

Saturday September 17, 2011 at 8:34 AM

So we finally got some good games today.

WVU plays the Harvey Dents......I mean Maryland. Sorry, I got confused with the two face unifomrs they wore on the first day.

We got Florida State playing Oklahoma


Ohio State at Miami (I mean THE Ohio State, apologies and whatnot)


Who you watching today?

My picks inside.

Oh and a nod at my college boys. Normally I would also nod at my pro boys but the Steelers decided to sow up last week and play peewee football instead of real football so I'm still punishing them.





Saturday September 17, 2011 at 8:19 AM

Hello! I've been here awhile but never posted anyting.
I'm from Sweden and right now I'm doing a project for school about Europe. I'm writing about different opinions and what people in other countrys think is typical europe, what  they think european people do, say, think etc.

I would be thrilled if you would like to help me. Right now I have a comment from a guy who said "wait, isn't that a country?" I can't really write a whole paper on that.

Please post all your prejudices! What have you heard? What do you believe? Do you think european people have very different opinions compared to Americans or Asians etc? I want to know everything. 

Thank you so much in advance!


Could use some help...

Friday September 16, 2011 at 11:24 PM

So this is horribly embarrassing but its libido related and I could use some advice.It's not tawdry, it's unfortunate, inside..



Thanks to everyone that responded! The advice means a lot to me.


Deleted scenes/My Bella is nuts/Whatever

Friday September 16, 2011 at 9:07 PM

 It has recently come to my attention that not everyone's seen the deleted scenes from the movies. I've chosen this one because the minute it came out I read like 3 fics mentioning the journals. Can't remember if any fics had a "Oh Lord, the woman I've chosen is totally out of it" Edward. I'm guessing a lot lol. I love how Rob looks here:

Btw, when CW was on Twitter I asked him why the Drive from the party scene was not included in the movie (Edward's angsty and self-hating speech was my favorite part in the book, though their acting there kinda killed it), and his response was "Not enough time!". He didn't seem to have a problem with including anything Jacob and the wolfpack that can't act if their life depended on it though.

You can find all the deleted scenes of Twilight (including a pretty hot one), New Moon and Eclipse on yt. Come post your favorites/bitch about why they weren't included here, if you like.

Rec? I haven't been reading much lately, but I feel I should SHOUT AT THE PEOPLE WHO STILL REFUSE TO READ A GARMENT OF BRIGHTNESS BECAUSE IT'S HS (you know who you are). If *I*'m reading a HS fic, then it must be worth it.


i've lost something

Friday September 16, 2011 at 7:36 PM

Have you ever had that time where you've just lost all your inspiration to write I'm going through a depression from the deaths of my daughter and husband, but still. I feel as if it would help if I got my thoughts down on paper, but I can't bring myself to pick up the pen. Has anyone else felt this way? How did you get the will to write back?


Since I have no clue how to link an image or gif, I'll give you a website reccomendation. You can kill hours of time on there and see some awesome things. It's kind of like tumblr for pictures.


Firefly in Summer

Friday September 16, 2011 at 7:15 PM

So, wanna come talk about the new chapter? There will be spoilers.

Link to the new chapter here



Friday September 16, 2011 at 6:41 PM

I used to live in RPG land during my last years in the HP fandom and find myself missing that world.

Question for the forest - are there any decent Twilight games out there? To be honest, I've never looked, but I've found finding a good game is like finding good real estate. Most houses look great from the's not until you live in them for a while that you find all the water damage.


A pair of recs for your trouble (both from the same author and ones I've re-read several times):

Silence and Security

Two years after her marriage to Jacob Black ends, 37-year-old single mom Bella buys a house. Will the handsome single dad next door help her learn to love again? Or will Edward’s presence in their life only reinforce Renee’s trauma-induced silence?

The Mirrors

Teddy's secret and magical childhood is lost when a family heirloom is destroyed, changing his life forever. Now an adult, can Edward open himself back up to magic and love when he meets a beautiful - and hauntingly familiar - woman in real life?


What Do You Love?

Friday September 16, 2011 at 5:18 PM

In response to the rant post, I feel like we also need some positivity (call me Pollyanna today).


Therefore, tell us what you love! 

Sunshine, rainbows, Edward's hard throbbing......nevermind. Whatever!

Use pics, fics, quotes, songs, haikus, idc. Just tell us something that makes you happy.


This really makes me happy:



But instead I'm drinking this:


So feel free to go and rant in the post below and then come in and cheer up in here!


Friendly Rant

Friday September 16, 2011 at 4:20 PM

Although I still love fics with all my heart, I am getting a bit fed up with a few things:


Bella's hair in a messy bun...seriously does anyone wear their hair up in a bun??? If you do, fess up!

Bella getting hurt or in a cast of any kind.

Edward telling Bella she is heroin.

One more flipping Alice make over and I may seriously burst.

Mike being a douche..I think he was a nice guy in the books.

Tanya being mean or a b***h..she was nice in the books as well.


What else drives you bonkers?? No specific fic naming, just general fic rants, please

I am not reccing s**t! Because I am not in a reccing kind of mood, 





***sorry. My first mistake. A momentary brain fart.

and I can't believe how many people wear buns!!!! wow!


Musical Inspiration

Friday September 16, 2011 at 3:05 PM

We all know that a good song can inspire a good fic! I wanna know what song would like see turned into a fic? Or what about a story you've read that was inspired by a song?



I heard this song today and thought how I would love to read about Edward going through this! It's originally by Garth Brooks but I couldn't find him on youtube! It's called Learning to Live Again. Know any fics like it? Inspired to write? Go a head make my day! :)





September. Time for SCHOOL!

Friday September 16, 2011 at 2:53 PM

Share your stories from school!

Remember the teacher you had a crush on...

Remember the classmate you were secretely watching...

Remember good or bad years...

Share RECS, stories around school, E&B and the others as students or teachers.

My recs:  

Complete: The Tutor

WIP:  Stay Away From Juliet ( a warning, the story is really old but -trust me- you will not regret reading it)


Long Distance Relatiosnhips & Fics

Friday September 16, 2011 at 1:46 PM

Hey! I'm about to start University  and my boyfriend of nearly two years has just left. We're four hours about and the trains are extremely expensive. *Cue violins* Because of this, I'll see him once a month, tops, but I'll see him for a few weeks every three months. I was wondering if anyone had any good fic recs for LDR?

Any tips, any previous experience and any advice would be much appreciated!



Friday September 16, 2011 at 1:31 PM


I know this is a little early, but I learned last year that this needs some planning, so I'm starting now. My question is, is anyone else doing NANO this year?! 

If you've never heard of this, basically it is a program that helps you write a novel in 30 days, and it's awesome.

If you've done this before, what did you learn last time that you are going to do different this year? If this is your first year, how are you planning it out? 

I was thinking about doing a weekly or even a daily post during the month so we that are participating can talk/freak out/pull our hair out/support eachother. Whatcha think about that?

Let's talk NANOWRIMO!!


Doing your bit for charity!

Friday September 16, 2011 at 1:14 PM

This is my very first campfire (I'm so excited!) and it’s for a good cause :D

I recently discovered the awesomeness that is (through a video in a previous campfire). is a relatively new for-profit social good-company. Every week they have a new t-shirt, specifically designed to support a certain cause. The profit made from the sales of these shirts is then donated to that cause. Each shirt is only ever available for that ONE WEEK.

This week there is a beautiful shirt supporting Not For Sale. Now, as I’m sure most of you know, this is a cause that is very close to the heart of one of our fandom’s most loved authors, Kharizzmatik. During her time writing Emancipation Proclamation and still after, she has been campaigning for those living as modern day slaves.



The shirts (pictured below) are $22 each – not too expensive and the money will be going to a wonderful cause. This is a cause that I’d love to support, but with shipping costs and a university student’s budget, it’s not feasible for me to buy a shirt, as I’m nowhere near the US. So, I thought I’d do my part by spreading the word.



So, after you’ve all been brilliant and bought your shirt (Hurry! There are only 3 days left!), come back here and tell us about your favourite charities and how you support them :D


Happy (belated) Birthday

Friday September 16, 2011 at 10:55 AM

His 65th birthday was last 5 September.

On that day, my o/s "Spruce and Cactus" was already on but, since it was my entry for the Canon Tour, the author was top secret :)

What do Edward, Bella, and Freddie have in common?

Read the story and you'll discover it! The edited version is now available!

Here's the banner:

Spruce and Cactus banner

A question for you!

Which is your favorite song by Queen?

I adore this:

(Love of my life)


- Raum


True Happiness

Friday September 16, 2011 at 10:24 AM

So i finally got my email and I'm MAGICAL!!!! I was worried for a while there. I thought i might have been mistaken and I was a squib. but I'm not so i got in last night and it was so much fun and then came sorting time. I swear i was so scared my legs were bouncing and i was bitting my nails. When it came down to it all i could do was cross my fingers and hope and now i am a proud member of....




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So I've went back and added everyone from the last campfire so when you see a friend request from SparksCat91 it's just Lil ol' me :) So for the people who have gotten in so far what has been the hardest part for you? i haven't even started spells and potions yet but i did sadly get stunk on chapter five after getting my wand for awhile to like 15 mins but i was 2am in the morning i reserve my rights to be slow that early.


A new season begins... why not a new game?

Friday September 16, 2011 at 8:29 AM

It's FFAF and the new TVD season has just begun...


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Though I haven't seen the first episode yet, I was thinking

Why not make a prediction time-capsule for this season?

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The Vampire Diaries fans,please share what you're hoping to see this year and what you think will happen.


 I will leave the campfire as it is (no editing :P) and we'll find out if a seer (or Julie Plec) is among us, it will give us something to do after the season ends. Each prediction that comes to screen gives a point and the ones that don't earns a -1. The player big winner will be sacred TVD seer - or Julie Plec:P - of the year :) 


ps: The contents of episode 1 will not be counted as it has already been aired and the campfire will be considered as "sealed" when the second episode starts airing in the US.

 Will add my thoughts in the comments after seeing ep.1 


How to De-Skunk your Dog

Friday September 16, 2011 at 8:23 AM

So my 65 lb dog decided he needed a pee break about 1230 this morning. This isn't an issue as he can jump off the bed and go out his little doggie door into the backyard. About 5 minutes after he went out there, I heard an odd noise but as it wasn't him yelping, I paid it no mind.

ALL of a sudden, the most PUTRID skunk smell permeated the bedroom, again I paid it no mind as I sleep by the window which faces the street. I chalked the sound and smell up to someone running over a skunk.

Then, Sampson comes traipsing back into the bedroom smelling utterly horrible! I immediately got hi out of the room and the door shut, checked B's room to make sure her door was shut all the way and looked the dog over. His eyes looked ok, so I called the Pet Emergency center. The EXTREMELY helpful tech that answered the phone told me EXACTLY what I needed to do.

So, lucky me threw on some jeans and headed to CVS as it is open 24/7 for some Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda. Once I got home, I created the concoction to help neutralize the smell on the dog. His chest seemed to be the worst (And still stinks) but it calmed him enough to sleep. I opened every window I could find, lit all the candles and incense and febreezed the hell out of the living room. 


The recipe:

1 Qt  Hydrogen Peroxide + 1/4 Cup Baking Soda + 1 Tsp Dish Soap mixed in a bowl. I used a washcloth to wipe the solution on Sampson's body (dabbing at ears, nose and around eyes), THEN use room temp water to rinse the solution off. I did this 3x and he still stinks.


Next up: Call to PetCo for a professional Skunk Bath (As per the Tech on duty)

I am exhausted but I love my dog!




Friday September 16, 2011 at 6:41 AM

So omg, my pirateward story is now available in the forest! wooo! You can read it here; Keelhauled

Now that wasn't the reason for this campfire I was just excited about it lol.


I've recently rediscovered my love of Maroon 5, mostly because of this song:


I also can't stop listening to this:
I tend to love ALL versions of that song however lol.
So I just want to know; 
What're you listening to atm?
Is there anything we all HAVE to be listening to?
& Do you have a guilty pleasure :D?
LJ Summers

Why yes, it IS Free For All Friday!

Friday September 16, 2011 at 6:35 AM


Humperdinck looks surprised. I was, too!

Yes, it's FFAF!

A couple of reminders:

YES, you can post about pretty much ANYTHING. BUT...



NO NUDITY ON THE FRONT PAGE! (Yeah, I know someone was thinking about posting that, uh huh.)



FFAF is on until Sunday evening at 7:00 Eastern.  :)


Still with me?

In Honor of Princess Buttercup, what is your favorite cult classic film?

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