
While The Yanks Are Away...

Wednesday October 5, 2011 at 3:11 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

Today I thought we'd talk about longevity in modern literature.

With the likes of Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre and Romeo and Juliet still heavily popular - after all, they're not called classics without reason - do you think that they'll remain standing alone?

They still continue to dominate and influence the world of film, and are studied in schools around the globe.


So my questions to you are:

Which modern novels do you think will stand the test of time?

Is there an author who you believe has the potential to rival that of the Tolkiens and Austens of the world?

Or do you think that classic literature is too high on that pedestal to reach?

Lets chat.


A garment of brightness update

Wednesday October 5, 2011 at 2:13 AM

Chapter 45: Rapunzel (what is it that I^m not getting here)

´I know where your son goes at night´

Looks like the gods answered my prayers for Edwardian angst. I can´t wait for Bella´s angst  too though :)

P.S. Picture isn´t chapter-specific. Just nice.


I have to ask...

Tuesday October 4, 2011 at 7:57 PM

What's the deal with "drabble" fiction?  Every so often, I've seen it done well (I can't remember any specifics at the moment), but more often that not, I'm just left confused.  I can understand the desire to be artsy and poetic, but there's desire and then there's craft.  Sadly, most of the time, I'm left either completely confused as to what has happened in any given chapter, or beynd frustrated at the jumble of chaotic words.  I read glowing recommendations on here or other sites and rush over, only to be disappointed.

I know that's probably the literary snob in me  It's something that comes from being a former Literature and Creative Writing major and an assistant editor for the student literary magizine, but please, can someone tell me why this is the new "thing" and what the point of it is.  Is it to see how little words it takes to tell a story?  Where does the craft come in? And just how aware is the reader supposed to be (in other words, is lost the goal?)?

Sorry for the rant.  


Edit for clarification:  I realize I mis-spoke.  I didn't mean short, rapidly updating fics.  I actually enjoy some of those.  I meant fics that are experimentally written... they're great and challenging exercises (thanks wtvoc) for the author to work their craft, but not really as accessible to readers as a fully written and beta'd fic.



Tuesday October 4, 2011 at 6:45 PM

Myspace Glitter Graphics -


This simple phrase is causing hysteria internet wide...

Let's have some fun with this!

Come in here and complete the following:

My (significant other) is ____________.



lol 'My bf is English' is TRENDING

Tuesday October 4, 2011 at 6:06 PM

4 a.m., can't sleep, and I see people around the world are going even more nuts. Here's the full GQ interview. People say she knows about Robstens and Kristens and even her bodyguard having a fandom nickname, but I'm going to try and get some sleep.




Tuesday October 4, 2011 at 12:45 PM




We Were Here Updated

Tuesday October 4, 2011 at 11:58 AM

Chapter 17 here:

Spoilers inside, natch


And the winner is...

Tuesday October 4, 2011 at 11:36 AM

Last week we asked you to come up with some fresh banners and a pretty new background for ADF, and boy - did you guys ever deliver!  Check out all of the entries here.


We hummed and hawed, but we've picked a winner and are very excited to start using the new ones!




And the winner is.....



NaNoWriMo Prep Week 1: Are you in?

Tuesday October 4, 2011 at 8:30 AM

So, I know a lot of folks in fandom are into NaNoWriMo, a lot of folks are thinking about NaNoWriMo, and a lot of folks haven't a clue about NaNoWriMo. For me, NaNo is an October/November ritual which forms the backbone of a lot of my writing throughout the year.

I got this weird urge this weekend to write a bunch of columns about NaNo and how I've managed to make it work (and the times I haven't made it work, because there have been those, too!) While the fabulous Jennyfly and I were crabbing to each other on gChat about how lesson planning is eating us alive, I asked if I could post them on ADF, and she went, "Dude! Dew it!" (Only in a more Texan way.) So look here for the next 5 weeks for some tips on how to make it happen. Feel free to discuss, ask questions, and rally as the ADF writing community. Head into the comments for NaNoWriMo prep: Week 1. 


While The Yanks Are Away...

Tuesday October 4, 2011 at 2:38 AM

Good Morning, Campers!

For today I thought we'd talk about the celebs we've met.
Were you simply walking down the street when you bumped into this guy?
(If so, where do you live? I'm moving.)


Have you exchanged glances with Mr. Smolder Eyes himself?

This girl was filming around 40 minutes away from me last week, and I was too lazy to go see. I don't drive, and there was no way I was going to get on a bus for two hours for a maybe.

See? Lazy.

Or, if you're like me and have met no one, come tell me who you'd love to meet in person.

These would be mine:


Lets chat.


Who's Going With Me ...?

Monday October 3, 2011 at 6:30 PM

Breaking Spawn Meet-Ups! 


With all the wonderful people I know in this fandom, I don't think any of them are local (CO)!


November is fast approaching and I need a crew to attend a midnight showing with me! Anyone know of any places where people are actively discussing where we all are and organizing group-viewings? 


Lost story...

Monday October 3, 2011 at 6:20 PM

I hope this is okay. But I'm looking for a story. Now, since it's a bit of a taboo subject, I won't give the full details on the front, as to not offend anyone. But, if you don't mind helping me find this story, please look inside for the details.


What I'm currently reading:


Which is the sequel to this:


I am looking for Movie inspired Twi fics

Monday October 3, 2011 at 5:35 PM

I am currently reading...

While You Were Knocked Out Cold

Pinky Swear
Both are loosely based on romantic comedies that I adore. I am wondering if there are more well written fics out there of a similar nature.  Perhaps something like The Family Stone in Forks.....
That would be an awesome story with the holidays approaching if any of you authors would be so inclined.
Just sayin' ;-)

Pimp it here: Every Monday!

Monday October 3, 2011 at 4:25 PM


A LOT of you did this during the FFA, now it is time to do it in the weekly campfire we like to call.....



Tell us what you write! Are you trying out something new?

Tell us what a friend writes! Are you proud of their hard work?

Tell us what you beta! Are you blown away?

Show us a banner you made! Did it take you forever?


Just self pimp to your hearts desire because this is the best place to do it!


Atlanta Georgia?

Monday October 3, 2011 at 3:15 PM

Hi there.  I'm not sure if it's okay to post this today since it's not Friday so if I've overstepped please excuse!

I'm very frustrated and need to vent.  I have three girls, they all play soccer, it's a sickness I've yet to find a cure for.

Well, DD #1 plays for the #3 team in the State of CT in her age group and the coach just sprung a tournament on us for Dec1 through Dec 4 in ATLANTA GEORGIA... Yep...very very far from Connecticut...

First off, I'm not even sure I can afford to do this, second this is the weekend after ANOTHER tournament we are doing Thanksgiving Weekend in Long Island New York... and oh yeah, it's 20 days before CHRISTMAS!!

So, I'm trying to figure out a. in expensive ways to get to Georgia. B, inexpensive places to stay when I'm there.

Apparently the tournament is in Cobb County...not sure where that is...but that's where it will be.

So, any Georgian's out there?  Any suggestions for a seriously stressed out mother??


Rec: - When Bella opens her dance studio right next to Edward's bar, will Edward hate her...or will he fall for the girl next door? BxE, AH, OOC, rated M for naughty language and behavior.

tammy has lifetime permission from me. she's one of six who has this. DON'T ABUSE MY LOVE, TAMMY. <3



Monday October 3, 2011 at 12:05 PM


I can't wait to use a pretty new banner for the bondfires - the contest results will be announced tomorrow.  If you haven't checked out the submissions yet, go here - they're gorgeous!


The bondfire topic of the day is.....


If you could win a shopping spree to any store, which store would you choose?



Show us pics of what you'd want, and tell us why you'd want it.  

Come on in and chat!


KStew Covergirl?

Monday October 3, 2011 at 10:48 AM

I was trolling the internet today and ran across this from justjared:

Kristen is on the cover of GQ UK.  I guess Summit's really ramping up promo for BD.  She's everywhere.


ADF's Birthday Wish List-October

Monday October 3, 2011 at 9:05 AM

Happy Birthday!

October babies have an opal for a birthstone and a Calendula or Cosmos for their birth flower. They're said to be insightful and fearless!

Here are our October babies:

Oct. 1  --  ♦antiaol    ♦LamoreVincera    ♦melonscraps     ♦Raggdoll of Twilight     ♦sariedee 

Oct. 2  --  ♦dizzygrl28

Oct. 3  --  ♦agusap     ♦b3j02     ♦lucette21     ♦Marenlein     ♦wandb

Oct. 4  --  ♦bonded2jasper     ♦Bunnyslove28     ♦emg78     ♦prettycool41o     ♦stephdc

Oct. 5  --  ♦britpop     ♦twibelle105     ♦wickedcicada     ♦xconfessedx

Oct. 6  --  ♦AutumnDreams08     ♦BellaJade0919

Oct. 7  --  ♦michellephants     ♦sallymunster     ♦tg10781     ♦badjujube

Oct. 8  --  ♦kaitlyn145     ♦legendary_mei

Oct. 9  --  ♦Jmarijee     ♦neuroticris

Oct. 10  --  ♦FangMe     ♦Snozzberryfaery

Oct. 11  --  ♦akinsmom     ♦ericastwilight     ♦gypsysue     ♦ILuvFanFic1011     ♦MyNever

Oct. 12  --  ♦LizetteMarie     ♦ninapolitan     ♦OuterIsland

Oct. 13  --  ♦Le Crepuscule

Oct. 14  --  ♦gangsterdorthy     ♦KimmieB

Oct. 15  --  ♦Lambcullen

Oct. 16  --  ♦crimsonmarie     ♦isabellsahcullen

Oct. 17  --  ♦Ambyr01     ♦daydreamer     ♦lexiecullen17     ♦SingleStrand

Oct. 18  --  ♦Forever-Liz     ♦sixeightshuffle     ♦marisa

Oct. 19  --  ♦karlabranson    ♦littlesunshinebee     ♦PlayOnWards

Oct. 20  --  ♦linzzer220

Oct. 21  --  ♦cherryhilz     ♦wolfh00r

Oct. 22  --  ♦Jaxon 22     ♦Rakkelle

Oct. 23  --  ♦Just4ALE     ♦KitsuShel     ♦MaggieMay14     ♦Rhian0000     ♦Middle C

Oct. 24  --  ♦ah65928     ♦cbone     ♦Chess07     ♦Junamrsgrl     ♦mamasan50

Oct. 25  --  miss_mandy25     ♦mrscherrybomb     ♦Shattered1025

Oct. 26  --  ♦LollipopWhispers     ♦MisMaj     ♦Valerie

Oct. 27  --  ♦BLACKAGURL     ♦devilsgenie     ♦LiveInDakota     ♦VixenNator

Oct. 28  --  ♦killerOutside     ♦Kelsismom   Vixen1836    

Oct. 29  --  ♦Aylah50     ♦buriedalive55     ♦Edwardsfavoritebrunette

Oct. 30  --  ♦ArcadianMaggie

Oct. 31  --  ♦Azkadelia1031     ♦OhMyWord     ♦Pkitten21     ♦Livvie

"Believing hear, what you deserve to hear:

Your birthday as my own to me is dear...

But yours gives most; for mine did only lend.

Me to the world; yours gave to me a friend." --Martial

So get in here campers and spread some birthday love!


P.S. If October is your birth month, and you're not on this list LET ME KNOW! I'll correct it immediately. And if you HAVE a birthday, yeah you, I'd like to know when, if I already don't, so please PM me and let me know it! And for all your weekly birthday fandom needs check out Twific News.

If a Ranger would be so kind as to sticky this to the top that'd be awesome!


Twilight BigBang Invitation

Monday October 3, 2011 at 9:01 AM


                                                                                   Click on the invitation.



Come and support your fellow writers and artists.


Approve by wtvoc.


Can we talk about the FFL compilation here?

Monday October 3, 2011 at 7:47 AM

I need advice on what else  to read


First --- | >> | 767 | 768 | 769 | 770 | 771 | 772 | 773 | 774 | 775 | 1413 | 1414 | --- Last
