Pocket Change update

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 8:38 PM

So we got some answers in this chapter. We need many more, but it's a start!


Spoilers inside, fyi



Sunday August 7, 2011 at 7:44 PM

Everything I'm reading right now is riddled with heartbreak! Please rec me something funny before I fall into a deep depression? I have read everything by BellaFlan - god how I love her! Does anyone know something well written that will make us laugh and not rip our hearts out?


Vacation Blues

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 6:23 PM

So I just came off a lovely vaca on the beach on the East Coast, I am paranoid so I will only share details inside CF.

Anyway during this trip I learned a few things:

1. Going to the beach with little kids is VERY different than going prior to kids.

2. Some of the lifeguards at my beach have now replaced all the Edwards in my FF stories!

looking and not touching is ok...right!  

3. Carrying a toddler who hates sand around in the sand will give you a great leg workout.

4. Traveling in a car for 12 hours is comparable to mild child birth pain...both can be handled in small amounts and are better with legal prescribed drugs.

Regardless, I am sad it is over. So come in and share your vaca stories with me...August sucks!

oh if FFFriday is over fill free to delete.


Teen Choice Awards

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 6:22 PM

Master post if anyone's watching. Rob probably won't appear until the end. 


Swirl and Daisy Updated!

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 5:52 PM

Attention all Campers!!!!

After a year of waiting, An Introduction to Swirl and Daisy has updated!

If you don't remember what's going on, the author has provided us with a recap, which you can read here.


Please come in and talk about how much you missed them or what you thought of the new chapter.


Two Truths...

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 2:51 PM

... and one big fat lie. 

I'm a horrible liar. I giggle and blush and totally give it away. 

But - you can't see me, so let's try this out. 

Give us two true things and one lie and we will try and guess the lie. 

Sound good? 


Let's play! 


HALP! My hair is falling out!

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 2:51 PM

I have always had semi thick and luxurious hair. Not so much, all of a sudden. Some facts that may or may not be pertinent. I am 38, 3 kids - I recently had major surgery and while I don't think anything from the surgery would cause me to lose my hair, you just never know. Anywhoodles, it's falling out. I don't have a bald spot, but it's only a matter of time. The only time I've lost hair like this was after giving birth - shedding all of that hair you grow during pregnancy. I am not completely ruling out a medical issue - but barring that, what can I do to get it healthy again? Pills? Treatments?


help me please

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 2:01 PM

Please if anybody can tell me where to get Bella and the billionaire whole stories frm are can any one send it to me at ADF PM

edited by Ranger because it's not a swell idea to put your email address out there like that. it's why every camper gets a personal messages box!!


Travel Advice Pls

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 1:57 PM

Hi ladies!

It's still Free for All, y/fy?

Hubs and I have finally made our travel plans for the year. And it looks like we're going a few places I've not been before.

One of the destinations is Egypt, specifically Port Said (for Cairo) and Alexandria.

My guess is that we'll mostly be visiting the pyramids and whatnot like the tourists that we are, but there's a chance/more than slight possibility that we'll take some time to see a few of the local sites, namely the Coptic churches and mosques. 

I'm well aware of Coptic tradiations and whatnot (I was a practicing Orthodox for a while), but I'm less sure about visiting the mosques.

Any of you who have been to Egypt, are from there or from another similar country, or who just know about customs, can you help me out?

 - I know that in general, I should wear conservative clothing - long sleeves, pants, no cleavage, etc.

 - Should I bring a scarf for my head for entering the mosque? Would it be prudent to wear a scarf in general, as in everywhere I go?

 - What's the general protocol for a female entering a mosque? Is it okay to enter with my spouse? Or are there separate places?

 - Other travel advice?

Thanks!!! <3

For your time... here's a pretty... (yes, I still love the old pics best)



Sunday August 7, 2011 at 1:23 PM

Hey there fellow forest friends! I hope you're all having a good Sunday. The weather here is going to be rainy and blah thanks to the tropical storm that came from the south. Rain for the next three days. So, I have decided to to make these next days worthy by read some new fics.

This is where you all come in! I would like some suggestions on some stories that you just absolutely love and think I should give a shot. They have to be Bella/Edward though. ;) Also, M - NC-17 rating are preferable along with AU Human, canon paring, and nothing to fluffy or to angsty. Basically, nothing that will make my teeth rot or my heart shatter in to a million pieces in every chapter. (If that makes any sense lol)

I hope to get some fantastic suggestion! If any of the stories are PDF files because they have been taken down from the authors site, them PM me letting me know that and I will send you my email address!

Thanks so much! :)



Good movies and absolutely awful ones of 2011

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 12:35 PM

I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I haven’t watched a movie since Eclipse last summer, due to school and work. So tell me, which movies must I see and which ones shouldn’t I spend my time on watching?

Help me find a good movie to watch tonight, please?!


Myspace Video Downloader?

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 12:35 PM

Hey all! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend...and I hope this is still free for all!

I'm trying to download my old videos from myspace that I no longer have and I can only seem to be able to download the first one (I have about 10 on the page).  Does anyone know of a site where I can do this? I've already used keepvid and keeptube and neither of those worked and I really don't want to download a bunch of programs to my computer and search engines. Also, I don't have my passwords or anything like that to get on the page because it's been about a billion years since I've been on there. Any help and suggesetions are much appreciated.






Sunday August 7, 2011 at 10:25 AM

My second post for the day, only this time I'm not going to be a moron and confuse a worm like alien with Renesmee...

Anyway, I was just reading an article about the use of magic in stories, and now I've got a hankering for a bit of twific with a bit of magic.

I adored Elemental by TallulahBelle, so any suggestions for something similar?

I'd appreciate it forever! And maybe it can take my mind off of the horrendous rain that we've got here - it's like a monsoon has suddenly come to Britain or something! I haven't been able to go outside all afternoon because all of the roads have flooded :(


Any Possessive-Ward Lovers Out There?

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 10:02 AM

No matter how many fics I read, I seem to always to back to that one Edward... You know, the possessive, dark, sexy, dirty-talking Edward. So now I come to you fabulous fans to see if you have any suggestions!

What are some of your favorite dark, obsessive, sexy, or any other that suits your fancy- Edwards?

Thank you, and have a wonderful day!


Please tell me it isn't so!

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 9:06 AM

I know I'm an epic fail and don't know how to add photos, but


If it is, WHAT THE BLOODY HELL! I'm honestly terrified and a little disgusted!

(I know it's probably not, but I just want to be on the safe side - sarcasm is too hard to read on the internet!)

Where is it from?

flying pig

motu fandom tsunami outtake

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 7:54 AM

Hi, i know last time i asked for motu, and now im asking about motu again But ive been searching for motu outtake from fandom tsunami thing And i still cant find it, So did anyone have motu outtake from fandom tsunami? I think its edward pov from chapter 112 If anyone have it can you send it to me?? Thanks :)


Fabulous and Unfinished

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 6:56 AM

I was just writing a note of excuses and apology to my readers for taking so long between chapters, and it got me to wondering about some of those unfinished gems:

Swirl and Daisy - updated 8/7/10

Irritable Grizzly Adams -- updated 12/27/10  LOVED this for so long

Hydraulic Level 5 -- soooo close!  One chapter and an epilogue, she has said.  Is it complete somewhere else?  Am I missing something here?

ANY OTHERS you fear will never finish?  

HOW  LONG between chapters before you get annoyed and don't even want to refresh with old chapters?

For your time, Teen Choice Rob, unf:

I was just informed that Swirl and Daisy might update TODAY.   HOT DOG!


Downloading reviews?

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 6:28 AM

Hey guys,

Happy Sunday!

Do you know if there's a way to download the reviews?

And to make a list of reviewers?

I'd like to have a list of people who reviewed all the chapters of my WIP "De Immortalitate." allows a list of reviews per chapter, a list of people who put the story on the fav. list, a list of people who put the story on alert...but not a list of reviewers.

Any help?

Thanks :)

- Raum from Italy

ps: my friend Camilla10 is on vacation at about 3,000 miles from home, but she managed to send me a review today :) I love her :)


Some Advice?

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 6:20 AM

I'm a few months from completing my degree and I have been debating to continue or not.  I know that finding a teaching job, or any job in general, is hard right now so I would rather contiune but the problem is that I have a student loan.  A friend warned me to stop while I can, since I do have that debt.  I don't want to since I don't have a job to pay on it.


Another problem is that I'd want to get a degree in English, but also something in the medical field.  I need something solid to back me up and something that may be a bit easy to find job wise.


What should I do??


Thanks in advance if you answer......

Fluent in Sarcasm


Sunday August 7, 2011 at 2:43 AM

fic forgotten

B x E oneshot, funny,

Emmett dares Bella to go up to a Stranger and do a scat?


Thank you

FinS x

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