
New season of SNL starts tonight...

Saturday September 24, 2011 at 3:47 PM

...so, who's watching? Alec Baldwin hosts and Radiohead is the musical guest, in case you didn't know.

To make this even more interactive, share your favorite SNL skits of all time. Past, present... whatever.

Just get in here and share. We didn't learn how to share in kindergarten for nothing. :P

Here's (one of) mine:


It doesn't just have to be skits, either. You can share your favorite film shorts, too.
Or music videos. Whatever.

My first story :)

Saturday September 24, 2011 at 12:04 PM

Finally got  the guts and  published my first story:)  I plan to finish it, although  it might take some time :) Please take a look:

Full Moon
When Edward tries to break up with Bella in the woods, one moment remembered changes the outcome.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,143 - Published: 9-24-11 - Edward & Bella

Yes, I know it was done a zillion times :)

I have also  rec:

The Cullen Campaign » by belladonna1472

Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan both have parents who are powerful on Capitol Hill. Problem is, their families are political enemies. What happens when Democrat!Edward and Republican!Bella bump into each other at Union Station in D.C.? AH. ExB. COMPLETE.
Twilight - Fiction Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 32 - Words: 201,860 - Reviews: 8781 - Updated: 5-22-11 - Published: 3-30-10 - - Bella/Edward - Complete


A difference of approach...

Saturday September 24, 2011 at 11:22 AM

So I've followed both approaches at some point in my writing- The systematic outline approach and The organic progression approach (as I call them).

The systematic outline is when the author first writes the whole outline for the story she's writing, then starts to write it. Adhering to that outline strictly is the key.

The organic approach is where the author writes the story without any outline, and progresses naturally, as though the characters are driving it themselves on their own, depending on their personalities and setting of the story. The author just puts whatever pops in their head regarding the interaction of the characters (I mean, not the totally useless parts, the ones which are interesting and such).

So, I sometimes find one approach better to follow than the other. Sometimes I follow an amalgamation of both, though it gives me a headache because then I have to change the outline regularly (because I'm a virgo and naturally OCD and anal about such things).

The story I'm currently writing is based mainly on the organic approach, because I haven't written an outline at all. I'm just following a certain arc, a set of themes I've thought-out for this fic. The themes are basically Fatal Attraction, Obsession, Irony, Inevitability, Death (AU almost always has death as a central theme). And then I'm applying these themes to my main characters, i.e Bella, Edward, and to a certain extent, Alice and Jasper.

Whatever feedback I get from these characters is what I then put into words.

Now, I find that very refreshing for change, where I don't have to sweat to keep my story from going off the path of my outline. I just leave it to my muse to carry it forward. The only issue is, the muse may run away from my head. lol

So what do other camper authors do for their stories? A curious mind wants to know. Am I too OCD and tied down in my approach to writing? Ah, I guess I'll shut up and let others speak(write) now.

Please share your views, everyone, even if you're not an author per se.




Saturday September 24, 2011 at 10:27 AM



So I am going to be in NYC from October 3rd until the 7th. I have never been to NYC so I am not sure where to go or what to do in the city. So is anyone willing to maybe go have lunch and maybe show me around the city?



Prereading (for readers)

Saturday September 24, 2011 at 8:26 AM

Do you do it? Would you do it?

I can't do it, even if I love the story, or rather especially if I love the story. Whenever I did it it took the magic away. You stop seeing a story as sth that is happening, and you don't really enjoy it because you're looking for plotholes. Even the advantage of getting the update earlier is kinda lost for those of us who can get too attached to a chapter and can't handle any changes. Am I the only one who sees it that way?  

Classic Twilight FYT


It's Football Time!

Saturday September 24, 2011 at 6:57 AM

We got some good games going on this weekend.

Today, there's Arkansas at Alabama, Oklahoma State at Texas A&M, Florida State at Clemson, Mizzou at Oklahoma, and this little matchup with my boys and LSU.

Pro-wise a good weekend, not a great weekend, but a good weekend.

So tell me, who are you watching, who are you pulling for, what are you loving about this season? My picks inside.

As always, here's a nod at my boys:



And a nod at my future husband ;)



Sometimes you just wanna slap somebody...

Saturday September 24, 2011 at 6:29 AM

I wanna know what y'all think of mean reviews... or more appropriately, mean reviewers.

I feel like sometimes people get off on belittling other fics, just like they get off on belittling Twilight and its cast. They think they are anonymous and they are free to do whatever they want. It's kind of scary because people write their reviews and they don't see actual people on the other side of the screen. They think they're typing away at a machine instead because that's all they see.

Or they see people and they DGAF, which is scarier, isn't it?

I wanna know what you all think about mean reviewers. People so mean you wanna slap them. 

Have you written a mean review? And I'm not talking constructive criticism, I mean simple reviews like, "My dog could write better than this" or "Your fic is actually good, but you're a **&** so, I don't like it." 

And in the case of constructive criticism, do you offer this via review, or via PM? Do you ever offer constructive criticism?

I'm sorry if this has been discussed before and you all have talked about it ad nauseum. If that's the case, please link me lol.

Thanks ladies!


Can you have too much of a good thing?

Saturday September 24, 2011 at 6:12 AM

G'day Campers...

Just read an update of a sequel to the first fic I ever read (period). I commented to the author in my review that although this story has been going 'for a while', it still holds up as a fic i truly enjoy. Its a continuation of Breaking Dawn, which i guess is why i probably chose to read it way back in 2009!!

I think one of the reasons (not the only) that i love this fic is that there are no lemons. Don't get me wrong i think there are times and places for  tasteful lemons. Lately though, with some fics, i wait patiently for the update and when it finally arrives more than half the chapter is lemon... no plot development... no questions being answered. It becomes frustrating and i begin to lose interest and in some cases don't care if a particular fic updates again.

Then i realized that this story I've been reading is t rated. (no wonder there was no lemons. So my question for fellow campers, is there any fics you have read, or are reading that have little to no lemons that you too enjoy.

and just a side note... it seems that some (let me stress...SOME) fics that have high reviews tend to contain multiple lemons. Is this what most readers want? I know i personally prefer fascinating story telling but each to there own.

Heres the link for  The Healer   Although it says its a Jake/Nessie story... its really so much more. Its more a Cullen story. This story can be read now and you the reader can feel 'satisfied' without needing the sequel completed ;p

The sequel... which admittedly is updating slowly, i stress slowly is called The War    this tone states its a Leah story, and although it is.. it too is MORE. If you like your canon pairings and characteristics then these are the fics for you.

This is my first CF, so forgive me if my links don't work or my spelling is terrible... its late Saturday night, and I've had a few wines. I tend to ramble when im tipsy... seems i type ramble also..'tyamble' . Im shutting up now.



in case my links dont work




Happy Birthday to YOU!

Saturday September 24, 2011 at 6:08 AM

Three years ago, I gave birth to this:

That lil thing turned into this little thing:

Today is Aurora May's birthday :)

Miss Rory may is obsessed with Princess Aurora, of course. And Mini Mouse and Dora.

Spamming of said cartoons is welcomed. Also, anyone elses b-day today? Or close to today?


Friday Night Movie Night

Friday September 23, 2011 at 7:23 PM

Let's have a movie night!

Tell me.....


What you're watching!

What you wish you were watching!

What you wish you'd NEVER watched!

What you can watch over and over again!

What you can't wait to see in the upcoming year!


POST THE TRAILER HERE! (If there is one!)


Here is one of the ones I'm looking forward too:




Miss Bennett Comes to America

Friday September 23, 2011 at 6:10 PM

Did I miss the post about this lovely lady coming to grace our American television screens every Friday night?   Oh, yeah...the redhead is there, too.


Firefly in Summer updated

Friday September 23, 2011 at 5:48 PM

I haven't seen a CF for the latest chapter today, so I figured I'd do it.

So what are your thoughts?

Are you getting frustrated with Edward? With Bella? Both? Or are you just enjoying each update as it comes along? Not even gonna lie, I kinda am frustrated, but it's a good kind of frustrated. An anticipatory kinda frustrated.

Come on in and discuss this chapter with... well, everyone else. I don't know why, but once I make these kinds of CF's, I start lurking and reading everyone's responses.

There will be SPOILERS. Obviously.


screencappin' time

Friday September 23, 2011 at 5:22 PM

time for a desktop campfire

this is the actual image of my desktop, but that's just so you awesome ravenclaws can yoink it for your own use

(credit to pottermoreravenclaws.tumblr.com)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

show me yours~


Leaving the Nest

Friday September 23, 2011 at 5:10 PM

So my oldest is breaking my heart! He has gone to stay at a friends OVER NIGHT for the first time. I feel like Charlie in the Breaking Dwan sobbbing scene! I dropped him off, dropped his bag, leaned in for a kiss/hug....AND HE JUST RAN HAPPILY AWAY.....WAAAAAIIIII! Now my hubby and I are sad, nervous we are going to get a call around midnight (we are kinda hoping), and I am telling him we need another kid!

So I would love you to share....tell me your stories of your kids or even yourself those first times away from home

first sleep over

first sleep away camp

first night kids or you went to college

or first night you or your kids moved out

please help distract me...my toddler has also abandoned me for Charlie Browns Great Pumpkin! Traitor!


*It does not help that a a huge piece of space chunk could fall from earth on me at any minute!


A Twific author needs our help

Friday September 23, 2011 at 3:30 PM

Here are the details...

Mostly A Lurker (http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2485360/mostly_a_lurker) is still suffering the effects of a serious workplace injury from several years ago. She's in the process of obtaining a service dog to help with her daily routine and provide companionship. Mal has found a wonderful collie named Leo and a qualified trainer.  Now she needs to cover the costs.  

A group of us from the fandom is spreading the word around to help Mal raise enough so she can welcome Leo into her home. Donations are greatly needed and appreciated.  And you don't have to give money. Airline miles and car and hotel points would help, too!

A number of generous, talented Twific authors are contributing one-shots and outtakes for a compilation to be sent to all donors.  No matter what you contribute, you'll get some great stories from amazing authors:

Anais Mark

Bella Flan



Sebastien Robichaud

Lady Tazz

Mrs. The King

Exquisite Edward

DeJean Smith

Morgan Locklear









Mal's blog has donation information, as well as video and pics of Leo:  http://mostlyalurker.blogspot.com/

And here's a picture of Leo, so you know why Mal is already in love with him.  He's a very handsome dude.



I know that in the past, some of these fundraisers have been hoaxes, so I wouldn't blame anyone who might be suspicious. Mal recently stayed with another Twific author who lives in the state where Leo's trainer resides. The two of them met with the trainer several times, so I am confident that this is all legitimate.

Please consider donating to bring Mal and Leo together. Your generosity will help improve Mal's quality of life. Thank you!

                             **Posted with mod's permission**


mirror mirror on the wall...

Friday September 23, 2011 at 1:53 PM

For the longest time, I thought that Ben on NBC's Parks and Recreation was played by Peter Facinelli, and not Adam Scott.


And I know everyone did a double take at Theresa Palmer in in Take Me Home Tonight.

Even celebrities get confused for other people.

So lets play a game.

Either post saying who you've been told you look like.


Post a picture and us campers will tell you.


Post the other celeb you mix up.

All three of mine are in the comments (-:


Music is what feelings sound like

Friday September 23, 2011 at 12:12 PM

That's my first-ever campfire, and I'd like to discuss about one of my favorite things in the world: MUSIC.

But not just music. . . what are your crushes on music? What musician, besides talented, make you weak on your knees and why? Is it his/her voice, looks or something else? What musician change your life with his/her music?

These are mine:

bobby long's smile


Come inside and tell me yours!


Super Supernatural

Friday September 23, 2011 at 11:37 AM

This morning after seeing a Twilight ad online, my soon to be 5year old son says, "Mummy who is your favourite in Twilight?", i reply "Edward ofcourse", to which he says "Me too, i realy liked it when he was fighting the vamprie police" (my  explantation of the volturi for New Moon).  Then "Mum wouldnt it be cool if Edward was Batman!"  my reply "yeah that would totally kick ass".

So that got me thinking all day, and whilst some thoughts were drool worthy of Edward Cullen going all Dark Knight, I was thinking if there was any fics anyone has read / wrote along those lines, not sure if it would my thing but thought hey why not.

So if anyone knows any stories I should give a go,  please let me know, or if you just wanna show the love for Dark Knightward feel free. x


Sex on TV Can't Hurt You Unless You Fall Off

Friday September 23, 2011 at 11:06 AM

This week was premiere week for most TV shows in the U.S. What did you watch? What is still to come that you can't wait to see?

Did you see Ashton Kutcher's debut on Two and a Half Men?

Where you excited about Vampire Diaries?

Did you watch the Emmy-juggernaut Modern Family?

Was Glee awesome, or just kind of lackluster? And how cute are Kurt and Blaine?

Are you waiting for other premieres in the next couple weeks? Were there any new shows you were impressed by? What else should I be watching, whether new or in reruns?


Family members that always accept you...

Friday September 23, 2011 at 11:00 AM

... as you are.

It is the autumnal equinox today, so it is time to slowly prepare for the winter. Well at least for us living in the Northern hemisphere.

This, and some snowy pictures in (on?) tumblr made think of my lovely, lovely, dear and sorely missed dog. Even in her teens she was like a puppy when the first snow came, running wildly around and playing and flirting. (Oh, yes, she flirted, tried to get people to play with her.)

Tell me about the animals in your life. I think the hardest decision of my life so far has been to take my fourlegged friend to the vet when she was suffering so much and I - or anybody - couldn't help her any longer.

"Don't even think of making me go out in the cold..."



"You think I'm not dangerous, but just try to take this treat from me..."



Tell me about your furry family!

First --- | >> | 773 | 774 | 775 | 776 | 777 | 778 | 779 | 780 | 781 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
