
Call me a name... any name!!

Friday June 24, 2011 at 12:45 PM

Some of you know me, some of you don't , but I need everyone's help. I am 31 weeks preggo and baby boy is still nameless. We had daughter's name picked out WAY before this point in the pregnancy. So give me some good ideas of names that go with middle name of Kurt (set in stone as it's grandfather's name).


I am about to strangle hubs because we cannot agree on names. He hates my pick of Ethan and keeps changing his: 1. Alexander, shortened to Alex which is what daughter calls our dog... werid, 2. Henry I was warming up to then he changed his mind, 3. Mason which really ticks me off because Mason was on my original list and he said it reminds him of Mason jar so now that's all I think of!!


Some preferences of course because I have OCD!!!

1. two syllabuls, I think it goes better with a one syllabul middle name

2. professional sounding, so it's hard for me to like a name like Bobby, Riley, Billy

3. above 2. leads me to no names that can be shorted to nick names that don't sound professional.

4. easily spelled and pronouced because this kid will spend the rest of his life trying to correct the spelling and saying of our last name


My mom was going to call me Robert, so I was thinking of that but hubs nixed it... care to guess why???? Has a lot to do with this website ;)


This is my baby boy....




Ok, so call me some names!!!


mega sad face

Friday June 24, 2011 at 12:03 PM

So this is my first campfire and I don't want this to be my first campfire because all I'm going to do is moan, but I feel so... eurgh. 


I have chickenpox, it really sucks. I can't be around people, I can't go to work and I LOVE my job and no one will come near me. Sigh. As you might gather, I'm rather bored. Bored outta my head, in fact. 


So please, pretty please with cherries and whipped cream and chocolate and toffee sauce, can someone rec me something or show me funny stuff or something. Anything. 


For your time:




Tips or not tips?

Friday June 24, 2011 at 10:38 AM

Hi lovely Ladies

Since it's FFA I start this CF to ask for help once again!! I'm leaving for Miami in 2 days hurrrayyyyy!

My question concerns the tips you have to give in restaurant and so on, I'm french and in my country we do not tip since the service is included in the prices of the meal. My question is when do I have to tip ? Only in "seated" restaurant ? Do I need to tip if I'm ordering food to take away? Do I need to tip in fast food chains (kfc Burger Kings?) if I believe the fabulous Q tarantino you don't tip in fast food ( opening scene from reservoir dogs !!) I was told to tip the taxi drivers too. How much must I give ? I think it's around 20% BUT I'm not sure... Do I need to tip in other situations as well ? 

Please let me know, don't want to be seen as the rude and stingy french girl !!

Another question completly unrelated do you guys manage to post on adf with your iphone ? I got an iphone 4 and it doesn't want to type in the "typing window" (I don't know how to call the window that pops up where you can write in it!!)


Love O


Baby Showers!

Friday June 24, 2011 at 10:13 AM

Tomorrow is my best friend's baby shower which my other best friend and I are planning, we have everything ready (Thank goodness!) and most of the games are ready, we have the most basic games (baby bingo, measure the belly, etc.) but I think that will only make for a couple of games not enough for the baby shower (we bought around 20 prizes), so I was wondering what you lovely campers thought are must have games in a baby shower, are there any games that stand out to you that you love? Maybe pin the sperm to the egg (yes this game does exist)? 


Tell me some of your favorite baby shower experiences and let me know your favorite games!



PLot Bunny Help?

Friday June 24, 2011 at 8:05 AM

Where can i bounce plot bunnies off of for REAL, non-partial judgments?



Nook No Bueno??

Friday June 24, 2011 at 8:01 AM

So I've had the Nook, the original one, since it came out. IDK how long ago that was. I love it, for the most past, BUT......

I was wondering if anyone else has problems with it freezing, or not keeping your page when it goes to the screen saver or shuts off.

At first I though it was because I was reading PDF files on it, but now it's happening with real, purchsed books too. It's making me CRAZY, and I'm not sure what to do.

Anyone having these problems, or problems like it with your e-reader? Any suggestions on what to to to prevent me from tossing it out the window?



Friday June 24, 2011 at 6:53 AM

Hey! I know everyone and their mother is in love with this fic, but I haven't even started it! I like completed stories.

Is there just an epi left? Is it "ended" enough for me to start and not be left hanging with some major plot points?


Whatever it is say it in the campfire!!

Friday June 24, 2011 at 4:42 AM

You know? this is a great place to have fun and forget about you RL problems, but once in a while RL it's just to much to deal with and you have to do something about it, don't you?.  Well for me this is one of those times and I thought..."well, why don't tell my story to the campers and get energy to keep on going from there?".  So here I am ...I have this "thing" that it's eating at my heart and I need to tell or die from anguish (Details inside).

What about you?.  What's that thing that you need to tell to feel a little lighter?


Requesting a banner

Friday June 24, 2011 at 4:22 AM

Hi all!! I've been terribly MIA lately, I know, but I have a valid excuse. I temporarily moved back in with my parents (so I can have all my stuff there while I'm travelling the world) and that means I can't be online all the time...

Anyway... I'm about to finish my current WIP. Wowza, big shocker! Yes, it's almost done! Can you believe it? But that's not the reason for this campfire. During my travels, I intend to start fleshing out a plot bunny that struck a while ago. I'll post the prologue on FFn before I leave to give you a little taste of what's to come. And I'd just love a banner to go with it.

As I've already outlined most of the plot, I know which direction the story's gonna go, so the banner idea I have is quite specific. However, I have absolutely zero banner-making skills... Would anyone want to help me out?


Free For All.

Friday June 24, 2011 at 3:44 AM

It's the free for all! Isn't that great? Post away. Just don't you swear on the front page. Or put dirty, dirty images there, either. And if you want, put a good song in this here thread.


What To Read?

Thursday June 23, 2011 at 8:36 PM

Hello everyone! *waves*

At the begining of the year I started the reading challenge on goodreads. I set a goal of 80 books for the year and I've read 73 so far. =) but alas... 

With the reading of all those real books, I left the world of Twilight behind and it has been around 8 months since I read any fanfiction.. untill tonight. 

I was going through CF's earlier and saw the one from Nayarit about the fic Resent by sistergrimm/dearlybeloved'93 (It was pretty good and I'm excited to see how things turn out for all of them!), I was bored and I'm between good books so I gave it a shot and realized I really miss Edward and Bella. *sigh*



So this is what I want from you...

Give me any fic that you've read this year that you absolutley loved, I'd prefer something completed or nearly complete (because there's only about 6 weeks untill school starts back here and once it does between all my kids going to school and me going to school I wont have much time for the updates..) and something B&E of course. 

But I really just want something really good that will hold my attention, if it's supernatural that would be awesome!


Thank all you lovelies for you time.. 




(ps. it's 11:30 on a thursday here so I was going for the FFFA)


5 most recent "Alert Added"

Thursday June 23, 2011 at 7:40 PM

I haven't done this in a while and I am in need of some new reads. So tell me, what are the last 5 stories that you hit "add to story alert"? Be a dear and add a link :)


1. Sleep On The Floor

2. Theories of Bellativity

3. Two Lines

4. All At Once

5. Outside the Box


Reality Minus Expectations or Something Like That

Thursday June 23, 2011 at 7:04 PM

Well, I'm just on a roll, eh? Two campfires in a week, lol.

Anywho. So, had an interesting survey/conversation/etc on Twitter this evening. My question...

From a reader's perspective, what's your ideal chapter length? Ideal update frequency? (Realistically).

Answers were far and wide, ranging from 2-3k every week to 3-5k every other week to 7-8k twice per week.

I bring the same questions to you, ADF, along with a couple of more.


1. What's your preferred chapter length?

2. How often do you think updates should occur?


Writers (a few additional questions for you):

1. What chapter length to you prefer writing?

2. How often do you prefer to update?

3. Now, this is NOT a competition... including

a) research,

b) writing,

c) edits and re-writes,

d) anything else involved with finalizing a chapter,

What is your average word per hour? Or what's your range?

In other words, how long does it take you to write a chapter, start to finish.

Be honest because there is a point to this question, something that I think will be interesting and maybe enlightening for some.


ETA: one of the goals of this discussion/survey is an examination/comparison of what people would like/expect to read and what is maybe realistic to write.


And now, for something entirely too serious...

Thursday June 23, 2011 at 5:43 PM

Ladies and gentlemen of the forest.  This is where I live

I don't know if any of you have caught this on the news, but Minot, ND and surrounding communities are bracing themselves.  We are going to be flooding.  In Minot, 11,000 people have been evacuated from their homes.  And many of thoses homes are going to be literaly filled to the ceiling with water.  The Souris River (also known as the Mouse River) is so full from snow melt and releases from dams up in Canada and there's nowhere for the water to go.

Minot consists of three parts...two hills (we call them North Hill and South Hill) and the valley.  Everything on the hills (including me), will be safe.  Everything in the valley will be lost.  We could be under water as soon as tomorrow.  With the force of the water coming through, they're doubtful that the dikes and levees can hold.

The Twilight fandom is a generous one, they help for childhood cancer, tornadoes, overseas tsunamis and floods, sexual assault and autism.  Now I'm asking for your help.  For a flood that's within our own country.

You can donate to two places: or text REDCROSS to 90999 for the Minot Area Red Cross chapter.
Text MINOT to 80888 to donate to the Salvation Army flood relief fund for Minot.  For both text messaging numbers, the donation amount is $10.00.

We have a celebrity from here that's trying to help us out, too...


You see this stuff on TV, hear about it on the news.  But let me tell NEVER think this could be happening to your and your loved ones.  I can't even begin to describe how this feels.  I've got family and friends that are going to be homeless...
Here's a link to some pictures that Time Magazine had on their website...,29307,2079486_2287188,00.html
approved by me

Your To-Be-Read List

Thursday June 23, 2011 at 3:19 PM

Organizing fics. I saw that discussion on LiveJournal and was curious what other campers think...

Many of us have a to-read list and in my case, it keeps on growing. Last week, I finally managed to cut my list down from ~200 to ~70 fics.

I I don't fic dive so, basically, if enough people say something like, "You have to read this!" or "It's SO GOOD OMG!" I'll put it on my list here and then I'll revisit it later when I have time to.

So, do you guys also have some sort of To-Be-Read list somewhere?

Is it your alert list or a special bookmarks folder, etc?

What's your system for organizing the list? How does a fic make it onto the list?

Or do you have no system at all and just like to jump into the latest hot recc's?



Aim High

Thursday June 23, 2011 at 12:02 PM

Jackson Rathbone's new webseries, Aim High, stars him as a high school aged spy.

The trailer is interesting....

Will you watch?


fics based on myths

Thursday June 23, 2011 at 10:26 AM

I hope the links work.

If not, at least you have the addresses here.

I love Greek Mythology. The first one has Bella falling in love with the God of the Sun and the second one has her falling in love with a different God. I do not want to spoil too much. The author says that you do not need to read the first one in order to understand the second one, but I disagree. I recommend reading Star Fall Down first. The second one picks up right where the first one leaves off.


Are there any other fics out there based on Mythology? My favorite story is the one of Cupid and Psyche.


Gimme gimme more

Thursday June 23, 2011 at 9:44 AM

Or I can't get enough of your angst writing


Twific authors you'd beg for more, because their writing ruined you for any other author appeals to you so much you adore everything they've written (even if it's just one fic not that I have anyone particular in mind or anything)

And... I was done.



Thursday June 23, 2011 at 9:33 AM

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pardon the raciness of this image on the front page, i just  have a lot of feelings


Richard Armitage with a beard, or The Hobbit

Thursday June 23, 2011 at 7:55 AM

O I C U lurking there Thorin Oakenshield  Richard Armitage!

Official pics from The Hobbit set. 



And what is this?  Stephen Fry is going to be the Master Of Laketown???  

This is the goodest of good news that ever was good.  Discuss.


wtvoc, this one is for you.

First --- | >> | 825 | 826 | 827 | 828 | 829 | 830 | 831 | 832 | 833 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
