
What are you reading?

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 10:39 AM

What is the popular fic right now?


I flounced, came back, flounced, got busy, went on vacation, moved, came back and flounced. I'm fickle like that.  Now I just want to read something AMAZING  that either updates really quickly- or is finished.  


Whatcha got?



Luna StarFire

Cheese Corny dog please

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 10:34 AM

So I've thinking here lately about movies and how some people view things as cheesey ~ or ~ corny.  I know one group of friends even goes to say that Twilight is corny and stupid.

So what qualifies a movie cheesy in your mind, did you think Twilight fits into your catagory?

I happen to love stupid/cheese fests so come in and share your faves also.  


Mr. Horrible

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 10:31 AM

After reading some reviews from this GREAT blogsite - I went and read Mr. Horrible.  What a great (seem to use that word alot) fanfic!  In reading the ANs noticed the author was going through a very dramatic period in her life.  So sorry for her RL drama.  Don't know how she could write such a comedic story with all she had going on.  With that said -  I also noted in her ANs and her profile on that she was contemplating a sequel and more.  Has any of this come about and if so, where can I go to read it.  THANKS for any help I can get on this.


ummm, hi?

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 8:20 AM

Just thought I'd say hi. Introduce myself. You know. Give y'all the old howdy-do. I've heard that you're pretty friendly here, and guess what? So am I! :) I read a lot, beta some when I'm not chasing kids, write some when i have time and tweet waaaaay to much. I'll get the hang of things here eventually, but I just wanted to say hey and that I'm glad that there's another outlet for Twific. :)



Another fic gone?

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 10:31 PM

OK, my Favorites list is one shorter than yesterday.  Who deleted their story THIS time?  It's not Bratty-Vamp, I already saw the drop from her fics disappearing yesterday.


Historical/Period fics?

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 7:51 PM

So hi! It's been forever since I've posted on here! I wish I could camp at work. I would play more often. Hopefully this isn't a dead horse in for a beating, I did search before I posted, so please done shank me rangers! *grovels*

I know there's been drama regarding the fic that shall not be named... but I'm in a major crave for some hist-fic.

Some of my personal faves are HoochieMomma's Falling Empire of a Heart which is Romanella and Knightward.

Ya'll know I'm head overheels in love with WannabeCharlott's Wrenfield Hall.

A kind of period fic I adore is A River Between Us by Wild Red Poppies.

And one I just read and loved was From the Cup of Duty by Lady Exalibur 2010

They are all period fic with amazing kind decent writers who should each be their own published authors IMO.

What are your favorite hist-fics?

Here's some knightward for ya in advance-

EDIT: Thank you for fixing the manip Nayarit! It was the only one I could find.


What Makes a Fic... Well, Fic

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 7:38 PM

More specifically, what is it about a fic that makes it Twific?

Most of you have read fics where it seems like the only thing that is "canon" is the naming of the characters... okay, and maybe the hair color. They're more like OF dressed up like Twific.

Most of you have also read fics that may be way far away from canon world and plotlines, yet they still feel... like Twilight, or like the characters from the series.

Why is that? What differentiates the two?

What are the necessary ingredients for a fic to be Twilight fanfiction?

Is it just the names? The pairings? The world? The themes? Must they be vampires? Must the story have a HEA? Character behaviors?

What is it? 


ETA: If I don't reply to comments tonight, don't be mad. It'll be because sleep finally found me (pls God). I'll take a look tomorrow night when I get home from work :)



Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 5:18 PM






and if you haven't seen downton abbey....



Fic Help

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 4:59 PM

OK I'm looking for a fic but can't remember much. It's a B/E fic. All I remember is Bella goes to a party at Ed's. Jasper shows her around and they end up in his music room. She sees his piano and admires it. (She plays as well) I think she turns on his stereo. Ed comes in and scares her. Everyone leaves party for a bar and Bell ends up helping E clean up. Anyone?


I Should Have Favorited...

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 4:05 PM

but I didn't...and now I am regretting it.  Does this ever happen to anybody else?  I have since learned my lesson.

Looking (desperately) for this fic that I read on fanfiction that was probably published/completed pre '09.  It popped back into my head the other day and I have been scouring the internet for it since then with no luck.  This was before I broke down, got over my denial and got a profile on fanfiction, so I didn't favorite it. *cries*

The story goes a little something like this: Bella interviews with and subsequently gets a job working as Edward's assistant or some variation of that position.  She works at his house and he is a CEO or something along those lines.  You find out that she has a son with Jacob (who is some kind of sports player) and has recently left him because he was lock-her-in-the-house-and-throw-away-the-key crazy.  Charlie is on board with Jacob and I remember this one chapter where they both come to confront her.  Anyway, upon hearing of her problems, Edward invites her to stay at his house with her son in the meantime.

Other random details I remember:


Emmett is Edward's driver

The usual suspects are all around

She lives in a crappy apartment before moving in with Edward

Edward gets lawyers involved to help/newspapers and the like, there may also be a custody case

I seem to remember a crazy Tanya in there somewhere, too.


Any ideas are greatly appreciated by me and my overly obsessive brain.




Hump Day Fun

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 2:18 PM

I guess this is slightly off topic, but since this item has been featured in several fics....


more inside in the comments


Anybody every read? (Books)

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 12:20 PM

The Fallen Series, Mortal Instruments series or Hush, Hush?


Gale and Peeta

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 11:05 AM


What do you think?


Finally! My Keytattoo2

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 8:43 AM

Some of you asked for me to show you my tattoo once it was completed so here it is! This has been 1.5 years in the making and I had a wonderful time during the actual process. Wells, my tattoo artist was amazing and my friend photographed the whole activity from pretat to finished product. I even had friends tailgating in the parking lot. Nurses, the only group of women I was concerned would get me thrown out of a tattoo shop! Anyways, let's see yours or maybe I've given you some ideas. The key tattoo actually hit me when I read Papercuts, one of my fav reads here so hurrah for fanfic again! The key represents control and my "queen" on the tattoo head is me taking control of my life and the sun symbol is life's energy source. the original design came from a Black Keys poster.



Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 8:22 AM

It's been forever since I've made a post on here.


I miss you guys. :(


What's everyone been up to? What's the latest news~



Dodgy American Accent

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 8:14 AM

Can the Americans please watch this trailer and tell me if Colin Firth and Orlando Bloom did a bad job on the American/Southern accents?

I love Colin Firth more than puppies and donuts so please go easy on him (and me).


EDIT: Orlando Bloom on the other hand, is a bit wet. So bash him as much as you want.


Let's be friends

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 7:53 AM



Do you remember how easy it was in Kindergarten? You just walked up to someone, share a cookie and then said "hey, wanna be my friend?" and usually they said yes and you were BFFs.

I've read that a lot of people felt that the Twilight fandom is too cliquish. And also, I think some people just don't dare speaking to some authors because they idolize them too much. It's like that cute popular guy you liked but you were the nerdy girl always scribbling his name in your notebook without him knowing.

This is a friendship post. I need new fandom friends.

I always felt like neuroticris and I could be amazing friends because I always like her avatars and we share a love of Eric, Pam and True Blood. But that's just me...

Is there someone in the fandom you always wanted to befriend but never found the courage to? This post is for you! Tell them how you feel or simply just try to find new friends by giving us 5 crucial pieces of information about you!


Secrets and Lies

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 5:18 AM

So I started reading it last night. I must say, I thought I had problems with Edward cheating and his wife being Bella, but I have even bigger problems with Edward cheating on his wife with Bella. More in the comments.


I know my duty

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 4:57 AM

Well, yesterday we were all mourning Bratty Vamp. (really, some comments sounded like obituaries, while I am sure BV is alive, well and has just moved on).

Today I intend to concentrate on what can still be read. Currently, one of the best stories I am following is I know my duty, by Ithilwen K-Bane

Edward walked a knife's edge in Volterra. What if things hadn't gone quite so well? Love can survive when it is surrounded by monsters, but it does not survive unchanged. Deviation 'fic-New Moon. Rated: M – Vampires, Angst - Chapters 28, WIP.

Surely it  deserves much more reviews than  it currently has! It is impossible that I am the only one reading it among ADF members. It is darn good and I would like to have some discussion about it, because it is so gripping and intelligent that it totally owns me. With the last update a few days ago, I was cheering (and reviewing like mad).

The point of the story is that in Volterra Edward has to change Bella and give himself to Aro. He would have remained there anyway, because he feels duty bound toward Bella and wants to make sure she manages- eventually he wants to free her. BUT, he does not love her anymore (he thinks). He loved human Bella, newborn Bella is a horror (he thinks), so it is duty, not love, that keeps him with her. The pages describing his despair, his guilt (the whole mess is his fault,) and the longing for the human girl who is no more are heart wrenching.

But, as the plot unfolds, love resurfaces – on both sides - much more mature than it was, and this part is so well written too, with such psychological depth, that I am enchanted. Plus, the Volturi are cleverly explored. Not just evil monsters, there are a lot of political issues, extremely interesting…

Are you reading it? If so please exchange your impressions with me. If not, find the time to read it.


B.D Soundtrack

Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 4:43 AM is reporting that a cast member is going to be on the BD soundtrack (altho obviously nothing is confirmed!)

Who do we think it'll be? Could the rumours that flew round a few months back of an R.Pattz performed Renesmee lullaby be true? Can you imagine how awkward that could end up being?! Maybe it'll be someone we weren't expecting. I think a lot of the cast seem to have music projects on the side 


To make it interactive, who would you like to see on the BD soundtrack? At comic con Kristen mentioned she wanted to hear Band of Horses - For Annabelle for the wedding scene (i think). I wonder how much influence the cast have on the soundtrack?

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