
Sneak Peek

Monday October 3, 2011 at 6:56 AM

Do you write fan fiction?

Give us a little peek!

Post excerpts from your upcoming chapters here!

~ Don't forget to include a link to your story! ~


Cougar Fics

Monday October 3, 2011 at 5:05 AM

Over the weekend I read Cougar Town and started wondering if there's any fics similiar to this one? It really put me in the mood to read more Bella/Edward where she's older than him. 

Do you guys know any good Cougar fics?

My recs :

Cougar Town by smmiskimen

Never underestimate the appeal of a seventeen year old boy. Bella Swan is Emmett's mom and Edward's teacher. What happens when she crosses the line with her son's best friend? E&B, AH, OOC.



The Merman by EZRocksAngel

Bella's willpower is tested by the young hottie at the pool. Older and wiser she makes a move that will change their lives forever. E/B AH


I really hope that my links work, seeing as I've never done a campfire before and put in links.

Rangers feel free to edit should you feel like it!


While The Yanks Are Away...

Monday October 3, 2011 at 3:14 AM

Good Morning Campers!

It's that time again...

Monday posts are going to be specifically X Factor related. I may even add some Strictly Come Dancing in from time to time.

I know a lot of people outside the UK also watch the show, so here's the place to talk all things Gary and Tulisa, Louis and Kelly. And not forgetting the contestants themselves.

So... do you think the right acts are through? Who are your favourites? 

And if you watch the US versions of these shows, are you happy to have Simon Cowell back on your screens? Do you love all things Dancing With the Stars? Come on in and share your favourites!

Or maybe you don't watch these types of shows at all. And if so, what do you generally dislike about them?

Lets chat.


Crash update!!!!

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 6:09 PM

Awesomeness that is Crash by BelleDean updated today!! Have you read it yet? I couldn't rec this strongly enough!!


Yeah. I danced and screamed.

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 6:08 PM

So, last night I went to work to discover this had been unboxed and was sitting in the basement: 

Because I value my job, meager as its pay may be, I'm leaking no photos and giving no details except OMG OMG OMG it's GORGEOUS and you all need to own it. The first volume went up to the meadow, and the second volume starts with Bella and Edward's first night together and goes through the end of Twilight. I am absolutely BESIDE myself that I can't take it home until next Tuesday.

I love Young Kim's work. She captures the characters in image in a way I think SM failed to in the writing. If anything, I like the GNs more than the originals. (And it doesn't hurt that Volume 2 has a TON of Carlisle for me to drool over, I admit.) 

To make this interactive, have you read the graphic novels? Did you like them? Do you read graphic novels in general? (I sure don't.) 

Come be excited with me! 


Bring Me to My Knees

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 5:00 PM

Hello everyone, I just recently found a new story I would like to recommend, this is a new author and with only five chapters posted, it won't take long to read and catch up. I hope you give it a try! I am really liking what has been posted so far and have high hopes for the rest of the story.

I really love how you guys support all the new writers out there and see great potential with this writer and her story:


by ObsenceQuiet

Miss Snazzy


Sunday October 2, 2011 at 4:26 PM


Shattered » AllyDLV
Bella is destroyed when the Cullens leave, after Charlie gets a job offer in Virgina, they move to Mystic Falls to start over. Bella soon discovers that she can slowly mend her broken heart with the help of new friends. Set in New Moon.
Crossover - Twilight & Vampire Diaries - Rated: M - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 24 - Words: 143,532 - Bella & Damon S.


This just updated and apparently, the epilogue is going to be posted later tonight.
I've combed through the crossovers on ff.net more times than I can count. 
While many of them are complete duds, this one has always been one of my favorites.

The author writes a believable Bella--something that is quite rare when it comes to crossovers.


Are you reading this? Do you have another crossover to recommend? Or do you completely abhor the idea of meshing these two worlds together?

And who doesn't love Mr. Crow?



Taking advantage:)

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 3:57 PM

Taking advantage of the Free For All, I am going to indulge in some self-pimpage. I updated my story Beautoful Sorrow this weekend. Like every one who writes, the story means something special to me. Hope you'll take a look and let me know your thoughts... preferably good ones, but if you hate it and feel you must share, well, share away:)


The Offspring

Halloween Costumes

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 3:39 PM

Hey everyone. :D

So, I need ideas for a Halloween costume, The problem is that I'm still in High School and I'm on a low budget.

So I need appropriate ideas for a Halloween costume that are money friendly.

Any Ideas?

(I know it takes some of the fun out, what with it having to be apropriate and all, lol.)



Revisit Reel Life - an Actorward/Bella fic

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 3:15 PM

Hey campers!  This is my first campfire.  I'm primarily a lurker, but an avid reader of Twi-fic.  It's my guilty pleasure and my favourites list is a testament to my obsession.  I've replied to posts in The Forest maybe three times, but this is such happy news to share, I couldn't hold back:) 

Back in 2009 I discovered an amazing Actorward/Bella story called Reel Life.  Still one of my Top 5 for sure.  Through my reviews to her stories, I struck up a bit of a friendship with Reel Life's hot Aussie author sandyk199.  She's written 8 stories - well 7 stories and an awesome recipe for Oreo Depth Charge Cupcakes! 

So, one day I randomly PM'd her asking if she'd consider a future-fic for Reel Life.  We traded a few messages back and forth and I sent her a few random prompts.  Apparently she likes to stretch her fic muscles and spoil me rotten!  She just posted Reel Life by Request.

The original story can be found here:

Reel Life

Used to feeling lonely in a crowded room, Edward Cullen is on another press junket for his latest film when a certain journalist breaks through the tedium. Half an hour later, she's gone - or so he thinks. Rated M for later chapters of the citrus variey
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 123,836 - Reviews: 1671 - Updated: 7-23-09 - Published: 5-22-09 - Edward & Bella - Complete

You can find the new, future-fic one-shot here and send her your own prompts for future chapters:

Reel Life by Request
Prompts from readers based on my story Reel Life, just to see what else we can find to explore with these guys.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,624 - Reviews: 17 - Published: 10-2-11 - Edward & Bella

Thanks Rangers and please feel free to edit if necessary.  Like I said, this is my first campfire...


An Update - Finally!!!

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 2:01 PM

This is shameless self-promotion...pardon me as I indulge for a moment.


I have FINALLY managed to update my story, Lovegame. Go check it out! Included is a brief summary of the previous chapters.





My fantastical beta, Octoberland, has written a wonderful companion piece for Lovegame entitled Love is Not a Game. Check it out too and give her some love!!


Linky-poo #2:




What to do when getting a beat down!

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 11:39 AM

For this lovely FFA Weekend~~~

Anybody else's team getting a total and complete BEAT DOWN on the football field??

My beloved Steelers are getting SPANKED! So, to avoid watching this clusterf*&#, I'm checking out what else is on.

My sister flipped to Mr. Mom on HBO. Love this movie.  What movies can you watch every/anytime they are on?

My list includes:


Mr. Mom


Shawshank Redemption

Big Trouble in Little China

Forrest Gump

Summer School

Old School

Wedding Crashers

Also, include any of the Harry Potters!



Utterly Lost

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 11:23 AM


so around the forest there has been mention of tumblr since FOREVER an i just made one.

God knows why i did it but it seems like a cool thing to do right? Right?

Anyhoo I am UTTERLY LOST on 


and need HELP!!!!

I need a a good website for good avatars and on how to freaking use tumblr because i repeat I AM LOST!!!!!! 

thanks x


Legendary Twilight cast videos

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 10:28 AM

So I just came across this Rob interview from the Twilight era. At around 2:20 "What about her boyfriend? " "Who cares? Pffff". Oh dear. Poor Michael. I liked what he said at the end of the video though, about how for five months he was all "this girl this girl this girl" aww

Any other Rob Twilight cast video, old or recent, that you feel deserves special attention?


New Family member

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 9:35 AM

With it being FFA Weekend, I wanted to introduced to y'all my newest family member, Max.




The purple collar is temp, as the blue star one doesn't fit him yet.

Name is thanks to my daughter, who watched Hocus Pocus recently (and I think she had a crush on the virgin who lit the candle!)

I'm excited to have him with us.

I would say that I wish my child would stop hounding him, but I saw today that he seems to stalk her so I guess I can't get too mad. She treats him like she would a sibling.  :)


Kindle Help!

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 7:58 AM

So... my job has kept me super busy since I got back from vacation at the beginning of August and I've had pretty much no reading time over the last 2 months except for reading some FF updates here and there... which means I hadn't touched or looked at my Kindle in 2 months.  I pulled it out of my purse last night and it looks like this:


I don't know what's wrong with it... I guess the screen is damaged? It's fully charged, I tried restarting it and that didn't work.  It's not that it's frozen/doesn't do anything... it turns on/off and all that, but the screen continues to look like this and therefore makes it impossible to read.

So... has this happened to anyone? Were you able to get it fixed or did you have to get a new one?  Do you think it's worth my time to call customer support?

If I have to get a new one... well, then I guess that's what I'll do.  However the Kindle Touch comes out in November, so it seems silly to not wait until then and get that.  But that means I have to go a month and a half without one and that REALLY sucks.  I miss reading.  :(


Selling Things

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 4:38 AM

So I'm a poor student. Seriously I have no money except what comes in from my loan and my Saturday job. It barely covers food and travel expenses lol.

So I'm selling my clothes! Clothes I should have got rid of aaages ago. Some have tags, most have never been worn.

Please buy them!

Camel angora cardigan, size 14

Size 5 patent studded shoe boots

Mustard high waisted circle skirt, size 12

Hell Bunny, black polka dot & pink dress, size small

Red & black high waisted netted circle skirt, size 8

To make this interactive, do you sell things on ebay? Perhaps on etsy? How do you make any side money, or maybe this is primary income. Pitch your sale to us in the forest :D


Dear Diary:

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 2:41 AM

It's free for all so what the heck.

I had surgery two weeks ago on my leg/foot. I started a kind of diary and thought some of you might get a kick out of this. Now that the meds are tapering off, I can't believe how goofy I was. (Well, more than normal.) This campfire is safe for all ages. :)


Any similar experiences?


Give me some angst...

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 2:08 AM

Tomorrow I have an exam and I'm kind of anxious, like really really anxious. I've studied a lot for this and I can't remember anything!!!! I just want to SLAM my head against the wall. Repeatedly. To all of this add that my dear boyfriend left me alone in this moment to go to Britney Spears' concert in Zurigo ( Yeah, I know Britney Spears...no comment)...He left this mornig at 6 a.m. and he's not coming back since Tuesday.

That's why I'm asking for your help:


but because I'm going slightly mad, as our beloved Freddie sang once, I don't want anything funny, or too romantic.. I'm asking you for some good angst fic, the ones that makes you cry, something on a trobled marriage like Cracks in the Pavement or War of the Roses...

Any suggestion?

To make this kind of interactive: What kind of fic you read to forget about reality?

Here's my rec:

Words with Friends
Bella Swan has a major crush on a major star, Edward Cullen. They have an obsession with the same game. Can they connect through Words with Friends and become more than that? Time will tell! Rated M for possible lemons down the line and some language.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 24 - Words: 113,346 - Reviews: 6589 - Updated: 9-30-11 - Published: 4-16-11 - Bella & Edward


come and read my story!

Sunday October 2, 2011 at 2:06 AM

Hi everyone!

Recently, I started a story and I'd really like to hear your thoughts about it...So, come, read and don't forget to review!

Summary: Bella is a jaded teacher in Forks, Edward is her new student. Can he surprise her?

Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7282591/1/Homework

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