
Firefly in Summer update

Tuesday September 6, 2011 at 7:04 AM

Chapter 33 - The Letter



There is A Light update!

Tuesday September 6, 2011 at 5:49 AM


We have an update! Let's discuss!


 edit: there will be spoilers!



I'd love to pimp my latest chapter, but...

Monday September 5, 2011 at 7:01 PM

I need to vent...

Even though I know there's no love lost between many of you and Twilighted, I've always liked to cross post my fic there and on FFN. I started out reading Twilight fic on Twilighted, and I think I would feel a little sad abandoning it. But lately I've absolutely had it with the validation process - not because my stories are declined, but because they keep flipping betas on me!

Here's the situation... I submitted the latest chapter of my story last Sunday. With it being very early in the school year, I was too busy grading pretests and planning to realize that chapter four hadn't been validated. When I checked my chapter's statistics on Friday, I noticed that someone at Twilighted changed my beta's name to another beta...one who is listed as retired! I've had my beta changed on me before without warning, but never to one who is retired!

I sent an email to the ladies over at Twilighted this morning, but I still haven't heard back. I've always waited to post on FFN until Twilighted validated, but now I'm reconsidering. :(

So tell me...Has anyone else had problems with validation beta switching on Twilighted? How did you handle it? What should I do??



Good Vibrations

Monday September 5, 2011 at 5:30 PM

It's that time again!

Tell us what you write! Are you trying out something new?

Tell us what a friend writes! Are you proud of their hard work?

Tell us what you beta! Are you blown away?

Show us a banner you made! Did it take you forever?

Just self pimp to your hearts desire because this is the best place to do it!


Sneak Peek

Monday September 5, 2011 at 10:37 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Give Me Something Great

Monday September 5, 2011 at 6:29 AM

So like many of you, my hubs and I have Netflix. We seriously may have watched over 100 movies in the past 18 months. This is life when you have few babysiters. We hate reality tv, and only watch history, discovery, hgtv, food network, and of corse ESPN....thus we we are geeks....and IN NEED OF NEW FILMS!

We watch ANYTHING...comedy, drama, indie, romance, SOME horror (I am a bit of a scaredy cat). Any way, can anyone give me a great or favorite movie rec inside. Would love a great indie rec if you have one. I will leave our latest watch below, for a thank you prequel.

Red Riding Hood...very good and rather full of plot twist and mystery. I must say I was disturbed that Billy Burke did not have a mustache in this....but overall it was good. Though, the hubs did ask where I got the idea for the cue and I told him KStew and RP went to see it....he eye rolled, I was totally joking with him but I think he was still skeptical...lmao.


Technical Issues

Monday September 5, 2011 at 6:25 AM

HELP!  I am having a huge issue when I try convert a fic from PDF to Mobi.I have never had this problem before but I am thinking since the fic is epic long, that is the major problem.

What happens is that the puntcuation turns out wrong--- instead of " Quotes"   its transfers like this  ?Quotes>.


Has anyone else had this problem, and if so HELP please!


Fic rec- since I really like how fic rec is super encouraged!

Paradise Lost *summary from ffn*
A passionate night three years ago, leaves Bella Swan pregnant with her roommate's brother's child. Now she wants her child to know his father. He wants to crush her down for having it in the first place. Very OOC, AH;
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama - Chapters: 12 - Words: 64,445 - Reviews: 1119 - Updated: 8-29-11 - Published: 2-27-11 - Edward & Bella



Whose POV is it anyway?

Monday September 5, 2011 at 5:03 AM

Hi Campers! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. My son goes to pre-school tomorrow so summer is officially over. Not that I don’t love him to death but entertaining mini me constantly for the last six weeks with no respite has certainly been trying. I shall be celebrating my daytime freedom tomorrow with a pedicure and a healthy dose of catching up on my fanfiction addiction without being used as my son’s own personal trampoline.

But I feel like being picky and while I do love me some Bella, what I really want is to get into Edward’s head. (And his underwear of course but that’s another story for another campfire) It’s not always easy for female writers to get into a male character’s mindset and do it successfully (as even Stephanie Meyer has shown, since Edward apparently “refuses” to speak to her – Not that I blame him!) This for me makes a good well written EPOV even more special.

It struck me that in the hundreds of categories of fanfiction, I’ve yet to see a rec list that only lists a particular POV. So if you would be so kind, please share the EPOV’s you love the most. Completed and WIP’s both welcome.

For my own rec (and the story that inspired this particular request)…

(Sketches of Ultimate Love) by denverpopcorn
Meet Edward Cullen, boy next door, dreamer, and self-proclaimed virgin. Take a journey with him as he heads out in search of The One. AH. EPOV, E/B.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 62,985 - Reviews: 848 - Updated: 8-12-11 - Published: 4-22-11 - Edward & Bella

If you’re not reading this story, you really need to be. If you aren’t sure, just try the first chapter and I guarantee you won’t be able to stop reading. This Edward is in many ways just an ordinary boy. Raised by a single blue collar father, he’s had to work hard just to be able to afford college. But boy does he have depths and denverpopcorn has carefully peeled away the layers of his character so that with the exception of his appearance, he doesn’t read like the typical Edward at all, even though some canon aspects are there. (His virginity!) Half of me is so proud of the man he is becoming and the other half is in love with him. Read it, you won’t be disappointed.

Some pretty for your EPOV inspiration….


Leg Shaving

Sunday September 4, 2011 at 9:55 PM

So, I have been fairly annoyed at the cost of razor cartridges and have been looking to explore other options. The question is, ladies, what do you use, (if anything at all) and why? More importantly, does anyone use a safety razor?


I was in this specialty shaving store in the mall and saw that they have stuff for women too. Namely, the safety razor below. It uses blades instead of cartridges, and they told me that  each blade gets you five shaves on a man per side. There are two sides. They could not equate that to a woman's legs but did say that this is a smoother shave compared to the disposables and the like. They also said that the package of ten blades costs ten dollars. I am thinking that would mean big savings considering the cost of cartridges is roughly two dollars for the inexpensive ones. Doing the math, it is looking like $1 per shave with the cartridges (if I can get two shaves per cartridge) versus about 25 cents with the safety razor (Pending four shaves per blade). If you want to compare it to the store brand disposables, the safety razor, for me, is still cheaper as I can only get one shave out of the disposables before they give me bad razor burn.


The safety razor.


                             The blade refill.


Sunday Sampling of Stupidity

Sunday September 4, 2011 at 5:26 PM

In this Campfire, we use fanfiction logic to answer our queries

and solve our problems


For example:


Dear Fanfiction Logic,

I've felt sick and emotional the last few days, with certain episodes culminating in vomiting and extreme exhaustion. No one around me seems to be sick, what could it possibly be?

Queasily yours,



Dear OuterIsland,

YOU'RE PREGNANT! Obviously. This immaculately conceived child is the obvious progeny of a beautiful, wealthy, well-endowed, charming, wonderful yet slightly tortured man who you have yet to realize is the love of your life. Your hesitant, almost hostile attitude toward him in the beginning will be remedied by his overbearing, yet well meaning sister and/or mother who fix your relationship with ambush dates and becoming your bestest frand evar. You'll take to motherhood like a house on fire, with your child being a perfect bundle of non-crying, routine ready flesh. We'll ignore the fact that you always get sick at the end of every summer....

With love and always sane advice,

Fanfiction Logic.


Have at 'er campers.


Twilight/HP Crossover Recs

Sunday September 4, 2011 at 1:01 PM

Hi everyone, I'm a lurker but decided to come out of the shadows.  I recently read a Twilight/HP fic and it left me wanting more crossovers. It was The Secret Keeper.  Does anyone have any other recs? Thanks :)



In need of a beta...tonight.

Sunday September 4, 2011 at 12:40 PM

Hello all. I hope it is not too late, but I have written a one-shot for the Labour Day weekend contest .

I could really use the help of someone who will find some time and fight with my mistakes. 

Words - 948



Making me NUTS!~

Sunday September 4, 2011 at 7:07 AM

Happy Sunday everyone...we have had a sprinkle of rain...yes, I'm dancing in it...nope, no pictures!  OK really needs this rain...

Anyway...I saw this request and I KNOW the fic they are talking about...well, I've read it...but now I can't find it either and it's making me NUTS!!!

2loveybunnies posted a comment in Campfire " To Share (Pulled Fics)"

Their comment was:

Hey Guys, Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend here in the US... I posted this synopsis on another campfire and didn't get a response. I am tempted to start a new campfire to find this, but thought I'd try here first. It's driving me crazy and hoping one of you knows what I'm talking about...:

Vamp Edward fell for Bella that first day at Forks High but decided it was too much and fled. Bella lives out her normal high school life there and then goes to college in Chicago. Turns out Edward has to go check on his parents former home in Chicago and he see's/smells her from across the street. He decides that he's going to go for it this time because he's been obsessed with her since high school so he decides to move into his house with the hope that he'll get to spend time with her. She remembers him from that first meeting in biology, and also has a little crush on him too. They start spending time together and then dating. They're both virgins so she asks him to take things slow. She has a few friends she introduces him to, and he's beside himself with happiness because she's in his life again.

If you know what it is, please help!  Hey, I'm passing kidney stones...and this will take my mind off of it...

For your viewing thanks:

via Robert Pattinson Life

Kathie (katmom)

EDITED TO ADD:  THANK YOU eibbil!!!!!!  She said: Sounds like http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6797418/1/The_Decision

Summary: Edward made a decision after that second biology lesson. Two years later that decision is challenged.


a rec and two questions

Sunday September 4, 2011 at 1:29 AM

A rec in exchange for two fics I am looking for? It is not a price to pay, it is a pleasure. ;) Now, the rec is the following:

Out of sight out of mind, by Simaril http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7330541/1/Out_of_Sight_Out_of_Mind

Summary:What do you do when the love of your life has no memory of you? Three years after they left her, Bella is back in the Cullens' lives. The only problem is that she doesn't remember them. A Bella and Edward love story.

Warning: only two chapters so far, but she updates frequenly. Her other story (I am only sleeping), which incensed me but I could not stop reading and reviewing, has only two more chapters left, and a sequel is in program. I started arguing with her and now I am a fan (Well, not of her Bella in IAOS, She is so obstinate).

AND NOW MY QUERIES (I tried in the dedicated campfire, but it was huge and they must have got lost).

1 A multichaptered honeymoon story. After Edward has overcome his psycological difficulties and making love becomes happily possible, the newly weds have many blissful days. They even go to the Brazilian main land and Edward learns a few things about his strong willed bride. In particular, she has them renting a motorcyle and he has to let her drive, sitting behind her. It almost kills him, he worries so much, but it is also a great lesson in acceptance. I loved this story and I have lost it. Possibly I read it on twilighted net.

GOT AN ANSWER. IT PROBABLY WAS Honeymoon and Blacklace by Addicttwilight2. Not anymore on Twinet. Does anybody have a copy.?

2 In a story I am reading currently -probably not even finished (a vampire one) - Edward muses on his long bleak years of solitude. And recalls how Alice once offered to make love to him. She was regularly mated an in love with Jasper, only she felt for Edward so much that she would have done it out of compassion. Of course Edward refused. It was such a moving passage, one that not grossed me at all. Can anybody tell me what story it is? I am reading so many fics.

Thanks a lot


Can't Remember

Saturday September 3, 2011 at 11:53 PM

I'm looking for a fic and can't remember the name or author, so I need some help. I don't know much but it's a B/E AH fic and all I know is that Bella is a cop that has to go undercover at the high school to find out about the drug dealing that is going on. Edward is either the principle or a teacher. They end up having feelings for eachother. I'm pretty sure he finds out she's a cop. Sound familar?

My rec is:

Captive » by Totteacher
Bella is kidnapped only to find herself in an unground Empire of Vampires. Her only chance to survive is to be chosen by the Dark Prince as his offerring, submiting herself to an unknown future against her will, the only other option is death.


Forks & Irony

Saturday September 3, 2011 at 11:14 PM

Irony: Being disappointed that one of my besties was going to be out of town during the drive over to Forks. Then finding out she is across the street at the motel next to yours. Literally. Facebook is amazing. She had no idea.We had a pajama clad reunion in the street, lol. 

Well The Lurker and I are having an incredible 2nd visit to Forks. Pics are soon to be posted, after I edit them, etc.  Today was a record setting 82 degrees!

Thanks to those of you who helped us by suggesting a few 'not to miss' items!

Anyone in the area? We can do coffee...

 Official Intgeractive Question:

Is anyone showing up for Bella's Birthday party/Stephenie Meyer Day next weekend?



Saturday September 3, 2011 at 9:40 PM

I'm checking in to ask if anyone in this wonderful site knows anything about poetry....I can even list to you what my teacher wants from me and my poems I need to fix.



My problem is, I don't understand beats and meters and stressed/unstressed syllables.  I can write, sure, but to have it fit the rules.... no way!


I have read my book over and over, but it just isn't clicking for me.


Thanks to those who can help me out.

Sugar Britches

Wanted: A Fabulous Beta (This Means You!)

Saturday September 3, 2011 at 6:33 PM

Hello all of you frolicking foresters!

I need someone who can beta my drabble! (No, that is NOT a euphemism...)

Please? It's only 990 words, and hopefully your ruthless editing skills will make it even shorter. I am willing to offer my beta services in exchange (wink, wink!)

Help me?

Some pretty Wham! wannabes FYT:

Robert Pattinson & Tom Sturridge blend Pictures, Images and Photos



Hello People of the Forest...

Saturday September 3, 2011 at 5:18 PM

Irene was a big meanie!! She knocked out my power at 7:45 am Aug. 28. I just got power back today at 6:30pm. That's almost 7 whole days! It was not fun!! Please cheer me up. Give me news that I might have missed this past week. Or rec me something good. Anything that will take my mind off the fact that I had to take cold showers all week: and not the sexy kind Edward often times takes in fic, that I've had to eat food that couldn't be cooked and drink warm drinks. I am sooooo glad I have power back!


Hopelessly In Need Of Help

Saturday September 3, 2011 at 4:38 PM

Hello ADF,

So, lurker alert... I'm shy, what can I say?

This is probably only like my fourth or fifth campfire so I'm not totally comfortable but I am in DIRE need of help!!!

I remember reading a summary about Bella hiring a bodyguard and him keeping her body aswell as something else safe aswell or something??? I didn't read it because I remembered Whitney Houston and I'm not a fan so...

Thank you if you can remember it!!!

Another favour please -

Does anyone have a copy of In Vain? This is probably the hundreth campfire about this but i REALLY need it so please PM me or something!!!! I'm DESPERATE!!!


ps - So sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!! Watching Bourne Ultimatum while I type this and I'm a bit of a lost cause. SORRY!!!

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