

Thursday July 14, 2011 at 6:05 PM

Does this ring any bells for anyone??? PLEASE HELP!!!I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT
- B/E are married- Bella gets pregnant and has a baby girl. They name her Emma I think.

I remember a part where Alice takes Bella shopping while pregnant but Bella is tired so she sneaks away and take a cab home. They live around the corner from Jasper and Alice.
Later in the story the whole gang are on the way to forks for Christmas and Rose and Em are following behind them in Em's Jeep but get in a car accident and shes pregnant but loses her baby and she's left in a wheelchair? Bella has just given birth and she feels bad taking the baby around Rosalie since the accident has made her lose the right to have a baby. Emmett snaps at her about having the baby around so Bella stays in the hallway with the baby. It's
around Christmas time? Anyone know which one this is?



Cracks in the Pavement

Thursday July 14, 2011 at 2:40 PM

Anyone reading this? It updated today O.O My thoughts inside

I stole this banner off VampiresHaveLaws FF profile

Here is a link to the story if you are interested: Cracks in the Pavement

LJ Summers

Road Trip Fic List

Thursday July 14, 2011 at 9:40 AM

This list is brought to you by the Letter I and the Number 95.


Yes!  Looking for fics today that involve road trips!  Where any of the Twilight gang pile in a van/bus/car or simply start walking, maybe.  Perhaps they have a destination in mind – perhaps it's all a mystery!

All ratings, all pairings welcome in this list!  AH or AU – hey vampires and werewolves might like to go on road trips, too!

Have you read a Road Trip Fic? Share it with the class!  My rec will be within.

REMEMBER!  There are 108 (including this one) lists of fanfic recommendations from ADF Campers here in the forest on the Master Fic List.  If you have made a rec on any one of these lists, or might want to recs you've already made, check out the list and update!

If you think of a list we don't have and should, shoot me a PM!

Remember the rules of the campfire:




Thank you for sharing great road trip fics around the fire!


ComicCon Questions

Thursday July 14, 2011 at 6:00 AM

I am in the mood to laugh! (Never at devotional told me not to do this!)

I live to far and can not go to Comic Con next week, plus If I could find someone to take the kids for a long weekend I would like to surround myself with quiet silence or a sexed up weekend with the hubs (TMI?...ehh I have read a lot of FF recently).

Anyway, I was thinking if I went (and miraculously was able to ask a panel question) what would I ask. So I thought a CF about this would be rather entertaining.

1. Give me one really decent question you would ask, because some questions ppl ask ARE CRINGE WORTHY!

2. Since we love snark here, give me a great HYSTERICAL question you would want to ask but never would because you know it would end up embarrasingly on the interwebs!

Rangers, if not appropriate feel free to delete...I still have no idea who to page!



Wednesday July 13, 2011 at 9:44 PM

It's almost time. Most of us have been waiting 10+ years for this. How are you taking in the moment? Are you going to the midnight show? Are you dressing up? How many times do you plan to see it in the coming weeks?

In honor of this momentous occasion (and because I'm getting to the theater 3 hours before the movie so I'm going to need something to entertain myself), I want to see all of you Potter gifs. Anything and everything from the first movie to the last. 

Here's a sample of a few of mine. There will be more inside.

And the reason I'm most excited about the movie: The return of Oliver Wood


My Dream

Wednesday July 13, 2011 at 8:37 PM

Hey guys,

I'm hoping this is still free-for all Wednesdays (If its not I'm so, so sorry) I love this fandom because its mostly made up of women who are very supportive of each other and everyone shares their thoughts in an honest and non-judgemental way (most of the time).

I am working on a project that is very dear to me. I am an actress, born and raised in NY city. I have been acting for 12 years now. I didn't start out extremely young, in fact I was in my late 20's, when I finally got the courage to pursue acting. After dealing with insecurity issues and leaving a bad marriage, I finally decided to begin living my life to the fullest and go after my dream.

According to most, at the time, I should have given up because it takes years and years to be noticed and blah, blah, blah. I have had some mildstones in my career so I'm glad I didn't listen but as I have gotten older, I've noticed fewer and fewer parts are written for women over 35. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. 

I don't want to explain too much because its all on the video that is attached to the link. I'm reaching out because I am trying something new and I know how supportive this group is. I am producing a show in Sept that I will be starring in. I have to raise a certain amount of money in 52 days to make this show happen. If I don't reach my goal in 52 days I don't get any of it and I have to start from scratch again.

I am forwarding this link to all of you in the hopes that you could give me some feedback. If you choose to donate then that is amazing but I know everyone is going through tough times and I don't expect it. What would really help me is if you can give me suggestions on how to better promote this and get it out there. I have to create my own opportunities and this is how it begins. Thanks for reading and I really hope I haven't broken any rules with this campfire. 

Please click on the link, view the video and send me your suggestions. I would love to hear from you!!

approved by jandco, who thinks this is v. inspiring and proud to be in a fandom with folk like this.






ADF's Weekly Fan Video Post

Wednesday July 13, 2011 at 6:42 PM







In honor of the final HARRY POTTER film, all videos (or at least the ones I post today) will be Harry Potter related.

So, are you ready?

Accio Fan Vids!

(i know that was lame... shut up)


"The Prophecy | Harry Potter" by SmokeyFiizz <- the BEST HP fanvid ever.


"just stay here" by TheViolethours


"Ron&Hermione | Shattered" by dazzleme7 <- Yeah, I know I posted this a couple weeks ago, but I LOVE IT.







EDIT: I'm adding another Ron/Hermione vid that I ADORE.

"Ron&Hermionie | Floating in space" by psprayboom <- LOVE this song.


He needs a name

Wednesday July 13, 2011 at 4:50 PM

I recently adopted a cute little boston terrier. I need help to come up with a name for him. The people at the shelter where calling him Drew. He doesn't look like a Drew to me. Thanks for any help.  

The lovely wtvoc approved of this post.



the lovely me also suggested the name "lawrence olivier", only i really meant "sir lawrence olivier". as the dog is clearly royalty.

The Girl Who Read

Once Upon a Saturday

Wednesday July 13, 2011 at 12:19 PM

F@N sequel!!!! TF has started a little novella.... and I think my heart might break.

This appeared in my inbox completely out of the blue..... and I completely wasn't expecting the contents!!!

Has anyone else read?? Feels the need to cry/speculate???

Come join me!


ADF Help Desk

Wednesday July 13, 2011 at 4:44 AM

I see lots of campfires about folks looking for stuff, so let's see if we can help our fellow campers out.

Don't know how to upload fics on your new e-reader?

Trying to remember the name of a story you've read and enjoyed?

Got questions about writing?

Want to know the meaning of life?

Have a comment to make about the hotness of my avatar?

Come inside to ask and answer questions about all kinds o' stuff.


Elizabeth Masen's maiden name

Wednesday July 13, 2011 at 3:20 AM

Either I have not looked well enough, or  the maiden name of Elizabeth Masen (Edward's mom) was not given by SM. As it is needed in a story , is there somebody who is so twilighted as to know it?

Some fics say that she is supposed to be Irish, but is that a Canon concept? (It would not fit well with this story).

Anyway, thanks a lot, either if you know the surname of her family of origin or if you can confirm that a surname can be invented freely.




Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 7:21 PM

Before I read Wide Awake, I have never heard of Chicken Alfredo.

Now I want it all the time.

Has fanfic ever introduced you to anything new? Made you crave any food?


p.s. I'm drooling over my keyboard...


Fic search

Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 7:00 PM

I'm reposting this CF due to the number of messages and tags I have received hoping I would find it, seems to be a popular storyline.


Hi I'm trying to find a fic I read last year.

All I can remember about it is Bella moves to forks after Renee kicks her out, she's actually been abused by Phil, where she meets the Cullens.

Its a slow build for her and Edward to fall for each other, and it's not instant HEA when they do.

After a brief affair (could be a 1 night stand), she falls pregnant, but then dissapears back to Phoenix for the summer.

When she eventually tells Edward of the baby he doesn't believe it's his right away. They eventually get things sorted, and she moves in with him and his family.

I think she goes into early labour, and the baby (girl i think) has to stay in hospital for a while.



OK, so a few people have asked to read this one too, and I'm really struggling to find it. I've checked the master fic list, but have had no luck.

So figured a few more details might ring some one's memory (another british saying).


Tanya had got pregnant and told Edward he was the father then faked her death, this screwed Edward up as he knew he couldn't be the father and this why he doesn't believe Bella right away.


Edward proposes to Bella at the school talent contest after playing a song for her.


Phil threatens Bella after she and her mom have him arrested for assault and abuse (he also abused Renee), and Bella freaks out recants her statement then jumps off a cliff trying to kill herself and her baby. This is how her parents find out she is pregnant.


Does this help anyone remember....



Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 5:47 PM

My wonderful, talented, yet obsessively compulsive fic wife made this lovely fic organizer and gave it to me, and now I would like to share it with you all. It's roughly 800 fics organized by title, author( which if you click on the authors name it will connect you to their home page- if available), summary, rating, complete status and word count. This is totally and utterly awesome and helped me and the fic wife keep what we have and have not read organized. Included in the spreadsheet are some fics that have been removed and it will not give you access to the fic, I apologize for the inconvenience. I would also like to state that this is not a place to download fics, though it does have the ability to lead you to the authors page if they are still on FF.

It's main purpose is for organization!!

Have fun with it!


Finding a fic =/

Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 12:47 PM

Hey, campers =) 

I was going through the master fic list, looking for some badward, came across one that sounded preeeeetttyyy good by ARenee363 called Inked...

Is it still around, and I'm just...not finding it ? 



Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 10:13 AM



I just think you should all know it was freaking amazing, I just cant even




Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 9:58 AM

I have been hearing about a fic called FORBIDDEN by Dark Edward Obsession. Apparently it has been pulled and I was wondering if anyonr has a copy?


Fics turned into books

Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 7:44 AM

My favorite fic was made into a book and I'm thinking about buying it, though I'm a little nervous that I'll spend the money only to see the names have been switched and it's the exact same story. I'm wondering what other people experiences have been with reading a fic, and then reading it after it was published into a book? A long time ago, before turning fics into novels was really even popular, I bought a book that was based off a fic and it was horrible, it's probably the only time I threw a book across the room because it was so bad...It wasn’t only the content that I was unsatisfied with, it was the poor grammar, the writer’s characters were the exact same only with different names, and the book wasn’t cheap! I'm nervous that this might happen again and I don't want to taint my favorite fic!!!!

I'm not asking for specific names or opinions on fics, or writers pulling fics etc, I just want to know the experience you had between reading the book compared to the fic.


Thank you :)

mo kagen

Pimp it or Sneak Peek it Here

Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 5:57 AM


soooo, did I miss kalejay's Monday sneak peak campfire?

In her absence...  enjoy 100 Monkeys kalejay!


I've noticed a few random pimps and story update alerts this weekend, so how about we corral those puppies?

Come on in and tell us what awesomeness you stumbled upon this weekend, or what story you put off reading for forever, but finally marked off your overwhelming to do list... me?  Legendary by whatsmynomdeplume - for real!  I don't know why I never got around to reading this, but finished it ALL yesterday and it was delicious, lemme tell ya.

Did you notice that (OMG) jandco is posting a little something new?  The Beach  I have NO idea what it's about right now, but imma read it anyway, b/c I'm a sucker for jandco.


So come on in to this simulated campfire

(because it's barely morning and already approaching 100 degrees where I'm at)

tell us what you are reading that you are absolutely loving

give us a sneak peek at what you are writing or posting this week

remember to LINK please!


Heart Strings

Tuesday July 12, 2011 at 5:30 AM

Hello everyone,

This is my first campfire!

I have seen other postings similar to this, so I hope this is o.k. to leave here.

There is a new(ish) story that is really great, but seriously under-reviewed.

Heart Strings by MadelineRenee

Edward exists, but does not live until one night at the symphony with his family changes everything. Bella Swan lives for the strings on her violin. Can they help each other change? What forces stand in the way? First chapter is rough but give it a shot!
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Suspense - Chapters: 22 - Words: 54,857 - Reviews: 185 - Updated: 7-11-11 - Published: 5-7-11 - Edward & Bella

The author updates regularly and for her first ever story, I have to say she is pretty wonderful.  The story is well written, very detailed and intelligent.  So far, no boring stereotypes or typical immature responses where Bella and Edward are insecure with each other, and believe the first negative thing they are told in order to break them up.  They are in love and strongly committed to each other.

This is a really great read, give it a chance and leave the author a review, she needs the feedback and encouragement.

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