
comic con

Friday July 22, 2011 at 5:31 AM

Does anyone know where I could get footage of Comic con, I'm in the UK and I'm struggling to find a website that will show it.


Get yourself together Rob

Friday July 22, 2011 at 4:54 AM

He can't stop laughing and saying weird things.  Just the usual then.  


I love her British 'birth'.

I need techie help

Friday July 22, 2011 at 4:19 AM

My husband won a new HP Touchpad at a geek conference yesterday. Of course, i'm already trying to figure out how I can use it to play around at work. 

I tried a google search, but knew i'd likely get smarter, better, and faster advice from the fine campers here at the forest.

I just wanna know if there is a way I can work on documents on this thing. Do I need a certain app? And is there a way to swype or something? Thanks so much, in advance, to anyone who might be able to help me out. 


Need recs

Friday July 22, 2011 at 3:18 AM

So I've gotten a little bit bored with some of the fics out there.

I read a lot, and need some really good recs to keep me going. All pairings welcome, although I do prefer B/E, B/Jasper, and B/Peter.

I kind of had a bit of a movie fetish recently, and read Lady of the knight, Last tango in forks, Best laid plans, and When Edward met Bella. If anyone knows of any other movie based fics for me to try please give deets.

Smut is always welcomed, however some of the lemons out there at the mo' make me cringe more than want to keep on reading, so if it has lemons please let them be worthy of my depraved mind.


What have I missed?

Thursday July 21, 2011 at 11:56 PM

After losing an epic battle with toxic mold, my apartment has been remediated, carpets cleaned, and we were finally able to start moving back im today.

Many thanks to Childodcrimsonmoon and The Offspring for moving help. We had NO INTERNET, and things were just crazybusy.

I did make it to the HP premier and was all tears and sniffles. Has anything  exciting happened over the last 3 weeks? If not, how has everyone been? I am ready to start reading fic again, after a very lengthy break-recs, would be most appreciated.

-Thanks all!


Searching for something

Thursday July 21, 2011 at 11:30 PM

...Maybe y'all can help...I know a lot of you people read HP FF as well and I've been searching for some Neville Centric fics...preferably when he is shipped with Luna...I am currently reading a Neville/James Potter fic that is pretty good if you minus the fact that the grammar and punctuation is sh*t...but anyways..any help...would be nice :) I could even go for some Neville/Draco since seeing those pictures of Matt Lewis and Tom Felton getting all chummy...anyways

I love them together on and off screen!

And some bromance Matthew Lewis and Tom Felton

To make this interactive Who is your favorite pairing in Harry Potter?


Talent Night

Thursday July 21, 2011 at 10:51 PM


I yarn-bombed my mailbox today. What can you do? Share with us your pics, video, audio, links, etc. Show off your talent, no matter how silly, obscure, or otherwise goofy. If you can curl your tongue in the clamshell shape, put up a picture!



Thursday July 21, 2011 at 10:28 PM

I seriously hate to do this but I have posted this in the other fandom's campfire as well as the help desk campfire  a bunch of times now- I always seem to miss them when they first start and never get any responses, so please forgive me forest campers, but I must find this fic


it is a Hermione/Cedric story (I know , not even twilight but I'm not a member of any HP forums :/)  Cedric is alive and he meets with Harry because Harry had a weird dream that Cedric was murdered in the grave yard.  Cedric takes this memory from Harry and goes to see Hermione who works in the department of mysteries.  Cedric starts getting sick, and he and Hermione work together to stop a remaining death eater from going back and changing time  


any ideas??   or does anyone know of anyone of anyplace I could ask? 


Poetry Help

Thursday July 21, 2011 at 9:58 PM

Hey guys!  So I need some help finding a poem.  My family is having a memorial service for my little brother who was killed last year.  My mom wants me to say something and I am really freaking out.  I don't do well in public speaking and am not eloquent at all!  So I thought I'd  read a poem. There is just so much out there and going website to website is giving me a migraine.  If any of you lovelies know of any that would fit a sister to a brother or just something inspiring I'd be forever in your debt.  Thanks in advance!!



Thursday July 21, 2011 at 9:46 PM

So I'm looking for some help. I'm a proud Canadian, but right now I'm not impressed. I can watch many things on tv and online but for some reason can't watch the mtv comic con stuff. I've been able to see the panel and Q & A up to where Nikki, Ashley and the rest came out. Does anyone know of any links (youtube or others) that Canadians would be able to watch. UGGGGG, it's like watching a movie and missing the end. Oh and the honeymoon preview would be could to.  Thanks!


Friday Free-Fer-All

Thursday July 21, 2011 at 9:02 PM

Have at it, Campers. Just make sure to keep it PG-13 on the front page.

I leave you with this arm that I wanna take a bite out of and one of his heads that I wanna rub (that was pg-13, right?):


Edward does not know he wants Bella

Thursday July 21, 2011 at 8:19 PM

Hi everyone!! This is my first campfire. I am looking for stories where Edward my already be in a relationship or wants to be with another. Bella is just Edward's friend wanting to be with him. I would prefer stories where Edward eventually realizes who he really wants is Bella. I hope everyone has a good early start to their weekend!


Looking for a one on one type Beta

Thursday July 21, 2011 at 4:40 PM

Hi everyone, 

This is the first time I've said hi, and thus I'm feeling a little shy, but I am looking for a beta for a story I've just started working on. I've been an author in another fandom for a long time, and I am just now transitioning into this one. So, while I could ask someone I already know, that's not going to help me get to know anyone here and that's what I want to do. 

I have a degree in English Education, so I THINK my stuff is pretty coherent and semi-grammatical. What I need is someone who can brainstorm and encourage, etc with me and provide a little support and bounce ideas when I need it. 

The story I'm working on is called "Differing Shades of Green," and here is the blurb: 

'Twenty-three year old college graduate Bella Swan is still figuring out who she is supposed to be when she gets the call that her father has cancer. Leaving everything behind, she moves Washington to care for him, intending to fade into the background."

I am anticipating a semi-long story. From past experience, I can tell you, I do not do outlines. It ruins all the mystery for me. I can talk it out all I want but if I write it down, my brain's as good as written it. Soo, if you don't have to have an author who maps everything out and you will trust that I am capable of writing proper HEA's (I've got proof should you need them!), I'd love to hear from you.

I need to interact, this cricket noise is scaring me! (And scarring that part of my brain where the writer monkey lives!) 




Put your 9-inch cucumber in my moist hot pocket

Thursday July 21, 2011 at 3:54 PM

I think it's safe to say we all have certain things that creep/gross us out. I've seen a number of discussions about the story elements that do this, and I've seen some "least favorite word" posts, but I'd like to see your list (however long or short) of words and phrases in smut writing that bother you.

My list will be on the inside.

Disclaimer: I'm totally using your responses to help me write a section of my article for Smut University. JUST SO YOU KNOW.


Comic Con Campfire!

Thursday July 21, 2011 at 2:12 PM

No one's 'built' one yet, from what I've seen, so I thought I'd have a go.

So.  What'd you guys think?

Were you surprised by anything you saw/read?  Are you more excited for the movie(s) now?

Were any of you lucky enough to go?  

Are you as amazed as I am that the clips haven't leaked yet took so long to leak?  

Raise your hand if the 'nom nom nom' girl gave you major secondhand embarrassment.


ETA:  Hypable has a transcript of the press conferences and the panel.  Also, MTV is going to do a video thing with the cast at 6 PM EST RIGHT NOW.  This is the link for it. It's over now. 

ETA2: Found a kind of crappy YouTube of the panel. Alas, no honeymoon vid yet. Here's the link for the panel: Sorry I can't embed or make it clickable ATM. I'm posting this bit from my phone, and the thought of going through the html right now makes me :-p

Aw eff it. The rest of the parts can be found if you check out the vid poster's YouTube, obv. Still posting from my phone, so forgive any spelling or tech errors.


I need someome to explain this to me

Thursday July 21, 2011 at 11:57 AM these pics just popped upon my twitter feed


Is this look for a new role? Or did his barber die halfway through his haircut?

Someone PLEASE explain this to me?



Thursday July 21, 2011 at 7:38 AM

I love this fandom because its mostly made up of women who are very supportive of each other and everyone shares their thoughts in an honest and mostly, non-judgemental way. I am working on a project that is very dear to me. I am an actress that was born and raised in NY city. I have been acting for 12 years now. I didn't start out extremely young, in fact I was in my late 20's, when I finally got the courage to pursue acting. After dealing with insecurity issues and leaving a bad marriage, I finally decided to begin living my life to the fullest and go after my dream.

According to most, I should not have wasted my time pursuing something so difficult and at such an advanced age. I was 29 at the time (ridiculous, I know) Its true, it does takes years and years to be noticed. There is alot of rejection involved and you have to knock on alot of doors before any are opened. That was fine, hard work never scared me. So I didn't listen and went full steam ahead. I have had some mildstones in my career, but as I have gotten older, I've noticed fewer and fewer parts are written for women. Add to that the fact that I am hispanic and in this business, you would think we would gotten past stereotypes but ,not so much.

Anyway I got tired of waiting for auditions and decided to take matters into my own hands.

I'm reaching out because I am trying something new and I know how supportive this group is. I am producing a show in Sept that I will be starring in. I discovered this brilliant playwright who writes woman beautifully. He writes them in a funny, sexy, complicated way, which is the way woman really are even when they hit their 30's, 40's or 50,s. Another great thing about his writing, it wasn't ethnically specific which to me was a plus because women are women. There are cultural differences but we aren't defined by them. We are all able to relate to each other because we are WOMEN first.

I have to raise the funds to make this show happen. I'm doing it through kickstarter. Now the deal with this site is that you have to set a time limit on your goal so right now, I have 44 days to raise $7000. If I don't reach my goal in 44 days, I don't get any of it and I have to start from scratch again.

I am forwarding this link to all of you in the hopes that you could give me some feedback. If you choose to donate even one dollar, that is awesome but I know everyone is going through tough times and I don't expect it. What would really help me is if you can give me suggestions on how to better promote this and get it out there. I have to create my own opportunities and this is how it begins.

I made a video explaining the project and what the money is being used for and we are also offering some cute rewards.

Please click on the link, view the video and send me your suggestions. I would love to hear from you!!

approved by jandco, who thinks this is v. inspiring and proud to be in a fandom with folk like this.

you can see some of my work at my site:

and my youtube channel:











Wednesday July 20, 2011 at 8:53 PM

Got something to say to someone, but you just can't say it out loud? Missing someone that isn't here in body anymore?

Write them a letter in this lovely campfire, approved by the beautiful Cappy. :)


Tablets: Kindle vs. iPad, etc.

Wednesday July 20, 2011 at 7:47 PM

I've had a new Kindle 3 for well over six months now and while I love that it's lightweight and easy on the eyes (because of e-ink technology), I find that I rarely use the device. I have tons of ebooks and fic saved up and rather than read it off my Kindle, I tend to read from my iPhone when I'm not sitting at a computer. Which is often. 

My biggest gripe with my K3 is that scrolling through titles is slow. My books are categorized in collections to make it a little easier to navigate but it doesn't come close to the ease of a computer or the snappy navigation of a touch screen. Having said that, the only thing holding me back from getting an iPad is the price, which I think is a bit overflated considering it is just a big glorified iPod costs ~$229 to produce.  I have every other Apple device known to man so I'm reluctant to throw more money at the company. IDK, IDK...

What's been your experience with the iPad? How do you read saved fics on it?

Do you have a tablet that you're happy with as strictly a reading device?

Kindle owners - are you still happy with your device?  Do you have tips for navigating through the Kindle easier? I've got 500+ titles on mine.

I don't really care for email, video and games (although it's a nice plus). I just want an easy reading device and iPad seems to be the most obvious option.


Rangers: This CF is okay, right? It's sort of fanfic related.


Covers my eyes...

Wednesday July 20, 2011 at 7:13 PM

I know this was discussed the last time it updated but, spoilers or not...Unexpected Circumstances updated & i dont think i have the heart to read it yet.  If anyone finishes, post your thoughts.  I think i need to know if it's safe or not.

Probably will be spoilers, so if you don't want to look, don't click.

I was gonna find a Knight pic but this will do....

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