
No Stephanie don't make me wear that

Thursday August 11, 2011 at 6:58 AM

Robward looks terrified as Stephanie Meyer approaches him with a tank top  and pair of white capris.

More in the comments, including Robward between the sheets.


New here... and looking for some new reads.

Thursday August 11, 2011 at 4:18 AM

Hi everybody,

I've just stumbled onto this site and thought I'd join you all around the campfire. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Eli, Twilight/Twilight fanfiction addict. I discovered Twilight 3 years ago and have not stopped reading Twilight related fics since then. I love good quality writing, mostly canon and AU, and very occassionally (if the story is really good) AH. I am ARomera over on ffnet if you want to check out what I am reading. Anyhoo..... I need MORE fics to read, which is where I am hoping all of you lovely ladies can help me out. Can anybody recommend any good AU or canon fics? 

Hope to hear from you! =)

santa muerte

In Need of a Copy

Thursday August 11, 2011 at 1:32 AM

In need of a copy of :

The Unidentified Redhead... the original E&B  copy.... Anyone? Thanks


Is anyone a Glee fan here?

Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 9:12 PM

If so, I just saw Glee the 3D Concert Movie and I loved it!! I saw the advance screening in NYC since I'm up here for the next 2 months with family. If there is anyone else here that saw it or is going to see, please let me know! I would love to gushing about with you! :D

Quick FYI:

I love anything that has to do with Cory Monteith, Finn Hudson, Finchel, well, you get the idea. ;)


Fic Help....Again.

Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 9:05 PM

Heeelloo, ADF. I have another fic I'd like to find! Now this one might be a little harder, because it's older and I'm not sure if it was ever finished or if it was pulled.

It's Edward and Bella, AH. Edward is a young psychiatrist/therapist kinda guy and comes to Forks to stay with the Swans. Bella has a multiple personality disorder, and the Swans (i think) asked Edward to come help her. She has several multiple personalities, a teenage girl named B, a French woman named Marie (Maria?), a man that is always drinking Charlie's beer......... I can't remember anything else, because like I said it's an older fic. If anyone knows anything about this, let me know.

Or, again, anything similar is also welcome. Thanks again!




Computer Crash.... lost a fic

Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 7:24 PM

I think it was only on Twilighted...

Edward New Mooned Bella and left her with a parting gift...twins. The boy rapidly ages, but his sister does not.( I believe his name is Tony) He ends up at high school with the Cullens and things were just getting interesting.

I know it has been rec'd on here. 

Any ideas?



Recs, please!

Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 6:11 PM

Okay, I'm usually a lurker here, but tonight I've got to ask you guys a huge favor! There's only four days left for me before classes start again (oh noes!), and I was looking for something to read and distract myself from that fact! So, what I'm asking is: can you awesome ladies rec me something really good, angsty, E/B, AH and finished?
Pretty please? I'll be forever grateful!
Thanks in advance!


Looking for an au-pair (off-topic)

Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 5:43 PM

Hey there!

*clears throat* this campfire is brought to you thanks to Tor's authorization! yay!

I'm not only a Twific reader and writer, but I'm mom of 2 children and I'm going to go back to work in September. My hubs and I are looking for an au pair. We live in Italy, in Tuscany. The idea to look for an au pair came out from a conversation with a twific author who was thinking about becoming an au pair in a foreign country.

Is it a crazy idea? Or is it a great way to have some help with childrencare and housekeeping?

Do you have any advice, experience, tip to share?

We'd like to meet an English speaking au pair (Australia, Canada, Britain, Ireland or USA).


Raum from Italy


An au pair (plural: au pairs) is a domestic assistant from a foreign country working for, and living as part of, a host family. Typically, au pairs take on a share of the family's responsibility for childcare as well as some housework, and receive a small monetary allowance for personal use. Au pair schemes are subject to government restrictions which specify an age range usually from late teens to mid to late twenties. In Europe, where the concept originated, au pairs are only supposed to work part time, and they often also study part time, generally focusing on the language of the host country, but in the United States, they are permitted to provide full time childcare.

The title comes from the French term au pair, meaning "on a par" or "equal to", indicating that the relationship is intended to be one of equals: the au pair is intended to become a member of the family, albeit a temporary one, rather than a domestic servant.


Caring, no food problems, no sleep problems, protective with the children, extra fast, extra strong, extra sweet, very loyal, a lot of experience :)


Always An Edward

Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 12:20 PM

Nowadays with so little time to read, I tend to get invested in only a select few author's stories. I missed Branching Inward (by Lifeinthesnow) when it was a WIP and since it's been complete, I haven't had the time to read it in one sitting. So I opted to read her new story, Always an Edward, instead.

I'm very confused though. I don't understand if these 'Edwards' are all different men or the same guy with different jobs and personalities. I checked the reviews and I'm still not following. Normally I'm a fairly savvy reader but I feel pretty out of the loop on this one but I really want to get into it. I feel like I'm missing out on a GREAT story. I'm not even clear about Bella - she mentions working in an office but also being on campus... Are there past and present instances where she's a student and then later she's an adult?

Anyone reading? Can you explain the characters and events to me?

ETA: This CF isn't meant as a slight to the author (in case anyone was wondering). The writing is fab! I just haven't been able to keep up with all the events! Thanks to everyone who's helped out. Spoilers likely inside.


I Need More Jasper

Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 11:01 AM

It all started last week with a random thought.  I decided I had to read a story, Conversations with My Killer.

Thus my need for more Jasper.

I have never had such a random moment in my fic life. I hardly read much at all. So to one day up and read any fic, is really strange.

Anyway, I didn't stop with that story. For the past few days, I have had my eyes glued to my computer screen or reading online over my kindle. 

So what I need are:

Pics- any of the delightful Jackson Rathbone or whomever fills 'your' Jasper role will do just fine.

Recs- I've already hit the Jasper/Bella master fic list here and am working my way through it. Jasper/Alice are fine too. Any fics that feature Jasper are great. I did get a chance to read The Best Man before it was pulled.

Console me or berate me for my obssesive, unorthodox behavior. 

I really don't know why this non-canon pairing hit me so hard.  I can't get enough.


forgot a fic

Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 10:10 AM

Ok just registered here and saw someone else was looking for a story. I've been reading fanfiction for months and last year was reading a story where Bella is a single mom Jasper is the dad of their little boy and a recovering abusive addict. Bella is a school teacher and she loses her job Jasper tries to take custody of their child .This forces Bella to move back to Wash. she gets an apt. downstairs from Jaspers brother Edward who is a doctor and the angst/romance begins. any ideas?



Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 9:52 AM

I've been reading EXPECTATIONS AND OTHER MOVING PIECES by Chrometurtle. In an author's note she mentioned a fic called FAULT, but not the author. I was wondering if someone has a link to this story?



Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 8:25 AM

All right, let's do this yo!

Here we go again!  With a grateful nod to AngiJ, let the games commence!

This week’s game:


Summarize a fic (without telling us the title) in three short sentences, or less. It can be a literal summary, a snarky summation or a tarty tweet-like tribute.

See the examples for well, some examples.

Example 1: (from some other website that was posted about long ago)

Edward Cullen: Hoo mama, I can't decide whether to drink your blood or kiss you passionately.
Bella Swan: That's hot.

(Answer: Twilight by SM)

Example 2: (from the same other website...)

Whine, Whine, Whine. To be or not to be. I'm Dead. (Answer: Hamlet)

Example 3: I interviewed him. He tied me up, and I liked it. I stuck around. (Answer: MoTU)

Example 4: Insomnia. He draws, I bake. We survived together. (Answer: Wide Awake)


I'll work on coming up with some entries, come on in and play!

Thank you to the mystery ranger for the sticky!


Oldies but Goodies

Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 7:31 AM


Hey Campers!

It's time for our discussion fire for chapters 13-17 of

WITH TEETH by TalulaBlue


Come in and share your thoughts, feelings, etc. on these chapters.

Remember - no spoilers, please!

Come back Friday to discuss Chapters 18-22.

Thanks for participating!

The Girl Who Read

Clockwork by Derdriu oFaolain

Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 6:26 AM

Clockwork by DF (no spelling errors here!!!) updated today!

Come and share your theories with me! Who do you think is behind it all? What is going  to become of Bella and Edward???

Join me in scientifically timey-wimey speculation




Wednesday August 10, 2011 at 5:11 AM

Who´s reading Alby Mangroves The Dark Muse?

Thiiis the description;

 Safely numb, Marie has never had to question choices made so long ago. Until now. A chain of events has her running back to face truths, and the person she'd rather had stayed buried. Herself. AH, Angst, Suspense, Hurt/Comfort, Romance

Thiiis is my favorite paragraph from todays chapter;

From before hangs in the air between them like a clanging bell. She's grateful, mortified, embarrassed and a little more in love than she was mere seconds ago.


The story is sorta supercreepy, super romantic and everyone just wants to smex Edward up & be Bella .. perhaps minus the dubious past!  It only has 655 reviews which is crazy considering veryveryveryvery bad fics have 85000 reviews ...

santa muerte

Emancipation Proclamation Hurt outtake??

Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 11:18 PM

  Does anyone have the Emancipation Proclamation outtake Hurt? can you send me a copy? Thanks!!!


it's that time again

Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 6:22 PM

ask wtvoc and jandco

the "i see all the new campers/delurkers, and i like it" edition

come in and ask me anything. anything at all. i have no boundaries.


why do i like colin firth so much?

why purple?

who the hell do i think i am?

what's this scuttlebutt about big changes coming to the forest?

where have i been?

have i read any good pride & prejudice fics lately?

f/m/k choices?

whatever, ask me something or come on in and say hello whether ye be new, delurking, old, or jandco

princess mia winking at the king for your time:

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Forgot a fic

Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 6:12 PM

I can't remember what this one fic that I was reading a while back was called and it is driving me crazy. I would really really appreciate it if someone could tell me the name.


What I remember

Bella's a waitress, and if my memory serves me correctly so is Rosalie, and works at a diner type place that Edward frequents. He's a district atterney or senater who is very adamant that Bella be the only one to serve him. B's engaged to an artist (James?) and I THINK that women physically remenisent of Bella have been getting abducted. Ed's a bit of a grumpy creeper. Someone, Tanya I do believe, works as a waitress as well and tried to serve him, he was super rude and mean. James and Edward almost got into a fight because E thought that Bella was in an abusive relationship with him when he got upsett that she hadn't called him for some reason. 


Sorry that this is all over the place, but if it sounds familuar and you know what it's called please share. It would make me verry happy :) thanks


Thanks to eveyone who responded, you guys really are the best :)

ETA I found it, and again, thanks to everyone who tried to help me out, it's things like this that make me happy that I'm part of this community :D


The Elusive Mr Cullen

Tuesday August 9, 2011 at 5:23 PM

is anyone reading this?

I'm suprised to admit, because it rarely happens, but this fic leaves me speachless. In a good way. It also leaves me completely creeped out, like in the best-kind-of-thriller-movie-way. Even seemingly happy-go-lucky chapter will make me shiver.

I don't normally read those stories where main lead is involved in the sex business. But oh man, this is so different. There is a plot! There are developed characters! There is intrigue! There isn`t even much sex, and if it happens it`s to move the story forward. And, there is the Elusive Mr. Cullen or Creeperward if you`d rather.

Without giving much of the plot away here goes a summary:

Bella is a high class escort, perfectly happy with her profession of choice. Rose, her madam, hooks her up with a new client - rich businessman Edward. They meet and Edward is astounded by Bella`s brutal honesty, so rare to come by in his high society circles. She finds him charming and incredibly entertaining for a customer. They have witty conversations and great sex. Their hooker-client relationship quickly shifts into something more. On a trip, Bella meets people who do business with Edward, cue in Esme (Edward`s eccentric mentor) and Carlisle (total creep). The more Bella learns about Edward`s life, the more it pulls her into a world of twisted mind games and manipulation. Meanwhile, Rose, becomes increasingly worried that the two became too attached...

Everything seems completely normal, quite cliche even, yet you have a feeling that there`s something evil brewing underneath...

The author is brilliant as she crafts this mindfuck of a plot. Story moves quickly and keeps you second guessing yourself.


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