Amy Winehouse found dead

Saturday July 23, 2011 at 10:09 AM

PER CNN: Singer Amy Winehouse found dead at her London apartment, UK Press Association reports. She was 27.

RIP, great singer, terrible self-destructive behavior. Hope she and her family have peace now.


BD Clips from ComicCon

Saturday July 23, 2011 at 10:01 AM




This one is AUDIO-ONLY of the honeymoon marriage-consummation.

Olympic-ward/ Olympic-ella?

Saturday July 23, 2011 at 8:24 AM

Hella dears campers! 

(I'm not sure i am allowed to post here...Am I?)

I'm bored out pf my mind and need a good hot story with Ed&Bella ...At the olympics. Does that ring any bell? 

I read one ages ago, where Edward was a swimmer in Beijin and Bella a journalist writing about him. I'd like something like that. 

Please, please, please, rec me something good!



How big do you have to be?

Saturday July 23, 2011 at 7:08 AM

I want to start off by saying that I have never posted here before.

My question to you all is, how big do you have to be in the fandom to get the aid you need?

This author-- has posted 2 plagiarized stories.  One by Nails223 originally titled When the Missing Come Home and the other by 22Blue and she who is formerly known as Mac214 entitled Ultio.

As a fandom, I think we should rally around these authors and do what we can to get these stories removed.


Miss Snazzy

Other Fandoms

Saturday July 23, 2011 at 4:28 AM

Please post your favorites for the other fandoms you follow.

To keep things organized, please include the following:

1) Title of Fandom
2) Title of story, summary, and pairing
3) If you aren't going to link, please provide the name of the author and mention the website where it can be found (if not on

So far, we have recs for:
-Harry Potter
-My Little Pony


And requests for:
(Along with more from all of the fandoms that have already been mentioned...)
-Fight Club


Previous Campfires:
-March 26, 2011
Includes recs for: Daria, Doctor Who, Glee, Harry Potter, Jane Eyre, North and South, One Tree Hill, Pride and Prejudice, Roswell, Sailor Moon, Shakespeare, Star Trek, Star Wars, Teen Titans, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Office, The Time Traveler's Wife, Vampire Diaries
-April 2, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who, Doctor Who/Glee Crossover, Glee, Harry Potter, Merlin, Naruto, Prison Break, Sailor Moon, Vampire Diaries
-April 9, 2011
Includes recs for: Aliens, Glee, Legend of Zelda, North & South, Sailor Moon, Star Trek
-April 16, 2011
Includes recs for: Glee, Labyrinth, Pride & Prejudice, Ramona Quimby, The Phantom of the Opera, Vampire Diaries
-April 23, 2011
Includes recs for: DiscWorld, Fever Series, Glee, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Pride & Prejudice, Vampire Diaries, Veronica Mars
-April 29, 2011
Includes recs for: Glee, Hawaii 5-0, Pride & Prejudice, Red Riding Hood, Star Trek, Vampire Diaries
-May 6, 2011
Includes recs for: Harry Potter, Merlin, Star Trek
-May 14, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who, Pride & Prejudice
-May 21, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who, Glee, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Sookie Stackhouse Novels, Thor, X-Men
-May 28, 2011
Includes recs for: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Glee, Doctor Who, Glee
-June 4, 2011
Includes recs for: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Glee, Harry Potter, X-Men
-June 18, 2011
Includes recs for: Doctor Who/Supernatural, Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Smallville, Pride & Prejudice, X-Files
-June 25, 2011
Includes recs for: Glee, Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Firefly, InuYasha, Naruto, Spirited Away, X-Men: First Class
-July 16, 2011
Includes recs for: Fever Series, Harry Potter, Red Riding Hood, True Grit

(I haven't linked all of the past campfires this time, but if you click on the previous campfires for which I did provide links, you'll find that the rest are still there)

Sugar Britches

Conversations in My Head

Saturday July 23, 2011 at 12:33 AM

What's Up With These Two Anyways?
This is the conversation I imagine Rob & Kristen had while sipping tea in bed together:
Rob: Sigh....Comicon is coming up soon. I just don't think I can deal with those crazy fans any more.
Kristen: *rolls eyes* I KNOW. I wish Summit wouldn't make us go. I hate how they all perv over you Rob. Even when you stopped washing for a month, they still objectified you. How do we make them stop?
Rob: Too right, it's hideous. I tried the beard thing, I tried the incoherent babbling, but none of those things bloody well worked now did they?-And Joaquin Phoenix promised me they would...
Anyways, I think this year we're going to have to take it up a notch. I'll want to look like a prize eejit.
Kristen: What if you shaved your head?...wait, no, not weird enough...what if you shaved HALF of your head and had this really weird poofy thing in the back. They would all think you were strange and leave you alone, right?
Rob: Hmm. Well, since you DID wear the mullet last year, I guess it's my turn. But you have to wear something equally bad for solidarity.
Kristen: What if I wore tennis shoes with a skirt, no...a bubble dress, no...a see through, wait how about a sheer white top with a black bra?
Rob: Yes! we can be Comicon weirdos together. We'll have a laugh at our inside joke. I love you, Sugar Britches, uh, I mean Kristen. Oops.
Kristen: I love you too, Tomstu, uh, I mean Rob.
Rob: Pass the crack pipe, dearie.
So what do you think of our fearless couple's style? come share your thoughts with me.


Friday July 22, 2011 at 11:55 PM

Never has a second-hand emabarrassed Twihard faceplamed herself so far
ETA: Another angle
omg, the screaming. He's drinking water, and she's cracking her knuckles


Friday July 22, 2011 at 6:13 PM

OK I read a fic awhile back ago and can't remember the name and need some help. I can't remember much but it is an E/B fic and it's a college one. Emmett and Bella are bro and sis. Em belongs to a frat house. Edward and Jasper are his frat brothers. All I really remember is that Rene is Bella's and Em's mom. She comes to visit and is really flighty. She plays the wii with the boys in the frat house. Then her and Bella go shopping for a dress for Rene's wedding and they end up in an accident that kills Rene.


Totally Forgot!

Friday July 22, 2011 at 5:50 PM

Luna StarFire

ADF Fit Club 17/40

Friday July 22, 2011 at 4:10 PM




So how was your week?  You guys all excited with Comic Con going on?

24/7 Support - ADF Fit Club LJ Community

Also its never too late to join in. ; )

Also just a heads up I will be out on vacation from July 29th - August 14.  I'll be able to post this coming Friday but the others I will be camping and won't be able to post.  I'm seeing if someone can take over for me.  If your up for it let me know and I'll just do it as first asked first helps.  All I need is for someone to create the post.  I'll get the chart together when I get back.



Friday July 22, 2011 at 1:30 PM

It's finally here!!!!!!! woooohoooo!



Hottest Edward in all of fandom

Friday July 22, 2011 at 12:42 PM

In which story does the hottest and sexiest Edward in all of fandom exist for you?

Personally, it would be the Pulitzer winning, bread defiling, headline chasing, and tapdancing Edward from WriteOnTime's Breaking News. Christ how I love this fic.

Breaking News
Two network news anchors. One desk. In a race to get the story, love might become the headline - if they don't kill each other first. AU/AH Canon Couples, smart people, particle physics, and tap dancing.

Now it's your turn to share!


Inside Man update

Friday July 22, 2011 at 11:54 AM


Moving along...

Friday July 22, 2011 at 11:21 AM

Next week, my family and I are making a huge life change.  My husband is civilian Army and his agency was part of the Base Realignment and Closure.  We are moving to the Metro Detroit area (specifically Rochester Hills, although he'll be working in Warren) from Iowa.

I will be replacing this:



with this:


Now, both of my husbands were military so I'm no stranger to picking up and moving, but I've lived in my current town/home for longer than I've ever lived anywhere ... 12 yrs.  And this move is hitting me especially hard because my three grown sons are staying behind to finish up school at the Univ. of Iowa.   Good for them, sucks for me.  :(

Soooo, do any of my fellow forest dwellers know the area I'm moving to and have any suggestions for places I should definitely visit, great places to shop, favorite restaurants?  I also have a nine year old son ... any suggestions for fun family outings?  We closed on the sale of our "old" house today and I will have worked out the notice on my current job this coming Friday, so I'm ready to stop looking back in sadness and start looking forward with eagerness and hope. 

I've heard much about  the negatives of the Detroit area.  So hit me up with the positives please! :-)






If you wanna be happy . . .

Friday July 22, 2011 at 11:18 AM

Hola forest!

Come in here and share some scenes from movies that you LOVE that just make you smile! Or happy. Or want to dance to. Or can't stop laughing. Scenes that just make you FEEL great and fuzzy and warm and happy!

These are my favorites:


Seriously, there are NEVER enough reasons to be happy or smile. Share yours with me.

Cersei, Queen of the Hipsters

Friday July 22, 2011 at 10:13 AM

Yesterday, the cast of Game of Thrones were panneling at Comic Con.  Just wondering if anyone was able to attend or if there are any vids that you've come across.


Come in and share your love for this awesome series.

Cersei, Queen of the Hipsters thanks you for your time,


because Khal Drogo is too cool for you.


You were my Favorite...

Friday July 22, 2011 at 10:00 AM

So, lately I've been on this big kick going back and re-reading some fics I've enjoyed in the past.  It made me wonder:

What is your favorite fic?  Not necessarily the "best" or the most popular, but your personal favorite?

What are the fics you could just re-read over and over again?

Are there any WIP's that have the potential to make that list for you right now?


I'm really curious!  This is my very first campfire! I did a quick search, and didn't find any recent CF's that asked this question, so I hope it's okay.


Yes, me again. Yes, same cf topic, again.

Friday July 22, 2011 at 10:00 AM

I don't really expect any replies 1. because I highly doubt anyone knows and 2. I'm sure people are fucking sick of me and my obsession already, but OMG I FOUND OUT THAT IN FRANCE YOU CAN ACTUALLY FIND TINY PECAN PIES AT BEN & JERRY'S STORES!!! Nothing specialy, KINDA like the picture bellow.

The filling was excellent, but the crust wasn't really crusty. I guess I could have solved that problem by ordering it warm and having vannila ice cream melt all over it, but my husband was already upset waiting for me with the two kids at the other side of the mall while I was spending the money I don't have.

Anyway, my question is: Are there any other US chain stores, that sell say ice-cream, that also sell pecan pies abroad?? I haven't found any in my country YET (Ben and Jerry's is only sold as ice cream in supermarkets), but maybe some other Europeans have seen some?

Please don't judge :S


The Vow!

Friday July 22, 2011 at 6:38 AM

Has anyone watched the trailer for 'The Vow'...
If you have, doesn't seem a bit familiar? 
i saw the trailer and imidiately thought of Wreckage by lambcullen...
siriously it looks like its based on the same story with a few adjustments.
so this got me thinking that what if real writers get some idea from fanfiction and then take credits for them! do you think this has happened before?
sorry if this sounds ridiculous!

3 Questions

Friday July 22, 2011 at 6:35 AM

Hi all, happy Friday!! I have three questions for you:

1. Has anyone read this by Ninadoll? I never heard of her or it...just wondering cause it sounds pretty good.

How the Mighty Fall » reviews
He was notorious amongst those who did not know the real him. He was known as the poor boy who made it good, a sinner in the eyes of many, a bastard both by birth and character and mostly an animal in the bedroom. I invite you to get to know the real man.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama - Chapters: 31 - Words: 173,531 - Reviews: 1387 - Updated: 7-20-11 - Published: 6-3-10 - Embry - Complete

2. What story is it, where Bella and Edward share a study room in a library that their professor "owns"? He lets Edward use it, and he in turn lets Bella....

3. I know everyone is loving Rochelle Allison's latest Witfit "Sultry". Now let me ask a stupid question: What exactly does that mean? And is it all one story or a series of whatever comes to her mind? I'm not sure I know what the heck it is. 

**UPDATE: I know what "Sultry" means, my question is worded very badly! :) I was curious what WitFit meant!

**UPDATE 2: Thanks everybody! I got the answers for 2 & 3, now has anyone read #1?

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