
Yellowglue is leaving

Thursday August 18, 2011 at 3:08 PM

I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet... so I will. From her FF bio:

dearest loves,

i'm writing this to say thank you all for sharing in these stories with me. communicating with you like this, through these works and the conversations, and friendships they've created, has been so many kinds of wonderful.

i'm not "leaving the fandom" and i'm not "pulling to publish."

i've had long think on things and decided to follow my heart, and do what i feel is right and best for me.

i never had any intention of leaving my work up on the internet forever, just so long as i was still posting/working on new things. i've always planned to take them down again, when i was finished.

they're not the same, but i kind of think of the ff i've posted here, the same way i do my own personal journals - in that, while i probably wouldn't ever try to publish them, i certainly wouldn't leave them behind when i moved from one apartment to the next. i wouldn't just leave them floating around, homeless, unattached to me.

now that that time is approaching, i'm trying to wrap things up the way i want.

TeamBella23 and i are working on a multichapter story: Dusty, which you can find and alert here: if you are interested.

Yogacat and i are working on a shorter story: Shelter (Thaiward ;) which will be posted on her profile upon completion. here if you are interested.

the promised birthday trade/giftshot for LovelyBrutal in exchange for Purple, will be posted here under an account i created months ago and never used.

i am also moving forward with plans to host Beyond the Pale 2 in the fall and will be judging another contest (as of yet untitled, but the premise is one i am SO excited about) with JadaPattinson, LovelyBrutal, 107yearoldvirgin, stickybuns, and EdwardsBloodTpe.

details on both contests will be found here when the time arrives.

the 16 works posted here and now have been and still are gifts to you, in this time and place. they will remain posted here for ONE MONTH from today. on september 18th, 2011 , they will all come down.

until then, they are yours to read/keep quietly, if you so wish. while i know every story here was inspired by the Twilight books to some extent, the words and phrases are still my own and i ask that if you do keep anything, please, please, please, please, do not post any of it, ANYWHERE.

that being said, i was writing when i came into this and i plan to continue doing so. i'm returning to characters i have given a two year break and working on some new ones as well. if you'd like more information on where this is going in the future, or on anything really, please feel free to PM, email, or find me on twitter (same name as here with an @ in front of it)

i'll continue to keep this profile up after the stories are taken down, as a means of communication (and because, well, never say never :) , and am planning to keep my twitter account as well.

thank you guys so much for sharing in all of this with me.






Another one bites the dust

Thursday August 18, 2011 at 1:10 PM

Hi, I just found out that amoredjenaue pulled her storys "The Geheime Vernietiging" and "The Last Mission"(Incomplete). The Senators Son is still up.

I thought I had saved a copy of the The Geheime Vernietigung but apparently I haven't. So if anybody has a copy I would really appreciate if you would be so kind to send it to me.



Caption it!

Thursday August 18, 2011 at 12:42 PM

Here's the subject:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to compose a caption that will amuse, entertain, move, astound, squick, or otherwise drag some emotion from the cold dead hearts of your fearless Rangers.

Why bother?

Because we'll vote for our favorite caption and the winner gets a $50 giftcard!

Winner announced at midnight eastern (u.s.a.time) tonight.




where do i begin?

Thursday August 18, 2011 at 12:14 PM

lol this picture is so completely ridiculous to me.


where are their flippy floppies?!


Wizarding World of Harry Potter

Thursday August 18, 2011 at 11:54 AM

Someone wise once told me that Harry Potter posts are always welcome in the forest, but if I should have gotten permission, please feel free to smack me around a little. I promise to pretend not to enjoy it...

Right. So! My husband and I are going to be attending the Harry Potter celebration at the Wizarding World in Orlando. We will be there from November 10th - 13th. We didn't get the premier package, but we did get the other package with the Q&A with the cast and crew. Anyone else attending?

Also, they've sent out two batches of Pottermore welcome e-mails so far. Has anyone gotten one yet?? I'm going CaRAZY over here.

Also, also, I've decided on my Harry Potter tattoo(s) and will be getting them effective immediately! Woo!



EDIT: What's someone have to do to get a beating around here!?


Negative Feedback

Thursday August 18, 2011 at 11:25 AM

Hola chicos! I'm gonna make another goal of thirty campfires a day ;) We'll see how it goes. It's just these discussions bring GREAT topics to delve more into.

In yesterday's discussion (Writers and their Readers) eila brought up the issue of authors engaging in negative feedback. Here's a bit of what she brought up: 

I think in fanfic, because writers are encouraged to engage with their readers, they sometimes feel the need to respond to the negative as well as the positive. So I think it's not that it's harder to swallow in the fandom, just that we hear about it more.

With the upsurge in self publishing, more original authors are interacting with their readers in a way there is no buffer of agent or publisher and it's showing in an upsurge of authors on the attack for negative reviewers. That is an example of the lines becoming blurred. Because of the interaction between readers and writers, the writers feel the reviewers are their friends and so it is allowable to tackle bad reviews. It's much more like what happens in fandom. [. . .] 

No writer can hope to please everyone regardless of if they are a friend. I do think it's a bad move for any writer to publicly pick apart or rebuke a negative review. It's not classy and puts readers off.

Now I've gotta admit, I'm one of THOSE writers. Hell, I'm one of THOSE people, I engage everyone, everything, many, many, many times when I probably shouldn't too. But I'd always assumed that, like eila said, we're encouraged to engage readers, so it didn't make sense to just engage one type of reader. BUT . . is engaging the negative a bad thing?

Do you think fanfic writer's should engage negative criticism of their stories?

Does publicly or privately make a difference to you?

Would it be more acceptable, do you think, if a writer tackled a review or something said in a thread by say PMing or review replying the person?

Would it be more acceptable, do you think, if a writer were to participate in a thread with negative criticism?

As a reader, do you want to hear what the writer has to say about negative feedback?

As a writer, do you WANT to respond to negative feedback?

Have you had an experience with a writer who responded to negative feedback? Maybe you were the writer, how did you handle it? Maybe you sent a review, how did the writer handle it? Maybe you participated in a thread and saw and author come in, how did they handle it?

If you DO feel like writers should engage in negative feedback, what is the right way to do it? What is the wrong way?

Have you ever experienced a response to negative feedback that turned you off? Have you ever experienced a response to negative feedback that REALLY impressed you?

Also, does the TYPE of negative feedback change any of your answers? I meant strictly negative criticism of the work. BUT what if it were flames? What if it were personal attacks? Does your opinion on involvement change then?

Let's chitter-chatter today!


I have got a thread!

Thursday August 18, 2011 at 5:30 AM

OK, after 16 stories posted on 2 websites I finally have been given a thread for two of them. They are The Parachutist and Parachutist 2 – Our New World. It is probably too late, it all should  have started time ago. But the fact is that I had problems with the Twilight forums, the passwords failed… and I am not very capable. In any case, now I have an avatar and a new blinkie and I can even go visiting other authors’ threads.
I plan to post the images that can’t decorate my chapters on ff net and some sneak peeks. And to answer anybody who comes visiting, of course.

Here is the link:


Ugh, the blinkie should lead to my profile, but it doesn't. In any case


There Is a Light....

Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 10:52 PM

It's Friday and so that means we now have an update!

We have an update!


Please let's discuss!!


Edit--there will be spoilers



Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 9:57 PM

Struckatthesky  The Lurker and I are making our second trip to Forks!

Without mah kidlets (The Offspring and The Midget)

If anyone will be there for Labor Day weekend, it would be fun to meet up!



Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 7:31 PM

Oh my actual GOD!! Storms by Alice El1zabeth has updated after over a year - she is a very young author, but incredibly talented and I pimped her at the time, but gave up because I thought she may have moved on from this particular obsession. Seems not, and this latest chapter is even more mature and even better written than before. Would love to meet her. Even at 16 or so I reckon she is a force to be reckoned with, 

No good at links I am afraid but the author and title will be enough to find it on

Be warned when you review she can be incredibly self deprecating, sarky, reply in french  etc. Ignore this and put it down to youth!!

Please read and review - let's encourage her



Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 5:24 PM




I think the only thing that bothers me, is that I think it's time they move Jacob a few steps back, you know? If they insist on burying some hidden message it should be that Jacob has you know......lost?




Edit: The more I look at it, the worse it gets. I can't even.......oh my god. And HEY, Jasper is borrowing Carlisle's scarf.........


Master Fic List

Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 4:09 PM

Hello guys!!

I was looking into the Master Fic List and didn`t find any list that only has JACOB and LEAH fics, so if you know any good ones please help me.



Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 3:38 PM

OMG, I know you guys are TOTALLY tired of seeing me. Trust me I'm tired too (hehe, no really, I need sleep, and I'm pretty sure I'm maxed out with daily campfire usage). BUT my monthly writing peice for Raum's went up and I'm pretty shameless in general, tis' true, so here's me pimping again.

So feel free to check it out here:

Now, the fun part, let's make this interactive!

Are there any fics you've read and enjoyed that had a character with an accent? 

Are there any fics you've read and disliked that had a character with an accent?

Gimme some examples of what works for you? And what doesn't?

How do you personally feel about conveying accents and dialects in dialog? 

Let's talk accents in writing! And rec some great fics with accents too!


Picture Post!

Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 1:15 PM

Hey Campers!

It's been awhile since I've seen one of these fires and I feel like looking at pretty/funny/cool things.  

Come share pictures with me!

(my husband sent me this today. *groan*)  


Show me your faces, your pets, your holiday shots, something you found that's neato - whatever! :)



Writers and their Readers

Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 10:56 AM

This is round dos of the questions and discussions I'd like to have that stemmed from xsecretxkeeperx's campfire yesterday.

Yesterday, Lifeinthesnow wrote the following analogy about the relationship between a writer and her readers, specifically pertaining to announcing a flounce or disliking a course a story was taking:

If you were a guest at someone's dinner party and you've enjoyed some nice first courses, would you throw your napkin down just as the third course is served, announce to everyone within earshot that you don't care for spinach and you didn't think this meal would include spinach, then storm out? Some people do care for spinach.

Now, if it's a matter of the spinach being overcooked or too salty, or a too-bitter contrast that doesn't pair with the first two courses, there's a way to give feedback that the cook can use to prepare the dish better the next time. But even then, for me, I would possibly do that at a restaurant where I'm a paying customer but not so much as a guest in someone's home.

Now, I personally didn't agree with the analogy, HOWEVER, it's caused me to think SO much this past day. And maybe I'm wrong. Because I think there is a HUGE degree of validity to the idea. 

IS the writer and reader relationship in this fandom similar to one of a personal dinner party?

Have we crossed that line, into familiarity? Taken away the distance that is usually established in a writer/reader relationship, and replaced it with accessibility, even accountability?

I remember one of my first thoughts about writing for this fandom, and it had been returned to me by my readers, was that it was great to be there with them during the writing process. They could "pick" my brain, so to speak. 

Many of us aren't BNA's here, so we DO review reply, we DO get to know our readers. Yesterday, I responded to the above analogy with what I viewed the relationship to be like:

It's quite a difference to serve spinach at your dinner party than it is to cater it out to an entire 250 guest event. Which really is what happens when putting something out for mass consumption.

The analogy of serving spinach at your dinner party to a writer and her readers is only applicable in the sense of pre-readers. Because honestly, would you invite just any stranger off the street, that you didn't know anything about, don't know their preferences or not, into your home and serve them as a personal guest? It may be a bit extreme, but you don't know that guest, what if they've got a HUGE issue with spinach, what if they have high cholesterol and the salt does them in? Just like they weren't personal guest and you didn't personally invite them, there isn't that level of comfort or knowledge, therefore the line of "hospitable" is erased.

Now you've got the same situation as a cater to the 250 guest event. There are going to be those that bring up last event's cater, and what they did better, there are going to be those that LOVE the spinach, and those that HATE the spinach. And those that will be quite vocal about whatever opinion they have. They may talk about it among their group, they may wonder exactly what went wrong with the spinach and ask other guests, they may even come up to you and ask you or tell you what they felt was wrong with the spinach. And you have to deal. You put your spinach out there for mass consumption, not a group of pre-readers who will hold a hand, or bite a tongue on their personal preferences to spinach because they're guests and don't want to be rude.

NOW I'm starting to believe that neither is wholly accurate in comparing the relationship of a writer and their readers IN THE FANDOM, because it has somehow become a fusion of the two analogies.

AND, to get to where I'm trying to get at . . . IS this a good thing?

With familiarity comes a degree of comfort.

If you've got a house guest over and they're one you've had over quite often and personally discussed the spinach with, and they'd previously loved it, and now hate it or instead of taking a second serving of spinach like they usually do, dismiss it altogether, wouldn't you feel comfortable enough with them to ask them what went wrong, or at least hope that they would tell you?

Conversely, If you've been a house guest over at the hostesses home many times, and personally discussed the spinach with her, loved her spinach but then she changes it up, maybe she's trying a new recipe that's different from her previous spinach, maybe she adds bacon, and she's always added bacon, but you're just now noticing, and you feel comfortable in asking her why she went the new route. Even more you feel comfortable telling her you don't care for the spinach this way, and would you even feel comfortable enough to expect her to want to amend the spinach to please you?

With familiarity comes a sense of entitlement, it's human nature. When you get comfortable with someone, and they get comfortable with you, favors may be asked, emotions exchanged, a relationship forms, and subconsciously the familiarity evolves into expectations.

Is THIS what's happening in the fandom?

Is there too much familiarity?

Is that old, common separation between writer and reader blurred? Is it a sign of the times?

Is that a good thing? A bad one?

Is THIS why negative criticism is harder to swallow in the fandom, because we subconciously feel it's coming from a guest instead of a stranger?

Think about a writer who responds to your reviews, or a writer that you developed a relationship with because of their writing.

What if they stopped responding to reviews? What if they said something in a campfire or community or on twitter that you didn't agree with AT ALL, maybe even something that upset you? What if they took a turn in their story that you didn't agree with?

How would you handle the above situations? Would your answers be different if you DIDN'T know the author or DIDN'T have an established relationship with them?

Is entitlement justified?

Get in here and chitter-chatter with me about this please! I'm super curious!


Humpday Games

Wednesday August 17, 2011 at 10:15 AM

Let's have some fun! :)

This week’s game: Fan Fic-tionary!


Describe the title of a fic, or a catchphrase from a fic, by using an image for each word in the title/phrase.

1. You can use a title or catch phrase (a memorable phrase associated with a particular fic)
2. Use a word or image to describe each word in the title/phrase
3. When you leave a guess, make sure to also enter your own clues as well!


Not Now + 

(Answer: Laters + Baby (MoTU))


Come on inside and post your clues and your guesses!  I'll work on coming up with some, meet you inside!


Looking for....

Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 9:57 PM

Hi fellow fic addicts :)

I've spent the better part of today searching for 2 fics that I just can't find!

1. Bella is pregnant as a surrogate for Rose and Emmet. Something has happened to Alice (I think she has depression and tried to commit suicide) and B comes back to Forks. Edward runs into her in a coffee shop there and initially thinks she is pregnant with Jake's baby.

2.  I haven't read this one but Bella has a baby girl with Down Syndrome, her husband (might be James??) leaves her to raise the baby on her own as a single mother.


Any one know what these fics might be? Thanks!


Announcing a Flounce

Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 9:52 PM

xsecretxkeeperx's campfire got me thinking about the heated topic of whether or not to tell a writer you're flouncing. 

And in all honesty I'd like to have this discussion. Come inside and share your thoughts with me on the following, because I'd really like to know!

Do you think readers should tell an author why they're flouncing their fic?

Do you think authors want to know when a reader flounces?

Is there a RIGHT way to do this? 

Is there a WRONG way to do this?

If you ARE going to announce a flounce, is it better on a community like ADF or a Twi-thread or in a review? 

And, do you feel reader entitlement comes into play? 


Also, do you have any first hand accounts as a reader or writer with an announced flounce?

A good experience? As a reader did you announce a flounce and the author responded and was receptive? As a writer did a reader announce a flounce and you learned something constructive from it? A bad experience? What made it bad? What could have improved it? 


Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 9:47 PM

I am reading one of the funniest fanfics I have ever read - I mean I'm rolling on the floor!!!!  FAN FICTION, SEX GODS AND SINGLE GIRLS -  fanfiction id: 7103047.  This is a realitively new fic with ten chapters down.  The author, bannerday, updates about once a week.  You are really missing out if you don't give this one a go.  Is anybody else reading this and if so, what's your opinion?

Diana Wolfskill

Old Favorites and New Updates

Tuesday August 16, 2011 at 9:18 PM

I'm just wondering about the oldest and newest fics on Campers' FF.Net Favorites lists. Hopefully, I'll get some good recs. =)

The oldest fics on my FF.Net favorites list are:

(1) Attention Walmart Shoppers by sillybella A hilarious classic and quick, fun read. It completed 1/29/2007 (D@mn!)

Summary from FF.Net: Edward has decided Bella needs protection. What kind of protection? The kind you can buy at Walmart. In the pharmacy.

(2) Peonies by sillybella Tear-your-heart-out-and-stomp-on-it angst. Amazing! It completed 6/14/07

Summary form FF.Net: I return every year to watch the peonies bloom. Bella planted them to remind me of our love. “Because you won’t change me, and someday I’m going to die.” It's been twenty years since I left. Did she have the happy human life I wanted for her? AU E/B

(3) Family Therapy Cullen Style by vjgm  Another excellent and hilarious fic. It completed 5/15/2008.

Summary form FF.Net: Carlisle has had it with the children's constant bickering so he sends the Cullen's to family therapy. Suicidal Edward,Bella's fear of committment, Alice addicted to shopping, Rosalie's hostility, Emmett and Japer's gambling..who will survive? FUNNY

The newest updates are for:

(1) A Federation of Cassandras by FoiPur Excellent, excellent Nessie story. Yes, Nessie. Read it! Updated today.

Summary form FF.Net: In which Renesmee runs away.

(2) An Introduction to Swirl and Daisy by m81170 D@mn good and so sweet! Updated 8/14/2011.

Summary form FF.Net:A first kiss, a first dance, a first curse word shared between best friends. This is the tale of a boring, young geek and the social pariah who thought the world of him. A tale of growing up. A tale of a Non-Romantic Romance.

(3) The Red Eye by badjujube Edward is a vampire and a private dick. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Need I say more? Updated 8/13/2011.

Summary form FF.Net: It's important for any private investigator to maintain a good relationship with local law enforcement and it's representatives. Therefore, I am always cooperative and polite with Chief Swan. Also, I try not to drink his daughter Bella's blood.

So, old favorites? Hot new updates? 

First --- | >> | 793 | 794 | 795 | 796 | 797 | 798 | 799 | 800 | 801 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
