
Looking for a story

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 10:26 PM

Can anyone help me with finding Bellas secert by cullen818,,,I had it started reading it  then comp crashed and I lost it:( Now I can't find it anywhere I would appreciate the help I would love to finish this story,From what i have read it was veryyyy GOOD thanks

dawnmarie dreaming

Boozy In Green Bay

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 7:23 PM

The hubs and I are in Green Bay hanging in a  hotel waiting to go to the Packer game tomorrow.  We went to Olive Garden for dinner, where I drank 3 glasses of Lambrusco.

I think we all know what happens to dmd when she drinks three glasses of wine, now don't we?  Yes, ladies and gents, I'm just a wee bit tipsy.

Now, some of you might wonder why I'm in the forest if I'm holed up in a hotel with the hubs SANS children.  Well, can I just say that karma seemed to think that I deserved to be suffering from a flaming yeast infection during my anniversary weekend trip.  Karma's a b*tch like that.  If I saw Karma right now, I'd slap her in the face and then squirt some antifungal cream in her eye.  "Take that, Karma!"  But since I've never actually met Karma face to face, I figured I'd let the poor hubs sleep and gab to you campers instead.

Anyone else out there drinking tonight?  Anyone planning to watch the Packers beat the Broncos at Lambeau tomorrow?  I'd tell you to watch for me in the crowd, but none of you know what I look like that, do it'd be moot point.

I'd give you a drunken rec, but I didn't read anything new this week.  Although I did reread the genius that is Cullen's Island during our five hour drive today.  I haven't read that since I first journeyed into the land of Twilight fanfic.  Why did I wait so long to once again experience island sex with Edward?  I just don't know.....


Chat Post

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 7:06 PM

Hello? Anyone out there?

I'm freaking bored. 

I missed a great concert tonight because hubs wanted to spend some QT with he's snoring on the couch next to me.

What are you doing?


tell me something good--

some good gossip

what are you reading/watching/listening to

why are you home on a Saturday night?

We thought about going to a movie earlier but everything looks so lame...are there any good movies right now?

We can talk about anything you want....... nothing is TMI.

get in here.



Saturday October 1, 2011 at 4:18 PM

Have any of you heard of Pinterest? I'd heard a lot of buzz about it - it was described as "tumblr for adults + organization" so I was obviously very interested. Tumblr is awesome, but it's taken over by teenagers and drama queens sometimes. 

Anyway! I signed up and waited for my invite (only took about 12 hours to get my email). 

And it. is. awesome. 

Let's make this interactive! 

Have you heard of Pinterest? Do you have one? What are your thoughts? And leave your page link, so all of us can follow each other!





Saturday October 1, 2011 at 2:55 PM

Hello Ladies! How is everyone? I hope you are all  having a wonderful weekend. I am looking for some Southieward Fics. If you know of any please send me the links, would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks!



Saturday October 1, 2011 at 12:04 PM

So, tonight is the series finale of Doctor Who!


Excited? Ambivalent? Couldn't care less?


What have your thoughts been on the season as a whole? Favourite episode? Least favourite episode? What's made you cry and what's made you laugh?








(i took this to be much more filthy than it is [and yes I know it is from S5))

Spoilers are likely to be inside. 


does no one read the rules?

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 11:03 AM

free-for-all weekend, people.

all weekend. until 7pm eastern on sunday. whether some ranger makes a campfire about it or not.

until tomorrow, you can post on any topic you like, wherever in the world you are. until sunday, 7pm eastern. so, by my count, you still have 29 hours to post on stuff.


just, you know. the usual applies. no personal attacks, knock it off with the porn on my front page, same goes for dirty, dirty effing words. have a sense of got damned propriety, people.

that is all.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Have you seen The Eagle?

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 10:29 AM

OK, I waited and waited for the free for all, but it is not here and, this side of the pond, it is dinnertime already, so, here is my post.

Has anybody seen this film?

 I went to see The Eagle yesterday. It is an historical film on the lost 9th Legion in Britannia. A good film, well done, even the highbrow reviewers here gave it stars. Marcus, the hero, a young Roman officer, wants to restore the honor of his father, the General who lost the Legion and vanished with it. Was he killed, did he ran away?

Then there are crazy Druids and wild Picts (Looking a lot like Mohicans, or Apaches, LOL There is a continuous quote of Stagecoach or the Last of the Mohicans).

And the main issue is that the golden Eagle of the Legion, captured by the barbarians, has to be retrieved.

There is also a Briton slave, Esca  who hates Marcus as an invader of his homeland, but is honor bound to serve him loyally, because Marcus spared his life.

Marcus is deeply religious, following the cult of Mithras. This was a very interesting part. First time the issue is addressed in a film, as far as I can remember.

A very masculine film too, not a woman in sight, all about glory, honor and battles. Marcus and his former slave become fast friends, at the end. Friends only?

I so would like to know if somebody else has seen it, because I could not stop myself wondering if they were going to be friends with benefits, when they go away together in the sunset.

Am I a perv and all this slash in fandom is affecting me or I am right in my thinking? Toward the end I really expected them to start kissing.


So much for Billions & billions being served.

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 9:39 AM




Well girls, I guess we'll just have to go to Burger King for our Whoppers...


A friend of mine posted this on fb and it made me giggle. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Stomp Out Bullying

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 8:45 AM



Not only is October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but it is also now National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month. 

Bullying has become a very serious issue and recently a 14 yr old boy local to me took his life because of being bullied.

My sister and I were bullied in school, and I fear for my oldest because she has learning disabilities. 

Monday is Blue Shirt Day, and though the site is out of the special shirts, everyone can still wear blue to show their support.  


Slowly going insane..

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 8:33 AM

OK, so I have this fic stuck in my head but I can't for the life of me remember what its called!



So Edward is engaged to Tanya but he has an affair with Bella, he's in love with Bella and plans to leave Tanya for her but he's just chickenshit to do it. Blah, blah, blah a bunch of stuff happens and Bella tries to kill herself when she thinks he's going to marry Tanya.

There is also this one part of the story where Edward and Tanya go ring shopping and Bella ends up being the poor sales assistant helping them out.

If you could help me out I would probably kiss your feet. No joke.


It's Football..... Football.......

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 6:41 AM

Party time....excellent.....(cue guitar solo)

So my boys are playing a cupcake team and I'll be bored today.

Tell me who to watch.

My pick inside.

And a faithful nod to my guys:










Who are we?

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 5:50 AM

So my husband's going away next weekend and I decided to invite my female colleagues for a Twilight pizza night. They've no idea what it is and their ages range from 26-39, though a 45 y.o. colleague may also come and bring her 15 y.o. daughter. I'll try to make them watch Twilight, hoping they, too, will see what I'm obsessing over. Like, seeee it.

My question is is it possible to predict what kind of people would get into Twilight, as opposed to those who remain unaffected by it, or, worse, ridicule it? We have the gender factor cleared out, and it seems that age and relationship status are not an issue, but is there anything else we Twihards have in common? Are we the kind of girls who would get obsessed with celebrities from a young age and think about them 24/7? Are we women who just feel different and keep having all kinds of thoughts instead of just being in the 'here and now' (I bet SM kept having all different kinds of thoughts and was very thrilled about the way others could not suspect what she was thinking. js) Did we feel that pop culture was too male oriented, always presenting gorgeous C cups blondes who would dance and do sports but not read, leaving us with very few or no (in my case) shows and movies to feel really drawn to/relate with?

Also, even on Eurovision boards we would have several people from countries like Japan and China. Am i right to think this is not the case here? Does anyone know if Twilight is not appealing in their cultures?

I know this was posted inside a recent cf, but, come on, it's SM


Kristen on the cover of Glamour Magazine

Saturday October 1, 2011 at 2:10 AM

Zoom in to check out more pictures


      Transcript of Glamour Interview included



Friday September 30, 2011 at 10:06 PM

Hey Campers, 

Is anyone from Australia or knows about Australia driving laws?

My Question: Is there a number of passengers a person with a (Novice license - that is what it is called in Canada)/ (provisional license - I believe that is what it is called it in Australia?) can have in the car in Australia?

That is all,

thanks for the help!



Friday September 30, 2011 at 9:59 PM

Hello people of the forest!

I am here to ask you some stuff about life and family.

Let me explain.

I posted something from tumblr on my Facebook the other day. It was a relatively harmless joke that I thought was perfectly acceptable to post. It got a lot of positive feedback from friends and a few selective members of my family. I thought all was fine when I got an email from one of my uncles (my father's older sister's husband).

Basically, he emailed me to tell me he was confused with why I had posted it because it used the "F" word (ONCE). He said he didn't understand why I did it, because if I was a Christian I wouldn't have. He questioned my religious beliefs quite plainly and in undertones scolded me like a child.

My first reaction to the email was embarrassment. Then, as I wrote out my very long reply (I apologized, explained my reasoning and took responsibility) I was so angry. I didn't think it was his place to scold me or question my faith. I am twenty three years old. I am an adult. I am not a child. I did not think I was in the wrong to post the status. I did not think I had to censor the joke. Sure all I had to do was open a photo editor and edit out the word, but I didn't think I had to.

Am I right?

Should I have been more discrete?

Should I have catered to my religious relatives and simply avoided posting it?

I have yet to get a reply from him. I am hoping he shows some humility and admits that he was wrong, like I did. But if he doesn't, what do I do? This is an uncle whom I respect and love, thoughmy family and his have always been on tender ground because we are more relaxed when it comes to religion, I do not want to offend him any more.



(I'll post the joke in the comments)

ETA: Thanks for all your replies, everyone! The issue (if there ever was one) has been resolved (mostly). There was no love lost, though it might be a little awkward on Christmas Eve.


free for all is all weekend now, gents! post off-topic stuff to your little heart's content. until sunday evening.


SEX Advice Please!

Friday September 30, 2011 at 9:49 PM

My niece is getting married and I want to give her a book of "Advice for the Bedroom (or wherever) through the Stages of Life"

The chapters will be:

1. The first years

2. The baby years

3. As you're getting older


I want to offer advice to her and to her groom. 

What do you wish someone had told you?

What do you wish someone would tell your guy?


Also, I was just asked to help with games for her Lingerie Shower.  Do you have any fun but not too tacky games (the groom's mom will be there). 

(Sorry, I don't know how to put in the fun pictures)


Technical difficulties take 2

Friday September 30, 2011 at 9:44 PM

Just trying to see if this will post as my replies to other campfires are not anyone else experiencing this?


I know those Wonder Twins!

Friday September 30, 2011 at 8:50 PM

I just saw this on College Humor, and I gotta say, I laughed (there may have been a little snort):


C-List Superheroes Audition for Hollywood Greatness

I loved the Wonder Twins (especially demonstrating their powers) and Falcon and the Powerpuff Girls.

I think I like Nikki more when she isn't Rosalie.

To make this interactive, are there any viral videos (or not-so-viral, but funny videos) you've stumbled upon lately? Somthing that made you giggle?


weddings just bring out the worst in people

Friday September 30, 2011 at 8:48 PM

I know there have been a lot of wedding-related campfires in the forest lately, so my apologies for adding another one, but I just need to get this out.

Any advice, or even similar stories are welcomed and encouraged here.  Actually, let's just go all out and add in venting, too.


Full story inside. :|

First --- | >> | 769 | 770 | 771 | 772 | 773 | 774 | 775 | 776 | 777 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
