
Review Replies

Monday August 22, 2011 at 11:39 AM

Happy Monday chicos! Looky the new ADF, exciting, yeah?!

So last discussion (Negative Feedback) camper SuperS wondered about feedback in general. Specifically review replies, here's a bit of what she had to say:

Is it just me, or do others feel really awkward when authors reply to a review? I mean any sort of review - good, bad, constructive, short. mini essay of all your thoughts etc etc - I just find it strange to have that further interaction. I get why some people love it, and authors taking pride in responding to reviews, but I have always just felt strange. Adds a pressure to me to keep reviewing (and I read a lot of WIPs, so then you feel like you can't flounce quietly or stop reviewing) and would set up expectations in my head about that author responding to my review.

I also feel that sometimes if I've written a quick review and then I get a reply, especially everytime, I feel like the effort from the author is undeserved - because I didn't do much....versus writing a really heartfelt long review and then getting nothing...and feeling let down?

As a result I rarely review anymore [. . .] 

I found this INSANELY intriguing. And have to admit that I have wondered myself about my chatterbox nature, and inability to limit my wordiness (it's a character flaw, I try and work on it), because I engage my readers often with review replies. So I always wonder if they're reading my story for ME instead of the story. 

So, what do you think?

How do you HONESTLY feel about review replies?

If you LOVE them, why? What has been your favorite review reply like? You're least favorite? Why?

If you HATE them, why? What about them sets you off? Is it that you personally don't like hearing from an author, or that you just think they shouldn't "waste" their time? Has it maybe set you off of the story because something was revealed in a reply?

If an author DOES review reply does your opinion of them change?

If an author DOESN'T review reply does it change your opinion about them?

What if an author had review replied once and doesn't again, how do you feel about that? Does it change anything?

Are there some reviews you WISH an author would respond to versus other ones you'd written? Why?

Do you think that some authors CAN actually add pressure to readers from review replying? Have you ever felt that way personally?

Writers how do YOU feel about review replying? What are your pros and cons for it? Is there a "right" way to reply and a wrong way?

Any GREAT experiences you want to share? Any bad ones?

Come chitter-chatter with me!


Moving To new town..

Monday August 22, 2011 at 10:32 AM

Helloooo Campers !! I like thsi new ADF and couldn't resist posting a CF ..

So in twilight and almost in 55% fanfcitions Bella Edward moves to a new Twilight its from Arizona to relatively small town me curious about your moving to new town/state/country experience.How do you cope up in a new place and all? come and share please !

On this note I want to share with with you guys that recently I got married and I might have to move to states(philadelphia) eventually as hubby works there ..It's just not a one state to another state thing for I live in Bangladesh and I'm sure things are a lot different in US..I'm unaware of a lot of stuff ! So help me out with your tips / Things I should know about living there/helpful links about finding places etc please ..pretty please..Beacuse I'm nervous as hell...I'm sure a lot of you need to move around so you might suggest soemthing great !  

P.S sorry for my bad English (need to work on that) and I hope it's still twi related and not totally off topic..if no then feel free to delete rangers..I'll come back on friday then *pouts*


*Ranger Note: You did great! :) ~ LJ*


Sneak Peek

Monday August 22, 2011 at 8:29 AM

Yeah, new ADF!  I'm lovin' it and hoping you are too!

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


NE1 else have this issue with a Nook?

Monday August 22, 2011 at 8:22 AM

All my Bratty-Vamp pdfs that someone on ADF sent me are blank after 10 or so pages.  THe document appears fine on my laptop, so this is occuring on my nook only.  Anyone else have this issue?  I am also noticed that all the pdfs I downloaded from Sydneyalices website do the same thing and the title page is the same exact format as the Bratty Vamp pdf's I have, so I guess they were formed from the same download software.  Any ideas how I can solve this?  (For sydneyalice's I wil just do a FLAG from fanfiction since her stories are still there, but that won't work for Bratty-Vamp :(


New Feature Roundup

Monday August 22, 2011 at 7:21 AM

Hello all. Good Monday Morning!

So I'm sure that everyone is enjoying tooling around on the new site and I have to say my favorite part is that I can now see how much time of my life I have wasted long I've been a camper here.

I grabbed my pillow and bag of marshmallows on November 2, 2009.


Where did the time go?


My challenge to you all is to go to the right sidebar there and click on your name. It'll take you to your profile.

Find the date that you joined and come back and comment here with it.

Let's see who has camper start date twins.

And hey, if while you're there you notice that you haven't done your bio, etc, go ahead and fix that. You can get to edit your profile under the Control Panel > General Settings. You can even add links for your Twitter, LJ, FB (you might be braver than me on this one), Blogger, etc (see: I can't remember the rest) 


Movie Posters

Monday August 22, 2011 at 5:59 AM

Okay, first off, OMG on the new site guys. It's supremely awesome, I love checking out everyone's profiles & seeing who's noticed you can play with them yet and things. Very fun.

Also, love the layout, it's amazeballs. Seriously.

Now, on to the topic of this campfire :).

So I saw this on tumblr:

I don't know if it's fanmade, but essentially it's just a blown up version of Bella & Edward from this: 

Now, personally, I hate this poster. I think everyone looks plastic & fake, and what is going on with Kristen's hair? And Rob's face? Come on people!

But we've had this conversation.

So what I want to know is:

First: Of all the movie's so far what has been your favourite official poster?

Second: Have you seen any that you think are better?

'Cause the internet is huge and full of talented photoshoppers, I have seen some fairly decent 'posters' that I'm not sure are official or not.

mine shall be in the comments :)


Happy Monday...

Sunday August 21, 2011 at 11:04 PM

Everyone's kind reviews have driven me -- driven me -- to finish Chapter 11 (The Fever & The Fury) from "substance clad in shadows" before the work week begins. A big chubby thank you to everyone supporting this story...

Click on the banner for the update. Do not read this chapter at work.

Happy Monday!


Through the Flames!!!!!!!

Sunday August 21, 2011 at 8:00 PM

So it's been while, but I just got a jones for some reading some good twific and stumbled across "Through the Flames" by SparklingTwilight. I just have to saw WOOOOW. It was such an incredible read! I now have a newfound crush on Firefighter Edward! I read the entire story in one day it was that good.

Has anyone else read this story? I like that this Edward was much more vulnerable than we usually see him, and that Jasper just could not get his crap together. Overall the Cullens were a mess and the the Swans had it all together, and I rarely see that in fanfic - usually the Cullens are picture perfect. Anyone know more stories like this, where the Cullens struggle a little bit more with real life?

So this is just me, showing my love for SparklingTwilight, and her story! I love ADF :) I love Twilight:) And I now love the hotness that is Edward in a fireman getup :) That is all  :)


Here's the link if you wanna check it out. There's drama, laughter, tears (lot's of), and of course Love:






LJ Summers

Finding your Favorites & Other Queries

Sunday August 21, 2011 at 7:40 PM


A big question of the evening is about your favorites.  I totally understand. MY favorites list includes ALL THE MASTER FIC LIST LISTS.

*Cough* you can find the Master Fic List much more easily now. See the menu bar on the right? =====>  

Down on the very bottom of it is a little bar that says Master Fic List.


So. To find your favorites:

Go to your profile. On the top of that sidebar menu you should see YOUR NAME.  Click on it to find your profile.

On your profile, you will find a link that says, "View this person's favorites."

Then you will see that your favorites survived the move intact.

ETA: Leaving the "& Other Queries" up here in case something else needs to be included. :)

Like this, from kagen_mo:


Can't find your comments?


Previous Campfire 1 2 3 4 Next Campfire


Those numbers in the middle??? Those are Page Numbers to that particular campfire. Yeah, you aren't the only one. I'm part of that club to. and once you start paging thru, you'll see the others.




P.S. This is my very first post as an ADF Ranger. I am all kinds of excited to be on board. :)


For You.

Sunday August 21, 2011 at 5:30 PM

You, dear campers, spoke.

We heard.

Here is your new site.

All rangers, new and not-so-new, are here right now to answer any questions about the changes here in the forest. See John's post below for anything technology related, as we still don't know much about that. Not everything changes!

Please check out our new rules and FAQ page, as a few very important things did change.

Now, go, scamper about and learn your way around. We'll be here if you need a guide.


New Site :)

Sunday August 21, 2011 at 5:17 PM

OK so.... some stuff changed.


  • Everyone please re-read the FAQ / Rules as they have changed!!!
  • Profiles (View someones by clicking on their AVI, view YOURs by clicking on the your name in the right hand column.  Edit your profile from Control Panel > General Settings
  • FanFiction revamp and rules
  • Programming changes to make the site faster.
  • Pretty New URLs (watch your address bar as you play!!!)
  • Campfire Comments page has been completely upgraded, 500+ comments per CF shouldn't crash anymore :D
  • AJAX updates on the right hand panel >>>>>>
  • Lots of other fun things :D -- Explore!!!
  • EDIT: Mobile - the site is less Mobile friendly with the new features.  There are plans for developing a mobile version of the site

Beautiful Sorrow updated

Sunday August 21, 2011 at 2:53 PM

Chapter 14 of Beautiful Sorrow updated at FF. Would love to hear your thoughts:)


The Secret Room

Sunday August 21, 2011 at 11:44 AM

I'm stoked! The author is reposting this OUTSTANDING story. Fortunately, I had read and downloaded it before she removed it. I HIGHLY recommend this story.

The Secret Room
COMPLETED-Reposted. Edward never returned after Bella's 18th birthday, but he does after Bella's death at age 68, and he finds Isa, Bella's grand-daughter. See what Bella left for Isa in her Secret Room. NO TRANSLATIONS ALLOWED.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 6 - Words: 56,524 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 8-21-11 - Edward - Complete


Copyright and vamps

Sunday August 21, 2011 at 7:40 AM

I have just seen the advertising for Crushed Seraphim, a story I read to the end, but confused me, so I did not even save it. Bella was a fallen Angel, but for noble reasons (There was a power war in Heaven and HE seemed distracted), Edward was a vampire (he was in canon, as charcters go - while the story was wildly AU) and there was also a Devil, who was not a bad Devil, after all, only highly sexed.

The point I want to make is this: The story has been published. You can order and buy it (So I suppose it has been pulled, now). If Edward, even with a different name is still a vamp, described according to Canon, how is SM copiright circumvented? I thought that this was the main reason wy we, authors of AU fanfic with vampires, (ones where the vampires are not, say, Dracula like, but follow Stephenie's mythology), cannot ever put our stories out in the publishing wiord. The real one.

Does anybody know more and can explain?




Did I just miss this?

Saturday August 20, 2011 at 9:47 PM

So a friend of mine just posted this on her fb page and about I spit Dr. Pepper all over my compter.  Did this make the rounds and I just missed it?  It is just so well done!!


I kind of wish it was with Jasper though..sigh.
So to be interactive, read any good slashy stories lately?  We can chat about them and discuss.

tell me

Saturday August 20, 2011 at 8:09 PM

a secret



it doesn't have to be anything scandalous


Another Ranger is chiming in to say dont hesitate to reveal the scandalous as it is  always delicous ;)


Show me

Saturday August 20, 2011 at 7:26 PM


your desktops!




mine is inside.


This Buried Life updated after 8 months

Saturday August 20, 2011 at 6:20 PM

Is anyone reading this? I read it a while back but don't remember most of it. I guess I need to re-read! lol

Link to the story


The Elusive Mr. Cullen...come discuss the creepy..

Saturday August 20, 2011 at 5:47 PM

Come talk about the latest chapter!


Spoilers will be discussed!

If you haven't read it...check it out!


I like it angsty

Saturday August 20, 2011 at 5:40 PM

So, I like my romance with a little loooot of angst but I haven't found that many romance/angst fics. Recs? E/B as much as possible. Thanks. :)            

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