a log pile and the letter tells him that he has found and destoyed Victoria ..."But, dear brother, this shoudl have been youir job. Now please take your head  from your ass ..."

In fact all the members of the family leave letters for him and they are incredibly good and moving. Can somebody remember the title?

Thanks in advance


GO AND READ IT, IT IS A GREAT VAMP AND FAMILY STORY  http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6493971/1/A_Fork_in_the_Road


Advice for Dealing with Crazy People

Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 10:05 PM

Hi all,

My dad came over to have a chat with me tonight and I've learned that my step-mother is cuckoo!  My rant is inside... I'd love any advice from other campers who have to deal with crazies.


**Permission to start campfire granted by the lovely wtvoc!



Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 5:11 PM

Ok so I started reading twilight fanfics a while back, but I definitely still consider myself semi-new to this whole thing.

Edward Wallbanger, Scotch, Gin, and the New Girl, Wide Awake, Withering the Ferns, and Memoria in Aeterna are the fics that I have read that I keep re-reading, and as much as I love them, I need some new ones.


Thanks loves!


Jeepers Creepers

Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 4:15 PM

Lemme see YOUR peepers!

I just got new glasses, and I really like 'em.  I wanna see sexy (or silly) pictures of YOU in glasses. 


Or you know... just post hot guys in glasses.  That's cool too.


Rob in eyewear, fyt



(My pic is in comments.  Thanks wtvoc, for giving me a thumbs-up.)



Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 4:07 PM


Tumblr's pretty much having an aneurysm right now.

So are the roommates and I.

Does anyone have an idea of what Rowling's up to with this?

The Girl Who Read

Calling all Angst HOOrs

Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 2:35 PM

Hello. I'm not certain if there is a specific procedure for this, or if i have to pass an initiation test for the right to post, but feel free to remove this if I'm going about it wrong.

Anyway, I have recently developed a love for angst fics. The kind of stories that tear your heart out, stamp on it and then rip it in to tiny pieces. However, I'm struggling to find ones that are tragic/poignant/cathartic without being excessively graphic when it comes to drug use/violence etc.

Some I have enjoyed are: We used to be a love story, Unplanned (Jennde's one shot) and Little Plastic Castle.

Does anyone have any recs for me???

Many thanks.


is butter a carb?

Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 12:23 PM

ask wtvoc

i should be studying my ECG rhythm strips, so obviously it's time for one of these.

need advice from an unqualified source?

questions about the forest?

err want an obnoxious opinion from a snobby old broad?

well, you've come to the right place, sir.

ask away. or idk, leave an amusing picture or gif or a pretty piece of flesh for everyone to enjoy.

i shall be sitting here, finishing this pride & prejudice fic and possibly focusing on second-degree type 2 heart blocks.

mary on her first cousin for your time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Oldies but Goodies

Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 10:42 AM



Hey Campers!!!

After a little break, I'm very excited to bring you another story for our Oldies but Goodies Read-a-long.  This one came recommended to me by our lovely ranger, Capricorn75, with the description of a fun summer read - perfect timing, eh?! So, without further ado, lets get started on.....

The Nymph and the Waterfall by Pastiche Pen!!!



I thought we'd try something a little different this time.  Our read-a-long discussion schedule will be as follows:

Friday  - Discuss Chapters 1-10

Sunday - Discuss Chapters 11-20

Tuesday - Discuss Chapters 21- The End. 


Also - after this story, stay tuned....we have a very exciting surprise coming up for the Read-a-long, that will be announced in a couple of weeks :)  Can't wait! And no, I'm not spilling the beans, so don't even try me! ;) 

Use this fire to ask any questions about the read-a-long, share your excitement, etc, etc. 

Theresa L Cullen

Looking for this story...

Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 8:09 AM

 I want to say it's kind of like Unplanned Perfection but it's not, story takes place in California. Bella and Jacob(who are not together but have lived together since she was pregnant) and Rose ends up taking in the story she's written and will be her publicist, then she finds out that she only lives right down the street after they meet over Bellas book. Alice comes over to Roses and sees Bella's son and recognizes who are his parents when she confronts Bella about it, Bella begs her not to say anything to anyone and Alice keeps the secret. I think it ends up being Esme who sees the boy next and everything goes south from there. Edward flips out, the rest of the cullens are angry and hurt, seriously shit hits the fan when they find out about her son. It takes a good amount of time before things calm down. I don't remember exactly what Edward does but I know he's not an actor or a singer and the little boy is about 4 or 5 at the time of the story. I know its not Saewod's Once Upon a Graduation or Almost Grown Up. The story is complete and I read it over a year ago. Can any of you help me out?




The Serial Form and Fanfic WIPs

Wednesday June 15, 2011 at 12:40 AM

Hi guys!

Today it's Wednesday and so the Writing Lab at MyReadingLounge's been updated with...

a post by Cecilia Tan, published writer and fanfic author, about the relationship between serialized fiction and fanfic WIPs

Thanks to the lovely Miaokuancha, who talked to Cecilia Tan about the Writing Lab!

Cecilia's post can be very useful both to those who write WIPs (are we writing a novel? or a serial? what's the difference?) and to those who enjoy fanfic and can't wait for each new update of their faves: it's happened before, even before the Internet and the fanfics...when and how? Cecilia explains it too.

Have a good reading!

- Raum

direct link to the post: http://myreadinglounge.blogspot.com/2011/06/writing-lab-lesson-from-cecilia-tan.html


First Fire... Smut U

Tuesday June 14, 2011 at 9:13 PM

Ok, so I gather from other cf's here that I am supposed to get approval/permission for posting but I really have no idea how to go about that. Crossing my fingers you'll forgive me if I am going about this all wrong since this is my first cf!

Anyway, my application to PTB's Smut University 2011 (are we allowed to link? remember seeing something about that once...) was approved this weekend. Yeah Mom, Dad guess what? I got in!! 

I've written all of one o/s to date (which btw included absolutely zero smut) so I'm a bit nervous. Plus, I don't wanna get to class on the first day and not know anyone so I thought I'd ask around to see if anyone else here would be attending this semester? Or any pointers if you attended in the past?

I hope it'll be a lot of fun. I need interactiveness which I think there will be at Smut U. Just sometimes I feel like everybody already knows eachother and I do not which has the effect of causing me to shrink back in the corner somewhat. But really, I can be too outspoken at times so the back in the corner bit doesn't usually last too long. Just have to get over the first day jitters which is why I am hoping some of you will be there with me!



Tuesday June 14, 2011 at 6:47 PM

So the Breaking Dawn Panel has been confirmed for Thursday of SDCC 2011.

  Whose going?  Whose camping? Who doesn't care? Whose pissed the online sells for tickets sucked this year (not me I bought last July)?  Who is hoping for prime footage and some sort of awesome Twilight swag ?(I am still burned by the fact that the last large scale Twilight event I went to I ended up with a free wolf pack shirt only to find out after that they were also giving out Cullen Crest shirts...) 

Any speculations as to who they will parade out for the masses??  Can we come up with some sort of awesome Twilight panel drinking game like every time Kristen or Rob say something awkward or Taylor ignores when some yells take off your shirt?


I will be there as will at least two of my awesome twi-fandom friends.

Fluent in Sarcasm

A bit o' help?

Tuesday June 14, 2011 at 1:12 PM



BUT, I need your help.

How do I transfer books which I have been sent?

Eg. BDB and the Hunger Games,  which has gone on to my kindle app for the PC but not over to my Kindle?!? anyone?

Also, 'coz I know we have the all the experts here, how do i get fics on to it? something about the kindle email?

Any help would be much appreciated, I'm not completly techno-phobe, but it is all new to me!


FinS x


Edward Wallbanger

Tuesday June 14, 2011 at 9:42 AM

Doea anyone know where I could find Edward Wallbanger the author hasn't replied to my messages


Please Help

Tuesday June 14, 2011 at 3:40 AM

Hey, This is my first time on here. Anyway, I am looking for a story that I had read somewhere else where Bella becomes Edward's secretary or assistant. I remember really liking it but the only thing I really remember from it right now is that at some point she trips and cuts her arm on his desk and he drives her to his father for stitches.

Please help me find this story. I would really appreciate it.


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Tuesday June 14, 2011 at 3:19 AM

I'm posting this a day early b/c I won't be able to post it any other time this week.

So enjoy!







I actually have TWO recs for Edward/Bella this week.  (Shocking, right?)


"Every Moment of Forever | E&B" by verotruth


"we've got forever" by TheLovelessMystery


"damon & elena - we fly away" by phoebekate88





Favourite Fic You're Reading Right Now

Tuesday June 14, 2011 at 2:05 AM

Hello! A lot of my favourite fics have recently been completed, so I'm looking for some fantastic fics to get into! What is your hands down favourite fic you're reading right now (or several if you like!) ??

Cheers! :)

ps While I'm at it I want to rec this oldie but goodie: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6484653/1/Little_Plastic_Castle

Absolutely heart breaking but beautiful. A must read!


EDIT: Woahh!! Thank you everyone! Much appreciated - lots of stuff to take a look at :)


Music makes everything better...

Tuesday June 14, 2011 at 12:58 AM


Most of you must be in bed...  I just want to share this, it is so sweet:

"Honeymoon child" by Emilianna Torrini


I think it would be perfect for the the soundrack of  Breaking Dawn 1. I don't expect too much from the movies, but I have great expectations on the score and the songs.

Also check "Summerbreeze" by the same artist, almost what goes in my mind when I write my little fic.


I wonder what music will they use to "dress" Edward's back.

Any ideas?


PS: I haven't asked permission, I hope this is OK :)

Monday June 13, 2011 at 10:38 PM

Does anyone know what stories have been deleted in the last 24 hours or so? My favourites list is down one. Thanks

First --- | >> | 829 | 830 | 831 | 832 | 833 | 834 | 835 | 836 | 837 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
