

Friday July 1, 2011 at 1:42 PM

It's Friday Free For All and I'm achey and miserable and I've been running around doing stuff all day but hey, omg, IT'S FRIDAY.

So I just started a Tumblr like, two days ago. I need people to follow, or cool people you can rec me to follow.

Come school me in the ways of Tumblr!

Also post your own so I can properly stalk you.



Banner-Blinkie makers? Interview: Rose Arcadia

Friday July 1, 2011 at 1:31 PM

Hi guys!!

The queen of the banner-blinkie makers of the Twilight fandom has just been interviewed on My Reading Lounge. In her answers, she gives tons of suggestions about banners and blinkies. I hope you'll find them useful.

Interview: Rose Arcadia


Teen Wolf

Friday July 1, 2011 at 12:45 PM

Hi all, happy Friday!

Can we please talk about Tyler Hoechlin...

... And his amazing likeness to Rob. (If this has been discussed before, my apologies) I didn't think I was going to like Teen Wolf, but once I caught sight of this guy, my opinion swiftly changed! Derek could possibly be the hottest werewolf! I want pictures, gifs - whatever you got, hit me!

Seroiusly, does he not look like Rob?    only hotter


Friday July 1, 2011 at 12:26 PM

Hey guys! So I'm new around here but there's this fic which really stuck in my head and for the love of God I just can't remember it!!! So please if someone can help me out i'll be grateful. So it goes like this---Edward is some sort of computer programmer who happens to be a Millionare and he is super shy and geeky. Bella is the new assistant he hires on Jasper's advice since he's the legal aid or something like that. Oh and Emmet and Rose are also there in the fic where Emmet is the bodyguard slash friend and lives on the apartment above the garage at Edward's property. Oh I remember Edward's house help to be Ms.Cope ( I can remember this and not the fics name! Go figure!) and the main thing Bella has a kid I think named Seth oh and she has parental issues with Charlie and Renee being too much of control freaks with an asshole of a husband Jake. Yeah I guess that's all! It's really been bugging me that I can't seem to remember it! It it helps I read it on ffnet and the author classifying the Edward as Sweetward. Thanx in advance!



Friday July 1, 2011 at 11:27 AM

Happy Canada Day!  Some of you may not know but the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Wills & Kate) are visiting Canada this weekend.  They arrived yesterday and I'm currently watching their live coverage on TV.

I don't know about you, but I am totally loving Kate's fashion style.  Plus the girl always has PERFECT HAIR!! 

Come in and share your favourite pics/outfits of hers (and of Wills, because despite being bald, he's still one good looking dude).  Oh and if you're not a royal fan, come in and share you favourite style icons.  Don't just limit it to women, post your favourite stylish men.


100 Monkeys Cleveland 50% off

Friday July 1, 2011 at 6:04 AM

If anyone is interested, Groupon is offering 100 Monkeys tickets at 50% off for their show at House of Blues Friday July 8. So they'll only be $11!

There's also an option for VIP access for $54.


Mama didn't raise me to quit

Friday July 1, 2011 at 5:30 AM

But I am.

I'm quitting smoking.

Just put my first patch on this morning. yes, cuz I'm a wussperv who can't handle going cold turkey.

Still, I'M DOING IT. And I'm so nerous/exited/idon'tevenknow.

I've been a smoker for seven years now. I've tried quitting in the past but I'm pretty serious about it now. I want to be healthier and live a better life and stick around a long time for my kiddos.

SO.... I could use a little encouragement. Share with me about how you managed to kick something you had an addiction to.

Do you have an addictive personality.

Just come in and maybe say good job. I'm gonna need all the support I can get :)


Unexpected Circumstances

Friday July 1, 2011 at 4:37 AM

howdy yall, I just read the latest chapter of Unexpected Circumstances, and I am in legitimate serious pain.  I read and enjoy angst but this just...idek why It is bothering me so much.

come share your thoughts!- I can't be the only one in agony right now....



Manners, manners, young lady...

Friday July 1, 2011 at 4:36 AM

 Mother-in-law's mail to her daughter-in-law-to-be

Stumbled upon this a while ago, and it left me a bit conflicted: who was the ruder party here, the guest or the host? Would you have pointed out everything you didn't like about a future relative? Which of the points did you think were valid?

ETA: Happy Canada Day to everybody whom it concerns! :D


free for all.

Friday July 1, 2011 at 3:46 AM

it's ffa, kids! do yourself a favor and listen to the brilliant and irish glen cover britney spears. it's amazing. if you want, leave a good song, too.

EDIT--FFA WILL LAST UNTIL TUESDAY, AS IT IS A HOLIDAY WEEKEND HERE IN THE STATES. AND CANADA DAY TODAY. as always, keep your dirty language and nudie pics off the front page. anything else is fair game.


Happy Canada DAY!

Thursday June 30, 2011 at 11:55 PM

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Hey my fellow Canadians! What are your plans for today?


Happy Thoughts?

Thursday June 30, 2011 at 11:51 PM

So as some of you may know I'm a pharmacy student here in England. And I've just recieved my second year results....

I failed 3 out of my 4 modules. All my coursework was amazing, and I managed 100% on my dispensing exam, but apparently I suck at 'Medicines & Analysis', 'Pathology & Therapeautics' and 'Pharmaceutics 2'. I'm seriously bummed out.

So I want Happy things people, 'cause I know I won't be the only one who's a had a bit of a sucky week. 

Pictures of Jackson would be much appreciated ;).

doesn't he look happy?!

And anything else that makes you feel good. A quick fanfic perhaps, or a cute/funny youtube vid, some awesome pic spam...anything at all :)


Please help if in Seattle, of vital importance

Thursday June 30, 2011 at 11:17 PM

It's FFA right?

Hi, my husband's going to Seattle and I NEED him to bring me pecan pie but he claims he won't know where to buy it from, and I need some pecan pie that won't be too syrupy because by the time it gets here the crunchy crust will be like syrup soup like it happens every year when my sister in law brings me some from the Mayo clinic and I don't have the heart to tell her and omg what a huge sentence. Anything near the Hyatt? (Microsoft conference and Billy's got money)

ETA: The picture is creampie unfortunately, but how could I not post this


oh crunchy pie crust how I miss you. Shame on you WT.


Fic help

Thursday June 30, 2011 at 5:28 PM

I read a story a long time ago and i thought it was called unexpected happiness but i cant find any story with that title that matches...

So anyway its a EXB story where they have a daughter but i dont think they are married. they both love each other but their relationship is more platonic during the beginning of the story. Edward is a photographer i believe and is going on a trip to africa and gets into a POW situation.  That's really the only details i can remember but any help would be much appreciated :)


Prison . . . ward?

Thursday June 30, 2011 at 3:48 PM

Okay, I can't belive I'm doing this. But, I've been contemplating it for days, and well, I've discovered that I'm VERY into the idea of AH fics where Edward (or other male lead--not picky) is in prison. Whether he's guilty and stuck there (I REALLY want to read this sort of fic!), or about to be released, or about to go in after doing something and maybe a trial or something. I want a fic rec where the lead male spends a good bulk of his time in prison.

NOW, the AU equivalent to that would be if the lead male gets taken prisoner by the Volturi, and spends a good bulk of time there. These recs are TOTALLY welcome too.

I recently read A Thousand Leaves, and totally enjoyed it. A while back I was into Pound of Flesh while Edward was in prison (sort of stopped after that).

Does anyone have any recs for me? OMG thank you!

(Oh and I looked at the master fic list, the closest list was Mafiaward and it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.)


The Forest Needs More Kristen

Thursday June 30, 2011 at 2:43 PM

Seriously, we need more Kristen around here...she's just gorgeous and makes everything better in the world.

So here it is, Kristen campfire with and for pretty pictures and gifs. Come fangirl with me.

New pictures of her today in LA, after yoga classes (preproduction for Snow White). More inside


Please Tell Me

Thursday June 30, 2011 at 9:33 AM

I, of course, am having difficulty choosing my next read. So once again, I turn to you fine people. 

Please tell me WHY I should read the following? Why did you like it? Why did you not like it? I appreciate your help!

The Caged Bird Sings » reviews
Edward blurs the line between Bella's obligation & her hearts' desire within the confines of her privileged life. She knew that she had to be with him no matter what the cost because the best kind of love is the kind that awakens the soul. ExB
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 22 - Words: 143,116 - Reviews: 1691 - Updated: 6-29-11 - Published: 1-26-11 - Bella & Edward    ** I've never read anything from this author before, but it has been recc'd here

The Weight of Words » reviews
In her final months as a student at U of T, Bella meets Edward, the PhD candidate who will be the TA of her senior Shakespeare course and her world is turned on end. What do you do when the only man you want is the one you can't have? Like UST? Enjoy...
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 56 - Words: 402,512 - Reviews: 8789 - Updated: 12-30-10 - Published: 10-24-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete  ** I've never read anyting by this author either, I know it gets recc'd alot. Does it get very bogged down in the Shakespeare Bella is studying? I like Shakespeare, but i'm not sure I want anything very academic right now.

Torn » reviews
Bella has liked Edward for years, but he's never even looked her way. Just when she gives up and begins to fall for one of his best friends, things change. AH, lots of angst, lemons.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 83,342 - Reviews: 2930 - Updated: 5-31-11 - Published: 4-1-10 - Bella - Complete. Torn  ** I loved her story "If You Could Read My Mind" but this has less there a reason?

A Quiet Fire » reviews
"But true love is a durable fire, In the mind ever burning, never sick, never old, never dead, From itself never turning." Ten years after a tragedy parted them, childhood friends Edward and Bella meet again. Can what was lost be recovered? E/B Some OOC
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 34 - Words: 183,125 - Reviews: 7159 - Updated: 5-5-11 - Published: 10-27-10 - Bella & Edward - Complete  ** I read Cullen Sutras, it was ok, not one of my faves, I liked Strange Brew better


Am I kidding myself?

Thursday June 30, 2011 at 7:41 AM

Many of you will laugh and tsk.  But is Bella really so bad?  I was just reading on another board about a mother teaching her children to have a positive self worth and made a statement about Bella being a negative female character as opposed to a strong female like Hermione Granger.  I read that and was immediately annoyed.

I hear so many comments on how awful and weak Bella is.  Is she really that terrible?  Make a compelling argument for me.  In my mind, she's just an average kid.  She makes mistakes, no doubt.  But is she really at the wrong end of the litmus test for character?  I'm trying to wrap my head around this and why we're all here if she is the case for anti-feminism.  Cause while Edward is great, I'm not only here for him.  I saw something of myself in Bella and I'd like to think I'm not damaging my kids. 



Thursday June 30, 2011 at 5:49 AM


I was wondering if anyone had any links to some great fanfic stories on PDF? I want to find some that I can keep on my kindle. I'm just about to save everything that 107yearoldvirgin has written that's avaliable to download, but I have no idea where to find any others!

Thank you!


Bd leaks

Wednesday June 29, 2011 at 7:45 PM

So as some of you know there has been a freakish large amount of pics and videos leak from BD part 1 & 2 what i want to know is how does this make you feel are you like some fans how are so full of rage that you just want to hunt down the person who did this and give them a piece of your mind


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Or does seeing those pictures make you jump and scream and wish you could time travel to Nov 18th already?


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i myself am getting more and more excited every time I'm on tumblr and there is a new photo all over my dashboard

First --- | >> | 821 | 822 | 823 | 824 | 825 | 826 | 827 | 828 | 829 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
