Quoting directly from the "Abusive Guy's Handbook"

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 2:13 AM

I can't believe I have never seen this until today. It is hilarious!

If this kinda thing floats your boat New Moon and Eclipse are inside for your viewing pleasure.


And just cause:

"This is a ballad that I wrote just for you:

I want to jump into your throoooooat.

And watch? you bleed out on the floooooor.

Then I'll bathe myself in your life esscence as you die.

Tear your heart out of your chest and crack the bones and suck the marrow out. Slice into your brain for sandwiches and maybe have an omlette made of--"


A matter of trust

Saturday August 6, 2011 at 11:11 PM

A Matter Of Trust - Edward is a famous actor. Bella gets stuck with him on an elevator or something to that effect.

I'd read about this fic in the famousward fic rec list, but it seems to have been taken down. Does anyone have a copy of it? I tried googledocs(which is a b!tch and keeps logging me out) and the fic is not there.

I want to read it. Can anyone help me?

I'll give my email inside the post. It's not my personal email, so I'm okay with sharing it. Thanks.


Inside Man updated

Saturday August 6, 2011 at 8:30 PM



Saturday August 6, 2011 at 7:36 PM

So with the Pottermore Early Registering over and people waiting for their emails letting them know they can finally enter i along with others have been getting really nervous about being sorted so i've been searching around the net for some cool sorting quizzes and after being ask about my favorite colors and animals and being sadly sorting into hufflepuff more times then i want to admit i finally found one that was actually pretty cool and asked normal question and after answering these question i finally get sorting in what i like to call my happy place

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although i will be happy with anything that isn't hufflepuff i wanted ravenclaw so i was extremely happy about this


so with pottermore being so close to opening i want to know what house you guys get with this quiz and what houses you are hoping to get once you're sorting into pottermore



Saturday August 6, 2011 at 7:03 PM


Mash-ups...Twilight Movie Posters, Etc.

Saturday August 6, 2011 at 4:12 PM

 I didn't see this posted yet...sorry if it's a repeat, it's new to me ;)



How great are these!  Any others you've seen? Any random non Twilight ones?

I love good music mash-ups as well.  PartyBen rocks. Check 'em out if you've never.  Share your faves if you have any, mine is "Tender Umbrella"


Have you ever?

Saturday August 6, 2011 at 3:47 PM

Have you ever read a fic where Bella is a wolf? The idea has been rolling around my head for the past few days about her being part of the wolf pack. She'd still meet a vampire Edward & they'd still be attracted to each other. The different hurdles they'd encounter would be an interesting read I think!

But I have never come across a wolf Bella fic - have you?


I am weeping like a BABY

Saturday August 6, 2011 at 3:42 PM

So I know a few fanficfanatics (like myself) that have fav stories that they go back and read from time to time just because it was THAT great. I haven't read Emancipation Proclamation for about 4 months now and I was due for some mafiaward in my life. I went to the blog and low and behold she took it down (start the water works NOW) I am happy for her that she is publishing, I mean she should have long before. She is AMAZING (and I don't use that term loosely) But I am SOOOOOO sad :( Of course I will buy it when it comes out, just like I already have 50 Shades of Grey on my order list, but she said it will be changed significantly (and continue with the tears).


Sorry I'm just venting but I really wanted to read it again!!!!!


Another stolen story

Saturday August 6, 2011 at 1:24 PM

Hi folks. I'm hoping you can help out one of our authors, Katinki, who has had her story Dark Games & Twisted Minds plagiarized by this lovely soul.

Please be sure to check out her profile where she squees that she's so excited to be finally posting her own story, and warns that it will be dark, and that she'll update once a week. 

Thanks for your help. 


EDIT: Story has been taken down. Ya'll rock!! Thanks so much!!


The (lack of) Internet Privacy

Saturday August 6, 2011 at 11:31 AM

Nerd that I am, I'm constantly reading tech news and today I stumbled onto an article about information our ISP's are keeping track of. At least in the States. For those of you interested in privacy, I wanted to pass it along. Here's an excerpt:

On Thursday, the US House of Representatives approved an internet snooping bill that requires internet service providers (ISPs) to keep records of customer activity for a year so police can review them as needed...The lovingly titled Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 (PCFIPA of 2011) requires ISPs to retain customer names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and dynamic IP addresses. It's a record of your personal information plus the web sites you visit. It's like handing over a year's worth of browser history plus the contents of your wallet to the police. The thing is, you're not really handing it over so much as your ISP is—without your consent.

Here's a LINK to the full article.

This bill seems excessive to me in that it encroaches on everyone's privacy - not just suspects and criminals but everyone - even if we're law abiding. Thoughts? 

Do you protect your internet privacy somehow? Does this make you think differently about stuff you find on the net - fic, NSFW pics, torrents, shopping online? 

European/Asian campers, do your ISP's do this in your countries?


ADF Fit Club 19/40

Saturday August 6, 2011 at 10:32 AM

THIS IS WEEK 19/40!!!

How are my girls doing? Sorry for the delay of this post but I had an accident at home, and I'm under strong pain medications. I slipped and fell on my back and I'm in a lot of back pain. Can't walk, can't be seated, can't lay down.

But!!! That is not gonna kill our spirit of keep going, right? *Smiles*

Then tell me you beautiful ladies....

After a not so good week... what you do to keep your exercising spirits high? What do you do that makes you want to burn off more calories on the stepper/treadmill/Zumba dance, etc.?

GO! :)


Oldies but Goodies

Saturday August 6, 2011 at 8:43 AM


Hey Campers!

It's time for our first discussion fire for

WITH TEETH by TalulaBlue

Come on in and share you thoughts, feelings, etc. on chapters 1-6.

Remember - no spoilers, please. We've got lots of new readers! :)

We'll meet back to discuss chapters 7-12 on Monday, and will continue every second day until we're done.

Thanks for participating!



Saturday August 6, 2011 at 6:36 AM

I  have just started reading The Misapprehension of Bella Swan by hunterhunting and it has come to my attention that I have the edited version. Now like many of you I have lost the thrill of reading lemons for the sake of it being a lemon. However I am loving this fic and it seems a certain beloved but intimidating very large "snuffy" is practically a main character and I feel like I may be missing out.  SO I am asking if anyone has the dirty version of the story so I can get to know snuffy in all his presumed glory-  or make me feel better by informing me that there is no difference in the dirty verses cleaned up version ;)          


edit- I now have it and would like to thank those who responded. You guys are the GREATEST! If anyone would like me to forward it to them than just pm me your email :)


Education in England

Saturday August 6, 2011 at 5:29 AM




I was watchings the show Skins............


*interactive question inside


It's Been Awhile...

Friday August 5, 2011 at 10:48 PM

Since I campfired.  So let's catch up!

What is the craziest or most unusual thing you have done/that has happened to you  as a result of your involvment in the fandom?

Mine's inside.... O.O


New York, New York

Friday August 5, 2011 at 10:48 PM

A week from today I'm hopping on a plane for 9 hours and flying here



We're staying for 12 nights.

I need some tips.

What are the must sees? 

What little secret places do you know of?

Where do I go for a good steak? - I'm going with my brother and he wants steak for his birthday.

How much do I tip at a restaurant, in the hotel and in the cap? - Here (Denmark) we rarely tip. Waiters get a regular salary so we only leave a tip if the service was something special. So I need some help with this.

What's the best place for shopping?

I need some good places to eat, please.

We want to try to watch a show on Broadway. What's the best way to do that and what show should we see?


Just tell me how awesome New York is!



It's still FFA, right?


Important Question

Friday August 5, 2011 at 7:58 PM

Does beer go bad? I've had one that's been living in my fridge since January and I can't find an expiration date. Is it safe to serve it the male compaion will be meeting me in, like, 5 minutes? lol

dawnmarie dreaming

to drink or not to drink

Friday August 5, 2011 at 5:36 PM

where are all my drunken campfire ladies????  i must have their input.

i'm deciding whether or not i should send huggy hubby out for some alcohol.  (it seems as though i drank all my stash during my last drunken campfire, oops!)  so, is tonight a good night for drunken ramblings dmd style?

i don't want to be stuck drinking alone.  that would be a bit alcoholic of me.  i didn't have a craptastic day or anything, so it would just be drinking for the sake of drinking.  maybe someone else had a craptastic day?  i could certainly raise my glass in commiseration!

let me know ladies. the first drinks on me!

ETA: every time anyone uses the phrase "huggy hubby" you must take a drink.  this is JB30's brilliant idea.  also, please allow this to inspire you to use the term huggy hubby (a term coined in my last drunken campfire) as frequently as you possibly can!

ETA:  oops!  i forgot, last time i drunken posted, i had a story to rec.  this time, i've just got caught up on the genius that is "pocket change," while traveling with the fam.  give it a go, if you have the time, it's quite good.  a broken bella and an edward that should be broken, but isn't.  i can't remember who it's by, right now, but ill link it later, if i remember.


Culture Shock

Friday August 5, 2011 at 5:04 PM

Anyone else ever realise just how different some places really are? 

I'm British and even though it seems England and America are similar places.... really we aren't. It's usually just small things.... but there are so many small things. I recently went to America and it was amazing just how much is different. I went shopping for food with Punk and she kept asking me what i wanted... but i didn't have a clue. Even if food is similar it will be presented in a way that seems different if that makes sense. Also American portions are HUGE lol. And you you guys freeze everything? lol cause it really seems that way! Don't even get me started on that whole having to work out the tax when buying stuff... that left me so confused... Punk had to help me EVERYTIME i paid for stuff! Oh! and how in the world are you Americans not paranoid about identiy theft and people stealing your cards?! I barely had to sign anything and i never used my pin when i used a card to pay for stuff! Here we ALWAYS use chip and pin with the very rare occasion where the singnig thing is needed.... but never woud we be able to pay for something on card without having to prove it's our card.... no matter how low the price! It seems like if someone stole your card in America they could easily get away with spending your money! 

Also i often find myself pointing things out to Harry Potter fans on tumblr. Someone had posted something saying Emma Watson's favourite drink was lemonade and orange juice and all the people on tumblr were calling it weird names and at first i was confused.... to me it just makes orangeade... then i remembered you Americans call that cloudy stuff that makes me pull a funny face lemonade.... to us Brits lemonade is fizzy... Sprite and 7-up are lemonade. Biscuits are not for breakfast... cookie is merely a TYPE of biscuit.... your biscuits just seem like soft, super salty scones to me :p lol.... Heck even fast food places are different.... at KFC in England we can have original recipe chicken, chicken burgers, chicken wraps and pop corn chicken... and we have it with fries, bakes beans, coleslaw and corn on the cob.... that's it... that's all the choice we have... i freaked out when i saw an advert for grilled chicken at KFC while i was in America... and when i was there i had chicken with some mashed potato, a biscuit and green beans.... it was so weird!! 

Other than just food though.... there is the differences in how we grow up. This post was inspired by something i saw in the campfire about that itzmegan fic.... In Europe we are adults when we're 18. I moved out at 18 and went to uni. We finish school at 16. 16 is the legal age for sex here... it's when i lost my v card and compared to most where i grew up i was a late bloomer! (i live in what brits would refer to as a chavvy area... but yeah... im 21 and 1 of very few left from my year at school without a child.... most are on their 3rd) But yeah, here we're given responsibilty a lot sooner than America from what I can tell. By 18 we're able to do everything. Alot of people probably abuse this fact... but still lol. I just wonder how different we really are sometimes. Like every school here had school uniform.... but not in America. What about Austrailia? What about any other country? lol

What are the ages for doing anything where you are all from?

Also mince beef= ground beef..... odd yes? 

A pattie is like a pasty here.... like beef pattie is this: 

we call the beef that goes into a burger.... a burger... crazy right? 

Tea... is almost always warm.... the only cold tea i see is usually lemon ice tea... the lipton type stuff

So what do you ever notice is strange when you have been to other countries?

Do you have any questions about other countries you want a fellow camper to answer? 

Would you like to argue with me over the appropriate colour of gravy? (it's brown... always brown)

KFC tower burger

a selection of biscuits

P.S it was amazing the number of times i had to repeat myself when ordering stuff because the Americans couldn't understand my British accent.... what is up with that?!

P.P.S Not going to lie... like 90% of the time.. when an American writes a British character in their fic.... we can tell you're not British :p not every time.... but most of the time lol


Celebrity Mistake

Friday August 5, 2011 at 4:41 PM

Ummm.... Hello Forest, first time poster here! After a recent video of my girl Nikki Reed has spread like wildfire,which I refuse to post or purposely draw even more attention to, I've decide to come in here and make a post.

*Crap, I'm probably inadvertently drawing attention to it! Because now if you don't know you're probably going to want to know now..


Many times celebrities do things that seem like a good idea to them at the time, but makes their fans facepalm, die of second-hand embarrassment, or question the longevity of their careers...


So I was wondering what choices/decisions/mistakes has your favorite celebs made in their lives that you have had your doubts about? It doesn't matter whether it was about their films,relationships,things they've said,fashion choices,etc... 



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