
3 Day Novel Contest

Tuesday August 30, 2011 at 3:16 PM



This year marks the 34th consecutive year that the 3 day novel contest has been held. My mom and I saw the poster earlier this summer and were both considered entering. Due to work and travel conflicts, neither of us put our names in but I was wondering if you, wonderful campers, happened to be participating or if you have ever done anything like this? 

If so, What kind of test was it as a writer? Were you satisfied with what you wrote?

If not, Would you consider trying something like this in the future? What would be your personal goal within the time frame?

Blurb from the website:

Can you produce a masterwork of fiction in three short days? The 3-Day Novel Contest is your chance to find out. For more than 30 years, hundreds of writers step up to the challenge each Labour Day weekend, fuelled by nothing but adrenaline and the desire for spontaneous literary nirvana. It’s a thrill, a grind, a 72-hour kick in the pants and an awesome creative experience. How many crazed plotlines, coffee-stained pages, pangs of doubt and moments of genius will next year’s contest bring forth? And what will you think up under pressure?



Approved by the lovely ranger, EKHick.

Ranger edit: ^ She's lucky I love her. 


It's a miracle!

Tuesday August 30, 2011 at 12:54 PM

You are NOT going to believe this. I finally found a BD picture that I like.

Never thought it would happen.

Don't they look cute? Aren't you amazed that they aren't moping or sulking or angsty? Shocked that they don't look constipated?

I am not used to seeing happy Edward and Bella. Not sure if I can adjust.


Night Huntress Series

Tuesday August 30, 2011 at 9:33 AM


Book 6 is out today and I won't be able to pick it up until the weekend!

is ANYONE else as into these as I am?





Oldies but Goodies

Tuesday August 30, 2011 at 8:38 AM

Hey Campers!

It's time for our discussion fire for Chapters 7-12 of

The Port Angeles Players by WriteOnTime!!!


Come in and share thoughts, feelings, etc.

No spoilers please - we have lots of new readers!

Join us Friday to discuss Chapters 13-18.

Thanks for participating!


And so it ends...

Tuesday August 30, 2011 at 7:45 AM

Well.. was that what you expected? How do you feel? Anyone else anxious for the FAQ on Friday?


Spoilers inside...and if you've missed the eleventybillion campfires I've started for this story (just kidding), here's a link!


If you come up with an idea for it, it may come

Tuesday August 30, 2011 at 6:58 AM

From the 'ask jandco and/or wtvoc' cf:

Me Desperate angst loving reader: - What do we have to do to get you to give us an angsty (but with HEA) adult B&E?

Jandco: - gahhh. what do you have to do? provide a decent plot. if we had a decent plot, we could do it. i think


If anyone has any more plot ideas please let them know. THe more they hear the more likely it is that we'll get it. Or maybe other authors will make use of those ideas.

Angsty and older looking Robward for your inspiration time




If You Can't Say Anything Nice...

Monday August 29, 2011 at 11:38 PM

...then don't say anything at all.

Do you guys abide by this age old adage when it comes to fan fic?

I am currently reading a fic that I started out really liking, but I feel like the actual writing is beginning to toe the line of being too pretentious. Up until this point the plot and character development have been phenomenal, but it's just kind of getting to a point where as a reader I am thinking "get on with it already!"

Several months ago I had started another fic that was a gahdzillion chapters long. The story started out great, fairly unique plot with engaging twists and turns...to a point. I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning and read to the fifty-leven-millionth chapter thinking that the story would circle back around to lead me closer to the conclusion about the opening scene in the prologue. Of course it didn't and I was furious...mostly at myself for hopping on the endless drama train.

Now if a story gets to a point that it is simply not my thing I have no trouble 'flouncing' it. But when I'm fairly invested and feel like it's been good up until a point and have even previously given the author reviews, I kind of feel like I should say something.

I think that I have the tendency to not review at all unless I have only positive things to say about the story. I realize it takes a lot guts for an author to put themselves out there, so I try not to be overly critical...but to what degree are you as a reader willing to speak your truth about what you think of an author's story when your opinion is not all rainbows & unicorns...?

P.S. This isn't my first time posting...but I do think this might be my first campfire :-)


A Twibrary!

Monday August 29, 2011 at 6:59 PM

I'm not sure if any of you have heard about this and I apologize if it has already been mentioned...but there is a site that has fanfics listed by -wards, genres, pairings and other.

For example, you want to read a fic about Geewkward. You scroll down the list, click on the link next to Geekward and you're brought to a page that has Geekward stories listed for you in alphabetical order, with author, description and a link. Not wanting to search through different -wards, thats ok...just check out the other tabs. Someone has serious dedication but I love that finding something specific is a little easier.

Has anyone else seen this?? What do you think about it?

**I added the link in the comments.


death valley

Monday August 29, 2011 at 6:31 PM

I saw the trailer for this show about a month ago, and I must say I'm intrigued.

It's got vampires, werewolves, zombies, a bit of gore, and humor.  What more could we ask for really?

Do you think you'll check it out?

Some trailers for your time...

"I'm sorry sir I thought you might have been a zombie."

"No, I'm just addicted to crack."


lol look at the tags

Monday August 29, 2011 at 5:51 PM

ask jandco &/or wtvoc

wtvoc is on drugs so she figured it was high time for an ask campfire, pun intended

the drugs are legal and for the fact that she got in a car accident a few days ago

fear not, campers. your purple ranger and her life partner are both doing well, so ask us something. anything.

a gif representing our relationship via cereal for your time:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Self Love

Monday August 29, 2011 at 3:20 PM

Did you ever want to tell us about what you write, do, create but were afraid that you would sound like a knucklehead trying to panhandle for readers?


This is the campfire for you!

Shamelessly self promote just about anything you do!

Do you write fanfic? LINK IT UP!

Did you just update your fanfiction? LINK IT UP!

Do you beta something or have a good friend who writes? LINK THAT UP!

Did you make cool fan art or make a banner for someone? SHOW US THAT STUFF!

Do you something that has nothing to do with fanfiction/fanart/fananything but you still want to tell us? GO AHEAD!

Don't be afraid. We won't judge you or giggle behind your back. This is the place to be free to self promote.


....and please please please be encouraging to others and let them know what you think!


Holy Purple!

Monday August 29, 2011 at 3:18 PM


Charlie looks adorable-as usual.


Your BDB Favorite?

Monday August 29, 2011 at 2:53 PM

It's been a crazy busy summer, but I managed to finish the BDB series.  I absolutely loved this book and thought it was the best of the set. 

If you've read these, were John and Xhex your favorite characters? 

If not, which characters were?  

And possibly more important, what would you like to see in the next book?


What these have in common

Monday August 29, 2011 at 1:08 PM

  • The Vampire in the Basement.
  •  Innocent, Vigilant, Ordinary.
  • Just One of The Guys.
  • The blizzard.
  • And others.


I made this campfire on February 17 regarding In the land of Milk & Honey. Now we have somebody finishing the story. Not thanks to me of course but I'm happy nonetheless. Is it too controversial of me to ask the same thing for at least some of these fics? I don't know any of these authors personally, and I really don't want to offend them.  I just wish... I'd really, really, really, will like to see some of these fics finished. So I ask again. Would anyone dare to try to finish one of these stories? Pretty please?!? (After contacting the author first of course!)



ps: Play nice, I'm aware that my idea could very well suck : ) 


bloodlines and other spin-offs

Monday August 29, 2011 at 12:00 PM

So this weekend I read the first in the new series by Richelle Mead -- the spin off from her fabulous Vampire Academy series.

I know we have a lot of Dimitri VA fans here in the forest and I'm just curious as to whether anyone else has started it.

(if not, you really should)

Spin offs in general are a tricky thing. if you don't read this series, are there other ones that you liked? or hated?

sometimes they work

sometimes they don't

are there any spin offs you'd like to see? lets dream big here. bigger than Bree Tanner.

how would you feel if Smeyer wrote more of the Twi characters? i fear someday she'll release the tale of the pedo-wolf and the loch mess monster.

let's just discuss all things spin off related

or explain to me what is going on with cordelia's outfit there


Flag Question

Monday August 29, 2011 at 8:08 AM

Hi all!

So I use Flag to download fics to put them on my Kindle. 

Now, what I had been doing is saving as HTML format (I have problems making them MOBI) but then I have to "select all" text, and then "copy/paste" into a word document. This used to not be an issue but Flag has changed something and all of the text is blue when I try to copy it. I have tried everything to fix it, I end up having to remove all formatting of the story and re-do, but this makes me lose some stuff, like what an author puts in bold or italics in the story, which is sometimes useful.

Does anyone know how to have the text not be blue? And no, it's not just a matter of the text being "highlighted". 

OR can you tell me if you save it as HTML what do you do then? 

Please help! Thanks! 



Sneak Peek

Monday August 29, 2011 at 7:42 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


True Blood

Sunday August 28, 2011 at 10:19 PM

Hey Campers!


I just got caught up on True Blood - wowza!


Come on in and chat about the recent developments, the season so far, etc, etc!


FYI - There will most likely be spoilers!



Sunday August 28, 2011 at 9:12 PM

This is my hundredth campfire! And how are we NOT having a VMA campfire yet?!?!?!


Get in here and talk about the VMA's with me! Share pictures, thoughts, highlights, videos, whatever you can!

Link if you missed stuff: 



hunger games

Sunday August 28, 2011 at 9:07 PM

VMA Sneak Peak

It isn't much, but what do you think?  

Get More: 2011 VMA, Music

First --- | >> | 786 | 787 | 788 | 789 | 790 | 791 | 792 | 793 | 794 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
