
I'm a bad romantic

Tuesday August 2, 2011 at 3:56 PM

I just realized (well, not just... I've known it for a while... just haven't advertised it) that I'm a bad romantic.

Don't get me wrong, there are some phrases and whatnot that I read that just take my breath away. They make me all squishy and smiley and fluttery.

But... those phrases rarely ever include that key phrase, "I love you." 

In fact, more often than not, I read that little phrase and I end up laughing or cringing.

And yes, before you ask, I laugh at my own fics' ILYs from time to time, too.

I don't know why this is. I don't really even care why. Maybe it's my distaste for the way they come across (overly melodramatic most of the time). Or maybe I'm just a cold-hearted bish. ;) I dunno. 

What do you think? Are you an "I love you" kind of girl (or guy)? Do you swoon every time you read the words coming out of EAC's mouth? Or are you more like me?

What are the BEST ILYs you've read in fic? 


Brought to you by the letter L... which, by the way, also stands for LUST, which, by the way, is embodied by this fine looking fellow... ;D


Fics based on Movies!

Tuesday August 2, 2011 at 1:50 PM

So, lately I've been getting lost in my own head wondering if there's possibly a Twi Fic based off of the movie While You were Sleeping.

There's way too many fics to search through them all, so I was hoping for a little help from you campers.  Does anyone know of a fic based off of this movie?  If so, I'd love a link to it.  And also to know if it's worth the read?

And while we're at it...  What are some of your other favorite fics inspired by a movie(s)?  And please list what movie the fic is from. 

*Edit: Also tell me if there's a particular movie that you wish there was a fic for.  (Thanks to MissusMarsten for that idea!)  Maybe someone else knows of one!


Washed Up update

Tuesday August 2, 2011 at 11:53 AM


My day is now complete.

Please let share our love for this fic that I find absolutely amazing.

Let's talk about the last chapter.

Or, you know, if you don't agree with me, come & tell why.

Melissa Cullen


Tuesday August 2, 2011 at 11:35 AM

Some days, do you wonder WTH happened to the fandom that ~you~ know and love? Milli Vanilli said blame it on the rain, but they were WRONG. Well, I’m here to tell you EXACTLY what happened.


That’s right. Everything that goes wrong in the fandom is my fault. How do I know this? The always lovely jandco told me so. Still not following? Allow me to explain.

Remember the drama waaaaaaay back when about the author who plagiarized actual, published books? I was a beta for her. Then brattyvamp just ~poof~ disappeared into the wild blue yonder. I know her irl. At some point jandco realized the one person in common in both of these dramz was YOURS TRULY.

Thus, she crowned me with the title FANDOM RUINER and now we’re going to make a game of it. Cool? Cool.

Want to know what happened in the above situations? Want to know why your most favorite author ever pulled to publish? Want to know why your favorite story took a turn that has you raging with the fire of a thousand angry suns? Come on in and ask and I’ll tell you why I did it. Or just come in and blame me for stuff. That’s good too. =)

DISCLAIMER: This is all done in good fun.  Any answers/reasons I provide will almost certainly be falsehoods. Some will be silly, some will be funny, and (hopefully) only a few will be totally lame. Please remember that personal attacks are a BIG NO-NO here in our happy forest. I’d hate to see someone get the banhammer when we’re just trying to have a little fun.




The perfect teaser

Tuesday August 2, 2011 at 8:50 AM


There are many sites that offer the opportunity to submit a teaser. But sometimes a teaser reveals too much about the chapter, other times it doesn't elicit the readers' attention enough.

How would you explain what is a teaser to someone who doesn't know anything about it?

How would you describe "the perfect teaser?"


- Raum

I'd like to use this campfire's answers for the Writing Lab on http://myreadinglounge.blogspot.com (mentioning and recommending ADF, sure!) Is there any problem? THANKS


here's the post: http://myreadinglounge.blogspot.com/2011/08/writing-lab-perfect-teaser.html You can see that I gave credits to A Different Forest but I've not put there your names. If you want me to put your name with your quote, just let me know and I'll be more than glad to do it!


Follow you-Follow me

Tuesday August 2, 2011 at 8:46 AM

Hello forest dwellers!

We are in the middle of our fabby new upgrade (it's coming soon!) and with that comes some Twitter pruning. The ADF Twitter account had lots of dead branches (i.e. bots/dormant accts) so we did lots of cutting and we added a bunch of fresh new saplings.

Who should we follow? Tell us! Also we want to follow YOU so leave your Twitter names in the comments below. 

Follow us back-the forest is at @differentforest


The Decision update

Tuesday August 2, 2011 at 8:39 AM


I was going to post a Twilight still, but apparently sb made a banner:



Tuesday August 2, 2011 at 4:19 AM

Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society   wtvoc.


I've been losing sleep and being crazy for two days trying to get early entry. I finally woke up at 6:30EST this morning and I was all:

So I rolled to my laptop, where I had Pottermore already waiting for me and there was a clue!

I'm not living at home right now due to house renovations that suck and I don't have my books with me, so I had to google the answer. But the important part is that I got my official name and all.

So, who else is with wtvoc and me and got early entry? Who is still frantically trying while they cry into their breakfast cereal?

purple ranger PSA: for those of you who are amurrcan and don't want to be crazy stay up until 3am, tomorrow's registration will fall sometime between 10amEDT/7amPDT and 2pmEDT/11amPDT. good luck! something tells me registration will be cray cray at that point. idk, it was really easy for me to get through last night, got my confirmation email right quick. apparently, using a gmail accounts gets you that email much sooner than the other mail servers. (lol my sloppy math skills, so sorry)


fandom fairy tales

Monday August 1, 2011 at 11:23 PM

Hello forest!

I was sitting here on the couch, reading, and eating a late night snack when I suddenly had the urge to read a twific a la Grimm Brothers. Or rather, are there any good fics out there based on fairy tales or what not? I know I've read the Alice in Wonderland one about Edward being the Hatter and Bella being an Alice and LOVED it.




clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose

Monday August 1, 2011 at 9:20 PM

happy birthday to whatsmynomdeplume


from your dirty uncle wtvoc and colin firth.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


git in here and wish this dazzling~ person a happy birthday!


Looking for a Fic Buddy?

Monday August 1, 2011 at 7:30 PM

Hi Campers!

As someone who has been in the fandom for quite a while, I'm mostly a lurker and haven't made many personal connections. I was inspired by last weeks' friendship campfire where people introduced themselves. (BTW, I still tend to lurk, so I didn't even post my own intro! ::shrugs::). Anyway, after reading that CF I was thinking how great it was that people put themselves out there, but that its really difficult to generate friendships out of thin air. 

How do friendships really begin anyway?? It usually stems from shared common interests. Most of us are here because we love (or are obsessed with) Twific. Have you ever wanted to talk fic with someone in a more intimate way than a CF or thread? My vision is that this campfire can be a place for us to find others that want to read the same fic as us (completed, WIP, or another fandom all together). Then you can arrange how you want to chat about the fic (email, gchat, skype, etc).

If the idea doesn't take off, I won't be offended, but I thought it sounded fun. And for personal reasons, I thought it might be a great way to connect with others in the fandom. Plus, when I tell my RL friends that I'm in an 'online book club,' I won't be totally lying! LOL

So, share a quick introduction and some fics you'd be interested in reading with others. If you find find a buddy or buddies, you can work out the details in a PM.


(Oh, and this is my first campfire. Woot!)


Mountain Edward

Monday August 1, 2011 at 7:27 PM

Here i'm in another quest,these time i need help find this one:

Bella is a teacher,she goes to forks because she refuse to sleep with the principal and he block all the ways for her getting a job

Carlisle runs the town,which most of the people works in a mine

Edward lives in the mountain with his brothers Jasper and Rosalie,she still a little girl,and refuses to let them go to school.He teaches them himself

One day Bella go up in the mountain asking for permission for the children go to school and Edward try to scare her with a old gun but she don't buy it

Eventually he lets his brother go to classes...and here is the point when i lost track with the history.

So if this makes a bulb appears up in your head,let me know.Thank you.


Monday August 1, 2011 at 2:00 PM

Hello I've strugling to remember the name of a fanfic that I read a while ago,here what I remember:

Bella has been a good girl for her entire life and decide to ends this with a little help of a fake ID,she goes to a club meets Edward and have a good night. She leaves in the morning without saying goodbye.

Edward is trying to find her and see a photo in the apartament of his friend Emmet who turn it out to be Bella's brother

Charlie and Renee are still married


Bella have to take some medice and Renee ads in her food blocking the effect of the pills so she gets pregnant.

Ring Any Bell?



summit takes legal action over BD hack

Monday August 1, 2011 at 11:58 AM

As per Variety

Summit Entertainment has taken legal action against an alleged hacker responsible for the the unauthorized images from the set of “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn” that were released on the Internet in late March, Variety's Dave McNary reports. A civil action was filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles and in Argentina against Daiana Santia, along with others, for allegedly stealing photographs, unfinished images and video from both parts of “Breaking Dawn.” It also said that criminal action in Argentina has also been filed.

The investigation covered North America, South America, Europe and Australia and has led to the town of Posadas in northern Argentina. “While we very much appreciate the legions of committed fans of the franchise and encourage them to create community online, we cannot ignore that property was stolen,” said David C. Friedman, exec VP and general counsel. “It is not fair to the majority of fans that want to see the final chapter of the ‘Twilight Saga’ film franchise fully realized by the filmmaker and dedicated cast and crew to have these images out and available on the Internet.”

Images were posted on several sites of stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in bed together on March 31, followed by a plea by Summit to fans to stop the spread of the photos.


so what do you think, campers?


Ramadan Mubarak

Monday August 1, 2011 at 7:18 AM

Today marks the first day of Ramadan for Muslims around the world.  Muslims follow a lunar calendar so Ramadan never falls during the same time from year to year (according to the Gregorian calendar).  It is our holiest time of the year, during which we are to devote ourselves to God and to goodness.  During the day we are to refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, taking medication, swearing, and having sex.  We do this from dawn til dusk, after which we can break our fast with our families.  Prayer, reflection, charity and compassion are greatly encouraged during Ramadan.  Ramadan lasts for thirty days and is followed by a three day celebration called Eid al Fitr. 


I wanted to wish all our Muslim campers a peaceful Ramadan.  As Ramadan falls during the summer this year it means a looong day to go without food and drink.  Wish us luck.  ;) 



Many thanks to Cappy for approving this campfire. <3


FF Sneak Peek

Monday August 1, 2011 at 5:20 AM

(Sorry, I know I'm posting this early in the morning but I wouldn't have an opportunity to post it until later this evening. Finally going to see HP after work, yay! Please thumb-tack if you feel it's going to get swallowed among everything else... thanks :)

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~



Monday August 1, 2011 at 5:13 AM

Do you guys reread stories, and, if yes, which ones? Do you prefer to reread fluff because it does miracles to your blood pressure, angst because some of us get some sick joy out of stomach ulcers, or maybe smut  for obvious reasons?

I'm a skimmer, so whenever I find a story that I find captivating I go back and read it in detail (hasn't happened for quite some time, unfortunately). And then if I *really* like the writing, and it provokes strong emotions in me (but NOT sobbing), I'll reread and reread and learn it by heart and omg I really need to look at my life & my choices.

Just because where he chooses to keep his hands is interesting


Looking for an HP fic rec

Monday August 1, 2011 at 3:31 AM

So, my daughter is a complete HP fangirl.  She's read the series multiple times and everything else HP that she can get her hands on.  She knows I read Twilight fanfiction, and wanted to know if there was Harry Potter fanfiction, also.  I told her that there was, and now she wants me to find a story for her.

So, I know lots of you are HP fans, too, and I am hoping that you can point me in the right direction.  I'm looking for a story that is:

-One-shot or short story length

-Appropriate for a pre-teen (no sex, swearing, excessive violence)

-Hermione based stories are a plus, she's my daughter's fave character.

Thanks in advance!


So I finally got around to reading.....

Sunday July 31, 2011 at 10:23 PM

WIth Teeth!  And it rocked my world!

I'm gonna be honest.  I have a Nook that is full of completed fics that I need to read.  And I'm sure there are many more that, once I read them, I will wish I had read them sooner.

I could kick myself in the arse for not reading With Teeth sooner.

So my question is this: 

Which fic did you read long after everyone else that made you wish you had read it sooner?


True Blood Recap

Sunday July 31, 2011 at 7:09 PM



First --- | >> | 803 | 804 | 805 | 806 | 807 | 808 | 809 | 810 | 811 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
