
looking for an outtake of EP

Friday July 29, 2011 at 11:13 AM

Does anyone have the Outtake of  Emancipation Proclamation that is called  Connection,

if anyone have plz can u send it to me.thankls


Changing Twilight

Friday July 29, 2011 at 10:51 AM

what would you change about the twilight characters if you could?


think Rosalie should've had dark hair instead of blonde?

wish Alice wasn't so damn pixie-like?

would you make bella more badass?

or do you wish that a character didn't exist at all?



you complete me

Friday July 29, 2011 at 9:49 AM

free for all friday is here!

i've noticed lots of campers lately, lots of new faces, lots of spam accounts! (we apologize for that, let us know if we missed any spam posts. and a big thanks to those of you who pointed the spam account to us!)

so anyway, friday is the day we let campers here in the forest post anything, as long as there's no big curse words or not safe for work images on the front page (or personal attacks).

normally, you ask one of the rangers here for permission to post stuff that's off-topic. what's on topic at the forest, you ask?

-anything supernatural or young adult in nature (including twilight, the hunger games, harry potter, the mortal instruments, much as it pains me, buffy, BDB, true blood/SVM, and all other stuff in that category).

-fanfiction discussions on the above topics

-movie/tv show/casting discussions about the above

and if there's anything that you're unsure whether it counts, please page a ranger and ask. 

what definitely does not belong on the forest (except during the free for all):

-personal stuff


-personal attacks (never, ever)


anyway, carry on. and enjoy andy samberg and michael bolton for your time. this video cracks me up. leave me some new music in here, i'm getting bored with my current playlist.


Take Me Back In Time

Friday July 29, 2011 at 9:26 AM

Hello everyone! They'll be showing Beauty and the Beast on ABC Family Saturday night and I'm ridiculously excited! The last time I saw this movie was about 10 years ago and I'm as anxious to watch it as I was back then!

What's your favorite Disney movie?

What movies take you back to your younger days?


What are your hard limits?

Friday July 29, 2011 at 8:38 AM

Not in fics, but in real life.

The idea for this campfire was brought on by a conversation I had with some of my friends. We get together twice a month for a Girls Night Out and we discuss hot topics and current events. This week, we were discussing the things that are deal breakers when it came to relationships and marriages.

I was surprised at how many of my friends would stay in a relationship/marriage when infidelity was involved, which is a deal breaker for me.

It was split on whether they would leave if they found out their spouse was chatting with someone online.

Physical abuse was a deal breaker for all of us, but some actually would put up with verbal abuse.

Everyone would leave if they found child porn or anything of that nature on their spouses computer.

Only a few would leave if they found out their spouse was involved in criminal activity, depending on the crime.

So campers, what are the things that will absolutely make you flounce from a relationship or marriage?


Living la vida loca

Friday July 29, 2011 at 8:04 AM

Hello Campers!!  The weekend is finally here...I've been wating for this all week long.  Ok, here's my deal:

My sister got married last weekend and she and her now husband are going to go live in Canada.  The thing is we're very "latinos" and everything we know about live on the north hemysfere is what we see in, I just wanted to ask you guys if maybe you could share with me those little things you think my sister and brother in law should know before going to live in Canada.  You know, thinks like how do you deal with the weather, how the public transportation works, that kind of stuff.  Just think, if you were going to live in a very different country what would you want to know?...that's exactly what we want.

Thanks in advance.


The Real Truth About...

Friday July 29, 2011 at 7:40 AM

So this campfire is inspired by The Truth About Chuck Norris. Totally made up facts about Chuck Norris that was an Internet hit a few years ago ( I guess that's ancient history by web standards) and eventually published into book form. I know some were pretty tasteless, but some were kinda funny. 

So how about we do the same for some of the Cullen clan? Totally made up facts about some of our favorite characters, all in good fun. 

If there is a website out there that actually exists about this, I am terribly sorry to intrude. No harm is meant.


More Inside.


Who's Your Daddy?

Friday July 29, 2011 at 7:24 AM

There is a Light by belladonnacullen updated this morning & I need to discuss spoilers.  And theories.  And wild ideas.  I need someone to tell me what they think is going to happen next. 

And if you aren't reading this story, why not??  This is now your Friday plan!


FYT:  Because every Friday is better with some sunglasses and a smirk -  


You know what time it is

Friday July 29, 2011 at 7:20 AM

That's right.



Carry on.


Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club 18/40

Friday July 29, 2011 at 5:37 AM



Hey ladies, you know the drill.  How's it going for you?  

Just a heads up I'm heading out today for a 2 week camping trip so I will be MIA for a bit and won't be able to reply to responses.  Denny will take over for me the next two weeks following this post.  I'll compile the ADF chart when I get back.  Stay strong ladies, I know you can do it!

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )


You Will Not Like Me

Friday July 29, 2011 at 5:17 AM

So, after a lot of overheard talk, I watched The Libertine. I've always enjoyed the Earl of Rochester, his poetry is hilarious and ridiculously shocking for the time. The things he got away with, the things he said about King Charles should have earned him a beheading at least. 

So I watched the film, because I enjoy him and who doesn't love a bit of Johnny Depp. And I was entranced. The opening scene is simply....there are no words.

I figured I'd share it for those who've never seen it and for those who have and love it as much as I do, & also ask what else gets under your skin the way this does mine.

Is it a scene such a this, a speech, a video, a song? Anything at all, it's FFAF after all.

It's his voice, his pout, his eyes that look so empty because he was empty inside. It sends a shiver up my spine I'm not afraid to admit. 


not sure if this would be NSFW but just in case don't play it at work =P

A Loss in the Family

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 7:32 PM

I am sad to say that my former band director and one of the very few men that I consider to be a father figure to me has passed away. I've had family pass away before, but my birth father left my mom before I was born so I never got to know what having a real father was like. So as I got older I found adult male figures that I could see as a father figure. Mr. Campbell was my band director in middle school  and even as I begin my senior year of HS, I still went to visit him whenever I could. He always told me never to give up and that things would always get better. But I feel like a piece of my heart has been ripped out of my chest. He was such a big part of mine and so many people's lives. I'm just not sure where to go from here.


Rest in peace Mr. Campbell, you are sleeping with the angels tonight and will forever be apart of our lives.



TWCS- Ebooks?

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 6:31 PM

Has anyone bought any former fanfics---> turned original fiction?   And if so was their experience good-- immediate download, the ebook text was readable,,, etc....

I am looking to purchase a book but just wondered about other people's experiences. Thanks!

dawnmarie dreaming

Twighlight Who?

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 5:02 PM

Hello!  I am DRUNK!  ha,ha,ha.  please excuse any lapses in spelling or gammar.  I had a POOPtastic (i didn't swear on the main page, yay me!) day at work.  I may never go back.  I haven't eaten since my bagel at 7 a.m. today and decided to forgo dinner and just hit the WINE!  YAHOO!  1 and 1/2 glasses later, and i can't even read anymore (which is a shame, because I just started the awesomeness that is Bella Swan: Zombie Killer last night, and now i'm too drunk to continue it.)

I really just want people to come in and commiserate with me.  Bring wine with you.  But I realize that it is not FFAF and this CF is against the rules.  SOOOOOOOOOO, come in and drink with me, or tell me about your day, or give me a great TMI story to make me laugh like a hyena tell me something about Twighlight, FF, what-have-you.  What made you fall in love with the original books?  What fics are owning you right now?  How much do you love Bella Swan: Zombie Killer (i left off last night after the dry hump and imperial march scene)?

I'm lonely and drunk.  Come hang out with me....


Ranger Edit: Drunk posts are adorable and always welcome and surprise!-this one is completely on topic! High fives all around.


Uh, which ranger edited my CF?  just curoious.....


Ranger Edit 2-I bet someone can figure it out. We all have our own branding/persona ;)


Bratty Vamp

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 4:37 PM

Could someone email me Bratty Vamp fics.  My email is PLEASE PM ME IF YOU HAVE A COPY AS I KNOW WE DO NOT POST OUR EMAILS ANYWHERE ON ADF  Thanks.


"I am afraid of you"

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 2:51 PM

Any AUs where Bella's freaking out for quite some time after she finds out he's a vampire, even if he just eats poor unsuspecting animals (though in the end she does give in to him of course). I've always felt that's the first thing ff could have explored more. It's such a fantastic angst source, and SM just had Bella lust over Edward so much she seemed to view his vampiric nature as if he was a foreign exchange student or sth. He may be hot as hell, but he's a vampire that keeps fighting the urge to eat (drink?) you   Play/be a little hard to get ffs.


Does anyone have...

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 2:47 PM

Does anyone have a pdf copy of Abbracciare il Cantante by Bratty vamp?


Happy Birthday, Primarycolors!

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 1:14 PM

Here are a few things I know you like:

I hope you had a great day and a good rest of the evening!

This campfire was approved by Capricorn75


Writerly Existentialist Crisis

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 12:39 PM

Ever looked back on your own fic and thought "OMG it's crap!! What's wrong with people?? Why are they reading this crap??!!" ?

Ever written a whole chapter and thought "My characters are dull and flat, I should just kill all of them. First by chainsaw. Then in a huge inferno. It's better for everyone this way." ?

Ever suffered writer's block so bad you escaped to a forum of like-minded people so that you can procrastinate and avoid shoveling the steaming pile of turd that is your story?

Then this campfire is for you!!!

Writer's block. HELP. (You don't have to be a writer, any advice would be great, just HELP)



Stolen Souls update

Thursday July 28, 2011 at 11:57 AM

Are you reading this story yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Naya is usually around here and so nice, I started reading it because I liked what she had to say, and then fell in love with the story. It is one of the best ones I have read in quite some time. This update left me speechless! It was everything I was hoping for. But, I do have a question.

(More inside with a heavy chance of spoilers also)

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