
Teen Nostalgia

Friday July 15, 2011 at 10:34 PM

I'm feeling a little nostalgic tonight and am wanting to watch some movies that go with the mood.

I remember watching this back in Grade 11 and wishing I had my own Jack Foley.


What movies did you watch as a teen that makes you feel nostalgic for those awkward, angsty years?


harry potter fanfic

Friday July 15, 2011 at 6:56 PM

I just watched the last HP movie today and am currently working my way through the books for a second time. 

So, because there's no more to the original series, I was wondering if anyone is involved in any HP fanfic communities. Since I am starting from scratch, does anyone know of any good community recs/fanfic recs/ author recs for harry potter? Or just any advice in general for a newbie?


please and thank you :)


Washed up? More like swept away!

Friday July 15, 2011 at 5:43 PM

Washed Up  by xrxdanixrx  She washed up along the river near his secluded log cabin with no memories. He couldn't just leave her to fend for herself, could he? Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 44,920 - Reviews: 2013 - Updated: 7-12-11 - Published: 5-3-11 - Edward & Bella  

Oh Come ON! Surely I'm not the only one out there who is losing sleep over this awesome fic! Seriously...this is one story whose plot is so mysterious and so intricately woven that I find myself losing precious hours of much needed sleep while trying to solve it. This is such a good story. Who else out there is reading it? I want to hear some theories!

Spoiler alert for those who haven't started this story yet. I mean...what the heck are you waiting for? Dive right in...the waters fine!



I'm so excited!

Friday July 15, 2011 at 1:59 PM

My letter came today.  

I got into grad school!

I'm excited!   I'm terrified!

I've not been to school in years, and this will be my first time at a very large university.  I'll take any tips you have.  Thanks.


i have to

Friday July 15, 2011 at 1:18 PM

i'm sorry i just have to post this

is this funny or just playing mean?




Friday July 15, 2011 at 12:46 PM

Hey guys!

So I just got an Iphone 4 for my birthday and I was wondering if any of you could give me advice or some must have apps that I should get.


I have an Ipod Touch so I have a lot of the basic games that everyone loves like Angry Birds, WWF, etc... But now that I have the camera and wifi capabilities I'm sure there are a tons of apps that I can get now that I couldn't before.


I would appreciate any help:)


Celebreties before...

Friday July 15, 2011 at 12:36 PM

and after fame... WHAT U GUYS THINK?






Friday July 15, 2011 at 12:05 PM

I need to talk about this.


Has anyone else read the final book of The Wolves of Mercy Falls yet? I need to process and talk this through with someone. Let's discuss.


Spoilers inside. Hopefully.


Here's her LJ.


I've never made a campfire, I hope I did this right.


Volturi Princess??

Friday July 15, 2011 at 10:23 AM

So im looking for a couple Fics. that I read a couple years ago, before twilight came out. Seems soo long ago! I didn't have an account yet with so I couldn't save these. :[ So if anybody could remember these, i'd really appreciate it!!!!

So the first one was about how Bella was a princess for the Volturi, Aro was her uncle but she was human, about to be turned a vampire after a birthday, I think. She meets the Cullens, I think they're vampires too not sure; but Bella falls in love with Edward. Oh, and they have SeKs too!! I would remember that, since it was the first lemon I read! Haha!! Anyone Remember???

Then there was this one set in medieval times, called Wrecked Angel, I think. Edward is some sort of prince or noble while Bella was a slave or servant. I don't remember much, so any help would be awesome!!!


books etc

Friday July 15, 2011 at 9:15 AM

let's have a

selfish post for me to find new books to read

glitter words

what was the last book you loved?

what was the last book you've read?

what are you considering reading but aren't too sure about?

got any recs for me? i'm into YA a lot rn but i'm open to anything

anyone gotten A Dance with Dragons this week? or is everyone too caught up in HP?

i know some people have been doing a 50 book challenge thing here, so if i'm not stepping on anyone's toes i figure this would be a good time to talk about how you've progressed

basically let's just talk about books in whatever way you wish


Pet Play Date?

Friday July 15, 2011 at 8:33 AM

So, I really just want to show off my hairy babies and brag about their new trick.

The one on the left is my pom-mutt Brock (also know as Spud or l'il boy). He eats socks but only dirty ones. The one on the right is Ramsey (a cocker-mutt) and in addition to be a super genius, she answers to the names pup-pup, boo, ninja, and pretty girl.

This week, hubs and I taught them a new trick. Whenever we say Sarah Mclaughlin, they:


Yes, we taught them to do "sad face" to her name and we usually do this during those darn "In the arms of the angel" ASPCA adds. (Please don't be offended, love and support the ASPCA, just don't love the heart tearing commercials.)

So, any of your pets wanna play date campfire with mine? Come show us pictures, tell us there names, and brag about funny trick or thing they do.


Advice from Americans???

Friday July 15, 2011 at 8:12 AM

Hello All!

How are you?? I miss you dearly (summer courses blow).

Anyways, I have a question for Americans on the North Eastern side, or ppl who have been there - what do I need to see??? I'm going on a road trip in September, coming from Canada. We're heading to Rhode Island first and then going to travel down the coast a bit and then come home.  Is there any really pretty or corky land marks I should see? Or a really cool tourist/non-tourist attraction I should go to?? I would really love any suggestions you have for me!! It's my first time really travelling in the states so I pretty excited :)

Thank-you thank-you thank-you!

(Insert pretty American flag here) lol, I'm on my sister computer and I don't understand how to do images ;)

Edit: Thank you ALL! This is exactly the type of info I was hoping for! I am not home right now, I I can't really look into this stuff, but I may PM you later :))  *love <3


Mortal Instruments

Friday July 15, 2011 at 8:04 AM

Ok- So I am reading this. I am on the second book.


Purpose of campfire is:


1-I need spoilers. I have questions. If this is a series you have not read yet....there may be spoilers here.

2- I know there are authors from our fandom that also write for Mortal Instruments. There are over 3,000 fics! Does anyone know of any good ones? Any pairing will do.


BlackBerry Help!

Friday July 15, 2011 at 7:42 AM

Do any of you have a blackberry out there?
I have a Blackberry Curve via Verizon that decided it didn't want to turn on this morning.

It had a full battery last night when I shut it down.

I have already taken the battery out and out it back in, it started for about 3 seconds, than back to nothing but blank screen...

I am at work and hit up a verizon on lunch but that is in 5 hours.

Any suggestions? Anyone? Bueller?


** The stupid walll plug went bad and took all my battery power leaving my battery worse off than dead**


Glasses or contacts?

Friday July 15, 2011 at 6:41 AM

Hello there fellow campers!

I recently got my first contacts to try for two weeks.I like my glasses but my optian has this trial where you get a pair of two week lenses for free so I thought I might as well try it.

I've had them for four days and I'm undecided if I really like them better than my glasses.

So what about you?

Do you prefere glasses or contacts and why?



Friday July 15, 2011 at 3:23 AM


go bananas. leave a song if you want.



Friday July 15, 2011 at 2:55 AM

I'm 99.9% sure this campfire is okay...

I can't believe it has ended. :'( I'm heart broken. I can't even...
It was so so good. I cried and sobbed and laughed and smiled and cried again.
All week leading up to seeing it (saw it Wed) I went tumblr and google crazy collecting
pictures and quotes and gifs and interviews and the list goes on.

There's been a picture/gif campfire already (scroll down) so I thought I'd do a quotes one.
I want all yer cast and crew quotes. ALL OF THEM I TELLS YA!
Or post yer favourite quotes from the books/movie.

Mine are inside.

What if Fic Search?

Friday July 15, 2011 at 2:54 AM

Does anyone know of any stories that would fit into this?

what is Jasper never attempted to attack bella on her birthday? What if the cullens never left. What if edward wasn't so uptight? Those are the main points in the Edward Vamp Bella human fic that i'm looking for. One of my friends is looking forward to reading fanfiction but hated that the jasper set in motion the overwhelming depression that is newmoon up until chapter 14. She refuses to even look at any fic because she thinks they all have paper cuts and newmoon saddness and no (SexyMasen as she calls Edward). So I'm trying to find a fic for her that doesn't involve any papercuts etc but is still following most of SM's twilight canon pairings.(sp) thanks. Sorry if its a bit much but she is picky.


Corrupted Genie

Thursday July 14, 2011 at 11:51 PM

How to play. 

You make a wish.

Whoever replies has to corrupt that wish (make it harmful to whoever wished it, to the whole world, have some weird unforseen consequence...anything, so long as it's bad). Whoever corrupted the wish then has to make their own wish, and on it goes.

Here we go:  


- I wish I had a jacuzzi



You have a jacuzzi and now everyone comes to your house to party, even people you don't know and people you don't like and all thier friends as well. One of them drowns in your tub and the family sues you for negligence.

- I wish it was the 80's again.


For you it is.

You are transported back in time to the 80's. Your attempts to convince everyone you come from the new millenium fail. You develop a massive Cassandra complex, and are subsequently committed for life.

- I wish I could talk to the animals



you begin to hear chatter all over the place.. dogs, cats, house flies, even that little spider on the ceiling in your bedroom. unfortunately the spider has a big mouth and like to sing show tunes while you try to get it on... 

- I wish I had pool boy.



He's surly, lazy, hairy and gay. Over charges too. 

- I wish.....

You ready to come make some wishes now?

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Can we talk HP Deathly Hallows P2, Please?

Thursday July 14, 2011 at 11:44 PM

I have been waiting a week so I can finally talk to people about the movie.  I'm dying to hear people's reactions. 

In case of spoilers, my comments are after the fold.

I have a mad crush on this lady.

First --- | >> | 813 | 814 | 815 | 816 | 817 | 818 | 819 | 820 | 821 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
