
True Blood anyone?

Sunday September 11, 2011 at 7:10 PM

Want to talk about the season finale? Discuss whose  who's hotter? Rant about dead characters? Then this is your campfire.



Some Pam for your time


The X-Files

Sunday September 11, 2011 at 6:46 PM

Back in 2008 I got dragged to the theater with a dear friend to see The X-Files: I want to Believe. She had been obsessing over the show for years- I'd never heard of it out side of her waxing poetic about it- I walked away confused with no inclination of ever watching anything X-files related ever again.

Fast forward to 4 weeks ago, I was flipping through the channels and came across the first episode of season 1, I was hooked. I have since discovered that my local library has all the seasons on DVD. I have worked my way through season 1 and am almost done with season 2- I'm planning on finishing it tonight...well right now.

So, are there any other X-Files lovers out there?
Do you have a favorite episode? Season? Character? Do you think that Mulder and Scully have the best case of UST to every be televised?  Do you watch because Fox Mulder is a dish (at least in the first few seasons y/n?)? Never heard of it? Whatever your story come chat with me =)



The Four Founders

Sunday September 11, 2011 at 6:13 PM



Need some help...

Sunday September 11, 2011 at 2:23 PM

I need some, some personal advice.  Feel free to comment .  Comment inside....



Sunday September 11, 2011 at 1:26 PM

Hey all! I know it's been a while since I've been on here, my life got busy for once lol. But I need your help. I was wondering if anyone had a PDF file of Something Stupid by Wndrngy? I was looking for it on my Twilighted account and it seems that she had taken it down. If anyone has it, please PM and I will send you my email address if you don't have it yet.

Also, if anyone has any new recs, feel free to link me! Thanks! :D

Here's a favorite of mine. It's a WIP but it's really great!

Words With Friends

Bella Swan has a major crush on a major star, Edward Cullen. They have an obsession with the same game. Can they connect through Words with Friends and become more than that? Time will tell! Rated M for possible lemons down the line and some language.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 21 - Words: 93,919 - Reviews: 5565 - Updated: 9-9-11 - Published: 4-16-11 - Bella & Edward


Watch Over Me

Sunday September 11, 2011 at 12:31 PM

This story just came off of hiatus today after almost a year. It's truly unique, brilliant, and woefully under-reviewed. Unlike anything I've read before and also happens to have been one of my first.


Watch Over Me by chrystelle belle:

What happens when you realize evil is real and you're the only one that can stop it? Bella Swan has a tie to something dark and sees things others do not. Can knowing in advance help her stop it?


She needs a push to keep going and, believe me, you won't find it hard to give her one once you get reading! Let's help out a remarkable, under-appreciated author!

Has anyone else read this? Are you feeling the weird draw toward it that I am? What are your thoughts?



Because idle hands know...

Sunday September 11, 2011 at 11:19 AM

From The Village Voice:

71 Things to Do While You Wait for Breaking Dawn to Finally Be Out in Theaters  (First page of article is in the comments)

So.  In addition to comments about the hilarity herein, lettuce also post links and pics of things to do, places to go, people/movies/etc. to see between now and November 18th!


ten years.

Sunday September 11, 2011 at 10:20 AM

thank you to those who put their lives in danger to protect that which i hold dear-




And your little wolf, too!

Sunday September 11, 2011 at 10:11 AM

Hello everyone. This is my first time posting, so I hope I'm doing it right. Anyway, I don't know if anyone has seen the SciFi channel movie Tin Man. It's a great retelling of The Wizard of Oz. It's on right now. Very fan fic'ish, in my opinion. Anyway, a while back I started forming a Twilight/Wizard of Oz story idea in my mind, but I sort of pushed it aside. Now I'm wondering if there might be some out there already, and if there are, where can I find them? I'd love to see Scarecrow Edward, Tin Man Jasper, Cowardly Lion Emmett, and a Toto Jacob, too! :)

I guess I'm supposed to leave a rec, so here you go. It's a newer story, 4 chapters posted so far,  but many more chapters are already written, and it's a really good story. I know because I'm on of the betas for it. I guess that makes me biased, but it really is good ;)

Turning Pointe by Viridian6: Edward's life was a non-stop party – drinking, drugs, girls – he's completely out of control. Determined to win back his father's approval, he befriends sweet & innocent Bella. His plan backfires, but can he give up his new addiction? M, E/B




Sunday September 11, 2011 at 1:24 AM

So here's some shameless self pimpage for you, it's been a while since I did this, as it's been a while since I wrote anything more than a one-shot.

I've just posted the first chapter to my short story, Keelhauled. (banner is link)

Summary: A story of love sprung from hate; of resentment, revenge and renegades. Abandon all hope ye who enter, for here there be pirates. Winner of the Twi Network Iron Pen.

Please check it out :) because you love me?

Also, to make this interactive, what have you been posting/reading lately? Let's have some shameless self pimpage going on :D


in search of this fic!

Saturday September 10, 2011 at 10:13 PM

Hey campers!
So i remember a couple years ago reading a fic about a girl in college coming across this wealthy son of some person, who turned out to be a vampire who's brother was murdered, and the son took the girl underground, and his best friend was a witch, and there was an enchanted underground sky of some sort, and it all leads up to some type of conflict between vampires and werewolves and a scheme to overthrow the royalty (which is of vampires).

ineedless to say, it was amazingly engaging and original, and i'm PRETTY sure it was some type of twilight fanfiction, but i DONT REMEMBER what it was called! AHHH!

Has anyone ANYONE ever come across some type of fanfiction likethis? it would be super helpful if you have!


Does anyone else have any stories they liked/remember/ but they can't remember the name? we can all help :)


If your looking for interesting reads, check it out :)



Saturday September 10, 2011 at 8:51 PM


Won't you...come see about me

Saturday September 10, 2011 at 6:57 PM

Did you ever hear a song from a tv show or a movie that you just absolutely loved?  Come in and share your favourite tv theme songs and movie soundtracks.

(I'm trying to make a theme song playlist on my ipod and need more songs.)


dum dum de dum

Saturday September 10, 2011 at 6:48 PM

So, in February 2010 my boyfriend of 6 years proposed, and I accepted. 

Two days ago we finally booked the wedding!

So I'm looking for anybody who has been married before to please share their pearls of wisdom, as far as wedding planning goes. 

All of my bridemaids/Wedding committee (their name not mine!) were round tonight but some of our ideas clashed! I need to know the best way to tell people (my mum) that I just don't want the things that they are suggesting without hurting their feelings :-(

Breaking dawn gif credit goes to VronniePantz


Happy Firthday to You

Saturday September 10, 2011 at 4:30 PM

wtvoc is experiencing technical difficulties. while i normally wouldn't participate in a firth post, i just couldn't break her heart. not on firthday. without any further ado....

today is my king's birthday

i am celebrating by firth-a-thonning, obvs. starting with bridget jones's diary.

i urge you to do the same. make sure you include this amazing film:

happy 51st birthday to a person i greatly admire and rather enjoy looking at~

Image and video hosting by TinyPic



Saturday September 10, 2011 at 1:42 PM

I know we have some Harry/Draco shippers here, and I have never been a part of that category. It took until NOW to actually read HP fanfic and I've only read stories about what happens after the battle and before they all marry off.

Two nights ago I stumbled on this. It's called "Says the Magpie to the Morning" and it's H/D slashfic.

I will put up a warning here that this does involve cheating, but it is so absolutely worth it to read. It is so beautifully written and it does have an HEA. The rest of her work can be found there on that site as well. I've been slowly reading through all of her Draco/Harry fics and I'm just in love!

Not only am I in love, I now want to read more Harry/Draco fiction!

Either check out Femme's work and tell me what you think about it or recommend some more Harry/Draco fics for me to read. Or both! Or neither, but that would make me sad.


Slashies with a message

Saturday September 10, 2011 at 1:09 PM


This is a one shot and probably one my favorites because of the message it sends.


I have been reading slash for a while now and while many of them are just citrusy fun, some have really allowed me to comprehend and gain an appreciation for a lifestyle so different from my own.


What other slash fics have you guys read that have moved you with their message?


Tried to find a picture that I could post and still be ok--I googled boy love--I am now guys get no picture. I will never do that again.


**For some reason I do not get alerts when people respond so I may not respond right away. I check off the right box, but I do not get alerts since the ADF facelift. :0( 


Happy Birthday, Renesmee!

Saturday September 10, 2011 at 12:13 PM

You had a special place in my heart before I figured out we shared a birthday, even though you didn't do so well in the Character Name Lottery. Ring up Albus Severus Potter? Maybe you two can commisserate!

In honor of the day:

My favorite Edward/Renesmee fanart (I wish I knew the artist, but I haven't been able to track down a name):

(wow - totally got squished when it posted. Eek.)

And one of my favorite Ness-centric fics (though there's another called Choice that's not that bad....):


Neither is sure what to do next, but they each know it needs to happen


Whoa! Beautiful Sorrow update!

Saturday September 10, 2011 at 10:48 AM

Spoilers! Spoilers!

Has anyone read the new chapter yet?? Edward finally makes an appearance!! *sniff* So sad! What did you think??


La Canzone della Bella Cigna

Saturday September 10, 2011 at 8:32 AM


Does anyone know what's happening with Philadelphic, the author of a brilliant "La canzone della Bella Cigna"?

I love this story so much and since my return to work few months ago, I'm a little bit behind with news.

I only hope she's alright...


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