
Current Contests

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 10:09 AM

hi! I've been wanting to write something for the past week, but sadly I have had no inspiration!

So, I was just wondering what contests are currently accepting entries until the next week or so. It doesn't matter what type - wolf, canon, whatever. (As you can tell I am desparate)

Thank you!


Which do you prefer...

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 10:00 AM

Which do you prefer - An amazingly written story with an awful plot, or an awfully written story with an amazing plot?


Sunday July 10, 2011 at 9:20 AM

Ok I blew it. The first time I try to rec something, I blow it. My apologies to tnuccio, for spelling her pen name wrong. Late night/early morning on cold meds,not so good. But please go to or to find her. A Person of Worth, by tnuccio


Edward and a pony???

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 8:03 AM

Okay so I went to my first ever Polo match last night - which was lots of fun altogether got me thinking, are there any Edward and his faithful steed stories? Either playing POLO or otherwise ....or does one of the many fabulous writers on this site want to snatch this up as a plot bunny and see what they can do with it?

I have nothing in trade except this:


The Man who looks like he can afford a stable of ponies



And the man who has a stable of ponies, AKA HRH Prince William Photobucket Photobucket




to add to the Interaction,


Who would YOU like to see decked out in white jodhpurs and a helmet?


canon please?

Sunday July 10, 2011 at 7:21 AM

Hi there..

So, it's like 10 am here in Florida and I don't know why I am awake at this hour on a Sunday.. but since I'm up I keep thinking I should read some. BUT I don't know what! I mean of all the fics I've put on alert not a single one has updated! *sigh*

So I decided to read Breaking Dawn again..  because I kinda have a thing for E/B as parents..  and I like to see how they act as a family.. 

and now, I'm obsessed with finding fics that are post BD.. but the ones that really are in canon and in character. not AUs . Problem is that its difficult to find the ones that are focus on  E/B because ppl keep writing this Jacob/Nessie stuff and while I accepted that pairing now, I really hated it when I first read it.  Nessie I love, Jacob not at all but whatever..  I've read so many AUs and AHs that I'm left wanting some of the original stuff, ya know? ..  and I did read some post BD fics like years ago, like January, etc.. but I didn't feel like those where in character.. or maybe I'm just too anal retentive 

Also I never get why people don't take advantage of the fact that once Bella is a vamp, she and E are free to do like all those wild things we read in lemons, I was always curious as to why ppl don't write canon fics anymore.. did you guys really hated the books so much you felt the need to make them humans or change the story ? anyway.. my point is:

PLEASE! if you guys could rec me any fic post BD let me know.. it could be a one-shot or a full story. I don't care but pleaaase let me know! and thank you!

* I apologize for any misspellings, English language really hates me 



Sunday July 10, 2011 at 6:01 AM


Hadn't read a good & realistic angsty story in a while ... until I stumbled upon "Beautiful Sorrow" by DreamOfTheEndless.

Here's the summary:

Bella worshiped Carlisle, so when he proposed she didn't think twice
before accepting. But then she met Edward, her fiancé's half brother & the
other part of her soul. Will they be able to survive the consequences of their

Bella is married to Carlisle, who turns out to be a bit of a dark figure, and is struggling with alcoholism and an eating disorder.  What really makes this story stand out in the field of angsty stories that are out there is that substantance abuse, rehab and therapy are portrayed in a realist way.

It's well written and deserves some more reviews.

Here's the link:

Any other rec's in that genre?




Sunday July 10, 2011 at 4:31 AM

I'm sure you all know how exciting it is when you've been waiting for an update to one of your favorite stories and it shows up. Well I am doing the dance of joy. I started reading this story a few years ago (and this is not to make the author feel bad if she reads this) when I was first sucked into this fabulous fandom. It's been 18 months, she even states it in her A/N. It is a beautiful story of two lonely people that need each other and one needs a little more coaxing. It is beautifully written and there just are not enough readers. Why I don't know. You all should give it a try, you won't be disappointed. The story is A Person of Worth by tnunnio



Saturday July 9, 2011 at 9:54 PM

First, I sincerely apologize if there's already been a fire about this, but


I will be there July 20 (Wednesday) - 24 (Sunday), and I would LOVE to meet some fellow campers!!!

It's my first time going, and the friends I'm going with are all "we love you, but we are NOT GOING TO TWILIGHT ANYTHING. YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN" sooooo if anyone wants to wait in line with me on Thursday morning to get into the panel, and then GO to the panel (and possibly catch me when I faint at the sight of Rob??), please please PLEASE holla. I'm also going to be doing some fandom research of sorts on Wednesday afternoon.


Here they are last year:





Saturday July 9, 2011 at 8:52 PM

I promise this is not a campfire about Pamela Anderson...but it is about lifeguards


So I have been at the beach all week looking at hunky lifeguards and that has left me wondering if there are any lifeguard fics out there?

Maybe the whole gang first meet when they all move into the lifeguard beach house for the summer and love blooms from there. Or perhaps Bella and the girls are on vacation and typical "Clumsy Bella" gets tangled in some kelp or hits her head when she is trying to surf and Edward has to dive in and save the day. Or even something where Edward and the guys are surfer hippies and Bella comes in like a modern day Gidget. I'll take anything with a tan, sandy, and wet Edward;)


Does anyone know of a fic out there like this? It should be said that I only read Edward/Bella fics.

Thanks in advance for any help:)


Anyone? Bueller?

Saturday July 9, 2011 at 8:15 PM

Ok, I KNOW that there's been a recent CF about this, but, try as I might, I cannot find the dang thing, so I'm starting a new CF to ask for some help...


A friend of mine (no, seriously, this really is for a friend!) started reading the MOTU fics, and, about mid-way through the first one, it was, as we all know, yanked.  She's dying to finish the little saga, and I told her I would look to see if anyone had a copy of it.  The only reason that I'm asking is because, well...she's not from this fandom.  In fact, the only reason she even started reading Twilight fanfic is because I got her hooked on it.  She's not even a Twi person LOL 

Anyway, if anyone has these popular little tomes, I'd much appreciate a copy for her summer reading :)  





And some Cedric to round things out, since I just watched GOF on ABC Family...again LOL


TMI post

Saturday July 9, 2011 at 4:42 PM

So guys I'm about to use this for the first time.



This was recommended as an excellent bikini line hair remover on the Perve Pack Smut Shack for those who are scared of waxing.

So I have some questions (which i'll post inside) and I'd like some tips.

Also, come on in and share some TMI stuff about you! What's your preffered method of hair removal? The best feminine product? Don't be scared to share!


Vacation/Camping Advice

Saturday July 9, 2011 at 1:20 PM

We're about to leave on vacation for a week and a half and I am so excited!  We've been married 9 years and have never really had a vacation.  Every "vacation" we've ever taken was to visit family - and while it may be enjoyable, it is NOT a vacation. We didn't even have a honeymoon because we were doing immigration stuff.  

So, for the main part of our vacation we'll be staying in a beach house on the Washington coast with our best friends.  We'll also be in Seattle for a bit.  Since we live in Northern California, we are going to camp on the way up and on the way back down.  We love camping and I grew up on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington, doing the camping thing all the time.  

So here's where I need your advice.  My husband wants to camp at Crater Lake.  I've never been, but I'm like, mehh.  It's a lake.  What's so great about it?  So... tell me.  Have you been there?  What IS so great about it?

Then we might camp near Mt. St. Helens and check that out a bit.  The visitor centers are pretty interesting for Mt. St. Helens.  I've been before but my husband has always wanted to go.

Then the next piece of advice I need from you is for the camping trip back.  We're going to drive down the coast - we've always wanted to do this, but have never had the time.  We might stop in Tillamook and tour the cheese factory.  There are lots of beautiful spots along the Oregon coast and lots of places to camp.  I love lighthouses and I love sea stacks and the beauty of the coast.  But the thing is, I hate crowds.  I don't want to go to resort like campgrounds, to me that isn't camping.  But I do like to have my shower, so state parks are usually pretty good.  Do you know of any places that are nice quaint beach areas with a nice campground that doesn't feel like an r/v park or just setting up a tent in a parking lot?  I like to be in the woods a bit, or at least have a little bit of a private feel.  I also don't like to go to the party places.  Okay, I'm really picky, but I figured someone on here might know of a good place. 


To make this more interactive, where are YOU going on vacation this summer? :D


SVM Fanfic

Saturday July 9, 2011 at 1:16 PM

I finally read the Southern Vampire Mysteries Series (Aka, the Sookie Stackhouse Novels), and find myself craven for more. I'm totally out of my depth when it comes to Fanfic from other fandoms. So, i'm seeking the council of the all knowing and wise, women of ADF (and men where applicable).

I'm completely smitten with Eric & Sookie. While i like all her other suitors, i can't read her with anyone else for the time being.

Any rec's? Is there anything that is an absolute 'must read'? Anything equaling the quality of Minisinoos' Finding Himself, in the HP fandom? I'd appreciate any input.

To get the ball rolling... i just read this one-shot that picks up where 'Dead Reckoning' left off. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the author is going to continue the fic, as her twist is just begging for more!

Nothing's Gonna Change My World by Rebelina


Enjoy your weekend!


Hopelessly Devoted To You

Saturday July 9, 2011 at 10:43 AM

At what point do you give up hope?
On fics that have long since updated?
There are a few fics that I still think about even though it's been months, if not years since they've updated.
So, this campfire is to ask you, when do you give up hope? 
While taking into consideration that authors and readers both have lives. How long is a reasonable wait time between updates, before you get disgruntled? 
And because I'm nosy, I wanna know which fics you're still holding out hope for, even if it's irrational hope.
A couple of mine will be inside.

Published Fics

Saturday July 9, 2011 at 8:46 AM

Happy Friday Everyone!

I'm looking for a the title of a fic that has actually been pulled and published. I think it's historical with Irish characters and the title has the words TWICE and MEASURE. Something about Bella paying her dues twice for some kind of debt? I know that's not a lot of information but I really forgot what it was about but it caught my interest.

Also if any of you guys have actually bought books that were fics before, how was it? Does the story have less appeal just because the characters are not Edward and Bella? I'm not particularly against authors pulling their stories and having it published but I do believe that most stories still have potential even without the Twilight characters. 

Anyway, I would appreciate all your help on this.




Saturday July 9, 2011 at 8:33 AM

I haven't been around in ages and I miss you all!

I swear I am working on the next chapter of Elysian Fields.

So it's the weekend and I've missed you all so let's all gather round and talk about obsessions.


I SEE MICHAEL FASSBENDER EVERYWHERE. I already loved James McAvoy so that's no news, but here, have this one


It's saturday and I had a job interview yesterday that went well enough though i always think they do and they never call me back so i'm in good spirits.

Come be in good spirits with me. And by good spirits I mean *insert lame but yet somehow hilarious Craig Ferguson joke here*


eta: stupid gif was stupid and wouldn't move. You shall have to do without the awesomness of it. Or go to my tmblr.

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club 15/40

Saturday July 9, 2011 at 7:13 AM



How's it going ladies?  Have a great week?  So I'm posting thread now but will be gone today.  I'll be back sometime tonight to respond.  Going to see about posting a V-Log on here once I'm back.  Catch you ladies later!

Homework:  Anything on your mind?  Having an issues we might be able to help you with, ask away.  You never know if we can help until you ask.  XD

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )



Saturday July 9, 2011 at 1:53 AM



I'm looking for a fic.  I wanted to read it but noticed that it was only about 8 chapters in, so I decided to wait for the writer to make some progress...and now?  I lost the damn title and I can't find it anywhere!!!  :(


Can someone PLEASE help?


The summary basically described how Bella and Edward are neighbours (one of them is new to the block), and Bella can see Edward's bedroom from her bedroom window.  She watches him through her window every night as he brings a different girl home everyday...something like that?  Basically a Bella-peeping-Tom.


If this sounds familiar to ANYONE - please can you leave the link, or title or author name?




Happy reading!


Comic Search

Saturday July 9, 2011 at 1:23 AM

Ok I'm not sure if this is just fan art or if it is an actually comic but a few months ago someone posted some strips from a comic where it was showing Jake and Renesmee and other creepy things. It was all colored in etc it was really good but i think it was making fun of jake  calling him a pedo or something. Does anyone happen to know where I can find those images or that comic, They were really nice cartoons or whatever. I think the post had something to do with it being sick that jake imprinted on renesmee but it there were also little banter strips between jake and edward or bella and edward.

santa muerte

Looking for a Fic

Friday July 8, 2011 at 11:47 PM

Ok, I'm not but But another reader was and was having no luck. So I thought I'd try to help, because the story does sound good. So here the summary:  

Bella and Emmett are dating and Bella finds out Emmett's cheating on her, so she burns all his clothes when Edward knocks on the door to fight Emmett because he's have sex with his girl Rose , Edward and Bella give a little payback when they have sex on Emmett's car and Emmett and Rose walk in on it.

If anyone knows it please let me know so I can pss it on. Thanks!!!

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