mo kagen

Fry me up some SPAM, pop up.

Saturday July 30, 2011 at 6:13 AM



I have never had a problem with pop ups when camping in the forest.

Thank you Forest Rangers!


                      campfire has been edited - go back to your activities - the ants have been erradicated 

What makes you go "hmmmmm"   or      " ARRRRGH"    or   "WTF"    ? ? ?



Looking for a fic...

Saturday July 30, 2011 at 3:02 AM

This fic was written AGES ago. From what I remember Edward and Bella were highschool sweethearts, then Edward left (to England?) for a job opportunity. Years later Edward turns up at the highschool reunion. Bella and him hit it off again, but Bella is slightly reluctant because of a crappy relationship she had with  a guy previously (James). 

Towards the end of the fic (SPOILERS! hehe!) it turns out one of the builders working in the flat Edward and Bella are renovating is James, who sort of attacks Bella but she gets away.

God this summary makes it sound awful, but I promise it's one of my favourite fic oldies :) 

Thanks so much for your help!



Need your help...

Saturday July 30, 2011 at 1:38 AM

I'm writing a final paper for my European Culture and Film course and I've chosen Norway as my country.

How can you help? 

Details inside. :0)


Calling 2008!

Saturday July 30, 2011 at 12:02 AM

I'm looking for Oldies-but-Goodies... recommendations for fanfiction dating to 2008, or 2009 at the latest.  Most (maybe all?) of the stories I started with 4 years ago have either been pulled or forgotten, but I'm dying to read some back-in-the-day Edward + Bella fanfic and see how stories have changed/progressed/stayed the same.

FYT, Vintage Rob



Look at that sweet face.  2008. 


I still don't "get it" I guess

Friday July 29, 2011 at 9:56 PM

Has anyone else read Savage's blogpost titled "Why don't I "Get It"?" I have and I am curious as to what other people think about it.


We Love and Hate...FanFiction...

Friday July 29, 2011 at 9:43 PM

Let's face it...we all love's why we're here!

But we also have things we hate about it...about the genre, about certain's a love~hate thing, really.


So I have posted a site below the fold that has, in some cases...hit the nail right on the head for me.

(considering the name in the URL (think the Jumping Rob site) I don't want to post the link on the front page, so I'll post it inside)


So, relax and enjoy things we love and hate about fanfic...then we can discuss amongst ourselves =D


For Your Time...some New Moon Premiere Rob...


By Jupiter's (ock

Friday July 29, 2011 at 8:01 PM

Are you bored and wondering what you want to do tonight? If you are, I'm about to re-watch Spartacus, from Starz. It's AMAZING.

Feel free to come and join me on my impromptu watch along. Or if you have seen this show, come in here and talk about it with me. Let's convince other why they NEED to give this show a chance!



Betrayed by the Romans. Forced into slavery. Reborn as a Gladiator. The classic tale of the Republic’s most infamous rebel comes alive in the graphic and visceral new series, Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Torn from his homeland and the woman he loves, Spartacus is condemned to the brutal world of the arena where blood and death are primetime entertainment. But not all battles are fought upon the sands. Treachery, corruption, and the allure of sensual pleasures will constantly test Spartacus. To survive, he must become more than a man. More than a gladiator. He must become a legend.

Some info you'll most likely want to know before starting: NC-17 (practically) Gory depictions of violence and AMPLE sex and nudity, male and female


Tor edit: sorry, had to remove the video because it was causing pop-ups. :(


My dirty little secret....

Friday July 29, 2011 at 7:09 PM

I am in love with a little show that goes by the name of.....




Anyone here watch it?

Who do you ship?  Wish would gtho?

I've been a diehard since the first season - please tell me I'm not alone!

ETA: Come share thoughts, theories, guesses, etc, but please no real spoilers! :)


adding to my library

Friday July 29, 2011 at 6:56 PM

Hi campers! 

I work for a bookstore and sadly my employer is closing their doors in several weeks (hopefully longer) for good. 

So this means, no more books, discounts, paychecks, etc. So before I am left with nothing, I am trying to buy what I can.. So is there any books that you feel everyone MUST HAVE in their libraries?

Or if you just want to share your lastest book, come in and share that too .


(my coworker talked about him ALL day today, I felt he needed to be apart of this campfire too)


Sign It Like You Mean It

Friday July 29, 2011 at 3:53 PM

Hey fellow campers!

Although I have commented on other CFs before, this is my first one sooo Yay!

Ok, next week is my final for my ASL class that I've been taking this summer. Instead of taking a written test like our mid-term, we're suppose to pick a song that you like, and then sign it in front of the whole class. I chose my song last week, but now I'm regretting it because it's too slow and repetitive. So I e-mailed my teacher and she said it was fine to pick another song since I still have plenty of time. Now I'm struggling to find a song. I have in mind a couple that will work, but I'd love to get some help. I enjoy pretty much any genre. I'm just looking for something up-beat, entertaining, but not-so-fast songs so I can keep up. ( it's going to be tough already to perform it in front of everyone)

Here's what I pretty much have to do:

I would really appreciate your help! :)
Ah I'm so nervous XP

ETA: Thank you Halawia for the videos:D ( I had to replay again lol)

Enjoy Ladies and Gents:


"Pocket Change" giving us the angst fix we need

Friday July 29, 2011 at 3:52 PM

Not pasting the summary, because it probably does more harm than good

Read it in one sitting, really liked it, added it to my alerts and favorites

Chapter 1


Sharks & Meth

Friday July 29, 2011 at 3:29 PM


Yes! Shark week starts on Sunday, the 31st and I am so stoked I can barley contain my excitment. In all seriousness I looked look forward to this week every year! 

And this year I am doubly excited because Andy Samberg is hosting!!!!! (love him)

So, tell me guys is anyone else gearing up for SHARK WEEK....... or is it just me?

If you are not into sharks tell me what summer shows you fallow/ can't live without.

The only other show that I fallow during the summer is BREAKING BAD, which imo is the best show on t.v. (does anyone watch it?)


I'm going to Canada

Friday July 29, 2011 at 1:54 PM




Here's the deal:

On september the 25th I'll be getting on a plane to Vancouver where I will be spending a year of my life. Truth to be told I don't know much about Vancouver, so I could use all the help I can get. 


What I most want to know is where I can find a good gym (possibly with yoga classes), which supermarket is the cheapest/best and which clubs/bars I should visit. Oh, and a vaxer would be good too (A)

And is Vancouver a good city for bicycling? How much for a glass of wine/a beer at a bar? Are there any museums (or similar) that I should visit? 


And then there's another thing.

While in Canada I'll probably get an E-reader since paperbacks will be extra weight on the plane back home and I don't want to pay the money to send them back home to Sweden. I've been thinking about the Kindle, but is there another E-reader that's better?


Google Docs..... grumble grumble

Friday July 29, 2011 at 1:27 PM

Help please!

Okay, so previously when I would use the google doc site, I wouldn't log in because whenever I logged in I could not see all the fics. But now, Google has decide to be a butt and is forcing you to log in. Does anyone know how to fix this? Please.


Careful what you wish for

Friday July 29, 2011 at 1:14 PM

Ever prayed/begged a lot for something Twific-wise, only to be severely disappointed by it? Could be an outtake, a different pov, or even another story by an author you were sure you'd like


ADF blocking FLAG?

Friday July 29, 2011 at 12:55 PM

Looks like since today's upgrade, FLAG (Fanfiction Light Automated Grabber) can't fetch stories from here....



Friday July 29, 2011 at 12:10 PM

Tonight I am going out for an early birthday celebration with my best friend. We are going to see a local band play that I love and I'm super excited!

this is them:

I am a huge music lover. I listen to everything!

So I want to know, is there a band that you love that hasn't made it big yet? Or one that not a lot of people know about?

If there is I wanna know! Or just come inside and tell me what your favorite song is =)



Friday July 29, 2011 at 12:10 PM


TANNING virgin that is, LOL.


Its FFAF is here and I thought I'd take this opportunity to get some advice about tanning salons.  I am attending a wedding next Saturday and in need of a good tan.  I am fairly light skinned, and I don't have any experience with tanning salons at all.  I was thinking of getting one of those instant spray tans.  How long do they last and should I do anything to my body in preperation, say a good exfoliation beforehand?  Any advice would be appreciated.




Please say AU or AH

Friday July 29, 2011 at 12:10 PM

This campfire is directed in particular to the authors who have their stories posted here on ADF. Always on the prowl for something new to read I searched in particular for those who are exclusively here, or in any case not on ff net or Twilighted. But, Hell, why don't you say if your story is AU (I intend it to mean that it has supernatural elements) or just AH? I am among those who do not read AH, and, from a campfire going on yesterday (and mightly interesting) I am not the only one.

If somebody could point to me stories that are only here and are AU I'll be grateful. And if the powers that be would add the info with the summary I would be  even more grateful.

Also, the rating puzzled me, is R the same as on ff net? Do M and MA don't exist at all? (Can't believe it on a website where sex toys are discussed - but maybe I didn't look hard enough)

What does XXX mean?



It was Enchanting to Meet You

Friday July 29, 2011 at 11:50 AM

Hooray for FFA because campers I have a huge favor!

My adorable little sister, Meg, has entered a contest to meet Taylor Swift!

For a 15 year old, I fully support her love for TSwift...especially compared to what is around young girls these days *shudders*

The contest is to enter a photo showing your love for TSwift in a clever way. My sis worked so hard on this and I really think she did a great job! Hey she put drums on top of a car!!! :D

To Vote:

clicky clicky the very long link to register to vote. Vote once a day for Meg from Downingtown, PA until 8/4! :D :D

I cant put into words how much it would mean to my sister if you voted!

A little bribery:






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