
Hit me with your best shot

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 10:27 AM

I just saw this article about Robert Pattinson's hair from GQ and it totally made me giggle.  

R.I.P. The Best Hair That Ever Was, 2008-2011


Love it or hate it, his hair certainly has made an impact.  My brother is a hair stylist and he has guys come in and tell him, "Make me Edward."

So tell me, do you like his hair all Edward-y?

Or maybe clean cut - WFE style?  

Maybe you like it long and shaggy or even... 


So bring me your best, campers.  Show me your favs to tide us over till the haircut that shall not be named grows out. :D


Pocket Change Update

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 10:05 AM

So..... wow. Was it what you expected? Come in and discuss theories!

*Spoilers may occur*

LJ Summers

Meeting Online Fic List

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 9:04 AM

He's a lonely, busy man seeking feminine companionship, maybe.

She's an introvert, whose only ability to connect with others is through the safety of online distance.

Perhaps their mutual interest in some online community brought them together

Or maybe, they signed up for an actual online dating service.

Somehow, Bella and Edward meet online and begin their relationship that way.

So, have you phished for any phics like this?  I have!  I'll have my recommendation within the campfire. 

Remember the rules of the Rec Fire:

1.  KEEP IT SIMPLE.  Title, Author, Summary and Link.

2. NO DISCUSSIONS.  This is a list. If you, the Campers of ADF rec this fic, it is of course GOOD!

Just like the 108 OTHER fic lists on the Master Fic List here in the Forest!

Thank you for sharing your favorite Meeting Online Fics!


Oldies but Goodies

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 8:12 AM


Hey Campers! It's that time again!

The next story we're reading is the much anticipated....

WITH TEETH by TalulaBlue

We'll start with chapters 1-6. Come back on Saturday to discuss them.

We'll carry on every second day until we are finished.

Come on in and share any thoughts, feelings, etc you have about this fic choice, but save the good stuff for our first discussion fire. If you have any questions about the read-a-longs, this is a great place to ask them. Also, no spoilers please - I'm sure we'll have some first time readers!

Looking forward to getting started!


Can Anyone Help Me?

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 7:49 AM

I'm new to this site and I was wondering if any of you fine ladies and gents could help me.

Firstly let me introduce myself.

My name is Gemma, I live in England. I'm a 29 y/o mother of one with a slight - ok, ENORMOUS - Twific addiction. I don't drink but I DO smoke like a chimney, have the mouth of a sailor and a mind that seems to have taken to living in the gutter.

I love to laugh and make people laugh. I love to talk about almost anything although I have a few favourite subjects ie Rob, Twifics etc

If there's anything else you want to know about me, don't be shy, come ask. I'm a sharer :)


Ok, now you've sat through my waffling, onto my problem.

To put it bluntly, I need a fic to read. I am, however, quite particular when it comes to reading, thus my problem. I'm too picky and as a result cannot find something that keeps me coming back for more.

My preferences are canon pairings with E/B an absolute must (I'm really not a Jake fan), AH with HEA. I'm not into western, horror, fantasy, parody or tragedy but will happily read any other genre. I'm kinda boring in the lemons area and don't like BDSM or more than 2 in a bed.

I'd be forever grateful for any recs you have that fit my criteria.

Thanks for reading



Thursday August 4, 2011 at 6:42 AM

Due to the fact that I have 3 resit exams to sit in 4 weeks time, I've been holing myself in my dining room for around 6-8 hours of the day and therefore have NO clue what's going on in the country (I'm English). 

So I step on twitter today and see a lot about these E-petitions. Where if a petition gets 100,000 signatures it will be debated in the house of commons.

Now a lot of them are about the death penalty, personally I've ignored them because I think it's a ridiculous idea. But aside from them I think there are some interesting points raised.

My aim here, is to get a little debate going. Obviously this is only affecting the people of England, but the topics are universal. So with no name calling, no personal attacks. Just reasoned arguments, I want to know what the wonderful people of the forest think of some of them.

Have you signed any? (I have, I'll pop them in the comments) If so why? If not, why?

Do you think this is a good idea? Or just a flop?

http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions That's a link to all the petitions....hopefully everyone can see it :)



Thursday August 4, 2011 at 6:30 AM











Is it





or perhaps somewhere in between



Thursday August 4, 2011 at 6:02 AM

Does anyone know when the process starts today?  Ally and I are sitting patiently (ha) hitting the refresh button :)


To authors of angst

Thursday August 4, 2011 at 5:41 AM

Dear beloved, wonderful, reason for my existence Twific authors writing angst (like there's anything else out there):

I've always wanted to ask how you feel when writing the angstier parts of your stories. Yk, if it affects you in any way. Do you hide under your blanket in the dark sobbing, like some people (in another community, I think) assumed? Do you rub your hands in pride for the ulcer you're sure to give us? Or maybe to you writing angst is just like writing fluff, and you can do it in the middle of being really happy and telling jokes with your friends or eating pecan pie omg life doesn't get much better than that but I really need to stop talking about it because I've eated them all.


It's Tor's Birthday

Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 10:25 PM

That means that it is FREE FOR ALL in the forest starting NOW and it will run through Sunday (as the end of her b-day will be the official usual start of FFA).

I could get all gushy here and I usually do when it comes to Tor but I will just say this-She is a precious gem and I treasure her greatly.

So with that said-Let's party. Until Sunday night. Go crazy with your posts. Tor loves fireworks so don't be afraid to let loose and have a wild time.



It may be the vodka but

Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 7:37 PM

but I was watching South Park re-runs and this gave me the giggles




For some reason, it made me think of Jasper.

So do you have any random pictures of complety unrelated characters that make you think of twilight?

If not, would you like to get drunk with me? (currently drinking potato vodka and big k blackberry citrus soda...pop...coke...whatever your regional code is.

Or we could discuss Stigmata Tomato (pronounced to-may-toe or to-mah-ta, I'm open to either)

or we could discus the missing of several authors-bratty vamp, hunterhunting, so many others...

Or you could throw out a fic topic and I'll weigh in whether I should or not.

My hubs is out of town this week, I can't sleep because I keep hearing noises that don't exist and my dogs have decided to be completely belligerent emo goth children while he's away. I'm open for some cyber company. And I'm well onmy way to being sloshed on a Wednesday night. soooooo.....any one else?



and thanks to WTVOC for the cf on how to post pictures on ADF (from March, 2010, it would be embarassing to tell you how many times I had to read that to make this work.

It's fiction based. Come drink, discuss. toast, talk of my horrible grammar, test my fic knowledge, let's have fun



Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 7:33 PM

Does anyone have a copy of  With Teeth to share??

Thank You


Anyone Seen Good Banners for SVM?

Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 4:33 PM

I'm cleaning up a semi-beta'd Southern Vampire Mysteries / Sookie Stackhouse story, and I've come to the conclusion that I want a banner for it... as the community is SooOoooo much smaller than the TwiVerse, I'm having a problem finding people that know enough about the fandom to make a decent banner for a story that features minor characters. Anyone have any suggestions? Anyone ever even SEEN any good SVMVerse banners?

The Girl Who Read


Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 4:11 PM

Expectations and Other Moving Pieces Updated.

I thought I had become emotionally detached from this story due to the time between updates. I was wrong.

I wanted to cry for Edward, cry for Bella, cry for Jacob (jnr).

I have no idea how long this fic is going to be, just that I need to know what comes next.

Anyone else sharing in the angst love?


Inside Man updated

Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 3:13 PM


Come chat with me about it


Love in Idleness Update

Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 1:44 PM

This just updated half an hour ago. Wanted to leave a review but there were 10,000 things running through my head. This fic is just so different from anything else out there.


EDIT: Link here


Come out and say "Hi"!:)

Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 12:20 PM

Hey! I'm new here and don't really know the ways of the forest. Just wanted to meet the people here:)

So, there you go:



Hope you'll come out and say hi too:)



I'm Magical.....

Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 11:10 AM


Anyone else??


My UN is PhoenixLeviosa118.  Share yours! 


Do you think we'll  be sorted when they finally open up the site?  I'm so excited.


Come inside and discuss with me people!



I hope this campfire is ok.  I read the rules and it said that HP related things didn't require permission, but if I'm wrong, I apologize.



Burning Questions

Wednesday August 3, 2011 at 7:35 AM

So most of us here read fic right? Have you ever read a story and thought "I wish this was my life." What fic was it? What about that fic made you feel that way? Was it the love between the characters? The crazy things they did in the fic? The awesome jobs they had? The amount of money they had? Come in a share what those fics were and give your reasons. There will be no judging. I know I have some silly reasons for wanting to change places with people in stories. Come in and share yours!


Pocket Change UPDATE!

Tuesday August 2, 2011 at 11:12 PM

A few days ago xtothey -----> Image and video hosting by TinyPic                          

made a CF about ------> Image and video hosting by TinyPic  LINK TO STORY.... it's a good read!

I was intrigued by it so I popped inside and started to skim through the comments. After reading through them I was even more intrigued, so I went off and read all of the completed chapters and put the story on alert.

Anyways, Pocket Change got updated today and I want to know what you guys think? 

We have gotten some questions answered (some of you were right in your guessing... and some of you weren't) but do you have any new theories now that a few things have been cleared up?

Come discuss!

* Probability of spoilers is high 

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