
Love Life? WHAT love life?

Friday July 8, 2011 at 5:47 AM

So, I'm going on a date tonight.

This is kind of a big deal.

I've never really dated, I've never been in a relationship...

I've never even met the guy - we've been talking for about 6 weeks on Match.com.

Any advice?

Had any crazy first dates?

Any rubbish ones?

Come and share - help calm my nerves!!



Friday July 8, 2011 at 5:06 AM

My husband and I just got back from an amazing vacation in the UK.  We spent a week in Mid-Wales and then a long weekend in London in a teeny-tiny self-catering apartment in Kensington.

It was without a doubt completely lovely.  Here.  I'll show you pictures behind the cut.  Very many pictures follow:



Friday July 8, 2011 at 3:52 AM

Hey Everyone! The Free For All Is Here! Isn't that great? Leave a music contribution if you want.


The Hunger Games fic recs

Thursday July 7, 2011 at 11:17 PM

Hi lovelies!

I've loved reccing fics for the Twilight fandom, and I've decided to try my hand at doing it for Hunger Games. The rec site is brand new, and it's called Nightlock. I'm excited to get it out there because THG fandom is in its early stages, so everyone's just as friendly and helpful as they are in the twifandom!

I'd really appreciate it if y'all could lurk it, or even contribute by becoming a regular reccer or guest reviewer for Nightlock :)

Here's iz ze link (that now works!)


PS. Rangers, I'm really sorry if this is deemed off topic - I'm clinging to the fandom connections and YA/sci-fi/fantasy elements of The Hunger Games :)


ADF After Dark II

Thursday July 7, 2011 at 8:59 PM

"J-J-J-J-Jake, you'll f-f-f-freez-z-z-ze," I tried to complain.

"Not me," he said cheerfully. "I run at a toasty one-oh--eight point nine these days. I'll have you sweating in no time."

(p. 490, Eclipse)


then some other tent happenings, then:


"When I woke up in the morning, it was very bright - even inside the tent, the sunlight hurt my eyes. And I was sweating, as Jacob had predicted. Jacob was snoring lightly in my ear, his arms still wrapped around me." (p. 506)


Just a little note

Thursday July 7, 2011 at 8:45 PM

Hi there... how are you? 

I was asked to let some people know when I updated and I can't seem to find the thread that was in, probably because it's been a lifetime since I've updated but...

tonight I posted chapter 17 of A Person of Worth.

Most of you will have no clue what I'm talking about so you can just ignore this cf if you'd like!  For those of you who did want to know I know of no other way to get it out to you.

I'm sorry it's taken so long... I hope it at least meets your expectations.





Thursday July 7, 2011 at 6:52 PM

Ok I have to share and can only do so in this fandom, since i'm a closet fanny. ( name stands for hiding in the closet). Anywho, my hubs is one of the few who knows my LOVE of this fandom. Thus he LOVES to tease me about all my reading. This is his way of dealing with my "distraction" from him time!

So tonight he configures a message so that as I am checking my sites it comes up


this does not include the other jokes he has played which include-

*following me around a store carrying a RPatz cut out using a British accent to say Robert Pattinson repeatedly

*telling my toddler to say Robert Pattinson everytime I look at him


To make this interactive, tell me how your spouse, kids, or family deal with your LOVE of the fandom?


Dilemma dilemma dilemma

Thursday July 7, 2011 at 11:12 AM

So, I don't know what to do.

I've started a story, only I'm not sure if I should post it on ffn or have a go at submitting it for publishing? The thing is, it's not really anything to do with Twilight, or addresses the themes that are included in the series, and my characters are so far out of the canon it's unreal. And the story takes place on an oceanliner in 1927 for God's sake! I know I write historical fics, but my other stories have strong links to it at least!

Do you have any advice?

I've never written anything that isn't fanfiction before  and one of the best things about the fandom is the support network. There is no where else online - that I've found anyway, that gives the same level of commitment and enthusiasm as you guys do (thank you!), so I'm kinda scared of taking my comfort blanket away... And I like the whole concept of a dedicated beta and stuff that I wouldn't be able to find outside of the fandom. But I don't want to remove my story once it's completed and then try to submit it, because I'd feel like I'd royally screwed my readers over, or whatever...

I know this isn't the type of question that ADF was designed for, but I don't know who else I can ask! Nobody that knows me as anything other than Aniseed knows that I write anything at all! And I apologise for this being so rambly!




Thursday July 7, 2011 at 9:42 AM

I can't believe there is nothing here about it yet.

Go watch it live.



leave a comment if you feel like. =)

ps. if there is a problem with the link. just click the thing that say's "watch the hp premiere live" on the top of the page and it should refresh. or just go to youtube.com


Order of the Seers PULLED!

Thursday July 7, 2011 at 7:32 AM

The Author pulled it Today! I was in the middle of reading it. WTF!


Reviews! Reviews!

Thursday July 7, 2011 at 6:59 AM

All about reviews!

What do you think of the practice of giving out teasers for reviews? Bribery, or merely the author's way of expressing gratitude?

Would you flounce a fic if the author threatens to pull unless x number of reviews is received?


Since when did it become a numbers game? How did reviewing turn into the ff.net's version of clicking the "Like" button?

Is there an avenue for leaving constructive criticism anymore?

Let's hear your views!


Has reading FF changed the way you see the world?

Thursday July 7, 2011 at 6:23 AM

I heard a piece on BBC radio today about a study that showed that reading fiction improves your social understanding.

I don't know how to embed the recording but here's the link:


I wonder if that holds for fanfic too?

Has your FF habit helped you to understand people and the world around you?

For me it's certainly given me a view on American society, but I'm not sure how realistic that is.

Hope this link works for you outside of the UK, and that it’s OK for me to have started this CF (my first, waaay)!


The Inside Man update

Thursday July 7, 2011 at 4:43 AM

The Bestie (or The Beast?)

Sorry to be making a second cf, but I kinda want to pimp out this story. I promise not to make another cf today, unless, yk, Men without Eyes or Company loves misery update.

Also, "Yet there was also a part of Bella that wanted to keep Edward at arm's length... Although she didn't believe he would hurt her physically, she understood there was a good chance of one or both of them getting hurt emotionally, and the possibility of that terrified her."



Is Cheaterward the new Domward?

Wednesday July 6, 2011 at 11:27 PM

wtf, Cheaterward seems to be everywhere these days. In fact even I am reading two of these:Once and future lovers, in which he's married to Rosalie, and The Journal, in which he's married to Bella god save all of us. Oh well, at least it's a Kate he cheated on her with)

Anyone else reading anything else THAT'S EASIER FOR US TO STOMACH?? I never thought I'd read Cheaterward, like, ever, but this lack of updates is driving me nuts (impossibly more nuts, to use ff terminology)


Wednesday July 6, 2011 at 3:15 PM



Taylor Lautner just did a video with funny or die called Field of Dreams 2: NFL Lockout.' It's a spoof on the original with Kevin Costner. I just watched it and thought it was okay, it's cute but I wouldn't call it hilarious. What are your thoughts on the video?





(Behind the scenes) 


ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday July 6, 2011 at 2:58 PM







"like a drug" by verotruth <- "your scent is like a drug to me" - most RIDIC line in the movie, but this video makes that scene a whole lot better.


"Future Starts Slow" by bresida 92 <- WARNING: EXCESSIVE SEXINESS.


"[memories are all we've got]" by TheVioletHours <- SO EXCITED FOR HARRY POTTER DH!!!




Two Words O/S

Wednesday July 6, 2011 at 12:27 PM

I usually don't start a campfire but I just wanted to recommend a one shot that I read yesterday. The story is Two Words by Spanglemaker9. I never read one shot story but decided to give this one a try. I am glad I did. It is beautifully written and fabulously told.



Wednesday July 6, 2011 at 11:23 AM

I guess you could said I took a twitter hiatus.


Well, now I'm back and have no idea who to follow.


So lettuce all share our twitters.




Humpday Games

Wednesday July 6, 2011 at 11:07 AM

So, today is Wednesday and once upon a time in the Forest we had Humpday Games. We all miss AngiJ and the fun that ensued from her creative genius, right?  Angi has been super busy with family obligations and hasn't been able to come out and play in a while, but I figure, we should carry on with the games and enjoy the tradition she began!  

We love you AngiJ!  Hope you are able to come back soon!


This week’s game:


Find 1 or 2 images (MAX) that are related to a fic and post them. Others will try and guess which fic you are talking about. Get creative, have fun.

PSA: When replying to someone's guess, i.e. telling them they are right or good job, to the extent possible, don't use images there. It will just take longer for the campfire to update and load and all that stuff !


(Answer: Wide Awake)


p.s. If you guys like this idea and want to continue, that'd be great!  I probably won't be able to post for the next two weeks because *hopefully* I'll be on vacation at the beach.  Someone else can jump in if they feel the urge!  :D


Thank you to the mystery ranger for putting a sticky in the campfire!



google+? not for me, thanks

Wednesday July 6, 2011 at 8:25 AM

This is just a friendly PSA

(Sorry I'm so absent lately.  I'm so hjahgahgahagldjk busy right now it's not even funny.  I worked pretty much from 9:30am to 2am yesterday with just a break to drive my kids around and polish off a bottle of wine w/ my hubs. And I still didnt finish anything I started. This is what working from home looks like.)

Anyway... you all have probably heard of Google+ by now.  I guess it's Google's answer to all that is wrong with the world because we need yet another social networking thing (I still havent figured out LinkedIn and I get pissed every time I get an invite--which is almost daily wtf). Well I was intrigued by this Google+ business because I'm a dork and I wanted IN on the latest and greatest internet hoohaa.

Then I stumbled across THIS ARTICLE.

It points out the fine print in Google's TOS:

“By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services.”

“You agree that this license includes a right for Google to make such Content available to other companies, organizations or individuals with whom Google has relationships for the provision of syndicated services, and to use such Content in connection with the provision of those services.”

“You understand that Google, in performing the required technical steps to provide the Services to our users, may (a) transmit or distribute your Content over various public networks and in various media; and (b) make such changes to your Content as are necessary to conform and adapt that Content to the technical requirements of connecting networks, devices, services or media. You agree that this license shall permit Google to take these actions.”

The article is aimed at professional photographers and this is certainly a concern for me..... but I know many of you use Google docs for your stories and writing (FF and otherwise), as I did too.....but I won't be using it anymore. The TOS applies to all of google's services including google+, Picasa, and g-docs.  Be careful out there, folks.


(i admit i giggled at 'irrevocable' lol)

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