

Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 7:08 PM


FIRST PLACE- for when i'm gone by jandco

SECOND PLACE- beautiful girl by ezrocksangel

THIRD PLACE- masen days by pureamuse

JUDGE'S CHOICE- for when i'm gone by my baby :')




TVD Season 2 Bloopers

Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 6:24 PM

Bloopers for TVD Season 2 have been released.  If you don't want to be spoiled and wait until the DVD comes out, then obviously, DON'T WATCH

But if you just can't wait (like myself) then this will give you a nice laugh - especially at the end... Ian cracks me up.




Wounded Warrior

Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 12:43 PM

Approved by the purple ranger

It seems like it's been forever, but truly it's been but a handful of years since I stumbled, naive and unassumingly, into this fandom.  In that time I've made so wonderful friends who have become "real life" friends, "online" friends, "Facebook" friends and women who I only get the honor of conversing with on forums like this.  Through all the bickering and sometimes not-so-lovely things that happen whenever you get a group of women together, I have found some people that I've come to truly treasure in my life.

I'd like to talk about one of these women now if it's okay with you.  Years ago I "met" someone online named "TigerMom", not a writer, just a reader and someone I'd talk to in forums such as this one.  She friended me on Facebook and there we developed a wonderful online relationship.  We "chatted" frequently, discussed politics, Harry Potter, Twilight, our kids, the shitty economic situation and so many other topics.  While not always agreeing we've always dealt with each other with respect and courtesy.

Nearly a month ago I was online when Siobhan (TigerMom)  found out her son, 21 year old, Private Derek of the United States Army was injured while stationed in Afghanistan.  He sustained life altering injuries which included multiple amputations.

Now, having a brother that I love dearly and treasure greatly as a fellow infantryman, this hit me rather hard and I spent as much time as we could online talking about this.  I simply sent her a message and asked if she needed to talk.  Because lets face it, when you get that call you don't necessarily want to talk but you just have to.

Since that time I've talked to her a few times and I've left her messages on her Facebook telling her to stay strong and letting her know that there are many people out there who support her.

Soibhan has a blog through the Walking with my wounded warrior website.  


This tells Siobhan and Dereks story down to what happened to him and the challenges they are still facing.  There are many and the road will be very long to recovery.

As a mother, a friend, a fellow military family member, as a human... she honors me with her commiitment and her dedication.

This community has been wonderful to me always.  As a member of this community I hope you will take the time to read her blog, send her a card or send something for Derek to thank him for his sacrifice, just stop by the blog and tell her you are thinking of her, or simply say a prayer for her and Derek.

There are no words for what this mother is going through right now, none that will adequately express the moments she's spending, sitting, crying, loving, helping her son.  Any support she can get, even just emotionally through the internet is more than she has right now.

Thank you for listening.

♥ t


apropos of nothing: jane eyre is out on dvd today

Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 11:03 AM

ask a _______

here's how this works:

you make a comment listing what you're an expert~ in

we ask you questions based on your qualifications; you ask us questions in turn

(this is a good way to make friends to those of you new campers out there)

ask awayyyyyyyyyyy

and don't ask me medical questions, i'll probably just tell you to go see your doctor

k, tinypic can still eat me, but it's working now. your uncle wtvoc and mr. rochester tyfyt:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic



rec me something gooooood

Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 9:32 AM

You know what to do!



p.s. some exciting things are just around the corner!


Am I missing something? HL5

Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 5:36 AM

So I am fairly new to the fandom (4-5 months or so) and many many times I have come across recs for Hydraulic Level 5.  When I look it up, it appears it is not finished and the last update was a long time ago (2 or so chapters left).  I really do not want to read something I will freak out if I am left wanting more.  Are you left with a complete story where it ends?  Is it finished somewhere else (another site) and I am missing it?  I have worked my through almost all of the classic/ epic fics, but this one kinds of keeps haunting me :)


A Question to Fellow Authors

Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 1:34 AM

I've lost a lot of readers over the months (*ahem* years) I've been writing, and most of the time, I'm okay with that. I get that people lose interest, I get that the story might not turn out the way they want it to be, but lately, I've been becoming a little disheartened by people who no longer find my story worth reading.

My question's are: How do you cope with diminishing interest? Does anyone else get saddened by vague reviews when they used to be deep and specific? What do you do when you come across threads or comments about your story that discuss why it's no longer good? Sometimes I'm torn between defending my story to the death and hiding my sorry butt in a deep, dark hole. I'm hoping I'm not alone in feeling this way.

ETA: I just wanted to let everyone know that I didn't post this CF to get sympathy or readers. I just wanted to see if anyone had similar emotions or reactions to mine. Thanks so much for all of the advice, anyhow. You guys are awesome!


I want a pretty story

Monday August 15, 2011 at 10:27 PM

Hey ladies. I have a fairly simple request...I am looking for a well-writen and all around good story. All I ask is that it is E/B, complete, and somewhere between 90-300k words. It is becoming harder and harder to find a truly good story, as far as both plot and grammar go, so I am hoping y'all can help.


Please help!!!


Cracks in the Pavement update

Monday August 15, 2011 at 6:38 PM

I know you are disappointed this isn't yet another "do you have a copy of....." campfire. This story just updated. Discuss it with me. Please.

Link to the story



The lost is found~!!

Monday August 15, 2011 at 3:48 PM

To all my friends on ADF  thank you sooo, sooo much for all your kind help!! You gals are the BEST!  Our dear sara_mae found the story!!! YEAH SARA!!  It is called One Plus One by Stephaniiie!  I have read so many of her stories and she is da bomb!  I absolute love this story and now I get to finish!!  Thanks again, sara_mae, girl, you rock the roof.  For all of you who tried to help and wanted to read, here it is. So go enjoy the journey!! And read her others stories as well, they are wonderful! KimiD



Monday August 15, 2011 at 1:53 PM

Im not sure how this works But im looking for a FF story its a Bella and Edward Story and in this particular story Edward starts Biting at Bella during being Intimate and Carlisle is against this.. so Bella does everything she can to make herself Bleed for Edward to be intimate!!!


Lady Love

Monday August 15, 2011 at 12:47 PM

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about Twilight canon (strange, no?) and something's been bothering me - Stephenie Meyer's treatment of her secondary female characters. We've all debated Bella's behavior (Is she too traditional? Is she too passive? etc. etc.), but I'd like to talk about some of Twilight's other lovely ladies.

There's SO much to discuss here, but I'd like to point out Meyer's obsession with fertility. In canon, so much of a woman's happiness is wrapped up in reproduction. Now, I'm not saying this isn't true for many real women, but it's such a pervasive theme in these books, that it does make one wonder.

Take, for example, Rosalie. She was gang raped, left for dead, made immortal against her will, offered up to Edward as a mate, and then rejected by him. This is an incredible amount of trauma for anyone to endure... and yet Rosalie's biggest source of angst is her inability to have babies.

To me, Rosalie's past should make her sympathetic, even with her cold behavior. Why does Meyer write her as a "shallow pool"? Why can't we celebrate her beauty, rather than use it as a foil for Bella's 'better', subtle attractiveness? Why does Meyer reward Bella with childbirth, while she laces her other women with varying degrees of infertile misery?

Esme attempted suicide because her baby died, and now her primary source of happiness is acting the part of a mother.

Leah, one of the only women who departs the saga without a love interest, bemoans the loss of her own fertility.

And fertility is certainly not the only thing to discuss here. I want to know why Alice's personality is so void-like (and at times even caricatured). Let's talk about Meyer's women - everyone from nasty Lauren to flighty Renee.

Personally, I love Rosalie, and I wish she could've had a happier story.


nympho teens??

Monday August 15, 2011 at 11:09 AM

Hey, I recently starting reading a fict on a random blog about Bedward, but they were both nymphos. Bella's mum is a psychiatrist or something and Bella moves to a different school to follow Edward who she finds out has the same problems as her after she reads his notes (they're both in counselling) he had black hair and acne?? Can anyone link me because I can't  for the life of me remember the name of it. Thank you!!


Gentleman from Washington State

Monday August 15, 2011 at 8:08 AM

Hello All! Does anyone have the above fanfic that they can email me?   I am also looking for an old fic called Holding Out for you if anyone has that as well.

Thank you!!


FF Sneak Peek

Monday August 15, 2011 at 5:16 AM

Hello campers! I wanted to let you know that this will be my last time posting the sneak peek thread, but before you get a heart attack, do not fret! RainyGirl1978 has agreed to take the reins and continue to post them on my behalf.

I'm not going anywhere per se, I have just become increasingly busy and haven't had time to hike through the forest as much as I used to. I've managed to come in to make sure to post the sneak peek thread but other than that I've just been quickly browsing here and there. I'll still be around from time to time when I can though. Promise ;) I justed wanted to make sure this thread is well taken care of since I know a lot of you campers contribute to it.

So keep enjoying, keep posting your sneaks!! RainyGirl1978 will take it from here. You're in good hands!

Much love,

kalejay :)

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~



Monday August 15, 2011 at 5:11 AM

First of all, a glass of Italian spumante for you all!

There's something to celebrate, here in Italy: my Italian friend Camilla won a SHIMMER AWARD (Outstanding Story), 2nd place winner of the category.

Here's the story


"Parachutist 2 - Our New World" is currently posting on FF.net


C O N G R A T S !

Many TwiFic authors know Camilla because she gives a lot of feedback to fanfic writers. She's read almost every fic in the fandom, if it has vamps in it ;)

and now... a problem...

I've been nominated for the Eternity Awards (no, this is not a problem LOL). Time went by, many readers submitted their votes and...nothing happened. Another nominee told me that the site administrators didn't answer her mail.

Does anyone know what happened?


- Raum


ff.net Traffic stats

Monday August 15, 2011 at 1:52 AM

Can sb please help me understand them? How reliable is it that e.g. 20 hits by 17 visitors means that you've had 17 visitors on your site? Could those 'visitors' be you visiting your profile/stories from 17 different computers/locations (yk, in case sb does that)?

I'm kinda freaking out here because I see several visitors from my really tiny country, and wtf, I don't write


FYT: Really, Rob/VF? Of course we'll think about it like that




Hidden Gems

Sunday August 14, 2011 at 1:37 PM

Come and share your favorite underappreciated or never-heard-of story!

We have so many great rec campfires around here. Today, I'd love to hear about the story you know about and almost no-one else does.  The one you keep begging your friends to read! The one that you keep reviewing because you can't believe how few reviews it has. The one you discovered while fic-diving, just when you thought you were going to spend the weekend buried in junk.

Come and share a story that you love, but hardly ever see mentioned around the Forest. Let's all find a hidden gem.


Is anyone else living on the East Coast?

Sunday August 14, 2011 at 11:52 AM

This rain is insane! I don't think we have to worry about a drought for the rest of summer!



Oldies but Goodies

Sunday August 14, 2011 at 8:13 AM


Hey Campers!

It's time for our last discussion fire for

WITH TEETH by TalulaBlue


Come on in and share your thoughts, feelings, etc. on chapters 23-27 and the story as a whole.

No worries about spoilers this time - we're done! :)

If you didn't participate in the read-a-long but have read With Teeth before,  jump in on the discussion anyway - the more the merrier.


Thank you for all the great participation, guys!

Looking forward to the next one!

First --- | >> | 794 | 795 | 796 | 797 | 798 | 799 | 800 | 801 | 802 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
