
Hurricane Irene

Thursday August 25, 2011 at 4:26 PM

In preparation for Hurricane Irene, tell me what fanfiction and Rob jaw/ finger pics porn I should load onto my fully charged Nook! I have a tank full of gas in my vehicle and can recharge the Nook for days- weeks if I ration. Help a girl out.  During the apocalypse one should be fully entertained and otherwise distracted.

Yeah, yeah.  I already took care of such mundane tasks as food, water, batteries, meds, cat food etc...

*** Ranger Approved****



Thursday August 25, 2011 at 1:42 PM

Hello everyone!

I went to the google docs site and found what I was looking for but I can't figure out how to save or if that is even possible. 

What I am looking for is a copy of CW&IA that I can save on my laptop and then transfer to my iPad. 

Can you do that from the site? If not does anyone have a pdf version that I could have?

Thank you, to any and all of you wonderful ladies!

And my awesome rec is...

The Vagina Monologues

What happens when 2 strangers have a 1-night-stand in college? Life. But not the way you planned. It's raising a foul-mouthed toddler, selling sex toys & trying to make your dreams come true. Oh, and running into your drunken hook-up 5yrs later. AH/AU
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 15 - Words: 69,130 - Reviews: 1807 - Updated: 8-23-11 - Published: 7-7-11 - Bella & Edward

Very Funny fic, I am laughing my butt off every update. 

(P.s. I love the look of the new site, it is splendid!)


Edit: I am such an idiot, how did I not know it was that simple!

SO... If you want you can come in and discuss the funny that is Vagina Monologues I am all ears!


The Weekly Rec

Thursday August 25, 2011 at 1:04 PM

Here it is! The first Weekly Recommendation Campfire for the newly re-launched ADF and I am THRILLED to be once again at the helm posting it!

As always, this is the thread to tell us what you are reading or what you have read that you think everyone needs to read as well!

It is very important that you include links and even more important that you not only give a description of the fic, but tell us


Also, because this is the newly re-launched forest,


not just twilight! That means if you are reading some fantastic HP or TB or TVD fic this is the place for it as well! We all like to try new things, right?

Since I just finished reading my summer book list, I am ready to dive back into the world of fanfic so please do your best to sell me on your favorites. I need some good reading material!



Thursday August 25, 2011 at 10:53 AM

I trust Harry Potter is securely in the realm of ADF approved campfire subjects...

Okay, so I got my welcome letter today. Don't judge. (Or judge, if you feel like it... ;D)

As some of you may know, the site suggest on the first page: Before you take a look around, why not link up with your friends who have joined too? This will allow you to challenge them to games and chat about all things Harry Potter.

So, anybody else joined yet? Want to be Pottermore-friends with me?

My username in the comments.

purple ranger edit: of course you can post about harry potter in the forest without permission! we encourage it. also, just a friendly reminder- please don't post any screencaps from pottermore in the forest. we don't wanna incur the wrath of JKR. thank you!


The Cherished

Thursday August 25, 2011 at 10:37 AM

Hey campers!

I have come by a story that needs love and attention. Its called The Cherished by PerAmore91.

The Summary says: In 1918 before the closing of the war, Edward writes letters to his beloved until they can meet again. They both yearn for each other's touch and love, but as time between them is lost, so are the letters.

The chapters are short but poignant. And it's atrocious that it only has four regular readers. Please help me correct that oversight!! Read and review and let me know what you think:)

Thank you all!





Doing the happy dance

Thursday August 25, 2011 at 7:47 AM

YAY!!! I received official ranger confirmation that the Outlander series qualifies for regular campfires around these parts (thank you grown.ass.woman!), thanks to the time travel/paranormal aspect. There are certainly other places online to discuss the series, but none as cool as the Forest!

Anyway .... I've discovered that, thanks to these books, I'm watching/noticing/listening to things I never normally would have, or at least not with such intensity. For instance, I've been devouring movies with a Scottish theme (as the books are initially set in Scotland and our hero is a Scot), such as this (and this mainly for the accent, but it's a great movie)...



And it also seems that I'm noticing redheads EVERYWHERE!  Have I been sadly oblivious to our ginger friends, or are there more of them now?  Anyway, I catch myself at the point of rudely staring, trying to figure out just what shade of red was Jamie Fraser's hair anyway???
Maybe like this??  
Dear Lord, please not like this....(and secretly, with Claire having all that curly hair and Jamie being a redhead, can't you see their son being ... NO, never mind, I refuse to go there!!)
Do you, fellow camper, find yourselves doing something similar?  Do certain movies, places, or songs take on a new, specific meaning for you since you've fallen in love with Twilight, Outlander, Buffy (insert your own obsession here)?  If yes, come share them with us!

**(Also, I hope our friends, family, and fellow campers on the East Coast are safe as can be despite the inevitability of Hurricane Irene.  I was lucky enough to escape all but Andrew while I lived there.  I hope your homes, family, and everything you hold dear rides through the storm safely.  HOWEVER --  God, my ex-husband still lives there.  If you should see fit to take his roof or his motorcycle, you know --- something nonfatal --- you KNOW he deserves it.  Just sayin'. )


my fellow graduates...

Thursday August 25, 2011 at 7:38 AM

Tell us some fun graduation stories! Got any pics of you in your cap and gown? Legendary memories? Was so long ago that you can't remember a thing? What do you have your degree in?

High school, college, post-college-all dates, times and degrees are welcome here!


Twific database

Thursday August 25, 2011 at 5:14 AM

*Approved by LJ Summers*

Hello campers :)

I've just tried to access the twific database here  to give a link to a story in the "Pulled fics" campfire and posted the link to the database so everyone could check it out and see if there was any fic they want to read there.

The page loaded just fine at first, but as I was browsing googledocs forced me to log in after the first 100-150 fics and then, when I click on the database, they say there's a problem -> I can't see the database when I'm logged in.

I'd favorited a campfire about a problem like this to have the link saved, and another camper had sent a link to another database, but I have the same problem, they ask me to log in right away.

Does anyone know if there's a solution to this problem, or perhaps a newer, better twific database? Any help would be greatly appreciated :) 

By the way, I was wondering if all campfires (even interactive, Twilight-related ones) have to have a rec on it? If so, here's a rec:

TALENT SEARCH by Stephen King Reincarnated

Darkward. Bella and Alice are captured by a group of vampires searching for talented humans to turn. '"I'm not in a good mood, so I suggest you keep your mouth shut, or I'll carry you back inside one piece at a time," Edward threatened.'
Twilight - Rated: T - English - Angst/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 26,619 - Reviews: 463 - Updated: 2-20-10 - Published: 10-25-09 - Bella & Edward

Not complete, but can be read as a one shot, I like this AU and re-read this fic sometimes.

PS: I'm happy to see comments (and maybe campfires) are now to be written in another window in the new (and pretty =D) forest :)

LJ Summers

Raceward Fic List

Thursday August 25, 2011 at 2:46 AM

Maybe he's a NASCAR ® neophyte. Perhaps he's into stock car racing.  Maybe it's BMX!

Whatever he does, AH or AU EDWARD is into RACING.


Have you seen him?  Can you drive him past the spectators so that we can, too? ;-)

We have had a request for a Raceward Fic List, so bring those racing stories around the campfire.

Remember the Rules

1.  KEEP IT SIMPLE.  Title, author, summary, link.

2.  NO DISCUSSIONS.  This means we're not talking about the fics. We're just listing them.  


Thanks for sharing your Raceward fics around the fire!  


Rare Indeed...

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 10:38 PM

Found this on B&N "Rare" Books site.... I am beyond words and must share with all of you... I know money is relative and clearly dropping 9 hundred dollars on this might not be a big deal for some but who out there is going to put down at least a thousand bucks (think shipping insurance, applicable sales tax, etc.) for a signed copy of NM? Is one of you the who? Would you if money were no object? In fact, is there ANY book out there you would spend that kinda money on if it were financially possible? Or do you even consider this "rare"? In my mind, rare has always meant more than an authors signature, there's has to be some scarcity involved as well....

I am really starting to regret reading all these books while in the tub... With bubbles no less. *le sigh*


A Garment of Brightness Update

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 10:37 PM

And what an update it was.

Chapter 42: Convergence

 Newly released pretty Cannes Rob. Nothing to do with the update. Everything to do with you needing some fluff after this. Great chapter.

The Offspring

Some Self-Pimpage

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 9:24 PM

Hey everybody. :)

I don't know if anyone on here has read/likes the House Of Night series, but I thought I'd let everyone know that I write Fanfiction for it. I've pimped my stories on the old Forest before, but I don't know if anyone read them.

Please give them a chance.

This one is the most recent and it's been getting some favorites. :D

My Love Was Lost, Then Found

AU-Zoey knew she had to leave Heath forever. It was her only choice...or was it? Zoey/Heath I own nothing.               House of Night - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 889 - Reviews: 3 - Published: 6-5-11 - Zoey R. & Heath L. - Complete

You can find my other two by going to my profile page:

Rangers, feel free to do delete this if it wasn't allowed. Hopefully it was. :)

P.S.- Check out StevieRae2011's page. She's an AWESOME writer.

Here's her story.

The punctuation isn't top notch, but it's not bad either.

The Vampyre's Daughter
 Kalie Ellis was a normal 16 year old until she got pregnant with her daughter Allie. She gets dumped and disowned cuz she won't give up her baby Then, she's Marked and goes to the Tulsa H.o.N. Zoey&the gang included, not main characters. R&R. U no u wanna   

House of Night - Rated: T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 8,782 - Reviews: 53 - Updated: 7-15-11 - Published: 4-12-11 - J. Stark & Zoey R.

Esme Incognito

How do I get started?

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 8:55 PM

Hi. First campfire, here, though the handy new info bar shows that I've been lurking for over a year. I know this is a great place for advice, so...

I have a Twilight fic that I've been working on but have not posted (summary below). I've written 12 chapters and my outline shows it to be around 23, so I'm about half done, but I'm the only one who has seen it. I have no idea if it is worth publishing, but I'd like to try. How does one get started as an author? I would appreciate advice about how to find betas, pre-readers, people who make banners, etc.

I'd be grateful for any insight you all have to share, or referrals to websites where I can learn more.



PS: I can only access ADF, FF, or Twilighted 2 days a week--DH has parental controlled me in attempt to curb my fic addiction--so I may not see your response for awhile. I promise to read them all when I can!

The Fantasy Basket--This is a story of what happens AFTER the happily ever after. It is the story of two women, two marriages, both on the brink of breakdown. It follows Bella who is struggling with the throes of new parenthood, a new house, and a new attitude from her once-attentive husband who is now more focused on his job and his image than his wife, and Esme, who lived through much of the same 20 years ago. Can Esme’s advice about commitment, communication, and (gulp) sex help Bella save her marriage, or will she be written off as a meddling mother-in-law?  AH, Bella/Edward & Esme/Carlisle


Knock, Knock, it's Housekeeping!!

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 8:31 PM


Hey Campers!  We just want to post a few friendly reminders, just a few tidbits and guidelines that will keep the Forest safe, clean and FUN. This is YOUR playground!  But a few rules help keep things in order :)

1. Remember a while ago we had the weekly Help Desk, Pimp & Rec, and Amnesia Campfires?  Of course you do because they were awesome.  Well, we're bringing those back!!  So now you don't have to post campfires looking for a single fic or author!  We'll have one giant campfire where you can post the thing you're looking for....and everyone can pool their resources to find it!  Please save your "where can I find....?" campfires and questions for those weekly campfires.  WE WILL POST A WEEKLY SCHEDULE SOON!!

2. Campfires must be interactive!  We want you to engage.  And we want other Campers to hang out and have fun in your campfires!  Be fun, use PICTURES! Change your font and use colors so your campfire stands out.  Make it pretty and fun for all of us!!

3. Along the task bar at the top of the page it says Rules/FAQREAD THAT!  Most of the questions people have regarding on-topic/off-topic campfires, how to upload your stories, and overall tips on how the Forest operates are spelled out on that page.  If your question isn't answered there--- then just ASK A RANGER!!  Especially before posting a campfire that you're unsure of.  There are a lot of us!  And we all keep different hours and are located in many different time zones.  Someone is almost always around to help you!

4. Save your off-topic campfires for FFA.  But if you absolutely can't wait because you have THE BEST IDEA EVER, then you must get a Ranger's approval to post.

5. Have fun!


Thank you!!

~Your Loving Rangers! xoxo


Bratty-Vamp Stories?

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 7:57 PM

This is my first campfire so, sorry if I do anything wrong.

Does anybody know why Bratty-Vamp took her stories down? Is she pullng to publish like a lot of other authors? Or is she posting them on a diffrent site now?

She wrote the story The Best Man and it is one of my all time favorite fics. I went to go re-read it for the thousandth time and found that it was no longer there.

She also wrote Green, My Escort, In Vain, Four Summers, and I think a few others.

Fic Rec: Its dark and angsty but I'm loving it.

Bella Swan has survived a living hell, twice. She no longer speaks. Nobody ever listened. The Cullen family take her into their care. Bella fights to leave her past behind, but will she be able to let love in? AU/AH M-rated for violence, content, language


MotU... uncensored?

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 5:49 PM

There was a recent campfire which brought to my attention that several chapters of MotU had been tamed down.  Does anyone have a copy of the uncensored Master of the Universe that they could forward to me?  I've never read it (either version) and I realized I have the vanilla copy. 


And, per ADF rules, here's a story I've been enjoying recently. 

Dandelion - by Iwant2sparkle

Life always brings interruptions. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad. What matters is how you adapt to the changes. Little bit of fluff, little bit of drama. AH.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 42,660 - Reviews: 877 - Updated: 7-29-11 - Published: 5-3-11 - Bella & Edward


Pretty Little Liars

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 4:41 PM



Hello Dear Campers!


I know the beautiful brand new forest is all about Supernatural things...And I have to admit some supernatural things are happening in my favorite summer show : Pretty Little liars.


Is anyone as addicted as i am? Did anyone saw the last episode?



Come share with me if you're not afraid of A getting to you!


PS ; Does this need to be approved by a ranger??

RANGER EDIT: Nope-there ARE really great supernatural things going on and that's on-topic.


let it out, campers

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 3:43 PM



ready for it?


and i kick ass at it on just dance 2. not even young whippersnappers can defeat me.


Making a move

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 3:35 PM

Hey ladies (I'm not sure if there are many men here)

I know I'm not 'well known' on this site, since I kinda just pop up every once in awhile to leave a comment somewhere but, I started noticing that the girls on here really help each other out sometimes, and I figured what the hell?!

See, I'm moving back to my hometown of Pompano Beach, Florida within the next few months after being in ATL, GA, for 6 years. I've been going through a rough time with employment, and family issues here in GA, and just feel like maybe I need to go back to my roots, and start over.

(I only moved to GA in the first place because I was 17 and my Father is in the Military.)

I went to FL for a visit last week, and felt such a calm come over me by being back, and I truly feel there will be a better chance at a better life for me, there.

My campfire is simply to ask your opinions and/or get some input on if any of you have made a drastic move before? How did you go about preparing, saying goodbye to those you love, what did you do that helped you find a job more easily, etc...

I hope it's okay to put this as a campfire...if not, then, ladies take me down, but be gentle.

I look forward to hearing your stories...I really could use all the advice I can get, lol. Since anyone in GA is all about saying things to get me to stay, and everyone in FL is all about saying anything to get me to go. I need an unbiased opinion.


RANGER NOTE:   This is a GREAT POST for FFAF.  But. It's WEDNESDAY.   I just made a move myself and feel sympathetic, cough, so I'll let you keep this burning.  This time.  ;-) Next time just ask first on a Wednesday.


A little self-pimping

Wednesday August 24, 2011 at 11:59 AM

I've published this a while ago, and I wanted to know what you all think.

Blank Page by pineapplesrock

Summary: When she was sixteen, she fell for the wrong guy. And thus began her journey of self-discovery through the blank pages of her diary. E/B


First --- | >> | 789 | 790 | 791 | 792 | 793 | 794 | 795 | 796 | 797 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
