dawnmarie dreaming

It's that time again!

Friday August 26, 2011 at 6:18 PM

LADIES.....and gentlemen???  any gentlemen in da house????....GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS??

you guessed it (or maybe you didn't, but even if you didn't don't worry - i'mma tell you!) it's drinking with dawnmarie dreaming time.

hellish work week - left the place feeling like i'd been hammered on for the last 3 hours of my shift, and NOT in a good way.  but i'm home.  i've shitake mushroom, showered, and shaved...actually i didn't shave, but i'm not really very hairy anyway.  I've had dinner, cut my mother's nasty ingrown toenails, and caught up with my fic updates (Words With Friends FTFMW!!!).  To make a long story longer, i've taken care of all my responsibilities and can finally relax.

I've got my computer in my lap and an amaretto sour in my hand.  The kindling is catching on nicely...just waiting to add a few logs and get this campfire a'blazing.

so come on ladies, bring a beverage and step in side.  tell me about your week.  or about your night.  or about that night that you got so drunk you scorched your butt-hole trying to light your fart.  tell me about anything really, just don't leave me drinking alone.

and let's make sure we raise a glass to WTVOC and toast her a very speedy recovery!

ps...i'd like some porn recommendations....more details inside....

pps...i almost forgot my drunken rec!  i got all caught up on How to Paint a House last night (thanks for the rec, Ruby!!!).  It is awesome.  any of you considering life as a house painter after this fic? 



Friday August 26, 2011 at 6:15 PM

So it’s the last weekend before football THANK GOD. Is anyone interested in some weekly football posts? We can talk up our teams, trash other teams, get into spirited but respectful debates. I’m addicted to both college and pro (addicted to does not equal an expert in!) so we can discuss all/both/either. We can even come up with different topics like commentary that sounded dirty, ref call that sucked the most, etc. If anyone else is interested or has an unhealthy obsession and wants to comment weekly, let me know and I’ll make sure to post once every Saturday morning. If no one is interested, no promises but I’ll try not to post every weekend :)

In honor of football, I give you two of my favorite football pics ever from my college team WVU (West Virginia University). For those that don't know on the first pic, we have a habit of burning couches when our team wins big games. It's an actual warning sign.



And the second pic is two player from a couple of years ago that sat together all the time for S's and G's. Photobucket


Fashion Post

Friday August 26, 2011 at 3:44 PM

Has anyone noticed the fashion worn on TV shows lately?  For a fashionista wannabe like me, it's like pron.  I drool over the fitted dresses on Mad Men.  I lust after Neil Caffrey's slick suits on White Collar, and I covet Shauna's outfits on Entourage. 

I want to know what shows or movies do you think have the best styling/outfits.



Good moms and good friends

Friday August 26, 2011 at 3:24 PM



I 've got a question :

Why does fiction-moms and fiction-friends always side with the poor Bella hurt by the horrible Bad Edward?

Example : Chasing Victory (Nice story, with Hot-Ed)

They loved each other. He loved cars, and wanted to be a racer ; she hated cars, never went to one of his races and wanted him to go to uni with her. One night, after hot-sex, she get asleep and say what she sould have never said : "we're gonna get married". Him, 18 and full of dreams, freaks out and run away. (I would have too).

3 years later, after he cut himself from his family and all, he saw Bella again, and discover they have a baby girl. Bella tried ( not to hard) to tell him, but she couldn't ever reach him (uhuh).
And Esme (who knew all along) takes side on her, his friends agree with Bella : "you've hurt her so much blablabla".

She never respected his love for cars,
she never respected the fact that he didn't want to go to uni,
she didn't told him he had a baby ,

More generally, why do authors have this need for a poor Bella everybody takes side on no matter what (when clearly Esme should at list defend her son)?
Why is it never Bad-Bella who hurt Edward and pays for it??



Friday August 26, 2011 at 2:18 PM

Our favorite Dirty Uncle and Purple Ranger needs our help!!

She was in a car accident today....and while she's okay....she is just a little HURT and needs some cheering up


So get your funny gifs, your good looking men, your cartoons and your jokes and get in here to help her out!

WTVOC--- we love you and hope you make a speedy recovery!!

purple patient edit:

omg. i just woke up from my drug-induced coma. I AM IN SO MUCH EXPLETIVING PAIN AND THE HOTTIE ER DOC TOLD ME IT'S GOING TO GET WORSE.

lol when he walked in and asked, "so, what happened?" i responded with the eloquent: "some dumb bitch hit me."


Answering Bell

Friday August 26, 2011 at 1:43 PM

I was wondering if anyone has a pdf of il_suo_cantante's Answering Bell. I saw it on twilighted a while ago and never got to it, and now its gone from every site I've checked.

I just finished this fic, B has awesome arguments with "her inner self" and E does the same with "Twitchy" lol

I Plead The Fifth

Alice is planning her wedding and up and coming lawyer/BFF, Bella, is her maid of honor. When Bella meets the best man "Masen" sparks fly. Adult Content
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 118,662 - Reviews: 555 - Updated: 5-10-10 - Published: 12-8-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete



Lost in Translation

Friday August 26, 2011 at 1:36 PM

I want to know YOUR opinion of

Fic Translating

I just had a PM on ff.net asking to translate one of my stories into Russian.

1. Have you ever had this kind of offer? If so, what was your reply?

2. Do you approve of translating? Pros and Cons?


Good evening!

Friday August 26, 2011 at 1:33 PM

This is just a quick campfire to ask if anyone is talented in the gif-making-smaller-arts :)

That's the gif, and I would really love it for my avi here :) If anyone could be so kind?

Also, just share fun gifs that you can't stop staring at, cause this one just about does me in xD


were they on a break?

Friday August 26, 2011 at 1:32 PM

The age ol' dilemma....

Who's in the wrong?

Are you Team Ross?  Or Team Rachel?


FWIW Hugh Laurie is Team Ross...that's gotta account for something, right?

Here is a video of the entire scene.  The actual "taking a break" part comes up at 3 min mark.  I wish I could embed, but it looks like that feature has been deactivated for all F.R.I.E.N.D.S clips.


Wedding from Hell?

Friday August 26, 2011 at 11:45 AM

I have a dilemma and I’d really like some unbiased input.

My family (the groom’s family) just may come to blows with the bride’s family over this problem.

I present my case inside.


My ADF is broken

Friday August 26, 2011 at 10:38 AM

Who do I tell? 

Maybe it's just me - or maybe others are having this problem too. When I post a comment and select the option to be alerted for replies to my comment as well as for all comments posted to the campfire, I only receive an alert about replies to my comment, and nothing about other comments posted to the campfire. Prior to this development, I was receiving duplicate alerts.

On the other hand, on the 'To Share Pulled Fics' thread, I'm still receiving duplicate alerts for every comment - sometimes as many as 4.

I hope this makes sense cause I'm feeling kinda spacey today - like I OD'd on my vitamins.


RANGER EDIT - For this, and any other future technical difficulties, use the "Contact" section on the top menu to page a ranger.  Click on any rangers icon and send a PM.  We're here to help! :)


I'm a Misfit!!!

Friday August 26, 2011 at 10:04 AM

.....Okay not really but is anyone else watching/ has watched this show!!?? For those of you who don't know, Misfits is a British show about a group of troubled teens who are serving community service. While serving their time, a strange storm occurs giving them powers. 

I absolutley LOVE this show!!! 

So let's discuss:a) If you could have a super power what would it be?? b) your favorite character/episode/moment  Photobucket

ps. Happy Friday folks!!


I Have No Game

Friday August 26, 2011 at 8:42 AM

There, I said it.

I was with the same person for all of my twenties thus far and now I feel completely naive about being an adult and interested in someone, you know?  When I met my ex I had just turned 20 and was basically still a kid.  Anyway, I'm single and not looking for anything serious, but...I have a crush on someone.

I need advice.  Also, there's a really embarassing story about me in relation to said crush and more info about my pathetic-ness in the comments.


26 going on 13


I love the 80s

Friday August 26, 2011 at 7:18 AM

Last night I watched my all time favorite 80s movie Weird Science and it got me to thinking about just how awesome the movies in the 80s were.

So this is a campfire for the more seasoned forest dwellers or those of you who just love 80s movies


If you can find it on Youtube, post your favorite scene from your all time favorite 80s movie


Here's mine. The bar scene from Weird Science


Duran Duran: Snuggle/Marry/Kill

Friday August 26, 2011 at 6:59 AM

Pop in if you're old enough to have giggle-flailed about these fine young men from Birmingham.  Remember staying up for Friday Night Videos?  Can you remember their banter from Sing Blue Silver?  Can you still remember their heights, their birthdays, their favorite colors?  What song was your favorite?  Which guy was your favorite?  Choose three of the five and join us inside for umm...

Snuggle, Marry, Kill -- the Duran Duran edition.




Under the Boardwalk by Robicorn

Friday August 26, 2011 at 5:41 AM

This story is driving me insane but I absolutely LOVE it!

Is anyone else reading this?

Can anyone please tell me why chapter 27 is not there when I have an update email? I don't think ffn is fail.....

I'm literally going crazy knowing there's a chapter out there and I can't read it!!

Here is the link:



Rob talking nicely about BD

Friday August 26, 2011 at 5:26 AM

I'm so happy Rob made the following comment about BD I just had to post it:

"“The birth scene is frightening,” Pattinson admits. “It’s a slap in the face. It’s failure to Edward, who has to choose between losing Bella and transforming her. It’s the toughest scene I’ve ever had to film in my career because this choice tears out my heart.”

omg, Rob. Edward's angst is just so appealing. Kristen also said this: “I was racing down the aisle during the first few takes because I was eager to get the two of them married.” Pattinson says, “We saved shooting the actual wedding for last because it was so important. We needed to be immersed in it.”

I'm still looking for that one good AU fic that will explore this "I shouldn't change her" angst source in a way that will give me ulcer. Any suggestions?

Robward's "Holy shit" FYT

mo kagen

FFA : get your groove on !

Friday August 26, 2011 at 4:56 AM

Happy Free For All ! !

Share some music to get the weekend started!

PSA / Guideline reminder:  *Free For All, or FFA, begins at 12 AM EST. every Friday and runs through 7 PM EST every Sunday. During FFA all posts, off-topic or not, are allowed.    --> So start some fires and invite some folks over!

For the non-wuss-pervs out there, Here's some ANGST IN Your PANTS
Where were you in 1983 and did you see the movie Valley Girl ?
The Girl Who Read

There is a Light

Friday August 26, 2011 at 4:18 AM

I know we discussed this last week...

But I was genuinely tearing up at the end of this chapter. From about the half way point, pretty much.

What did you think?

My thoughts, and no doubt spoilers, inside :-)


DIY... and I wish I didn't

Thursday August 25, 2011 at 8:00 PM

This is the current state of affairs in my home office:

I'm slowly but surely scraping off two layers of wallpaper with paint in between and over the top.  That nice clean section on the bottom left?  Took me about an hour.  Blech. 

So, I need some fics with an Edward who can put on a toolbelt and come help me with this mess.  I know our lead man seems to prefer being a doctor or lawyer, artist or musician, but there has to be a few Constructionwards out there.  Help me find them, please?

Also, anyone else have a DIY project that went hopelessly awry?  Ever started something to realize you bit off more than you could chew?  Ever want to track down your home's previous owners and make them come back and fix their crappy repair jobs?  (That's where I'm at right now...)  Cheer me up and tell me about it!   

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