
Inside Man has Updated

Tuesday July 26, 2011 at 10:15 PM

"Edward, what does it say?"

Quick, go read and come back to discuss!

Luna StarFire

I haz gifs but can't play with gifs

Tuesday July 26, 2011 at 7:11 PM

Hey ladies!

So I've come across a little issue of not being able to post gifs via old method and I'm on the look out of what website people prefer.  

A little birdie told me to use tiny pic.  So I'm going go check that out.  Figured I'd still start a campfire and declare it time for a


/insert cool gif here

Approved by the awesome purple font.


Words with Friends

Tuesday July 26, 2011 at 1:18 PM

word with friends


Hello, hello everyone !


Words with Friends is like Scrabble but online. And better because you can have all the time you want to think of a word with your letters (*coughcheatcough*) without having everyone shouting at you because they just have that amazing word they've been wanting to put on the board ever since they drew their last letters.


So, let's exchange our usernames. I vehemently encourage you to add me because English is my second language and you will always beat me. It's an easy win.


Plus, in a fanfiction, Bella ends up "meeting" movie star actor Edward Cullen on Words with Friends, so you never know, you could end up playing against Robert Pattinson or Alexander Skarsgard without even knowing it!


My username is Liviacullen. Give me yours and we shall play! I invite all of you to either download this app right this instant (it works with the iphone os and android) or give us your username if you already have one.


Les jeux sont faits !


This post was approved by wtvoc, kinda.


How do YOU choose your pleasure?

Tuesday July 26, 2011 at 9:46 AM

So, this is an information gathering campfire.

I want to know what makes you choose one thing over another when it comes to 'pleasure'

Intrigued? step in and read my comments so you can see where i'm going with this.




**Thanks in advance to WTVOC for allowing this**


brought to you by the phrase "not sure if want"

Tuesday July 26, 2011 at 9:42 AM

i just don't get it campfire

post stuff that everyone~ seems to like, and you're all.... huh?

brought to you by a guy that is always all over my tumblr dash, and i just kinda shake my head every time: ryan gosling (and i just wanna say this right now, once and for all: THE NOTEBOOK IS NOT A GOOD MOVIE.)


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


ps- i won't be offended if you don't get something i love, so feel free to post what you truly don't understand. JUST KNOW THAT I MIGHT MAKE YOU TRY TO SEE THE LIGHT, as i'm sure some people will try to convince me of how hot the gosling is.


No fade to black or SM editing in this one!

Tuesday July 26, 2011 at 6:23 AM


BrattyVamp Flounced?

Monday July 25, 2011 at 8:26 PM

She seems to have pulled all of her stories off of FF, and her note just says that she's having fun elsewhere.



Monday July 25, 2011 at 7:46 PM

I'm looking for some recommendations of fics that are in EPOV...or fics that aren't in Bella's point-of-view. I've found that I really like the fics that I've read that are in a male point-of-view. Here's a few that I can think of off the top of my head:

Strange Brew
The Education of Professor Cullen
Midnight Desire

I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them now. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated!

fyt (some Idris Elba because I think he's sexy & we need some multi-cultural representation on this board!)



Honeymoon scenes

Monday July 25, 2011 at 7:20 PM

The Breaking Dawn smexy scenes have surfaced.

You know, the ones that were meant to be shown exclusively to the Comic Con audience.

If you were at CC, then come on in here and watch your videos and discuss.

If you did NOT go to CC, then make your way to the nearest exit and take your peepin' eyes with you. These are not for you.

Again, these videos were only shown to CC audience members.

p.s. you may want to take a double dose of dramamine before watching


i had a bad dream

Monday July 25, 2011 at 5:37 PM

and it involved tommy  mickens getting too much screentime and several bad wigs


how bout we discuss

Myspace Halloween Comments -


why does nobody post about this here any more?

what did you think of last nights episode?

is amesia eric everything you hoped it would be?

am i the only one who loves marnie?

all discussion/comments/gifs welcome

will probably contain spoilers

and here's the trailer for the rest of the season for those who may not have seen it



wtvoc enters the 22nd century

Monday July 25, 2011 at 1:48 PM

technology campfire

hello, darlings. been a long time, i know. i work nights now, and i went to comic con last week. yes, i saw jon snow and jason momoa. and buffy. got amazing free swag. met a bunch of fandom friends. :')

but that's not what i wanna talk about. see, today, my iPhone 4 arrives via muggle post. my first smart phone. i know how to use such gadgetry; what i don't know is what the good apps are.

so tell me, campers. what applications do you use? what do i NEED TO HAVE? what isn't worth the free download? and most importantly- how the hell can i read fanfictions on my new phone? especially stuff that isn't from ADF or

and i'm particularly looking for stuff that makes internet life easier, like- what's your favorite twitter app? stuff for tumblr? stuff like that.

tell me.

also, use this campfire to ask your own questions about gadgets or internettage. someone can answer them, i'm sure.

the embearded armitage for your time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


FF Sneak Peek

Monday July 25, 2011 at 4:55 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~



Sunday July 24, 2011 at 11:06 PM

I have a question for you lovely ladies.

I haven't been in the fandom lately. And by lately, I mean months. I haven't written anything in longer and I don't have any plans to really get back into it. I'm busy. Posting anything I actually do end up writing stresses me out because I feel like then I have to continue posting regularly. And let's be honest, that's not going to happen.


So anyway, back to the point. Should I take down my stories?

I don't mind them being up, actually. I still get people reviewing/favoriting/alerting and it seems wrong to take them away if people are enjoying them.

But, it scares me to have my words out in the world when I'm not around in the fandom to "patroll." I realize if someone was stealing, I probably wouldn't know it, but for my peace of mind, being around in the fandom helped ease the nerves.


So, what would you do?


Deep in the Twi-Closet (but what a pretty closet)

Sunday July 24, 2011 at 1:28 PM

I'm deep, deep in the Twi-closet. Only 3 of my closest friends and family know I write Twi-fic.

None of my friends care about or even know of Twilight. (Well there's one but she also likes Hello Kitty unironically so she doesn't count.)

I can't come out because I'd be mocked, discredited, ostracised.

Sometimes I would rather stay at home and read fanfic or lurk in forums than hang out with friends I can't talk fandom with.

I'm so paranoid I juggle 3 or 4 email accounts.

It's a lonely double life.

What's your experience?



Twific recs and teasers

Sunday July 24, 2011 at 6:31 AM


Could we list in a single topic links of sites where:

-- submit / find teasers

-- submit / find twific recs and reviews

I hope it can be useful for readers and for new authors.

- Raum

I run a blog,, where twific recs and reviews are posted.



Sunday July 24, 2011 at 2:15 AM

Has anyone read The Draco Trilogy by Cassandra Clair/fanfic version? I know there was a ton of controversy surrounding it. My question are the stories worth the read?



looking for a fic

Sunday July 24, 2011 at 1:08 AM

Post New Moon Edward left and came back. Bella has lost a lot of weight when he comes back and she is very nervous around him.  He tries to get her to eat, buying her lunch and stuff at school, and when he goes to pay for it, she tells him she is used to doing things herself now.


Anyone remember this?


A Little Help?

Saturday July 23, 2011 at 7:10 PM

Don't know if this has been asked a billion times over already...but I have to try and get an answer. I've searched through old campfires to find some news and didn't come up with anything concrete. So my question is...does anyone know whatever happened to ARenee363? I've looked all over to write to her and she seems to have taken down her name on every fanfiction site I know of. Can anyone help me, please? I really miss Inked and Marked. They were two of my favorite fanfictions, ever. Thanks so much!


Kristen Stewart is the fairest of them ALL

Saturday July 23, 2011 at 4:52 PM

What is life?

Promotional pictures from the Snow White and the Huntsman panel at comic con

More inside


official website:

official twitter:!/snowwhite

official facebook:



added part 5, 6 and end of the panel



Saturday July 23, 2011 at 2:46 PM

Howdy! My name is Melissa, and I am a freshman biology major from south Texas. But, more importantly, I am the loudest, proudest member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2015!


 So in about one month I'll be moving from my little bitty hometown to the awesome town that is College Station. I'm so excited to get there & experience everything this university has to offer me. I'm a bit apprehensive though, mostly because my high school is really, really tiny. Like my graduating class had only 38. What if I won't be able to handle the transition & can't get the grades I need & am expected to uphold? I know it's still four years early, but I want that Aggie ring so very badly.


So my fellow campers, do y'all have any advice for me, do's & don'ts, your own stories of college life?


Thanks & gig 'em!

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